A Baby For the Outlaw Collection: Biker Romance Box Set Bundle (BBW Pregnancy Bad Boy MC Club Romance) (Contemporary Motorcycle Mega Pack Anthology Short Stories)

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A Baby For the Outlaw Collection: Biker Romance Box Set Bundle (BBW Pregnancy Bad Boy MC Club Romance) (Contemporary Motorcycle Mega Pack Anthology Short Stories) Page 78

by Leal, Samantha

  “Yes,” she gasped. “But I don’t know what is happening.”

  He smiled with a warm, open look and then sighed.

  “Well, it just so happens it’s your lucky day.”

  Chantel watched as he got to his feet and lifted his wrist to his lips. He whispered something into what looked like a watch, in a language she didn’t recognize, before he held out his hand and helped her to her feet.

  Outside in the hallway the commotion started up again. It sounded as if a group of people were trying to break their way in. The calmness that had been flowing through her had now completely disappeared and she was on high alert.

  “Who are they?” she asked with panic. “And who are you?”

  The man looked at her and smiled before he took hold of her hand and said, “My name’s Eli, and I’m here to save your life.”

  Her heart began to race and even though he was smiling, the noise out in the hallway was causing her anxiety. There was someone trying to break in, and now this Eli was saying he was going to save her life! What was happening!

  “Who are they?” she screamed.

  “They’re bad news,” Eli said as he gripped her hand and looked down at his wrist. “But don’t worry, as I said, today is your lucky day.”

  She noticed the black line of the doorway forming again in the center of the wall and she screamed as she buried her head into Eli’s chest and begged him to get them out of there. He smiled at her and ran a hand through her hair before suddenly and without warning her whole body felt as if it was burning up and there was a gigantic crack of white light all around them.

  She woke up on the floor, sprawled out and bewildered as to what had just happened. When she opened her eyes and looked around she thought she was in the same room as she had been in before, but as her eyes focused she realized it was different.

  As she looked at the walls she saw color begin to form on them and scenes of a forest took shape before her eyes. Her mouth gaped open as all around her she could hear the sounds of running water and birds singing, it was as if she was in the middle of a beautiful clearing, watching a river flow ahead of her as salmon jumped up the rocky waterfalls.

  “Is this better?” Eli’s voice came from behind her and she jumped.

  “What the hell?” she asked with complete shock. “What is this place?”

  Eli smiled as if he was letting her in on a secret and then he took a step towards her.

  “This is the middle of the universe,” he grinned. “The very center… the core of everything.”

  Chantel took a step back and shook her head.

  None of this made any sense. But she had the overwhelming feeling that every word was true.


  “The middle of the universe?” she asked in disbelief. “What does that even mean?”

  “What you would think it meant,” Eli laughed. “I know it’s overwhelming, that’s one of the reasons I thought the forest would be a nice scene… something you’re used to.”

  “Okay…” Chantel trailed off, unsure of what to say next.

  “Not many people have been here. You’re one of the very privileged few.” He smiled as he rubbed his hands together.

  “And what about those other guys? The man from the party?”

  Eli sucked in a lung full of air and exhaled loudly.

  “You really don’t want to know.” he scratched the back of his white blonde hair.

  “No really, I do,” she said defiantly. “I want to know what the hell is going on, not just all of this cryptic stuff you keep telling me!”

  “Okay,” Eli smiled as he sat down on a plush green chair and patted the space next to him.

  Chantel crossed over reluctantly and sat down. Her feet were aching and she was suddenly very tired. Even after all of the rest she had had, she was exhausted. It was as if her body had been put through its paces with the travelling from dimension to dimension.

  “The place where we’ve just been, it’s a very dark place indeed,” Eli sighed. “The man who had visited you in the room where you were held, he is an Alien Lord from the planet X-11… a slave planet.”

  “What… the…?” Chantel’s head was spinning.

  Alien Lord?

  Slave Planet?

  None of this made any sense to her.

  “You were taken there so they could extract your eggs or use you for breeding. Humans make an ideal slave race for creatures like the ones who inhabit X-11,” Eli said it almost as if it was an apology.

  “Creatures?” she asked with confusion. “But they look so… so normal…?”

  “They do on the outside,” he smiled. “But inside, nothing is the same.”

  “And the guy from the party?” she asked. “He looked exactly like the man back at the white room. Who is he? Is he in on it?”

  Eli nodded.

  “Yes, the host from the house you were taken from, he is a humanoid from X-11. His role is to group together a large number of fertile women, ready to be taken and collected. The finest are usually chosen and the other’s discarded.”

  “Discarded?” Chantel felt her chest tighten.

  “Yes,” Eli dropped his gaze. “Those women are usually killed.”

  “Would I have been killed?” she asked with wide eyes.

  “Eventually,” he said with a sigh. “You were one of the chosen ones… fertile, beautiful, strong genes… but eventually once they had used you, you would have been discarded like the others.”

  Chantel felt tears well up behind her eyes. She had nearly been used for breeding by an alien race wanting to grow a planet of slaves. Earlier that day she had just been a student and a waitress and now she was travelling through time and space with the most attractive man she had ever seen, and whilst none of it made any sense, she was the happiest and felt the most alive than she had ever been.

  “I don’t know what to say.” she said.

  Eli nodded slowly and got to his feet. “This is a lot to take in,” he said. “If we hadn’t been intercepted during my attempt to rescue you I would have kept you in a state of sleep until I had returned you back to Earth. That way it would have felt like none of this had really ever happened.”

  “Like a bad dream?” she laughed.

  “Something like that,” Eli smiled.

  “And you?” she asked. “Who are you, Eli?”

  “I’m from a very advanced race of humans. We live here, at the center of the Universe, and recently one of our major campaigns has been to stop planets like X-11 from exploiting the human race for their own gain. We heard about what was happening… the abductions, the breeding programs, the brutality… and we have been intercepting as many abductions as we can ever since.”

  “So… I was… abducted?” she asked with fear.

  “Oh yes,” Eli said. “From what I saw in your case, you were gathered to a point where X-11 knew plenty of suitable women would be available, and then once the meteor shower began, they used it as a cover to spirit you away.”

  “Wow.” Chantel whispered as she cast her mind back to being out in the yard alone. How she had felt so in awe of the stars above her and what she was witnessing. It had been magic, but now she knew she would never be able to look up into the night sky in the same way ever again. She had learned so much in such a short space of time, and now she knew secrets of the universe. She knew that Earth was not alone, and that people were visited and taken by aliens for experiments and breeding programs.

  “Are you alright?” Eli rested a strong hand on her shoulder and she turned to him and smiled.

  “I’m just trying to get my head around all of this,” she admitted. “It all seems too farfetched, but at the same time I know it’s all real.”

  “As I said before, not many have been privileged as you have been, use the information wisely,”

  “What do you mean?” she sat up straight and looked deep into his eyes.

  “I mean, don’t return to earth and regret what you say about your exper

  Chantel knew without asking him what he meant. She had read articles in newspapers and seen things online, men and women who claimed they had been taken by alien beings. Everyone just thought they were crazy, no one truly believed that aliens existed.

  “I won’t be telling a soul,” she said.

  “Not only that,” Eli smiled. “But you have a chance to be a part of something incredible.”

  “I do?” she asked as she looked deep into his crystal blue eyes yet again. He smiled at her and nodded and she felt something inside of her click into place. Eli was someone she had been destined to meet, she could tell just by the way they looked at one and other.

  “You must be tired,” he said, breaking her gaze and the subject. “Take the bed in the corner,” he turned and pointed to a fluffy circular bed which looked out over the mountain forest scene. “I’ll be back for you,” he said as he took her hand and led her over to the bed.

  “Where are you going?” she suddenly didn’t want him to leave her. He was the only person she trusted in this crazy situation.

  “I’ll be right outside,” he assured her.

  Chantel climbed into the soft, warm covers and as Eli waited by the door the lights went low and the sounds of nature quietened into a comforting hum.

  She watched Eli disappear through a doorway and she was once again alone. Her eyelids were heavy and it wasn’t long before yet again she was fast asleep.


  The trickling water seemed to be running all around her, and when she opened her eyes and stretched her arms high above her head she felt more rested than she ever had. The room was waking up at the same time she was. The scenes on the walls of the mountains and forest were coming to life before her very eyes. The sun was rising and the birds began to sing. She looked out at it all and couldn’t help but smile. Earth really was beautiful. She had never really appreciated it so much before, but she knew now that she was lucky to have such an incredible planet.

  There was a knock somewhere behind her and a buzz as the doorway began to appear on the white wall. In seconds Eli was stepping through it and Chantel smiled. She felt her grin go from ear to ear. She was happy to see him, and relieved, even though she had slept the entire time he had been away, all she wanted was to be close to him.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked her.

  Chantel smiled and nodded, but found it hard to find the words to respond as she was too busy staring at him. It was as if her sleep had wiped her memory clean of how intensely attractive he was. He had changed and was now wearing a tight leather-look pair of trousers with a big buckled belt and a tight black shirt. They gripped his muscular physique perfectly and Chantel could see the large swell of his bulging arms beneath the fabric. She swallowed hard and tried to snap herself away, but she just couldn’t, he was so hot and unusual it was driving her wild.

  “Here,” he reached out and passed her a tray with some water and toast. “It’s not much, I know, but it’s all we have.”

  “Thank you,” she took the tray from him and placed it down next to her on the bed. As she sipped the water she began to feel reborn, the last time she had drunk anything had been the vodka and lime back at the house party.

  “Do you not eat here?” she asked him as he watched her nibbling the toast.

  “No,” he shook his head. “We have no need for things like that anymore.”

  “What do you mean?” she sat up and listened intently.

  “Well, as I said before, we are an advanced race. We don’t need to sustain ourselves with food and water any longer.”

  “What do you do instead?” Chantel leaned forward as if she could hear him better by being an inch closer.

  “We control everything our body needs via this,” he held up his hand and Chantel noticed a red dot on his palm.

  “What is it?” she squinted as she tried to get a closer look.

  “It’s a port, we use it to give ourselves everything we need… food, liquids, rest, education, sex…”

  “Sex?” she nearly choked on her toast. “What, you mean you don’t…?”

  Eli shrugged and shook his head.

  “We have no need to,” he said glumly. “The universe is a vast place, we are all about maximizing our time to make the most impact and travel as far and wide as we can.”

  “So, how do you… keep the race going?” she asked with embarrassment.

  “Breeding programs,” Eli said matter-of-factly. “But not like the one you were almost forced into. Our men and women are still family units, yet we simply create new beings instead of growing them in our own bodies.”

  “Wow,” Chantel exhaled. She didn’t know where to look or what to think. She couldn’t imagine a world without any enjoyment. No food, no drinks, no real experience… and no sex? How could they be happy?

  “And do you have a family unit?” she asked sheepishly. “I mean, do you have a woman?”

  Eli looked up at her and their eyes met again.

  “I am always travelling across the cosmos,” he said. “It wouldn’t be fair for me to keep a family unit back here.”

  Chantel felt a pang of sympathy for him. He was so good looking, so well-groomed and so physically fit, it seemed an impossible concept that his body should go untouched and unloved. Much like her own.

  As they stared at each other, Chantel felt something growing between them. It was as if they both knew what they wanted, but neither of them dared reach out and take it.

  “Would you like to?” she asked bravely. “Experience sex?”

  Eli licked his bottom lip and she could sense his arousal growing.

  “I would like that very much,” Eli said deeply.

  As she watched his breathing become heavier, she felt a heat rise within her that she hadn’t felt for some time. She was already getting wet just by looking at him, so the idea of him having his hands all over her was almost too much to bear.

  “Eli,” she whispered. “I want you…”

  A wicked smile flickered over his face and he got to his feet. As he began to walk towards her Chantel could see the tightness that had grown in his pants and the way his demeanor was changing.

  He stood in front of her and took hold of her by the back of the neck and tilted her head up so she could look into his eyes. She sat on the edge of the bed and her pussy trembled, he was suddenly so dominant and in charge, it was as if their whole lives had been waiting for this moment.

  Chantel reached out and took hold of the buckle on his belt and unsnapped it slowly before drawing it out of his trousers and throwing it down on the floor. Eli’s breathing was becoming heavier each time she touched him, and she was getting wetter each time she looked up at him and his incredible good looks. He didn’t say a word as he began to undress her. He lifted the white clothes she had been dressed in back on X-11 off over her head and exposed her breasts. When he saw them his breath caught at the back of his throat and he reached down and took hold of one in each hand and massaged them gently. Chantel moaned. His touch was so intense and yet so soft, with each kneed of his fingers he was opening up new parts of her that she didn’t even know existed. He was turning her body on in so many ways and he had yet to touch her most sacred place.

  She undid the top button on his trousers and slipped her hand inside. As she felt his manhood for the first time she gasped and looked up at him. He looked down at her proudly, knowing exactly what he was carrying in there. As Chantel peeled down his pants and underwear and exposed his huge, rock hard cock she was speechless. It was so big and so thick she had no idea how she would be able to take it without being split in two, but she knew she wanted to try.

  Eli pulled her head forwards by her hair and she opened her mouth eagerly. As he slipped the tip of his cock into her mouth she sucked on him greedily and moved up and down his shaft with a hungry moan. Eli panted and bucked his hips forward. He groaned and took hold of one of her breasts, whilst with his other hand he moved down and slipped it into her

  She was soaking wet, slick with her own juices and ready for him. She was so turned on she knew it wouldn’t take much for her to give in to an explosive orgasm, so when Eli pulled back and pushed her down onto the bed and climbed on top of her, she spread her legs wide and begged him to fuck her.

  “Please,” she panted. “Fill me.”

  Eli positioned the tip of his red hot manhood at her tight opening and with one agonizingly powerful and slow thrust, pushed himself right into her. He was so big, but the pain was brief, and when she regained her composure and Eli began fucking her again and again, she unraveled in a wave of pure ecstasy. As she came she clamped her legs tightly around him and he too began to quiver with the beginnings of his release. Eli gripped onto her throat and powered into her once more before his huge balls exploded and emptied a lifetime worth of hot cum right up inside of her. He grunted as his seed left him and filled up Chantel, before he collapsed down on top of her and kissed her deeply on the mouth.

  “Eli,” she panted as she tried to get her breath back. “Oh my God. You have no idea how good that was.”

  She was a tangle of pleasure and exhaustion. Whatever he was doing to her, she never wanted it to end.

  “No,” he said. “You have no idea how good that was. I can’t believe what I’ve been missing.”

  Chantel looked up at him and into his eyes and as they lay together in their perfect room, in the center of the universe, she couldn’t help but think that all of it must have been meant to be. Eli was such an amazing man and he was like no one she had ever met. Now they were there together, against all the odds of time and space, and they had a real connection, something undeniable was pulsing between them.

  “I never realized it would be so good,” he said once he could speak properly again. “We were always led to believe that we weren’t missing out, but the second I saw you, I knew that couldn’t be true.”

  Chantel smiled and kissed him again.

  “Your body,” he said as he took hold of her in his arms and pressed their naked flesh together. “I’ve never held anyone like this before, and it feels so amazing.”


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