The Bride Wore Denim

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The Bride Wore Denim Page 10

by Lizbeth Selvig

  “Very funny. I know full well I did not come up as a topic yesterday in your five-minute conversation with a fourteen-year-old.”

  “You’re wrong. Don’t sell yourself short, Cole. You’re not all that ugly, you know. You’re only eighteen years older than she is—there’ve been bigger age gaps in a marriage. That’s what she’s thinking.”

  “And that’s not even a little bit funny.”

  “You just said it was. Make up your mind.”

  “You’re itchin’ to walk home. I can tell.” He shook his head. The banter lifted his spirits and led him to familiar territory with Harper—where this new lust for her played a lesser role.

  “Sorry. I don’t know why I’m teasing you. In all seriousness, I don’t know anyone who makes a better older crush for a teenager. You’re the last guy who’d pay any attention to that—a good, safe, future-husband role model. She’d do worse than to pick someone like you. Much younger, of course.”

  “You are insane. Don’t you dare ever counsel that girl.” He laughed.

  She rode silently for a bit, her hands on the saddle’s cantle, her chest pressed to his back. “I shouldn’t be having fun but I am,” she said finally. “Thanks to you and your arachnophobia dance, and Skylar Thorson coming to steal her horse back.”

  “It’s okay to have fun. Even when someone dies. Your dad wouldn’t want anything different.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. In his case nice asshole-ed-ness didn’t include wasting time being goofy.”

  “Maybe he wasn’t goofy, but he knew how to have fun.”

  “If you say so. I guess maybe he mellowed. One of the things I learned from Skylar was that he took an interest in her art and in her photography. He gave her an old camera of his.”

  “The old Minolta? I saw she was using it. Huh. Proves you never know about some people.”

  “Yeah.” This time her voice carried the slightest note of hurt. “It would have been nice to find out before he was dead.”

  THE FAMILY RIDE did little to solve the issue of inviting or not inviting the oil company to explore Paradise land. Harper knew she, backed more or less by Joely, and Kelly down in Denver, was the stubborn hold-out for the nots. Mia, the other two triplets, and their mother insisted that learning what the land held in terms of oil would not constitute a decision to drill. Harper believed with her whole heart that if Mountain Pacific found deposits, the fate of Paradise would be decided.

  A decision was easy to put off. The last two days before Mia and Harper had to leave turned into nothing but strings of disasters. One of the ranch’s two, indispensable hay balers broke down, requiring a new, expensive part. Nobody could agree on what Sam would have done to replace it. That same day, their best breeding bull had to be put down. The day before Harper’s plane was scheduled to carry her away from the mounting difficulties, another massive rainstorm overwhelmed the sump pump in the house.

  After three hours helping rescue boxes, furniture, and rugs in Rosecroft’s basement, Harper escaped from the house and searched out the only person who’d made her last two days tolerable. Even special.

  Cole drew her like a new drug and scared her just as much. She’d been burned in college by her inability to say no to drugs and the wrong crowd. In his own way, Cole was both. She was going back to Chicago, and she couldn’t deny the prospect had her adrenaline pumping. Falling for Cole was stupid on a practical level and equally foolish on an emotional one. They wanted such different things. She wasn’t the one who could rescue the Wainwright legacy with him by making a passel of babies and raising them to take over the Double Diamond. For that he needed someone like practical, devout Melanie Thorson, not a crazy painter with dreams of national success for her art in her starry eyes.

  And then there was Mia. She was no longer a factor in Cole’s life. And yet she was. She’d curbed her animosity for Harper immeasurably over the past three days, but there was still an underlying current of irritation that sparked whenever Harper and Cole did something together.

  There was a sister code. It had to be respected, even if it couldn’t really be explained.

  But despite everything that was wrong with building any kind of relationship other than friendship with Cole, she couldn’t leave him alone. Whenever she was with him, his mere presence smoothed every wave of rough water in her life. Agree or disagree, he was a safe harbor, and Harper hadn’t sheltered in one of those for so long. What harm could it do to enjoy it while she was here?

  She headed for the barn, the place Leif told her he’d last seen Cole. She’d managed to ride every day of her visit, and since the rain had finally stopped, she planned to talk him into coming along on her ride for this last evening. He’d kissed her once—that day of the chicken wrangling. Since then he’d been far too gentlemanly. Despite all the reasons she wouldn’t pursue him once she returned to Chicago, today she had a shivery, almost uncontrollable fantasy that she’d kiss him one more time: good-bye.

  Late afternoon sunlight streamed along the barn aisle from front door to rear, mockingly cheerful after all the rain they’d had. Dust motes danced through the beams; the scents of hay, manure, wood shavings, and the uniquely sweet-musk odor of horse mingled and met her nose in the true perfume of a ranch.

  She headed down the aisle, searching for Cole and Chevy and Paco’s halters. She made it to just outside the tack room at the end of the barn before she heard the voices. It shocked her to recognize Cole and Mia. Knowing she should walk right in and announce her presence, Harper stopped anyway, not to eavesdrop but to decide if she should leave them alone.

  “You keep forgetting I have a vested interest in this place,” Cole said.

  “But no moral authority to make decisions.” Amelia’s voice wasn’t harsh, just firm.

  “Of course not,” he replied. “But I have the right to fight for my own family heritage.”

  Harper’s intention not to eavesdrop failed. He was making the case he’d made with her, and she pressed herself around the corner into the last stall on the aisle and waited to see why.

  “You do. I know how hard it was to lose your ranch. I know everyone thinks I don’t feel anything for Paradise, but they’re wrong. This is excruciating. The trouble is, it’s all pure emotion around here right now. I’m only trying to be logical, but everyone thinks I’m the Wicked Bitch of the East.”

  “They do not. You need to give your sisters a chance.”

  “Joely? Believe me, I think she’s smart and brave, but our father was struggling. He was a genius. What makes you think she can do what he couldn’t? That’s nothing against her. None of us has the answers or the time to support Joely, so why leave Paradise as a source of constant guilt and worry in our lives?”

  “So you’d go back to New York and wash your hands of it all?”

  “Yes. No. I don’t mean that. Damn it, Cole, you’re doing the same thing the others are doing.”

  “I’m only saying that Joely needs her chance before something irreversible is done with this place. And if she manages to hang on, Harper’s point about needing to decide the ranch’s overall philosophy on mineral rights is valid.”

  Harper’s heart swelled with gratitude.

  “Harper.” Mia’s derision came through clearly in one word. “Her take on this isn’t any more realistic than it’s ever been when it comes to running this place.”

  “Harper cares about a lot of things, and she’s a smart woman.”

  Harper pushed herself away from the wall. She didn’t need to hear her sister assassinate her character further. She wasn’t quick enough.

  “What’s this little fascination you have going on with her anyway?”

  “She’s a fascinating person. And while you’re wrong about what you’re insinuating, you really don’t have a say in my interests. Nor I in yours.”

  “But my sister? Really, Cole?”

  “You’re making up a relationship that isn’t there,” he said. “You have no cause to be jealous.”

bsp; “Jealousy isn’t the word. I have no regrets about you and me. I’ll always love you and our friendship, that’s all. It just tweaks a little to see you with Harper, I totally admit it.”

  “But only because she’s your sister.”


  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Oh, probably, but it’s real. But you don’t even agree with her, and you don’t even dare tell her you work for her enemy.”

  Harper froze again. Her enemy?

  “She’s emotional about the oil company. Why hurt her for nothing?”

  He might as well have reached into her chest and squeezed her heart. Of all the people she loved, Cole was the one who’d never, ever made fun of her emotions. That aside—who was “the enemy”? She didn’t want to know. She eased out of the stall and got four steps toward the main door.


  At his voice, tears stung her eyes, but anger allowed her to dry them before they fell. She took two more steps, but he caught up and stopped in front of her.

  “Don’t talk to me,” she said. “You might spill a secret I can’t handle.”

  “Aw, damn. What did you hear?”

  “Okay, fine. What’s the big secret you’ve been keeping from fragile little me?” She punched the five fingers of her right hand into his chest. “I’m such a dumbass. I thought you were the one friend who kind of got me. Who kind of got everyone, actually. A cowboy with heart. Guess that’s the fanciful little artist in me—making crap up, as usual.”

  “For cripe sakes, Harper. I didn’t say you were fragile or even too emotional. Don’t overreact.”

  “As usual?”

  “All right, knock off the self-righteous anger. You’re proving my point. You want the big secret? Fine. I do exactly what I’ve said I do, repair trucks and other mechanical machinery, but I work for UMI, Upper Midwest Industries, Oil Services—a subsidiary of Mountain Pacific. I don’t have anything to do directly with drilling, but the oil company writes my check. And I get paid a boatload of money, which is why I’m close to having enough to buy back the Double Diamond. And I didn’t tell you because I knew this would happen.”

  “What would? I’d get angry because you lied to me for five days? You play the sweet and understanding compromiser, but the entire time you’ve already chosen your side.”

  “I have no side.”

  “You’ve made it clear you’re on the side of allowing Mountain Pacific in here to survey. Now I know exactly why.”

  “If you’d used half the brains I know you have, you’d have heard me when I told you why I want to explore all the options. I don’t want Mia here to get her way and talk you all into selling either. I need this place to exist for another year.”

  “It’s mercenary for you all the way. Get an in with the oil company and invite them to come save your old ranch at the expense of ours.”

  “I found the North Dakota job in the goddamn want ads, Harper. After months of looking. I did not conspire against Paradise. Your father was nothing but fair to me.” He raised his arms and let them fall helplessly to his sides with a loud slap. “You see why I didn’t tell you?”

  Guilt momentarily overtook her anger. “You’re right. That all came out of my mouth because I’m angry at you, and I’m sorry. It’s not the job. I have no right to tell you what you can or can’t do. But you didn’t trust me. I’m not fifteen. That’s what hurts.”

  He stared her down for a silent second and then nodded. “I get that. Sorry.”

  “Thanks for that anyway. Look, I have packing to do. I’ll leave you two to finish up your own argument. I’ll see you before I leave tomorrow afternoon.”

  Amelia had been standing quietly in the doorway. Now she stepped into the aisle and touched Harper’s arm. “Harper, don’t be stupid. You can’t go away angry.”

  “You know what, Mia? You’re telling me not to be stupid, but here you are talking about selling the ranch with all the fervor I have for not selling. I don’t know, I’d say we’re equally unrealistic about the way we look at things.” She spun away.

  “Harper!” Cole called after her as she walked away.

  “See you at dinner.” Harper didn’t turn around; instead, she pushed her anger firmly aside and forced herself to concentrate on how much she regretted the ride she wasn’t going to get today.

  Chapter Seven

  SOMETIMES SKYLAR HATED her mother. She didn’t know anyone else in the world who had as many rules that were all based around how important it was to be a Miss Goody Two-Shoes. Church on Wednesdays and Sundays, no sports where you might touch someone else or hurt them, no job in town until she was eighteen, no school in town because it was a bad influence, no friends because Paradise Ranch was too big and far away from town for anyone to come all the way out to hang with her.

  And as of tonight? No art. No pictures. No camera.

  Why, why, why had she told her mother the story about meeting Harper in the woods? When she’d said in passing she thought Harper might be mad at her, her mother had reached only one really stupid conclusion.

  Skylar rapped on Rosecroft’s heavy front door, her ancient Minolta in its padded case under her arm. She loved the Crocketts’ huge log house. Its welcoming atmosphere always started on the sprawling front porch. Today there was the biggest wreath of sunflowers she’d ever seen on the front door. Four big wooden rocking chairs, with colorful yellow-and-blue cushions on their seats, stood in a semicircle like they were inviting someone to come sit in them. Five baskets of blooming flowers Skylar wished she knew the names of hung between the porch railing posts.

  She fully expected Mrs. Crockett to answer the door. Or one of her daughters. What she didn’t expect was for Cole to open it and smile as if she were the best surprise he’d ever seen on a front porch.

  “Skylar! You keep showing up where I least expect you.”

  She embarrassed herself totally by losing her voice. He had on a dark blue T-shirt with the phrase “I have my reasons” in white letters across the chest. She couldn’t help but picture no shirt at all. From her hiding place the day she’d followed Cole and the Crocketts into the hills, she’d watched him strip after he’d done that weird rag doll dance. He’d totally made up for that dorkiness by exposing the most amazing muscles—better than she’d ever imagined. She could still see them. She’d dreamed about them for three nights. He’d looked like all the pictures of hot guys she’d ever seen, but she definitely had never seen a bare chest like his in person. Gawking at him had sent her sliding down the side of the hill.

  Now here he was in front of her. And she couldn’t think of a single thing to say.

  “Everything okay there?” He peered at her with eyes that were way more beautiful than even Liam’s from One Direction.

  “Uh. Yeah. I want to . . . came to see Harper. Miss Harper.” Heat invaded her cheeks.

  “She’s here somewhere. Want to come in while I find her?”

  She nodded and followed him into the living room, kicking herself, hoping he hadn’t noticed she was a complete dork.

  “I’ll tell her you’re here. I think she’s still packing. She’s leaving tomorrow.”

  Skylar thought a shadow flickered through his eyes. “Already?”

  “Went by super-fast, didn’t it?”

  Skylar barely had time to nose around the gorgeous living room with its fieldstone fireplace and beautiful blue-and-white floral chairs and sofa before Cole returned.

  “She said you should come up and talk in her room. Is that okay?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  His smile was so friendly. More than it had been when they’d met three days ago. She’d been afraid he hadn’t liked her at all. The knots and butterflies inside started to loosen a little bit.

  “You guys had to go back to school again?” he asked.

  “Yeah, but our school is at home.”

  “That’s kind of a cool deal, isn’t it?”

  “You can try it if you want.”

nbsp; She immediately regretted letting him hear the sarcasm. She didn’t always keep her foot out of her mouth when it came to school. Who liked having their mom for a teacher anyway? She had a couple of friends in the homeschool co-op whose parents had let them go to the middle school in Wolf Paw Pass once they’d finished with sixth grade. But not her mom. She was paranoid about everything. What did she think was going to happen anyway? Drug dealers or gay people or witches were going to appear and wipe away all the stuff she already believed in like she had no brains of her own?

  “Here you go.” Cole cut through her thoughts.

  She blinked and belatedly heard the echoes of words he’d said while she’d been whining in her head. “Sorry, what?”

  “Here’s Harper’s room.”

  “No, before. I was thinking about something else.”

  Why was she blathering around him?

  “I said it sounds like maybe you’re a typical ranch kid. None of us liked school when it was still nice enough outside to do cooler things there.”

  She blinked again. He almost had it right. She wanted to tell him the ranch wasn’t the only place that had cool stuff to do, although it was true she’d rather help with the calving than ever do math. She sighed, and kept her toes out of her mouth and herself out of trouble. “Yeah, I guess.”

  “You can go on in.” He smiled. Her tummy tumbled in response. “I’ll see you around.”

  He left her staring after him, wishing he’d at least told Harper she was there. Squaring her shoulders, she pushed on the unlatched door and entered a wonderland.

  Harper stood beside a suitcase lying open on a double bed frame made of white-washed pine and covered in a quilt that had so many colors in it Skylar could have spent all day looking at the beautiful, intricate fabrics. She tore her eyes from it and took in the ceiling, sloped in two angles where the roof gables met. Each slope held its own huge quilt, unlike anything Skylar had ever seen. They were like pictures painted with fabric—one a profusion of flowers, the other a galloping horse with a mountain in the background. It looked so much like Wolf Paw that Skylar squinted and took a step forward to study it before she realized she’d moved.


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