Accidentally Wed: An Accidental Marriage Romance

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Accidentally Wed: An Accidental Marriage Romance Page 2

by Sullivan, Piper

  Big blue eyes cut to Nash filled with hope. “Can we?”

  Nash laughed, but he shot me a glare over the kid’s head. “If your mama says it’s all right, then we’ll do it.”

  “All right!” Max flung himself at me one last time, squeezing hard. “I missed you, Zeke.”

  And that just split me wide open, there in Nash and Vivi’s backyard. “I missed you too, kid.” In that moment I fully realized the implications of what I’d done, and why Maddie had been so reluctant to start up anything with me in the first place.

  * * *

  “Not open yet!” I called out as the bell Nate had insisted I put above the door chimed, signaling that someone had come inside. I should have locked the door to prevent that from happening, but I just signed for the last two deliveries and my hands were literally full.

  “It’s okay, I know the owner.” I knew that voice anywhere, it belonged to the quirkiest character in a town of quirky characters. Belle Musique wasn’t short on oddballs but Mae was my favorite.

  After putting the boxes in the kitchen for the prep cooks, I returned to find Mae looking as vibrant as ever in a hot pink caftan trimmed with leopard print, and about a thousand bracelets clanking around her slender arms. A matching pink and leopard print headband tamed her reddish-blond curls that held almost no hints of her fifty plus years of living. As happy as I always was to see the crazy old woman, I was also wary.

  “What brings you by Mae?”

  She eyed me skeptically, arms crossed, but somehow the bracelets continued to jingle. “I came to see your handsome face, of course.”

  I’m sure that was partially true, because I have a great face, or so I’ve been told. “We’re closed right now, but if you have some time, you can give me feedback on new menu items Mick’s working on today.” I bit back a smile when she leaned forward and pinched my cheek.

  “Gotta love a man who feeds me. I don’t want to interrupt your work day, but I’m happy to lend my palette to your fine establishment. It’s all anyone can talk about, the fancy beer and the food.” Her gaze slid to the half finished beer garden and she nodded in that direction. “A week from tomorrow we’ll do a cleanse and protection spell for your new space.”

  “Oh, Mae that’s sweet but-,”

  “No buts, Zeke. You run a place where people drink more than they should, and this town needs your business to thrive.”

  I couldn’t argue with that, hell it was one of the reasons I’d left New York more than half a decade ago. This small town was nosy as hell, but man, these people always had your back, and they slowly taught me how to do the same. “Thanks Mae. Grab a seat and I’ll bring us drinks so you can tell me why you’re really here.”

  Her laugh sounded behind me, but when I came back from the kitchen, she had her game face on. “You and I have some very important things to discuss, Zeke.”

  Sliding into the booth seat across from her, I nodded. “Sounds ominous.” Though with Mae, one never knew.

  “I’ve had a talk with the spirits, Zeke, and they tell me things with you and Maddie aren’t quite done yet.”

  I would be some kind of head case to believe a word of that. “Why would you say that, Mae? Things have been done for months.”

  She shrugged and leaned back against the cushioned booth. “Maybe, but they aren’t done for good. I don’t question the spirits, because even if I did, they won’t tell me until they’re good and ready. Just don’t go running around with your hussies, and things will be okay.”

  “My hussies?” I damn near choked on my soda at her words.

  She nodded. “That’s what they are, and that’s fine. Hussies have a time and a place, but they’re not forever. Unless,” she arched a brow at me, “you plan to whore around forever?”

  Then I did laugh. “It’s not whoring around if you’re single and no money exchanges hands, Mae. Or have things changed so much?” Her eyes sparkled with delight at my answer.

  “You really are a charmer. It’s a shame you didn’t use any of it on Maddie.”

  I groaned and dropped my head to the table, only moving when Mick brought out his zucchini fritters, sweet potato tots and the cheese and fruit platter for the ladies. “I can’t believe you went there, Mae. I thought you liked me.”

  “I do, honey. That’s why I’m trying to help you. If the spirits say it, then I believe it. But humans have a knack for getting in their own away more often than not.”

  “Who says I’m looking for forever?” I wasn’t. At least I was pretty sure I wasn’t. Never had been interested in forever, but there’d been something about Maddie that hadn’t made the dreaded ‘R’ word seem so terrifying. She was sexy as hell with curves in all the right places, sweet and caring too, which I’d never really appreciated in a woman until her. And best of all, she hadn’t placed any restrictions on me or my time. And I still managed to blow it, which should be the biggest hint of all that I was out of my depth. “Eat up and let me know what you think, Aunt Mae.”

  “I will boy, but don’t think you can distract me with a pretty face and greasy food.” Mae pointed a red fingernail at me and shook her head. “I appreciate the face and the food, but I’m serious about the rest.”

  “I hear you loud and clear, darlin’.” I didn’t know what the hell I would do about it, but I guess I had to do something.

  Or Mae would make me walk over hot coals, or something equally painful.


  Most people hated working retail because of the long hours and rude customers, but I loved it.

  From the time I got my first job working at the consignment shop on the other side of Belle Musique, I had dreams of owning my own boutique one day. Of course, back then I thought it would be some upscale shop that only sold designer brands on Fifth Avenue, Newbury Street, Lake Shore Drive or Rodeo. Back before my life had changed in a major way, and I’d had to readjust.

  But today one of my designers sent in a brand new shipment of the most amazingly sensual and colorful lingerie this itty bitty town has ever seen, and I felt some of that excitement from my younger days spill over.

  I picked up piece after piece, bubble gum pink lace balconette or gold silk French panties, it was all magnificent. Quality fabric in designs that appealed to all ages and pocketbooks, and sexy as hell. They were so great it made me sad I didn’t have anyone to wear sexy lingerie for, but I would buy a few pieces anyway. Just for me.

  It took no time at all making a display in the store and changing up the window display. It was the perfect day for them to arrive, because the sexy underthings would lure in all the women in town and then I could tell them about my new line of dresses.

  My stomach did somersaults every time I thought about showing the world my creations. What if they hated them? What if I’d wasted the past fourteen months of my life on something I have no business doing when my real business is more successful than I could have ever imagined?

  But the dresses were finished, and I was determined to do this. I had to, if not for me, then for Max. It’s important that he sees me going after my dreams, and I was determined to set the best example I could.

  “Hello, earth to Maddie!”

  Vivi’s voice drew me out of my thoughts and I blinked, taking a big step back from the new window display. “Vivi, hey. What are you doing here?”

  She held up a coffee and a familiar red bag with just a few dots of grease on the bottom. “I thought we could talk.”

  “Oh sure. Come on in, I thought we had plans that I’d forgotten about. How are you?” Somehow, she looked like she’d gotten bigger, which seemed impossible since she was due in about three weeks, but still she glowed. Radiating with happiness.

  She grinned. “Fat and swollen and cranky. But also, very horny. Very, very horny.” Stepping forward with more confidence, she handed me a cup. “Egyptian roast with raw sugar, no cream. Yuck.”

  “Thanks for my big cup of yuck, I need it.” I wrapped my hands around the cup from the brand new cof
fee shop in town, and inhaled the bitter aroma. “Thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome,” she said with a soft amused grin. “I came by because I owe you an apology Maddie. You were right, I pushed too much and too hard, and I totally disregarded your opinion and feelings. I’m sorry for being a bad friend. Forgive me?”

  As if there was ever any doubt. “What’s in the bag?”

  She grinned wide and pulled out two dark wheat muffins. “With dates and beet sugar,” she sang playfully.

  “Of course, I forgive you Vivi. But before you put your fingers all over that bear claw at the bottom of the bag, I want to show you something.” With the most disappointed look I had ever seen, Vivi put down the donut bag and followed me to the back.

  “If you “accidentally” killed Zeke, I’m down to alibi you. Whatever you need.”

  I stopped and looked over my shoulder. “Are you writing a romantic suspense next?”

  “Maybe.” Damn her and that sly smile.

  But this time I had her beat. “So, for the past year or so I’ve been working on something and I want your opinion. Pushing open the door to my small workspace, I let Vivi walk in first and held my breath.

  She went to the red off the shoulder number first. It was sexy, but other than the shoulder and a deep split, a perfectly modest dress. The exact kind that would appeal to a young southern woman. Especially in this county. “Maddie this dress is stunning. So sexy too! And this fabric just says ‘I’m getting lucky tonight’ and I want it. Is it yours?”

  I nodded. “It’s part of a new line of formal dresses that I’ve been working on.”

  She whistled. “Damn you have been busy. Where are the rest of them?”

  “With a seamstress who’s doing all the finishing touches like clipping extra thread, and all the little details. They’ll all be here in a couple days, and at the end of next week I’m going to have an unveiling or something here at the shop.”

  “I can help! I’ll get together champagne and cheese and chocolate, it’ll be perfect with the dresses.” She was already excited, but I didn’t want her going into labor on my shop floor.

  “You haven’t even seen the rest of the collection.”

  “I don’t need to. Oh, maybe we can get some models to wear the dresses instead of just hanging them?”

  “Vivi, settle down. It’s taken care of, but I’ll take you up on the offer of refreshments, thanks.” My phone chimed in my pocket and I checked it. “You up for a quick walk down to Donna’s?” I needed to pick up my flyers, coupons and sign-up sheets, plus the banner announcing the new line.

  “Sure, but I’m taking the bear claw with me.”

  I laughed. “I’d expect no less.”

  She rolled her eyes and we took a long slow walk down to Donna’s Print Palace so she could inhale her pastry. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

  “Because I wasn’t sure it was any good. Did you show everyone your first book?”

  “Oh hell no. It took me six months to reach out to an editor,” she laughed at the memory. “And I didn’t sleep for like thirty-six hours after I sent it off.”

  That made me feel better. A little. “I’m still nervous, but also totally determined to do this. And I know if I give you a stack of flyers I won’t be able to back out.”

  Vivi’s eyes sparkled. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  We shared a laugh, and it felt good. For a second, I thought that maybe everything might work out as I pulled the door open. “Get inside before you burst.”

  “Can I be in on the joke?”

  I froze at that deep honeyed voice, the clean masculine scent with a hint of something bad, like leather. Or sex.

  “No joke.” I yanked the door open even further in hopes that Zeke would take a hint and get gone.

  I tried to step around Zeke, but he blocked me. Twice. “Can we talk?”

  Now that he stood in front of me, looking down at me with eyes the color of chocolate, I could appreciate how good he filled out a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with Zeke’s Joint printed across his massive chest. Why did he have to look so damn good? Why!

  “I’ll just be inside,” Vivi said seconds before slipping inside the print shop.

  “What do we need to talk about, Zeke?” No matter how good his ass looked in a pair of jeans, I would not be swayed. I had purposely avoided this conversation, because it was, in my view, completely unnecessary. “You don’t owe me an explanation, or anything else,” I added because the last thing I wanted was his apology. He hadn’t been sorry at the time, and that’s what mattered. To me, anyway.

  He ran a hand through waves of hair, and with the sun shining down on him, he looked like a sweet little angel. But I knew better.

  Zeke Riley was a lot of things, but he was no angel.

  Not even when he did that squinting smile that that made my knees want to buckle. “I know that! Don’t you think I know that, dammit Maddie? I’d still like to explain,” he said more frustrated than I’d ever heard him. “So can we please talk at some point? Soon.”

  His outburst shocked me, but it was also hotter than it should be, and I really shouldn’t be thinking that about him anyway. Zeke was no longer an object of desire for me, he was just like a nice piece of art. You admire the skill of the painting, even though it’s not really your jam.

  “Fine. Yes.” I shook my head, desperate to break the hold he still had on me. “Come by the shop at closing and you can say what you have to say then.”

  “Good. See you tonight, Maddie. You look beautiful by the way.” He bent and brushed a kiss against my cheek before stepping aside and holding the door open for me.

  I walked inside, a little shocked and turned on, and still irritated by my response to him. I had to play this cool.

  “Hey Donna, is everything ready?” I was determined to ignore Vivi’s cheeky grin.

  “Sure is, let me go and grab them,” she said and slid a glance to Vivi that I knew well. Belle Musique was a small town, and gossip was a favored pastime. A fact no one in town was ashamed to admit.

  Vivi was at my side as soon as Donna disappeared into the back of her shop.

  “Holy shit Maddie! That was crazy tense, and like off the charts with sexual tension. I bet the sex between you guys was just, amazing!” She fanned her face with her hand, ever the queen of exaggeration. “You guys are definitely not done. That’s for sure.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” I told her honestly. “There was never anything to be done, just a fling. Remember?”

  Arms crossed and resting on the top of her belly, Vivi arched a brow. “Now who’s talking bullshit?”

  “Seriously, you’re confusing sexual chemistry with what you and Nash have, but it’s nothing alike.”

  “And that’s where you’re wrong my cynical little friend. We got started with a lot of hot and heavy sex, no strings or promises. But when sex is really, truly spectacularly good, it has a way of lowering your guard, which makes it the perfect time for the right man to slip into your heart.”

  “Again, that’s your story Vivi. Maybe you do need to write something with some murder and intrigue, because you’re seeing happy endings everywhere.”

  Donna brought out everything, and I checked it while she and Vivi talked about me and Nash like I wasn’t even there. “So what will you do?” Donna asked with naked curiosity.

  “I’m going to pay the remainder of the bill and get back to the store. You Donna, have a nice day now, ya hear?” I twirled on my heels and left the store with my printed materials clutched under my arm.

  “Hey! Wait up you crazy person, pregnant lady waddling, make room!”

  “That exaggerated waddle won’t buy you any goodwill with me, you know!” Even from this distance I could see her trying hard not to laugh as she huffed up the pavement, eventually catching up with me.

  “It was worth a shot. Besides, you owe me a fat stack of flyers.” One hand on her lower back and the other extended impatie
ntly, she eyed me until I relented.

  “Thanks Vivi, you’re the best.”

  “I am, aren’t I? Remember what I said about lowering your guard, Maddie. Talk soon!” With a little finger wave, Vivi waddled away and I realized her waddle wasn’t as fake as I’d thought. I needed to make more time for her, to check on her since this was her first pregnancy and I could guide her through it, offer more moral support.

  A quick glance down at my watch gave me just over four hours before Zeke arrived at the shop.

  Not nearly enough time to shore up my emotional armor.


  What the hell am I doing?

  That was the question I’d asked myself at least a hundred times since I left the restaurant to meet with Maddie. I shouldn’t be this nervous. Hell, she was a woman just like any other.

  But as I stood outside the back entrance of her shop, carrying flowers and wine like a kid picking up his first date, my palms were sweaty, and the only thing I could hear was the whomp whomp of blood rushing through my veins.

  There was no guarantee wine and flowers would do anything to soften Maddie towards me, but it was worth a shot. I hoped. With that hope planted firmly in my gut, I knocked. And waited with acid churning in my gut.

  A moment later the back door opened to reveal Maddie looking as pretty as she had earlier, in a sunny yellow spaghetti strap number that showed off curvy legs I remembered well.

  “Hey, come on in.”

  Her voice came out cool and plain, and painfully formal. Like we were strangers. “Hey Maddie.” She took a step back in a clear sign she’d only let me come to get me to stop bothering her. I wasn’t deterred. Not yet. “I’m sorry Maddie. I realized that I fucked up in a pretty big way, and I do want to explain, but it’s been brought to my attention that it might just sound like an excuse to you.”

  “I accept your apology, Zeke.” Her words were tired, exhausted even, like it was such an ordeal just to fucking do that much. “But it really isn’t necessary. You never promised me anything, Zeke. We had a good time, but I knew who you were when I got involved with you.” That sounded like a backhanded compliment if I’d ever heard one.


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