Lyric & the Heartbeats

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Lyric & the Heartbeats Page 21

by Kole, Lana

  Adra filled her in a different way than Emerson had, his cock thick inside her.

  “Ready?” Adra asked her, and she answered with a whine.

  Her arms shook and she lowered her upper body, folding onto her forearms, her head pressed against Emerson’s thigh as Adra began moving. It was slow and drugging, and his palm against her lower back arched her spine in a perfect way, making him seem even bigger inside her. Lyric moaned as Adra withdrew and thrust deep once more. His breath was ragged, warm against her back as he leaned down and painted a kiss against her shoulder blade.

  “Lyric, stay with me,” he said, and even in her sex stupor, she heard the smirk in his voice.

  Lyric should have known how sinfully delicious Adra would be between the sheets. Maybe she had all along, and that was why it had taken them so long to get here. Because she knew how dangerous Emerson was already, that attraction she hadn’t been able to deny since day one.

  It was no different with Adra, and Lyric should have seen this coming.

  “Trust me, I’m not going anywhere,” Lyric promised, her lips brushing against Emerson’s thigh with every word.

  She pursed them in a kiss, tasting one alpha while another rolled his hips against her, sending his cock deep inside her.

  Em’s hand framed her cheek, and she glanced up at him through half lidded eyes. “Feels good, doesn’t it? Having him inside you?”

  “You’d know, wouldn’t you?” Adra answered for her in a question that made her imagination run wild.

  Emerson chuckled, the sound deep and seductive, and his hand tightened slightly around her cheek. His gaze shifted above her head, sharing a stare with Adra that was so heat filled Lyric wondered if she would get burned between them.

  Adra’s hips smacked against her ass a little harder.

  Would she even care?

  “Taste,” she whined, clawing her fingers into Emerson’s thighs. It brought his attention back to her, and Lyric wet her lips as she glanced down at his cock.

  If she was going to burn up, Lyric wanted to add to the flames.

  Emerson caressed her cheek once, leaned down to lick her lips, and then dropped his hand, shuffling closer on the bed.

  Lyric braced one hand on his thigh, lifted the other to frame his length, and tilted the head to her lips. The salty sweet flavor of him made her mouth water, and Lyric wrapped her lips around the head to capture the taste. Adra’s thrusts had softened, and he was barely moving within her. Was he giving her time to adjust to both of them? Trying not to jar her between them?

  Sweet Adra, always putting her first.

  Lyric circled the head of Em’s dick with the tip of her tongue, listening for his groan before she lowered her mouth, taking more of him in.

  “That’s so fucking perfect,” Adra breathed. If Lyric hadn’t been hyperaware of their every breath and movement, she wouldn’t have heard the almost silent praise.

  Someone gathered the hair around her face and held it back as she worked Emerson deeper and deeper. His groan of pleasure made shivers dance across her spine, and she nudged her hips back into Adra to signal him for more.

  She pulled off Emerson’s cock and glanced up, taking stock of her situation. A heady giggle almost slipped out, but Emerson wiped at the corner of her lips, and she realized it must be Adra who was holding her hair.

  Adra tightened his grip on her hair, sending zings of pleasure arching from the top of her scalp to sprinkle down her body.

  Lyric lowered her head again, taking Emerson inside at the same time Adra rolled his hips into hers.

  They both filled her at once, and Lyric moaned around Em’s cock, her pussy tightening around the one between her thighs just at the thought.

  This was something she’d never dared let herself imagine, and now that she was at the mercy of two alphas, Lyric had never felt freer.

  She trusted these two, at least with her body, at least for the time being, and she would gladly give herself to them. Was giving herself to them.

  But it wasn’t a one-way street. They were sharing a piece of themselves too. Being vulnerable in the same way.

  She was an omega. And they were two unmated alphas.

  This was just as risky for them as it was for her.

  The possibilities crept in, but Lyric buried those thoughts under something easier to focus on, something easier to lose herself in—pleasure.

  Adra’s hips slapped against her ass, his cock dragging and pressing against her walls in a mindless rhythm that made her thoughts scatter. Her hair was shifted, and someone tugged at the strands again, and she swallowed around Emerson’s dick.

  “Fuck,” Emerson panted. “Lyric—”

  His cock swelled against her tongue, and she pulled off him. The strands now fisted in Em’s grip were tugged as he tightened his grasp, and she licked her lips as she glanced up at him. “Not so fast,” she breathed.

  Lyric lowered her grip on his cock, squeezed the knot at the base, and teased the tip shallowly.

  “She’s a tease,” Emerson groaned. Adra’s chuckle barely sounded, his rhythm stuttering as he slowed down.

  “Wonder whose lead she’s following?” Adra asked.

  “I don’t care,” Emerson growled.

  The sound made Lyric’s body tighten, and Adra gripped her hips, slamming into her once and pausing. Then he stirred himself in her, and Lyric felt his knot press against her opening.

  “Adra,” she whined. She was so close to begging for it and leaned her forehead against Emerson’s thigh to take a breath, to hold the words back.

  He must have heard the desperation in her voice, because he leaned down, pressed a kiss against her spine, and then gripped her hips again.

  Emerson tugged gently at her hair, and she lifted her head only for him to take her lips in a kiss that stole her thoughts and her breath and the cry that came from her throat as Adra slammed into her.

  She braced herself on Emerson’s thigh, breaking their kiss as she leaned down to take a breath before mouthing the head of his cock. She wanted him to feel as good as she did, wanted them both to come with her when the edge finally approached.

  And it was coming faster than she was ready for. With each thrust of Adra’s hips, his cock slammed deep into her, filling her up, his knot rubbing against her g-spot as he tilted her hips even more.

  Their moans surrounded her, and the staccato rhythm of their bodies was the bassline of the melody they sang together. Her heart was pounding, and the crescendo drew closer with every thrust of Adra’s hips, with every groan from Emerson’s throat, and every tug of his hand in her hair.

  She cried out as Adra slipped his hand around her hip and brushed his fingers over her clit. Emerson answered her with his own cry, and she wondered if the vibrations of her voice made him echo her.

  Lyric pulled off Emerson’s cock and moaned as Adra created a new rhythm, one that wiped her mind completely except for one thing—more.

  Her hips rocked into his touch, and her fingers left divots in Em’s skin as she hung on for dear life, trapped between them in the best way imaginable.

  Her other hand stroked Emerson’s cock, traveled to his base, and twisted around the knot before sliding back up and pulsing around the head before repeating. He tilted his head back, and moans fell from his sweat sheened throat.

  His hold went limp in her hair, no longer pulling but just holding the strands over her shoulder.

  “Lyric—” Adra groaned, his hips slamming into hers with a new force, jarring the orgasm into her system. She cried out as it welled up, threatening to drown her. Her hand stuttered on Emerson’s cock, unable to keep up the rhythm as she froze for a split second. Even her breath halted as it overwhelmed her, but then everything came back to her in a rush of sensation. Pleasure scattered across her senses, rained down in a blinding strike of ecstasy.

  Adra’s hips stuttered before he bucked into her, his knot pressing at her entrance, but not entering, as he came.

  He bent ov
er her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and leaned up. It changed the angle of him inside her, and she cried out, leaning her head back against his chest as his fingers danced over her clit to keep it going.

  Emerson groaned, and as she blinked away the first orgasm only to welcome a second, Emerson’s lips covered hers.

  Warmth decorated her stomach and thighs, and in her lust addled brain, she realized Emerson had come too. Only flashes of it registered, her knocking away Adra’s hand, Emerson’s head tilted back, Adra’s hot breath on her neck as he groaned so low and sexy and needy it made her clench around him. They were one continuous cycle of pleasure feeding off one another and returning it back for more.

  It was a long while later before Lyric finally blinked her eyes open, and it was to a warm cloth brushing across her stomach and chest.

  “Back?” Adra inquired.

  Lyric mumbled a half confirmation, and Adra chuckled beneath her.

  “You’re something else,” Emerson murmured, and leaned down to kiss her.

  Lyric smiled into the kiss, and once he pulled away, turned her head to share one with Adra too.

  “That was more than I bargained for,” Lyric admitted.

  Adra’s touch stroked up her side. “Scary?”

  Rolling the word over in her mind, Lyric dismissed it and suggested another.

  “More like perfect.”

  The floor was hard.

  For Emerson and Adra at least.

  Lyric… well, she was cuddled up on top of them, so the floor wasn’t something she had to worry about. The muscled plains of their bodies were her pillows, and she nuzzled her head into Adra’s pec. The three of them just wouldn’t fit on the full-sized bed. They’d tried.

  “So… Odd?” she asked with a wry smile.

  “Yeah?” he answered quietly, voice rumbling inside his chest to vibrate her cheek.

  “Why do they call you that?”

  Emerson shifted on her other side, and she wondered if the other alpha had anything to do with the nickname.

  “I’m used to having my name shortened. But Emerson, I believe, was the first one to imply the connotation it has now.”

  “Should I be surprised?” Lyric questioned, and pinched Emerson’s side.

  “Don’t make me sound bad,” Emerson whined, and pushed Adra’s head away.

  A rolling chuckle trailed from Adra, and he shook his head. “I don’t have to make you sound anything. You do that all on your own.”

  A soft, teasing growl vibrated in Emerson’s chest, and Lyric squeezed her thighs together.

  That growl had sounded delicious in her ears when…

  Down, girl.

  “We met in a bar. Don’t know if you knew that,” Adra started.

  Lyric shook her head and settled in for story time.

  “It was after… everything with my old pack. Drowning my sorrows, that kind of thing. I was probably the most miserable looking guy there, minding my own business, when someone sat down beside me.” Adra glanced down at her, a fond smile curling his full lips. “Emerson had brought his two brain cells over.”

  The alpha in question scoffed. “Oh please. I charmed the pants right off you.”

  “I was desperate, it didn’t take that much work.”

  Lyric giggled at their banter, trying to remember a time when she’d been around them while they were so… relaxed. On the bus there was always an air of carefulness. But that air had dissipated along with their clothes.

  “Anyway, this alpha walks over, takes a seat, turns to me, and says… how’d you word it?”

  Emerson cleared his throat, and Lyric glanced over just in time to witness the rare appearance of a blush. “I said, ‘An alpha who looks like you, sitting here all alone like this, is just odd.’ And then he responded…” Emerson rolled his head in Odd’s direction, and Lyric followed with her gaze.

  “‘Well that fits just great then, because I’m Adra. But some call me—’”

  “‘Odd?’” Emerson finished.

  “And it stuck. I mean, if you think about it, I am kind of odd,” he said with a half smile.

  “No, you’re not,” she answered just a tad defensively.

  He shrugged, shifting beneath her body. “There’s no shame in it. I’m an alpha, but I have a pretty feminine name, and I’ve always been known for being… not alpha-ish. It’s just how I am.”

  Lyric realized then that was what had drawn her to him. His gentle nature, his sweet smile. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but that’s my favorite thing about you.”

  “Of which there are many, I’m sure,” he drawled. If Lyric wasn’t staring at him, she probably wouldn’t have noticed the way he swallowed and glanced to the side.

  “Humbleness is one of his best attributes,” Emerson retorted dryly.

  A chuckle bubbled past her lips and she nodded. “Of course.” Lyric sobered as she studied him carefully, letting her gaze roam over his features. Had she imagined the doubt flashing across his eyes? “It really never bothers you?”

  He answered with another shrug. “If you’d like to call me Odd, please do. It doesn’t bother me.”

  “I dunno,” she hedged. “I might stick with Adra.”

  “You could always try ‘god,’” Emerson suggested, “since that’s whose name you were screaming just a—”

  Lyric lifted herself up and slapped a hand across his mouth. “Don’t say it.”

  Heat licked through her as he lapped at her palm, and she lowered it to his chest.

  “I have to say I’ve become quite fond of my nickname,” he murmured.

  Lyric cocked her head to the side.

  “I believe you shortened it to ‘Em’ a couple of times.”

  Heat rushed to her cheeks. “Well, can you blame me? Emerson is such a long name, it’s a mouthful.”

  She registered the innuendo two seconds after Emerson did and put her palm over his lips again. “Don’t say it!”

  But it’s true, her subconscious supplied. He is a mouthful.

  Lyric’s eye twitched, but she suffocated her amusement before it could bubble up her throat into laughter. Once she was certain he was going to keep his mouth shut, Lyric removed her palm and wiggled down comfortably between them. Her back was to Emerson, and he shifted behind her, placing a hand over her hip and moving his thumb back and forth. She curled into Adra, resting her hand on his abs.

  Their heat weaved around her like a knitted blanket, and she melted into their touches. Part of her wished she could cuddle with them in a nest… but this was good enough.

  It was definitely better than trying to squeeze together on the tiny full mattress.

  “So… now I know how you met. But where’d you come from? Before I was taking up all your time at practice and stealing you away on tour, what were you doing?”

  Adra stiffened slightly, and she wrapped her arm across his stomach, mirroring Emerson’s movements with her own thumb across Adra’s skin.

  “Did you not read all our files? They had us take everything but a polygraph,” Emerson murmured.

  Lyric pressed her lips together, something akin to shame flooding her cheeks. But she had nothing to be ashamed of. “I never read them. I left it to Andi, trusted her to tell me if something was worth knowing. It felt wrong to know everything about you and not know you. So I decided not to.”

  She didn’t say it out loud, but they were both still mysteries to her. The only things she knew about them were how well they played music… and what their moans sounded like between the sheets.

  No, that’s not completely true.

  She knew Adra was sweeter than the words he substituted curses with. Sugar. Fudge. Understood they both cared for each other, even if it wasn’t conventional. She also saw the way Adra treasured his equipment, which she’d come to realize meant he wasn’t used to such nice things.

  It made her want to spoil him even more.

  She knew Emerson was rough around the edges, but he was also filled with his
own insecurities and wasn’t afraid to admit to them, even if he didn’t know how to conquer them. That was why he played in the shadows every night. Why he wore those wide brimmed hats to hide his face from the crowd.

  “Everyone knows my story,” Adra admitted quietly.

  She glanced up at him, but his eyes were closed, brows knotted.

  “It was the story of the year. An alpha, the odd one out of the pack, the band.”

  Lyric’s heart ached, seizing in her chest, and her hand tightened on Adra’s side. His eyes blinked open, and he stared down at her as if he’d forgotten she was there.

  “Sorry,” he said.

  “Don’t apologize. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, but… I’ll listen.”

  It fell quiet, so she lowered her head and resumed her slow strokes over his skin, content to let the beat of his heart lull her to sleep. His hand caught hers, engulfing it, and he brushed his thumb over her knuckles.

  “The omega didn’t like me,” he began, and Lyric’s breath caught. “It wasn’t anything personal, not really. We just didn’t fit, at least, not like she did with the others. She didn’t like my scent, and I didn’t really care for hers. I knew better than to butt heads with her, but I wanted to. We didn’t see things the same way, and ultimately, we both knew I didn’t belong. She’s not the bad guy here, neither of us are. It was just one of those…”

  “Really fucking shitty situations,” Emerson grumbled.

  Adra chuckled. “Yes. That kind of situation. But… it’s not all bad. Once I left the pack, the band, I played with my own music more, learned how to live outside of a pack.”

  “For how long?” Lyric asked, fear creeping up. Even though she knew how his story ended—here on the floor with her and Emerson—she still wanted to know that he’d been okay. Alphas didn’t live alone. They weren’t supposed to learn how to live outside of a pack, and she didn’t like the way the thought made her chest ache.

  “Maybe… three months? Then I met Emerson.”

  “I needed a roomie,” Emerson grunted. “Adra needed somewhere to live. Two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together.”


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