The Fenton Saga: Never Say Goodbye / There Was No Body.

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The Fenton Saga: Never Say Goodbye / There Was No Body. Page 48

by Colin Griffiths

  Dressed in cut off shorts and a vest after she had taken her cardigan off, she undone the top two buttons on her shorts and walked down the lane to the two soldiers on sentry duty. The one in the cabin saw her first and shouted for his mate who was still outside. His mate saw the pretty young girl walking towards them, she looked a bit scruffy. It wasn’t unusual to have youths coming here, they did on occasions, it was only private land beyond the gate that they manned and occasionally they would have youngsters come for a bit of sexy fun in the woods, but they had never known a girl on her own.

  “Hey sexy soldiers,” she waived as she shouted,

  The one in the cabin stepped outside for a closer look, trying to work out her accent. Meanwhile Roy and William crept through the woods one either side of the guardhouse.

  She stood in front of them, she took off her vest, revealing her breasts,

  “Anyone fancy some fun?” She asked,

  “Sure,” said the young soldier, he wasn’t going to miss a chance like this.

  Saskia took off her shorts and lay spread-eagled on the grass,

  “Who’s first?” She invited.

  The two soldiers looked at each other ‘shrugged their shoulders as if to say ‘what the hell’ and the nearest one unzipped his flies and lay on top of Saskia as she welcomed him.

  The other soldier watched, wishing his partner would hurry up as he wanted his turn, wondering why it should be him having sloppy seconds, and William Fenton just smiled as he picked up the two rifles from the cabin that he now stood in. He checked that they were loaded, they were, and this had all been too easy. Saskia had done a good job, another £50 would be on her way, though he guessed she would never be able to spend it.

  The young soldiers froze as he felt the rifle in his back, the activity taking place involving his partner of no interest to him now. They had been done by the easiest trick in the book, and his partner’s interest in Saskia soon faded, as Roy who now had the other rifle pointed it in the back of the soldier on top of Saskia. He slowly and carefully got off her.

  “I was enjoying that!” Protested Saskia, William gave her a fifty and she soon forgot her woes as she dressed.

  The two soldiers were stripped to their underwear and bound, gagged to a tree fifty yards into the woods. Saskia asked William if she wanted her to do the other one as well, she was thinking of another £50. William gave it to her anyway, Saskia thinking it was the easiest money she would ever earn, and she guessed there would be more to come. Saskia flashed her boobs at them as they left them there.

  It’s all going perfectly, William thought, now the second gate.

  Chapter 44

  “What’s your names?” Asked Todd, to the two agents who were sat on the lounge in the rest area of the compound. Todd had managed to grab a shower and a shave. Cathy had offered to do his back but Todd had politely declined.

  “Simon.” Answered the elder one. “Dylan.” Said the other, they both looked nervous as if this young man that they were talking to was about to turn into some mythical creature and rip their body’s apart limb from limb, but at the moment he looked like a normal 18 year old boy. Simon wondered why he hadn’t taken more interest in the lad whilst he was at the compound, he came to the conclusion that he was just too fearful. Both Agents realised how brave Cathy Brown and the other Agent nurses had been in treating this lad, in neutralising him, they had certainly gone up in their estimation.

  They weren’t bound but they were joined together by handcuffs at the ankle.

  “I’m Todd,” and he held out his hand to them, and as he did , the agent thought of the consequences of such a simple task, if I touch him, what will happen, if I don’t what will he do. With the Hobson’s choice that he thought he had, he took the lesser of the two evils and shook his hand, he expected to feel pain, he expected to feel a sensation in his inners, a sensation of them being ripped from his body, he felt neither, just a slightly sweaty hand. When the grip was broken the agent checked his hand as if to see if all his fingers were there, then he put it behind his back as if trying to protect it from Todd. The second agent shook his hand more confidently when he saw his friend’s life was still intact. Todd sat down on one of the chairs, watched closely by the two agents who were now sweating. Cathy was making a pot of tea. Todd could see the men still with fear on his face.

  “Why are you so scared of me?” he asked, there was a genuine curiosity in his voice, he had never known anyone being scared of him in his life. His face showed the hurt he felt, his brother yes, many people were fearful of Daniel Fenton, but Todd was known as a gentle giant back in his home town, maybe it was because his brother would always fight all his battles for him.

  Simon the older of the two agents spoke,

  “We’ve heard stories that you can kill a man by looking at them, that’s why you were here, to stop you doing that.” and as he said it the agent didn’t know if that was meant by way of an apology, an explanation, or a threat. He just hoped very much he wouldn’t see it as a threat.

  “I’ve never tried doing that.” said Todd, and to the two agents it sounded as if he was about to try, and inside Dylan was Cursing Simon, he didn’t want to die. He prayed Todd would just try it out on Simon, he was a special agent he wasn’t supposed to die vulnerable like this, he was supposed to die in a blaze of glorious bravery. Todd got up and helped Cathy carry the tea that she had made, he handed the two agents their tea, she sat in the chair beside him. Todd took a sip of his drink,

  “I aint ever killed anyone by looking or otherwise!” His mannerism suggested he was shocked by their accusations, he held his mug with both hands,

  “All I did was find out I could fly and try to save my girlfriend from dying, is that such a bad thing?” His voice showed his emotion, he stared at them waiting for the answer,

  “No,” said Simon, Dylan shook his head,

  “So you Tasered me, doped me up and stuck things in my veins for my own protection!” He put his head in his hands as if he was the perpetrator not the victim.

  Neither Agent answered regarding it a statement than a question, at least they were hoping it was. Todd didn’t look as if he wanted an answer.

  “I’m just a five quid window cleaner.” He added. He looked down at his feet as if he was deep in thought and for a moment Simon felt sorry for this young lad, who just looked like a vulnerable teen.

  “Well I can look after myself now.” Todd said, and the four of them just sat drinking their tea, no one said a word until Cathy shrieked, it caused the three of them to jump.

  Cathy had been looking at the CCTV monitors that was dotted around the room, particularly at the tower where two Agents manned the steel gate. She had seen one fall to the ground from the open side of the small tower, she thought for a moment he had somehow fallen over the side, but then she could see the other firing his weapon into the woods until he fell back against the wooden structure and slid to the floor twenty foot up in the air. She assumed they had both been killed, Todd and the two Agents were also watching,

  “Shit!” Said Dylan, all four kept watching the monitor.

  Moments later three figures appeared outside the perimeter of the barbed wired fencing, they could clearly see that it was two men and a girl, and she appeared to be naked. No one in the room recognised any of the three stood outside the fence, but they could clearly see the two men held rifles.

  The two agents in the tower hadn’t been taken in by the girl walking naked towards them, and had refused all offers of a good time, much to the disappointment of Saskia. She enjoyed her last encounter and really wanted another fifty quid, but William wasn’t expecting them to. The Agents had warned her to stop or they would open fire. With their guns sighted on the naked Saskia, she was seconds from losing her own vulnerable life, but she had done her job, they had become easy targets for the gunmen in the woods as they concentrated on the naked Saskia, wondering how the hell she had got through the first gate. William Fenton and Roy Slater gunned the
m down in a spray of bullets,

  “Gate two.” Said William and Roy grinned like a Cheshire cat at the pride of his first killing, he hoped his grandfather would be proud, he certainly looked it, and he couldn’t wait to tell Lia.

  And William Fenton did look at his grandson with pride, but the proudness within him was not for Roy, it was for himself, and how easily he had got into his grandson’s head. Roy Slater had become a murderer and no one will understand that, although Roy Slater pulled the trigger, it was William Fenton who killed him, well almost no one.

  Panic arose in the room downstairs, the two men stood up, momentarily forgetting their ankles were bound and almost fell to the floor.

  “We need our guns,” Simon demanded “we are under attack:”

  Todd studied the three people on the CCTV, he wasn’t sure what was happening, but he guessed there was no way two men and a naked girl would attack this compound with just a rifle,

  “No were not,” he said, “they have come for me.”

  He took a key out of his pocket and untied the bracelet around their ankles, he pocketed the key.

  “I’m going to see what they want, you two,” he said pointing at the two agents “well you can do what you must, you’re no threat to me now, I’m taking a card in case I want to get back in. if you disable the door, that’s up to you,” he looked at Cathy and then the two Agents, “you have choices now, which is more than you ever gave me, let’s hope you make the right ones.” And he turned to the lift, and just for a moment, Simons fear turned into admiration for this young man. He also felt sorry for the three stood outside the fence. A tear rolled down Cathy’s cheek, she thought she would never see Todd again. Simon put his arm around her to comfort her, Dylan chided them both.

  The cave like door opened and Todd stepped out into the afternoon sunshine, he was pleased the rain had stopped as it scared him a little. It just brought back the memories of that night a year ago, when the rain never stopped and the skies were alive. He would have to fight his fear at some time, thankful, at least his memories had returned. In the distance he could still see the three people on the other side of the fence. The girl seemed to be dressed now, and his thoughts went to Wendy, and how he wished that it was her he was walking to. And for a moment everything was alright, until his daydream was broken and he looked at the three people beyond the fence, he attentively walked over to them. The three of them, the other side of the fence noticed him cautiously walking towards them.

  “You’re going to meet your Brother,” William said, and he chuckled, until his chuckle turned into a cough, he cleared his throat the best he could, he could feel the vile in his mouth, it tasted awful,

  “I haven’t got a brother,” Saskia said, William smiled, stupid girl, he thought. Roy stared at the figure coming towards him, the long hair scruffy lad at least ten years younger and he thought, Brother or not, I don’t like him, but he couldn’t take his eyes off him. If was as if he was in a trance. William was also glued to the Grandson he had never seen, the Grandson that he had to kill. Then William looked again, and as Todd got closer he could see it, it wasn’t by no means large, and it did not appear frightening in any way, but following Todd was a light. It wasn’t bright, but it was following two inches off the floor, the same light that had courted Todd a year ago. The same light that thwarted Daniel from going up the stairs to get Todd from his wardrobe. The same light that before it finally dimmed a year ago, took the last breaths of Bill Fenton, William Fenton’s son, and all of a sudden William Fenton felt scared, he tried to take a deep breath as his Grandson reached the fence.

  Todd stood by the fence, the only thing between them as they stood two feet apart. William Fenton felt some fear at that moment and tried to recall if he had ever felt this scared before, then he chided himself, of course he had, it was in the safe haven of his residential home, when he was sat next to Madison.

  “Why did you kill them? What had they done to you?” Todd asked, both men could feel the power in each other, the electricity, the vibe, the aura coming from Todd was incredible. William new he had to be careful and not to underestimate his enemy. Todd knew who he was, he did not fear him, but he wanted to live today, the days of wishing to die were over, today was all about survival. The two men just looked each other up and down, no one was going to make a move.

  “To get to you Todd.” Said William, he kept one eye on the light which had remained six feet back, it don’t belong to him, he thought, that lights not his.

  “Why would you want to get to me? And who are these two?” asked Todd referring to Roy and Saskia,

  “I’m Saskia nice to meet you,” she said “I think they are going to want us to fuck!” and she held out her hand until realising it would not get through the fence. Roy slapped her and that Made Todd want to rip his throat out. He didn’t like the thought of the violence that now occupied his mind, he wondered if this is how his brother would feel at the times he resorted to violence, it was then that Todd noticed the Moses basket on the floor, he presumed it was the girls baby,

  “I want to get to you Todd because,” William paused, licked his lips, he couldn’t find any moisture, his throat was to dry, “you Killed my son, his brother, your father.” and as he said it Roy went for the rifle but something stopped him, some instinctive feeling. Todd put his face right up to the fence, he showed his teeth “Do it!” He challenged. Todd had no idea why he was doing this.

  Roy lifted the rifle very slowly, put the barrel of the rifle to Todd’s head through the fence. Todd pressed his head hard against the barrel, snarling showing the whites of his eyes. As hard as he tried Roy Slater could not pull that trigger, something was preventing him from doing so, maybe it was the light, maybe it was the strength of Todd, or maybe Roy was just savouring the moment until the time when he did kill him. He didn’t know, nobody knew, and Saskia just looked on in her own little world, regretting that the chance of sex and maybe another fifty quid had gone. Todd drew his head away from the barrel,

  “Your father was scum.” he told him, he looked at William, “Your son was scum.” Todd walked away, he only looked around when he heard the gunshot. Laying on the floor with a hole in the side of her head lay Saskia, the blood pouring out like thin treacle, and Roy Slater was grinning as he held the smoking rifle. Todd turned back around and walked towards the Cave entrance, wondering how that poor girl got mixed up in all of this, I’m going to kill you brother, he told himself, and headed back. The two men just looked at him, and as Todd opened the cave like door and disappeared out of sight, William Fenton thought you’re not as powerful as I thought you were, in fact your weak, where has your power gone boy?

  The moment he stepped out of the lift onto the basement floor, Todd was dropped to his feet in one swift movement, with the precision and skill of a well-trained human machine. One man now sat on top of his back, an arm around his neck and pulling upwards, and he may or may not have clearly broken his neck, because the pain from the Taser that Cathy Brown held in her hand prevented him. Todd got up, looked at Cathy and Smiled.

  “Thank you,” he said “but I had it covered.” Dylan was rolling around the floor, clearly in pain, cursing Cathy, calling her a traitor.

  “Where’s Simon?” Todd asked nervously,

  “We saw you coming back on the CCTV, he’s making you a coffee, thought you might need it after we saw what happened,” Cathy told him. Todd raised his eyebrows,

  “He wanted nothing to do with Dylan’s idea, he’s scare shitless of you is our Simon.”

  They both burst out laughing, they lifted Dylan into the room, cuffed both arms and legs, all the while he was begging Todd not to kill him, and he didn’t calm down until Todd said,

  “You done what a good agent should do, it was just the wrong choice, but well done for trying.”

  The three sat drinking their coffee, Dylan chained up.

  “What do we do now?” Asked Cathy.

  “We sit and wait for my brother and sister,
they will know what to do.” The light sat dimmed under his chair.

  Simon shivered, the chained agent felt the urine in his pants.

  William Fenton and Roy Slater along with the baby, went into the woods to rest up. William guessed it was going to be a busy day and he wasn’t feeling as well as he had been, there was a tightness in his chest and a pain in his head, he put it down to all the stress of the day.

  Saskia’s body lay where her life tragically ended.

  Chapter 45

  The bus headed across the Severn Bridge, onto the M5, and to a lot of the people on the bus it brought back a lot of memories. Wendy’s stomach was in her mouth, she really didn’t believe she was going to see her Todd again and felt there was nothing worse than false hope. She sat staring vacantly out the window. Katy sat beside her, determined not to let her friend out of her site today, after all a lot of this was her fault. She hoped and prayed there would be a happy ending, not necessary for herself, but for her friend that had done so much for her. Carol sat with mixed emotions, the loss of Marie Rose who started all this still hurting her, she had blessed her with two beautiful sons, she didn’t know whether she was going to see Todd again or not, she prayed with all her heart that she would. She just wished Marie Rose could be there to see it. Becky sat wishing she had taken baby Oliver with her, she had never left her with Helen before, everything happened so fast, who were the men in black? She just wanted an ordinary life and to be an ordinary mother, then she guessed that if she wanted that she should have married an ordinary man. She was wondering what on earth possessed her to get on the bus, at the time there didn’t seem any choice, and there still didn’t and really she wanted the bus to turn around and go back home. James sat on his own, not wanting company at the moment, not wanting to be there, he wanted to curl up in a ball and go to sleep and never wake again. The pain he went through over the loss of his wife was unbearable to him, this past year had become bearable again, happy even, now that had gone to. At that moment he did want to smell death, he wanted to smell his own. Daniel was trying to focus on what was ahead, he wanted to find his brother, that’s all that mattered now, they had gone too far, he believed he was alive, he had to be after all this. He didn’t know what powers he had if any, he found a phone that was all, he didn’t feel powerful in anyway, determined but not powerful. He chewed his nails as they drove, something he had never done before. Lia sat with Connor, her head in a daze, still trying to work out how she got there, one moment she would be cursing Roy, the next she would grow worried. She had no idea what was happening, her home in America a million miles away. Conner, well he seemed to be enjoying the trip. Lia kept texting and ringing Roy but there was no reply, why on earth did she leave him, there was no way she could find him now, but she had felt too scared to be left in that café. She had heard them talk about men in black, who they were she didn’t know, but she didn’t want to be there when they came. This was some weird country she was in she told herself, at least Connor was okay.


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