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BOMAW 1-3 Page 39

by Mercedes Keyes

  "So, everything is okay?" she asked.

  "Everything is fine," he answered, grinning.

  "Ooooh, papi…I'm so happy for you! You deserve to be happy. Okay…talk to you later, Joseph just fell and busted his lip. 'Aaah, mijo…come let mommy look at it'…" Smiling, he hung up the phone. It was 10:55pm and he couldn't sleep. He checked the doors to make sure they were locked and then went to bed, clicking on the TV and laying there, flicking channels impatiently waiting to get sleepy and for morning to come. He gazed to his left, Sylvia slept on. He reached over and rubbed the round curve of her hip under the sheet, his thumb caressing her smooth skin, she was on her side now, facing away from him. She moaned a little, but did not wake. He clicked through more channels, keeping his hand there, finally feeling like a man with true treasures and possessions: his home, his world, his woman by his side.

  5:30 the next morning…

  "Shawn…go away…I will when I get up."

  "No, now, I can't wait any longer! Get up—just pee in this cup, I'll do the rest."

  Sylvia chuckled, turning away from him, feeling the creeping claws of nausea again already. "Sha-a-awn…go leave me alone," she squeaked out, but he wasn't having it. He pulled her from the bed with the sheet around her, took her into the bathroom, and passed her a plastic cup. "Fill it, and then you can go back to bed."

  "With you standing here?"

  "Baby, I can't get no closer to it than I was yesterday."

  She slapped him playfully on the chest. "Shawn! Why do you have to say it—wit' yo'nasty butt! Dirty ole man!"

  "Yeah…right…you didn't mind Mr. Nasty when he was busy on you. This dirty ole man had you in 'shit-Shawn' mode all the way, baby!" he teased, laughing.

  "You want me to pee in this cup?" she asked to shut him up, trying not to grin. She wanted to go back to bed.

  "Okay, I'm sorry…pee away, please."

  A moment later, she walked out of the bathroom and climbed back in bed, leaving the pee in the cup to him. Ten minutes later, he woke her up, shouting at the top of his lungs from the bathroom. "Yeeehaaaw! Yeah, baby! Yes! All three—yes! Sylvie…we're pregnant, baby! Papa did ya good style!" He grinned, doing a jig with nothing but his underwear on.

  Sylvia smiled and tried to get back to sleep thinking, Hmph, you ain't need to tell me that. But having the proof brought her such a joy, she would have never believed she'd feel so good about it. The bed moved and shook with him jumping in to pull her back against him. "Havin' my baby…what a lovely way of sayin' how much you love me…" he squeezed her back against him, singing joyfully in her ear.

  "Shaa-a-awn!" She was giggling as he threw one of his big thick legs across her hip, drawing her closer, tighter to him, singing on, "She's havin' my baby, 'cause she's a woman in love and she loves what I'm doin…to…her…"

  "Shawn…emmm, I wanna go back to sleep."

  "Havin' my ba-by…" he went on singing, rockin' her and squeezing her as if he could pull her within him and carry them both to protect them from the world, his eyes moist from his joy, kissing her neck and ear, her temple. Sylvia loved every minute of it as she dropped back off to sleep with such a feeling of fulfilment—it was in her heart, in her body, in her soul.

  Chapter 43

  They were back.

  Oscar hadn't been home long himself. He'd begun in setting matters into motion. He'd wrestled with his conscience on one matter in particular but his weightier needs won out. He was truly at the point of no return. Georgiana was more and more out of control. Something in the way she leered at him gave him the feeling, that soon, she might just up and ask him for a divorce. She was home, less and less, and tolerated his touch only when she was desperate for a touch. Their relationship had always be precariously balanced on a precipice that with a shift of a current or wind, off it would tumble. He was surprised it had lasted as long as it had. Mainly due to the old man. Georgiana's father. While they were away, the phone call had come in from the nursing home, he had passed on that morning. From the moment he'd drawn his last breath, all of the financial empire that had been built within the family for over a hundred years now belonged to Georgiana and her daughter, Deidre. Oscar had no choice but to see her as that, Georgiana's child. For what he had planned, he must block all possible reasoning that she could be his.

  Georgiana had cheated on him. Often. In the past and certainly now. That's all there was to it. There was a fifty-fifty chance that she was his... his mind was made up, the fifty he chose lay on the side of, 'not.'

  He cast his conscience in the trash because simply put, he would not return to being a poor man. Granted, if all went belly up, he'd walk away with a few million of his own earnings. But it wasn't enough to maintain the lifestyle he'd become accustomed to. He'd lived for years in the lap of luxury and convenience, working hard hour after hour, day after day, year after year to learn all the ins and outs of this family empire. With 5 banks, 4 mortgage/finance companies, and various investments in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and the fashion industry, this family would never see the end of a rapid growth dollar. For Oscar, his few millions weren't enough, he wanted this empire, an empire that harvested billions - what was a few millions compared to that? He wanted the top spot, the king of the hill position. There were also many political ties, there was power in controlling the political arena - he wanted that. He'd worked his way in good with Georgiana's father but the man had never really come to trust him entirely. He hated him for that. Didn't matter if he were right in not trusting him, point was - now he must stoop to whatever means possible to take, what he felt, was rightfully his. He'd been flexing his power muscles too long to just leave them over to soften as all was turned over to Georgiana and her daughter. He was not about to be any woman's lackey, begging for his place, kissing her ass while she as much said to the world, 'I'm married to an impotent cuckold, what new way should I disgrace him today?'. No - time was closing in for that chapter in his life to end. He had to be careful and take slow baby steps toward his goals. Should he move too hastily, a slip up may be his reward and he'd lose all. He had to think hard, strategize carefully and consider all the possibilities while getting his men into place. To set all in motion, would take him longer than he wished to carry it all out, but it was too risky to make an error. He knew what he must do, he would have to work backward to make things look as if they'd taken place of natural circumstance. As much as he hated having to start where he would, there was no way around it...things had been set into motion.

  He walked to the door of his office and opened it. Georgiana, as usual, was in the midst of a dramatic entrance, ordering herself a bath and complaining about the drain of flying such distances, while Deidre walked past him without a word and gracefully ran upstairs.

  "Would you come in here please? I'd like to know what's going on." Oscar asked kindly, watching and waiting for her reaction. She stopped at the stairs as the household help went about setting up her baths and calling for a masseuse - that was the way they interpreted her orders when she was being dramatic about the stress of having been inconvenienced. In the mood to indulge him, she smiled a catty smile and turned from the stairs and made her way past him into the study.

  "So... I take it she decided to leave her?"

  "Oh no, we hadn't decided anything of the sort. The little shit has made an all out drama about her life here! Oh she's stirred a right nasty little storm, that one has. She is now in the hands of the courts there. They've decided that Deidre somehow needs to improve her life circumstances before they will turn Angela back over to her. In other words, she's with her father...for now that is. Albeit in foster care of his - so called - fiancée. A Negro! I mean we actually saw her! Can you just imagine-..." She stopped suddenly, looking at him cunningly as her memory served up back data. "Come to think of it, you can imagine it... can't you?"

  "We're not going to start that are we? Because by no means is my track record anywhere comparable to yours." He defended tightly.

giana smiled a touché, she would give him that. "Anyway, I've set up an appointment with our attorneys - we'll get this matter over and done with in no time. Who in hell do they think they are? And that little ingrate saying such nasty things against the Wherrington house! How dare she! Oh we will get her back, then we shall convince Deidre to send her off to school since she's so unhappy with her home here!"

  "Why would we waste time with that? Why can't you both see the girl is better off with her own kind!? She doesn't fit in here - she never will! Leave her to him!"

  "NO! She's a Wherrington! She belongs here! And I will not rest until she's back here!" Georgiana declared.

  "You think you're so clever! Getting her back here has nothing to do with being a Wherrington! This is about McPherson! I know it! You know it!"

  "Don't be absurd! I loathe the man! I once figured him intelligent and with standards... yet, I've been mistaken about the true nature of men before... haven't I? You're all the same, you'll do anything for money and fuck anything on two legs!"

  Oscar tossed his head back and laughed at her, coming down to wipe a tear, "Are you talking about us? Or yourself? Aaah, oh well, we know what this is all about don't we? Still haven't gotten him to fuck you again hm?"

  Georgiana reached out to slap him; he caught her wrist. She growled in his face, "You're just angry because I won't let you fuck me!"

  "Let me explain something to you..." He grated out and turned her, twisting her arm up behind her back.

  "Let go of me!" She panted as he pushed her face down over his desk, shoving her down and pinning her there with his forearm, pulling her skirt up and ripping her panties aside, followed by freeing himself. "...I can fuck you... any time... I feel like... like now....Uhhhh - like now...." He groaned thrusting deep into her, finding her to be ready as it were, pumping hard as he held her down, Georgiana's eyes rolled back as she gasped from the shock of him forcing himself into her and began panting. His taking her as he did thrilled her, drove her lust meter clear to the ceiling. She had been randy for days, but interference of Deidre's problems had blocked her usual routine of finding a suitable male to satisfy her rioting needs. Now this, "Yes... harder... emmmm, harder... oh yeah!" She panted, he pulled back and turned her over, pulling her legs up and grabbing her knees to spread her as he went on to re-enter her, pounding out his aggressions with gnashing bared teeth.

  "Yeah... you'd forgotten hmmm, forgot what a good fucking I could give... yeah... you forgot..."

  "OH! YES - Ooo - ooo - oooh, emph!"

  He went on, rubbing her with his thumb, pounding away at her until she exploded, then doing the same himself.

  Sweating he backed away from her, his legs shaky - a smile on his face. Georgiana sat up and stared at him. Yes, she had forgotten about him. She'd been so busy trying to humiliate him she'd lost all memory of the pleasure she once found sharing his bed. Way back when - before all the facts came to the fore and they started hating each other.

  "Yeah... I still got it baby! So while you're out chasing Tom cats for a hot shag... think about that."

  She wouldn't give him the satisfaction. "Hmph... think about what? I've forgotten already. As far as I'm concerned, you've done nothing but fire me up for someone else to finish me off." The changed expression on his face made her laugh. She stood, dropped her skirt back into place covering herself and walked toward the door. "Good thing I ordered a bath, hm?" She murmured nastily stopping at the door to leer back at him, then smiling asked, "By the way, who's the new chauffer? And where is Craig?"

  He knew what she meant asking that in that tone, she'd gotten the last reaction from him with her cutting tongue. He answered cool and detached, adjusting his clothes, "Something must have happened to him. He didn't show up for work, I needed a driver... hired the new guy." Oscar informed her, swallowing down his hatred of her, he'd pack it away in that tight, hot spot to fester with all the other reasons being married to her had emotionally castrated him.

  "I sure hope you checked his references." She finished smartly, leaving him standing in the doorway as she made her way up the stairs, a smile of satisfaction on her face. 'Oh life is wonderful.' She grinned to herself. Oscar stood peering up the stairs as she disappeared. "

  Yes... I checked, I checked alright... he's just right for the job... believe me he is." He declared softly.

  * * *

  Deidre lay back on her bed with her eyes filling with tears. Sniffing as the images in her mind would not let go. Shawn with adoring loving eyes, cast toward another woman. "My god, he's really in love with her." She muttered with one hand resting at her forehead, holding a hanky, and the other at her stomach, she felt sick with heartbreak. She knew Shawn, the way he was - and she knew when he was well and truly smitten. She lay trying to purge her body, her mind of him - but it was harder than she'd ever imagined it would be.

  'How did a woman get over losing a man like him?' She wondered. "There should be something to take to help with this." She whispered to herself. It was the ache within. It was so hard, so unrelenting. All the things she remembered about him added salt to the wounds. How it felt to be adored by him. To be the recipient of his smile with eyes that would twinkle devilishly. The smell of him that was distinctly his when they kissed. And when he kissed, all the power and passion that was the man came with his tender, and sometimes powerful kisses. His laughter was like a heady wine, that went to all the right places, making one wish to hear it again and again. She turned over in the fetal position. Suffering from the memory of him making love to her. Filling her and riding her endlessly. He was an amazing lover and that too she missed, there was no sense in lying to herself. He had been her one and only lover. No other man had touched her. She feared no other man would give her the absolute fulfilment he had. If that were so, she was doomed. Because she knew that she must find the strength to move on. To let it go. To let him go. He was happy. He deserved to be happy. He deserved a woman by his side who would give him all the things he'd longed for. If she had the chance to do it all again, she would do it all differently. Starting with leaving California from the moment they said their vows.

  "Stop thinking about it Deidre! Its time to move on!" She chastised herself, gripping her hair, pulling it back from her face. Her mind went to Sylvia. With a deep sigh and softening expression, she hated to admit it, "She's beautiful Shawn. You always did go for the very best. What are you like Sylvia? My daughter is with you. How are you treating her? She's a good girl...really she is." She sat up in her bed and looked around her. Things, expensive things were everywhere. "They mean nothing. Nothing at all. You're just like your daddy Angela, it meant nothing to him either." She sniffed and pulled her knees up folding her arms and dropping her head there. "Is there a GOD?" She wondered out loud. "Are you real? Really real? If so, could you please...please... give me a little help here. Should I let my child go? I do love her...I do. And yet, I don't know how to." She sat thinking quietly for such a spell that the knock at her door startled her, lost as she was.


  "Its me, can I come in?" Oscar called from outside.

  Deidre rolled her eyes toward the ceiling, wishing he would just go away.

  He knocked again. "Are you decent?" He asked.

  "What do you want?" She asked.

  "Obviously to talk to you." He answered opening her door carefully to look in. She was sitting in the center of her bed looking as if she'd been dunked in misery. A pang of conscience struck him, he squashed it.

  "I'm not in the mood to talk right now." She returned staring at him with hostile eyes.

  "Considering the moods you're often in, can't wait around for the right one to suddenly strike, now can I?" He replied walking in. "Your mother has mentioned that you all plan to fight McPherson for the girl. Do yourself and her a favor, leave her - to him. You need to focus on the business and getting your life in order. Hanging on to her will only lend you the silly notion of hanging onto him."

  "She's a human being! She's my
flesh and blood! My CHILD! I had her! She should be with me!"

  "Since when does giving birth to a child automatically mean you must have her? Visit her, provide for her, leave her a legacy - but leave it to others to rear her. She wasn't happy here anyway, nor are we inclined toward young people."

  "I'm leaving here." She informed him discarding all that he'd said. Granted, just seconds ago she was contemplating leaving Angela to Shawn, but anything that fell into agreeing with Oscar or her mother automatically made her wish to rebel.

  "What do you mean, leaving here?" He asked taken aback by her announcement.

  "Moving out. Getting my own place. Setting up my own life! I should have never returned here, doing so has cost me everything!"

  "Nonsense! Your life lacks nothing! If it's a man you need, get yourself one, there's nothing wrong with you, but this ridiculous pinning for that trailer trash you married."

  "If you're going to start insulting him, that will draw a conclusion to this discussion!"

  "How in god's name can you go on defending him after seeing what a low and despicable character he is! The man has no morals, no self-respect or values!"

  "Oh certainly you're not going to stand here and tell me you're in any position, you or mother for that matter, to point out another persons short comings!"


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