Hitman's Obsession

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Hitman's Obsession Page 5

by Minx Hardbringer

  “I can’t tell you yes,” I said, but it was a plea.

  “You don’t have to.”[MS19]

  I watched Salvatore pull his jeans back over his perfectly round buttocks. If he was an animal, he was a masterfully-crafted beast.

  “Are you going to untie me now?”

  “What happened doesn’t change things,” he said without turning around. “In fact, it makes our entire situation more precarious because now you can’t return to your father. You’re damaged goods. You’re worthless to him and any potential future husband. That means we’re in this together, and until I can trust you, you’re still my prisoner.”

  “Can I at least go to the bathroom?” I asked.

  “You may. I’ll untie you and take you to the bathroom. If you try anything, I’ll put you back downstairs with the bedroll and a bucket. You understand?”

  I nodded my head yes. My mind was racing, but my body felt spent. Something inside of me had shifted, but I was too confused and fuzzy to figure it out. I needed sleep, and I felt pulled in two directions. Half of me wanted Salvatore out of my sight, and the other half wanted nothing more than for him to stay with me.

  I’d felt what his mouth and cock could do to my body, but I’d begun to wonder what his affection would feel like. Had he ever been affectionate with a woman? How different would things have been if I hadn’t hurt him?

  These were the things that ran through my mind as he untied my foot and cut the tie on my wrist. I wanted him to look at my eyes, but he wouldn’t.

  “Stop staring at me like that or I’m going to blindfold you.”

  I averted my eyes immediately because I wasn’t afraid of much, but I was terrified of being completely blinded.

  He turned his back while I used the bathroom. I could have attacked him. I might have even been able to get away. It’s not like he would have shot me. Or would he? As he said, I was worthless now. If I ran and the money was off the table, what reason did Salvatore have for keeping me alive? Clearly his moral code had begun to unravel.

  Had I pushed him too far?

  Chapter Nine


  I walked into the living room and sunk into a chair. With my head in my hands, I tried to collect my thoughts. What had I just done?

  Bugging out seemed like the best solution. I should have just walked away and let Mara sort things out with her father. She should’ve had to explain to him why her kidnapper had just walked away. I knew that I had a few contacts I could’ve called to find a job. I tried to convince myself that I didn’t need Mara, and I certainly didn’t need any of the bullshit she’d brought into my life.

  That wasn’t right, though. Mara had gotten under my skin, but only I was responsible for my actions. She hadn’t made me a monster. I’d thought I was a better person, but maybe I really was nothing more than an animal.

  The worst part was how satisfied my body felt. My brain was screaming at me that I deserved to die for what I’d done, but the anxiety was blocked off in my head. My muscles were relaxed and my skin tingled with perverse delight.

  There was only one bedroom in the cabin, and I’d given it to Mara. So I grabbed the spare sheets, pillow, and a thick down duvet from the linen closet. Fortunately, I’d sprung for heirloom-quality furniture, so the couch was more than comfortable for sleeping.

  I thought that guilt would keep me awake, but nothing could have been further from the truth. The body buzz I had from my release earlier overcame my mind as soon as I laid down. For the first time I could remember, I felt sated. I didn’t want to think about what that said about me. So, I pushed it out of my head and drifted off to sleep in minutes.

  The next morning when I woke up, my mind immediately went to the things I still wanted to do to Mara’s body. I hadn’t even come close to experiencing every delight her pampered, petal-soft skin and taut, wet holes could provide. I could use her body in ways that would ensure she’d never mouth off to me again.

  Just about the time I was going to go into her room and find new ways to violate her body, I heard the laptop ping. There was a message on the secure system.

  It was from Mara’s father. The gist of the message was that he wasn’t giving me shit and that I’d better return Mara, untouched, immediately or he would find me and kill me and everyone I knew.

  The message made me sick to my stomach. I was convinced that ten million dollars was a drop in the bucket for Mara’s father. Why would he risk her life by sending a message like that? If I was a father and I had the money, I would transfer it immediately.

  A shitty father would attempt to negotiate the amount down, but only a monster would flat out refuse to pay. Mara hadn’t been exaggerating about her father.

  I went into the bedroom to check on her. Mara stirred as I opened the door. For a brief moment, she smiled at me as if we were newlyweds and I was bringing her breakfast in bed. Then, she pulled against the zip tie that had her affixed to the bed. I’d taken pity on her the night before and only secured one wrist so that she had a chance of sleeping somewhat comfortably. The feeling of the restraint melted the smile from her lips. I couldn’t exactly read what replaced it.

  Completely torn between asking her if she was okay and shoving her face down in the mattress so I could fuck her tight little ass, I decided to stick to business.

  “I’ve heard from your father,” I said as I stood at the end of the bed and drank in the vision of Mara naked on the bed, bathed in new morning light.

  “Is he sending the money now?” She swung her legs over the side of the bed and sat up.

  “He said that he’s not paying and that I have to return you or he’ll hunt me down and kill me and everyone I know.”

  She thought for a moment. “I need to use the bathroom, and I’m hungry. Are you hungry?”

  “I don’t want to keep you tied up today. Can you behave?” I asked.

  She nodded her head yes, so I cut the zip tie and stood back so she could walk to the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on, but the door didn’t lock. I was peeved that she hadn’t asked me if it was okay for her to shower, but I decided to let it go. Still, there was a small window in the bathroom, so there was no way I was leaving her in there alone.

  I came through the door, and Mara shot me a look. I could tell she wanted to tell me to get the fuck out, but she held her tongue. Instead, she opened a bottle of shampoo she must have found under the sink and began washing her hair. I kept an eye on her, but after a few minutes, the inviting warmth and steam of the shower became more than I could deny.

  After I stripped down, I climbed into the shower with Mara. She didn’t tell me to get out, but she did turn her back to me.

  “You should tell him you’ll start sending body parts to him if he doesn’t pay up by tonight,” Mara said as she soaped up a washcloth.

  “I don’t want him to think this is something I’m willing to drag out,” I said and cupped her buttocks with one hand.

  She started to pull away, but instead pushed her ass into my hand and let out an almost inaudible moan. I wondered if she really liked me touching her or if she was just afraid of me retaliating if she didn’t comply.

  “You really should listen to me. I know my father better than you,” she said, and I smacked her ass hard.

  “I know what I’m doing. There are better uses for your mouth than talking back to me,” I said.

  “Oh, like what?” There was that sass. I knew she couldn’t hold it in forever. “Seems to me like you’re the one who could be using your time better.”

  “I knew you couldn’t behave,” I growled.

  After her reaction when I spanked her ass, I knew that Mara was goading me so that I’d lose control again. She wanted to fuck, but there was no way she was going to ask for it.

  I stepped out of the shower and left her there to finish. There was no way I was going to let Mara push me over the edge again. If she wanted me to lick that sweet little pussy again, she’d have to be nice.

��Where are you going?” she called after me, and the disappointment in her voice was palpable.

  “To send your father a message,” I said and then went into the living room and woke the laptop.

  I sent Mara’s father the message that I’d kill her by the end of the day if I didn’t have the money. Her idea about threatening him with body parts was a clue that there was room to draw the ordeal out. As far as I was concerned, there was no room for that. I wanted this over so I could leave the country and wash my hands of every bit of my old life.

  In that moment, I hated Mara. I burned with it, because while I couldn’t wait to bail, a small part of me kept screaming that I couldn’t leave her behind. I wasn’t sure if it was because I knew that she’d end up in a horrible marriage or worse at the hands of her father or because I’d become just a tiny bit addicted to her.

  That was as good a reason as any to get the fuck away from her as fast as possible. Caring about people was a liability, and there was a very good chance that I’d spend the rest of my life on the run. Not to mention the fact that Mara was a dark bitch with deep problems. You didn’t make a life with women like her. You fucked them and then let them go destroy themselves.

  Mara came out of the bedroom wearing a t-shirt and cotton panties I’d left for her. She walked into the kitchen and began to root around in the cabinet until she found the coffee.

  “I left you a whole outfit,” I said.

  “Thank you for that,” Mara replied with a supplicant smile. “But, if it’s alright with you, I’d rather stay like this for a while.”

  “Put on some socks. The floors get cold,” I grumbled. “There’s wool socks in the top drawer of the dresser.”

  She returned and continued making coffee. “I’m wearing the socks.” It was as if she could feel me watching her. “I’m making enough for both of us.”

  “Thank you,” I said and went back to my work.

  While she did her thing in the kitchen, I went over my escape plans. I needed more than one contingency plan in case things went belly up with the deal. I hadn’t planned on taking another person with me, and for some reason, I couldn’t let that go. I needed to quit trying to work Mara into my trip, but my mind wouldn’t stop.

  “I’m bored,” I heard Mara say. She was on the couch, and her whiny, petulant attitude had returned. It was as if the coffee had woken it up.

  “Do I look like I fucking care if you’re bored? I’m trying to think.”

  “You’re on the computer. Are you ever going to get off it? I want to watch some videos or something.”

  “Mara, I’m not letting you anywhere near my laptop. You’ll end up doing something that will lead your father right to us.”

  “I wasn’t going to get on Facebook or anything,” she said. “I’m not stupid.”

  “I never said you were. Watch TV or read a book,” I said and pointed to the shelves lined with my favorite books.

  “You’re the worst kidnapper ever,” she said, but Mara did get up and start perusing the books.

  “You sound like a little kid. Why don’t you make us some breakfast if you’re so bored?”

  “Oh, now you want me to cook for you too?” She snapped and stood up. “You’re working for me, asshole. Why don’t you make me some breakfast?”

  And she was off. I still knew what she was doing, but the fact that I didn’t have any sense of when this ordeal would be over coupled with her hot and cold attitude threatened to do the exact thing I’d been trying to avoid. Mara was about to push me over the edge again. It’s what she wanted, though.

  Then it dawned on me. Why not give her what she wanted? It would shut her up for a while and I could release some of my frustration. I convinced myself that letting the animal out was win-win.

  “Come here,” I snarled.

  “No,” she said and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Come here now, Mara. If I have to come over there and get you, it will be worse.”

  She stood her ground and straightened her back defiantly. It was time to put an end to her bullshit once and for all.

  I crossed the room and stood in front of her. “Get on your knees.”

  “Oh yeah? Why, so you can rape me again? Is that what gets you off.”

  Her words stung for a moment, but I recovered. It was still just a game to her. “I didn’t rape you.”

  “If that’s what you have to tell yourself,” she said, and then planted her hands on my chest and shoved me.

  “Now you have a choice,” I said calmly. “You can get on your knees, or I can take you over my lap and tan your ass.”

  “Fuck you,” she said and shoved me again.

  “I guess there’s always the basement. I could lock you down there and then leave. I’m about done with this shit anyway. I’ve got enough gold to get out of the country. I’ll find work when I get to where I’m going,” I said and started to walk away from her. I just needed to grab the bag and I could be gone.

  “Wait,” she whispered.

  “Wait for what?” I asked. “Wait for more of your games. Every time I think you’re going to start behaving, you start mouthing off again. If you won’t listen to me, we’ll both end up dead. I’m done trying to help you.”

  “You were going to help me by making me suck your cock?” she asked. “Isn’t that why you wanted me on my knees?”

  “I guess you’ll never know.”

  Then Mara did something I didn’t expect. She slipped her shirt off over her head, revealing her perky bare breasts. Her nipples were as hard as rocks. She was getting off on this.

  I crossed the room in a flash, and Mara didn’t run. When she saw me coming, she dropped to her knees. My hands found my fly and I undid my jeans, releasing the erection that had become painfully swollen during our argument. The truth was, I got off on our conflict. It was sick and twisted, but at that moment I didn’t care. Mara was kneeling before me, ready to suck me off. Just watching her in that supplicant position was almost more than I could take.

  “I’ve never done this before,” she said. “I’m not sure what to do.”

  “Wrap your lips around the head,” I said.

  Mara took me into her mouth, and she ran her tongue around the tip of my cock. My whole body shuddered at the feeling of her soft lips and wet tongue.

  She moved forward and took more of me in until I could feel myself bump the back of her throat. Mara wrapped her hand around the base of my shaft and began to stroke me slowly as she struggled to take more of me down her throat.

  “That’s it,” I said and grabbed a fistful of her hair. “Take it all in.”

  Mara choked a little, so I yanked her hair back and it opened her throat. I was able to slide more of myself into her hot mouth.

  She flicked her eyes up to me and moaned around my length. Looking at her like that was more than I could take. I felt my balls draw up, and I erupted down her throat.

  She swallowed my seed like a pro and then began to cackle hysterically. Mara laughed at me because I couldn’t hold back with her.

  I couldn’t believe how fast I’d come, and I was stunned at how well Mara had played me. She’d pretended to be submissive and willing, but it was still all a game.

  “I’m done with you,” I said and grabbed her by the waist.

  Before she knew what was going on, I’d flipped her over and torn her panties off. She was facedown[MS20] on the floor, but I pulled her hips up so that her pussy and ass were fully exposed to me.

  Mara started to say something, but I lowered my head and flicked her clit with my tongue. She moaned and pushed her hips up toward me.

  “Oh, you like that,” I said and got up.

  “Where are you going?” she asked, but Mara did not move.

  I came back into the room with a zip tie.

  “What are you doing?” she asked and started to sit up.

  “Stay down,” I said and pushed her back to her facedown position. “This is going to be fun.”

I used the plastic cuff to bind her hands to the coffee table leg. It was important that she couldn’t use her hands for anything.

  “You’re not going to hurt me, are you?” she asked in a voice that sounded genuinely frightened. But I still wasn’t sure if it was real or fake.

  “Do you want me to hurt you, Mara?”

  Her answer was to put her forehead on the rug and take several deep breaths. I think she believed I was about to fuck her, but I had something better in mind.

  What I did was lean in and flick her clit several times with my tongue. When she was warmed-up, I sucked it until Mara was about to come.

  At the last second, I pulled back and let her body calm down. When her cunt stopped throbbing like she was close to orgasm, I alternated flicking her and sucking her until she was close again.

  For an hour, I dragged the torture out. I’d get her so close that one time she even screamed out “I’m going to come.” But I always stopped at the last second.

  “Please let me come,” she begged. “Please. I can’t take this anymore.”

  “The only way you’re going to come[MS21] is if it’s with my dick in your ass, princess,” I said, and I meant it. I’d taken her virginity. My intention was to claim her entire body as mine. I’d mark her for life.

  “Yes, Salvatore. Anything. I’ll do anything you say. Please,” she said, and I watched as Mara involuntarily tried to rub her thighs together. Her body begged for relief any way it could. She thrust her hips up to me, trying to find some sort of friction to relieve the torment.

  I nudged her thighs farther apart so that she couldn’t rub them together. Her tiny pink asshole looked like a rosebud, and my cock throbbed at the thought of violating it.

  “Please,” she begged. “Wait, where are you going?” She sounded panicked as I stood up.

  I needed lube so I didn’t hurt her. Fortunately, I had some silicone lubricant in the medical kit. I grabbed a packet and returned to Mara, who was whimpering softly.

  The packet tore easily, and I used the slick liquid to coat my cock. When I was slicked up, my fingers applied the rest of the lube to Mara’s ass. She moaned loudly when I touched her rim.


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