The Vampire's Witch

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The Vampire's Witch Page 5

by Kiki Howell

  “I know. I’ve been through all that a hundred times in my mind.” Isaac sighed heavily. The fact he could do so – could sigh, could move his mouth, yet the rest of his body lay paralyzed – suddenly shocked him. Somehow this sexy witch, still on top of him – in fact leaning over so her breasts were pretty much one hundred percent revealed to him – had spelled him so that he couldn’t move a muscle. She’d petrified him. That was a word of the Latin she’d used that he’d understood. Yet she still allowed him to use his lungs, useless on any other account, to speak. Even working against him, she fascinated him, well more than she’d already had before.

  “We will talk soon,” Achim said, sounded tired. “There are only a few more hours till day sleep is upon us and I have some things to do. But, we need to meet come sundown tomorrow. Some of the clan are hammering me for a definitive leader. We need to decide now that Drake...” Achim left off with a break in his voice.

  “We will. Tomorrow. And Achim, sorry to add to your shit-load of problems tonight.”

  “Not a problem, son. At least we are all safe to see another night. See you tomorrow.”

  Winter clicked the phone closed and leaned over to lay it on the nightstand. Isaac practically growled as this put her sex flush over his cock.

  “How can I feel my dick if I can’t move the damn thing?”

  “The beauty of this spell is to paralyze only the bones, petrify actually, for a time, but still allow the subject to live. Your erection is all muscle, and thus free to work of it’s own volition, off instinct, off what you want, desire. If you were human, your heart would still beat and your lungs would still breathe. It really just petrifies the bones, making the joints not work. This is why your muscles still feel like they can move, but actually don’t. And, why you can still get hard.”

  She did a little lap dance over his erection. It drove him mad to want her so badly, and not even have the choice to deny himself, yet still feel everything, every god-damned blessed inch where her body met with his.

  “I’m relaxed now. Well, calm anyway. You can undo the spell.” The muscles in his face twitched.

  “No, I think before the sun comes up, I might like having you at my mercy.”

  “You would, would you?” The twitch over his eye freaked him out, felt more like a muscle spasm. “Yeah, you damnable witch, I just winked at you, but it could not have been pretty.”

  “You’re always cute to me.”

  “Sure. I do actually see my reflection in mirrors. That is a stupid rumor. So I know what you see.”

  Usually instinct would have him hide the scared side of his face as much as he could from whomever he was with, but now he couldn’t. She’d taken away his right to hide his scars and called him cute. Nothing about her made sense, and most things about her just scared the un-living version of daylights out of him.

  “Well, I don’t care what your opinion is,” she smiled at him, a wicked grin that made his stomach tighten. “I know what I see. And, man, you are one drop-dead gorgeous vamp. The scars are only a small part of you. There is so much more. I think, in fact, while I have you in almost total submission, and Achim said it was still a few hours before day sleep, that I will show you just how much I do think of you… how much I want you.” She squared her shoulders but then tilted her head to the side. Logic and integrity and all that crap be damned, he wanted to bite her right where that beautiful vein in her neck throbbed with her blood.

  “Hmmm,” she continued. “Is this considered wrong, to take advantage of a man I’ve spelled into paralysis?”

  “You mean will I scream rape? I don’t think so. But, really, is this what you want? I mean, what’s happening between us would best be left ignored. You know, like a black cat crossing your path on Halloween night, or something along those lines.”

  “Cute attempt at a ‘witchy’ joke. But, I don’t want to ignore it. What’s that old song say, the one my grandmother used to play, ah yeah, something like, I know your plans they don’t include me. But, hmm, how does that go…oh, yeah, but here we are, both of us…something…” she stopped to giggle. “We’ve got tonight babe, why don’t I stay? Okay, so I think I may have screwed up a few words, but you get the point.”

  “What I get is that we’re playing with fire here especially with all that’s going down.”

  “Correction, I’m playing with fire. You can’t play with anything.”

  “And you like it this way?” He smiled despite himself, despite his intentions to stay serious and pissed off – well pretend to be anyway – about what was happening here.

  “I think I do like it this way. But first, your permission is requested, oh dominated night walker, to remove your clothing.” Isaac, if he had a heart that still beat, knew it would have thumped in his chest the way this woman looked at him.

  “I say no, then.”

  “And I don’t care then, I guess,” her voice had been nearly as low and breathless as his.

  To his complete and utter disbelief, though he’d kept up with her new game, she ripped his shirt down the middle and then across each arm until it lay in shreds beneath him. Winter went at the poor material like an animal, more a werewolf than a witch. Her body bumped his in various places, turned him on, and he remained helpless to do a thing about it.

  “Damn, sexy as hell, witch. What am I going to do with you?”

  “Nothing that I don’t already want you to I’m sure.”

  She worked his jeans off him then. Torturously slow, his button was undone; his zipper unzipped, the material tugged down over his hips, and then leg by leg, pulled down over his thighs, calves and feet. He could see now that she tried to keep him off-step, not let him anticipate what would come next. His cock tented his boxers.

  So he shouldn’t have been shocked at all when she changed modes again – went back to fierce – ripped his boxers off him. Not as in pulling them down, but grasped and pulled up, let the material shred over the strong muscles of his ass and hips. The feeling of it – hot slices of friction against his skin like rope burns accompanied by the slivers of material brushing over his cock– made his fangs pop out as he growled at her, low and feral.

  Her eyes widened, huge orbs which betrayed small amounts of real, actual fear, and he found pride in himself for intimidating her even in his condition. So sue him, it was a vamp thing, a guy thing even. She grasped his jaw hard with her hand, plopped back down, straddled his stomach. Blessed witch didn’t have any underwear on either, and he could feel her wet heat. With a finger of her free hand, she stroked down over his fangs, first over one then the other. The move was so erotic, so over the top intimate, while brash and forceful at the same time. He thought, if it were possible, he’d just fallen in love with the woman.

  “You like it rough, don’t you?”

  “As rough as you can handle, babe,” he answered as he purposely moved his mouth just enough to scratch his fang along her finger.

  She shuddered, which made her magic feel like a warm energy field around him. The intense waves of activity trembled along his skin like warm balls of cotton, but under his skin it felt like a flame kindled, waited for a burst of air to back draft into an inferno.

  She bent over, again her breasts almost fell out of her dress. Her face not an inch from his, she licked his fangs, ran her tongue along them, rolled it around the back of each elongated tooth, one after the other. In any other state rather than spelled, this could have been asking to die. He wanted a taste of her blood so badly it was all he could focus on aside from the luxurious – no outright fucking erotic – sensation of her warm, soft tongue over his cold, hard fangs.

  When she lifted her head enough to look into his eyes, whether for approval or for feedback, whatever, he said with his voice so low it was barely audible, “I want your neck. I want your blood. If I wasn’t spelled, licking a vamp’s fang is one stupid ass mistake my dear.”

  “My dear, huh? I like that. But, if you are warning me against the dangers you pose to my lif
e, I am all too well aware. I’ve been told as much my whole life, warned against your kind, men just like you. And having followed the rules for so damn long, I think I like not only breaking them, but stomping on them as well, grinding them to dust underneath my heel. I already know I like you. So let’s take a walk on the wild side here vamp boy. You can’t hurt me like this.”

  “No, I guess not. But what are you saying then, that you can hurt me?”

  She shrugged.

  Lifting herself from her position on his belly, she stood over him, one foot on each side of his rib cage. In an awkward – because of where she was, but damned sexy anyway – striptease, she moved her body like a snake as she removed her dress. Again with the no underwear thing, one shot and she was naked. He’d known that earlier too when they’d gone out, but then his mind had become pre-occupied with war and retaliation. Now his only focus was on her glistening pussy, her folds open so he could see the scarlet skin of her core as she stood over him. When she lowered herself to his mouth, his body trembled, muscles shook over dead bones.

  When she was so close he could smell her excitement, he warned, “Don’t do this. I want blood.”

  “Then take blood. Taste me. Bite me. I’m not afraid of you. I’ll prove to you that I have more confidence in your powers to take from me, and to be able to restrain your urges at the same time, than you do. Now lick me. Stick your tongue between those fangs and lick me.”

  Thunder rumbled low in his chest as she laid her sex over his mouth. His lungs ached – hell, his dick throbbed to the point of pain – but he obeyed the order. He ran his tongue only over her wet folds, tasted her exotic mix of sweet and spicy and she trembled, shivered and slowly circled her hips over his face. He thrust his tongue up and down because it was all he could move. He was at her mercy even in pleasing her. Yet, she moved for them both. With the down-stroke of her hips he licked her, but as she swung them back up his fangs grazed along her swollen pussy lips. Her moans spurred him on to angle his head as to avoid his teeth poking her, but he couldn’t move his neck. Only his jaw was free, and he’d already done all he could to try to prevent penetrating her with his fangs in such an intimate place. It was a perilous situation, the bloodlust nearly took his life from him, shook him to his core. What he did finally do was close his mouth, protect her flesh from his fangs.

  “I knew you wouldn’t bite me,” she purred.

  He just moved his tongue, let it shoot out from between his closed lips to her clit, lapped at it until she started to cry out his name. The sound lulled him into another realm, one where he could believe a woman such as her could want a man like him.

  “Now, vampire…” she panted, “my lover, bite me.” She moved up and to the side, brought her thigh down onto his mouth, pushed against his fangs. He still couldn’t move his neck, but he desperately wanted her blood. He only needed to feed once every few days, but it had been that long and then some since he’d had an actual meal, more than just sips of her.

  She moved her hand between her folds and started to rub at her clit. “Bite me,” she said as she practically speared her thigh on his fangs.

  He had no more restraint left in him. He felt like the veins in his head, in his dick, would burst with want of her blood. He let go and allowed his fangs to pierce the creamy white skin of her thigh, to sink deep into her flesh. With each draw he took of her honey-like blood, her fingers rubbed harder and faster on her clit. She cried out finally, a piercing but wonderful sound, as her body shook. He longed to touch her where he could see her juices coat her skin, but he couldn’t and it was the way she wanted it. For her, for this moment, she could have the control.

  Tomorrow night when he woke up he would remind himself of what a bad idea this was, a vampire and a witch. His sister had done the same thing. Now here he was. His actions did not help his clan’s cause. People’s lives could be at stake. Tomorrow he would come to his senses. Tonight, well he couldn’t do much about it anyway, but he could at least let the lady have her way with him. That was the way of his life the past ten years: live in the moment, deal with the guilt later and above all please the ladies. But Winter, she was not just any lady. She was a woman – a dangerous one. With her, he could lose whatever was left of his dead heart that was still capable of love.

  This little conversation in his mind gave him the willpower to stop drinking from her. He licked over the wound, initiated the healing process as her body’s shudders began to subside. She fell back on his body, her legs wide open gave him a picture perfect view of her pussy, all ripe and still wet.

  “I’m thinking maybe you like it rough too,” Isaac spoke. He couldn’t just lay there helpless with this view in front of him for much longer. “Come on, babe, you’re killing me here.”

  “I’m sorry. Don’t like what you see?”

  “Are you kidding me? Hell no! I’m dying to have what I see, again and again, but I have no control over my body here, remember? You won. I bit you. Now what? What do you have planned next for me?”

  “Mmmm, now wouldn’t you like to know? No worries though, my love.”

  “Your what?” He cut her off.

  “Sorry, it was what I called you in my fantasies, the ones I’m not afraid to admit that I had now. After the accident we were together, you, a vampire, and me, a witch. Because that was what I had hoped would have happened. That Drake had saved you…Anyway, in my daydreams, I would’ve you tied to a bed at my mercy, and have had your body incapable of stopping any whim I had. But in those fantasies, I fell in love with you.”

  “They were fantasies with a guy you created with my face, well my old face, not who I am now.”

  “I know that,” she spat. “Now shut up and stop screwing with my living out a fantasy here. I’m taking it. For once in my life, I’m in control, and I’m taking what I want!”

  He said nothing as she rolled him over, face down onto the bed. He couldn’t move his neck, but she knew he had no real need for air other than to speak. Now, he couldn’t even do that. She climbed on him, and he could feel her weeping sex on his back. She started at his neck, kissed, nipped at his flesh as she ran her hands through his hair. Moving onto his back, she grabbed at his flesh, kneaded his tense muscles with her fingers as she kissed him again and again, moved down over him until she reached his ass.

  His groan was heard despite his mouth being buried in the comforter. Wanting her so bad, his erection pushed against his own stomach, as hard as he could possibly be. It infuriated him to have her control him, but still it was the best kind of torture. He was always the one in control, the one who scared everyone else into submission. To have the roles reversed he found, much to his own surprise, was a great big turn on.

  She bit the cheeks of his ass, rimmed over his hole, touched her fingers lightly against the small part of his balls, which were still exposed to her. He started to scream into the comforter, each time the noise was met only with a giggle from her.

  She turned him back over, touched his hard cock, and he swore his body jumped, but nothing moved.

  “I want you,” he growled.

  “It’s about time,” she huffed. “I’m going to release you now, consequences be damned.”

  He was about to protest, but she moved her hand. With a few unintelligible words, his body shot up, pulled hers against his, followed his wayward thoughts, finally.

  Without thought, on impulse only, he rolled over her, pulled her beneath him. Moving between her legs, he positioned his cock at her opening, then slowly pushed his erection into her warmth. Her back arched, her hips thrust upward and took him in all the way. She screamed, and continued to do so over and over again in tiny rants of pleasure as he moved in and out of her. He bit into her neck, drew her blood into his body and soon felt her orgasm build around him. It was all he needed to unleash all the pent up sexual energy inside him. Together they rode the high of their orgasms.

  The last thing he remembered before day sleep took him was being still connected to her, t
heir bodies as one, as a few drops of her blood ran over his bottom lip.

  Chapter Five

  He was woken by the sound of the door opening followed by someone who’d yelled his name.

  His eyes opened to find Achim, Willa and Amberlyn all at the foot of his bed. Coming out of sleep, he couldn’t quite follow their ranting, but their faces all looked toward the bed beside him, which roused him enough to realize Winter was right there.

  She too had ascended from slumber abruptly and clung to him as she shook. That was all he could take.

  “Shut the hell up! You’re scaring her!” He pulled her into his arms and wrapped the blanket securely around her. Who knows what position they’d been in when his clan had first walked in. Of course they would just let themselves in, they wouldn’t expect him to be with anyone, and he should have already been awake by now. But his body seemed to be a little out of sorts with all the magic that had gone on around it these days.

  Everyone stood, just stared at him, but he looked to Winter, “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Startled, but fine. Will they…” she asked as her body shook itself into a violent tremor.

  “No, absolutely not. They would have to kill me to hurt you. Understand?” he said to Winter. Then he turned back to his family. “Understand?” He stated forcefully, a command, not a question.

  “You took her then?” It was Amberlyn who’d spoken, anger laced her otherwise controlled tone.

  “I meant to just take a witch, find out their intentions, then return her. I hadn’t counted on having a history with the witch I took. I recognized her magic somehow, or my body did. She was there the night Drake turned me. She tried to save me from whatever spell the other witches had tried to make sure I just died. We got to talking…” he shrugged.

  “Looks like you got to a lot more than talking you hypocrite!” Amberlyn bellowed.

  “I never said a word to you about your choice of partners if you remember correctly, so don’t put that on me. I may not have understood coming back, but I didn’t blame you. I understand now though.”


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