Renan, Ernest 113
‘Revolution Betrayed, The’ 261
Reznikoff, Charles 240
Rhys, Jean 56
Richardson, Samuel 79
Rodker, John 39, 41, 71, 78 Adolphe 1920 97–8
Rome 46, 65
Rome Radio, Pound’s wartime ‘Radio Speeches’ 103
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 135, 143, 150, 158, 181
Root, Edward 309–10
Rothschild, Louis de 258
Rouse, W H D 194
Rudge, Maria/Mary (daughter) (16, 17, 18), 66–7, 118, 122–3, 124, 190–1, 195–6, 209, 211, 269 Pound’s education of 252–3
Pound’s ‘Laws for Maria’ 196
Rudge, Olga (4, 5, 6, 18, 22), 58, 61–2, 121, 184, 207 buys house in Venice 119, 122
concert in Rapallo 184
concert in Rome (1926) 69
concert with Antheil 57, 60
has daughter with Pound 64, 66–7, 70–1
Le Testament or Villon 23, 24
performs for Mussolini 70, 101
Pound’s promotion of career of 118
Rapallo concerts 254–5, 270
relations with Pound 7, 53–4, 59, 62, 65, 68, 70, 118, 119–20, 123, 269
Vivaldi: A Preliminary Survey 255
Vivaldi revival 204, 205, 253, 255
Rummel, Walter 183
Rupnik, Carlo 300
Ruskin, John 86
Russell, Peter 24
Russian Revolution 84
Saint-Raphaël 3, 28
‘Salutation the Second’ 12
Sanders, Abel (pseudonym) 4
Satie, Erik xi, 6, 7, 18, 55, 69
Saunders, A P 65, 309
Saunders, Olivia 309, 310
Saviotti, Gino 103, 104
Schacht, Hjalmar 238, 258
Schafer, R Murray 24–5
Schelling, Felix 32, 44
Schenker, Heinrich 25
Schiff, Sidney 36, 37
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr 181
Schloezer, Boris de 107
Schoenberg, Arnold 25
Schussnigg, Kurt 257
Schweiller, Giovanni 128, 247, 252
Schwerke, Irving 57
Scratton, Bride 29, 41, 43, 48
Seminole war (1835–42) 199
Serly, Tibor 183, 195, 210, 306, 323
Shakespear, Henry Hope 53
Shakespear, Olivia 29, 53, 54, 59, 69, 125, 126 death of 267
Shakespeare & Company 33, 58
Sherman, John 218, 330
Shirer, William 191, 264, 271
Sicily 64–5
Siena 207–8
Silver Shirts 158, 240, 242, 244
Simpson, Wallis 235
Sinclair, May 36
slavery xii, 294
Slocum, John 303
Social Credit 29, 35, 136, 145, 147, 149, 150, 184, 200, 204, 208, 237, 238, 240, 241, 245, 251, 325–6
Social Credit: An Impact 207, 208
social justice 74, 142, 146, 150, 153, 154, 180
Soranzo, Giovanni 46
Soviet Union 102, 198
Spanish Civil War 198, 243 Pound’s attitude to 244
Spencer, Theodore 304
Spengler, Oswald 117
Spinoza, Baruch 346n
Spirit of Romance, The 323
stamp scrip 147, 154–5, 303, 376n
Steffens, Lincoln 44, 58 Italian Fascism 140, 141
Stein, Gertrude 8, 57
Stevens, Wallace 94
Stokes, Adrian 117
Strater, Henry 52, 59, 78
Stravinsky, Igor xi, 6, 18, 19, 23, 26, 55, 195, 210
Stream (magazine) 96
Sudetenland 264
Surette, Leon 330
Surrealism 4
Swabey, Henry 205–7, 267, 268
Ta Hio 71–2, 74, 234, 247, 252, 273
Taoism 226–7, 278
Tennessee Valley Authority 147
Thayer, Scofield 3, 4, 30, 32, 35, 48
This Quarter 66
Three Mountains Press 41, 52, 78
381 (magazine) 45
Tinayre, Yves 23, 24
Tinkham, George Holden 211, 237, 247, 250, 251, 298, 302, 305
To, Publishers 127
totalitarianism 76
Confucianism 248 Fascist Italy 134
Townsman (journal) 267–8
transatlantic review 56, 57, 59
Trask, Mrs Willard 71
Treatise on Harmony, The 25–7
Trojan war, in Cantos 80, 175–6
troubadours 112
United Kingdom: Abyssinia 197
appeasement 198
Unruh, Fritz von 224
Upward, Allen 5, 29
usury: in Cantos 205, 217–20, 228–34
Pound’s association of Jews with 240–2, 243, 261–2, 263
the root of ruin 34, 194, 200, 201–2, 206 see also banks; credit; economics; money
Valéry, Paul 7, 35
Van Buren, Martin, in Cantos 169, 171–2
Variétés (magazine) 96
Venice 40, 67, 108, 115, 120, 139, 195, 252–3, 267, 269 in Cantos 86–8, 169
Olga Rudge buys house in 119, 122
Venice Biennale of Music (1936) 210–11
Veress, Sandor 253
Vienna, Congress of 229, 231
Villon, François, Pound’s view of 21–2
Visiting Card, A 330
Vittoz, Roger 30
Vivaldi, Antonio 204–5, 253, 255, 258
Voltaire 272
Vorticism 9, 72
VOU (magazine) 256
Walkiewicz, E P 150
Wall Street Crash (1929) xi, 122
Wallace, Henry 302, 303
war: economic war 202, 204
Mensdorff letter 118–19
Pound on causes of 106
Pound’s understanding of 230
Pound’s will against 297
Washington DC, Pound in 302
Watson, Sibley 41, 301
Webster, Daniel 172
Wellington, Duke of 230, 231
‘What is Money For?’ 307, 308
Whitehead, Alfred North 304
Whitman, Walt 79
Whittaker, W Gillies 189, 254
will 139, 140, 142, 150, 154 Dante’s De Monarchia 372n
intelligence in action 139–40
volition 27, 136, 138, 139, 150, 153, 205
Williams, William Carlos 7, 62, 127, 145, 188, 208, 302 Bel Esprit scheme 36
criticism of Pound’s support for Fascism 308–9
The Descent of Winter 98
Pound contrasts himself with 99
on Pound’s Cantos 93–4
on Pound’s Guide to Kulchur 308
on Pound’s musical ability 61
Winters, Yvor 125
Witemeyer, Hugh 150
Woodward, W E 144, 147, 150
Wordsworth, William 79
Yeats, W B (14), 29, 33, 64–5, 98 criticism of Pound’s poetry 93
The King of the Great Clock Tower 190
‘Meditations in Time of Civil War’ 44
on Pound’s Cantos 92, 161
Pound’s final meeting with 268
Pound’s relations with 92
in Rapallo 117, 190
Young, William 189
Zabel, Morton Dauwen 144
Zobi, Antonio 228, 229, 230
Zukofsky, Louis (13), 94–7, 124, 127, 129, 144–5, 239–40, 242 believes Pound not an anti-Semite 263
‘Poem Beginning “The”’ 94, 98
Pound’s encouragement of 95–6
on Pound’s loss of readers in America 244
on Pound’s politics 306–7
in Rapallo 184–5
review of Pound’s cantos 1–27 95
1. Ezra Pound in Rapallo, 1920s.
2. Ezra Pound at his desk in his Paris studio, 1922.
3. James Joyce, Ezra Pound, Ford Madox Ford, John Quinn, in Pound’s studio, 1923. Ford and Quinn are on
chairs made by Pound.
4. Olga Rudge, violinist, c.1923.
5. George Antheil and Olga Rudge, Paris, 1923.
6. Olga Rudge, c.1923.
7. Ezra Pound, 1920s.
8. Dorothy Pound, c.1930.
9. Ezra Pound in Vienna, 1930 (Photo: Bill Brandt)
10. Pound on the tennis court, Rapallo, 1926.
11. Ezra Pound on the rooftop terrace of his apartment, Rapallo, 1930s (Photo: Arnold Genthe)
12 (left). Basil Bunting in caricature by Gubi, Il Mare 13 August 1931.
13 (below). Louis Zukofsky, 1933.
14 (right). W. B. Yeats and T. S. Eliot, Harvard, 1932.
15 (below). James Laughlin, 1930s.
16. Maria Rudge, Homer Pound, Ezra Pound, Gais, 1930.
17 (right). Maria Rudge and her father, Venice, 1935.
18 (below). Maria Rudge and her mother, Venice, 1935.
19 (left). Dorothy Pound, 1930s.
20 (below). Ezra Pound, 1930s.
21. Pound in his Rapallo apartment, c.1938, with Gaudier Brzeska sculptures (Cat and Embracers), and with Wyndham Lewis’s Red Duet (1914) on wall (Photo: Arnold Genthe)
22 (left). Olga Rudge, 1930s.
23 (below). Pound arriving New York, April 1939.
Ezra Pound: Poet Page 65