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Deathspell Page 17

by Peter Dawes

  “Those seem to be plentiful in the moment.” The hand on my back began a slow, taunting trek down my side, muddling my judgment further.

  “I imagine they are.” A light chuckle lilted past her lips before she regained some sense of sobriety. “Every man has a price, my darling rogue, though yours might be too high. Sir Christian, what did they ever do to you?”

  “I can’t say.” Her fingertips threatened to graze against my hip and even my encumbered imagination knew where they meant to venture next. “Stop,” I whispered. “I’m not in the mood to be kind if you persist in doing that.”

  “Has it occurred to you that perhaps my interest is in you?” she asked. “Maybe I want to know what it feels like to have a man I desire give to me what Lawrence only took. And what if I told you I volunteered to be the one to teach you when they proposed inviting you in, Christian? Does that influence your decision any?” Jane shifted her mouth closer to my ear. I felt her tongue give it a flick. “What you do with their invitation is up to you. You defended my honor, regardless of your motivations.”

  “What if I mean to kill one of them?”

  “If you need suggestions, I’ve a list of a few I wouldn’t mind dropping dead.”

  I couldn’t decide whether to laugh or moan. My head tilted to the side, the act of submission not a conscious one, but one motivated by the need coiling in my stomach. Words fell from my lips as a murmur. “The man who killed my father. I don’t know who the bastard was, but he bore their cloak.”

  “Why did they kill your father?”

  “I don’t know. He had something of theirs and managed to spirit me away with it before they ran him through. Lady Cavendish, am I in danger of needing to silence you again?”

  Using the hold she had on me, Jane pushed me into a turn. I acquiesced, opening my eyes when my back hit the wall and her body melded against mine again. She peered up at me with a raised eyebrow. “I thought we had gone beyond such a need,” she said, one hand trailing up my chest while the other toyed with my belt. “Their business is their business, not mine. If you want your revenge, I won’t stand in your way of it.”

  She lifted up enough to brush noses with me. I spoke against her lips. “You would be an accessory.”

  “You flatter yourself. I would deny I knew anything about it.”

  One of my hands settled on her back. I shoved her against me further, allowing our mouths to dance without giving in fully to the compulsion to kiss her. “A lady’s interests are her own, are they?”

  “I leave the decision of your fate up to you. Perhaps you might change your mind after a fortnight.”

  “Doubtful.” I held onto her for leverage, my body moving against hers, almost of its own volition. She mimicked the rhythm with her own, creating friction precisely where I wanted it to be. It took everything in my power not to engage her mouth with mine just yet. “I am still trusting you aren’t luring me into a trap,” I muttered.

  “And once again, I repeat my warning that everything bears a risk,” she countered. Reaching for my hand, she slid it down toward her backside. We continued moving against each other, her lips parting to gasp. “Tell me who you really are, rogue, so I know it when I cry out your name.”

  “Christian Richardson. Mercenary with the Brotherhood of the Black Rose. Assassin.”

  “Scoundrel.” She bit my bottom lip and tugged at it before releasing it. “Sorcerer.” Her arms both lifted, circling my neck as she whimpered. Jane threw her head back, inviting me with the sight of her delicate skin while she peered heavenward. “Irreverent peasant.”

  “Flatterer.” I licked a line up her throat to her chin. When she looked at me again, I saw the lustful urgency in her eyes and felt it impact with what precious little self-restraint I had left. My unencumbered hand settled on the back of her neck, lips crashing into lips with wantonness. She held onto me and what had started as frantic turned downright manic within moments.

  I hardly noticed it when she pushed away from me. Her hands reached for mine, pulling me with her toward the center of the room. She made quick work of my belt and I pulled off my tunic, tossing it and my undershirt aside. “I want you bare, milady,” I whispered as I drew close enough to kiss up her neck again. “I want to sample the breasts of a noble woman.”

  “Have you ever undressed a woman of my station before?” she asked, laughing.

  “No, though I will say I prefer the attire of peasant women now.”

  “Lazy men who want their needs satisfied without putting in any effort.” Jane cupped me through my trousers, gripping onto the rigid evidence of my arousal without caution. The way she squeezed sent sparks of pleasured pain racing through my groin, her voice a harsh whisper when she continued speaking. “Rend the clothes for all I care, rogue. Show me just how much you desire claim over my body.”

  “As you wish.” I strained to produce the words, and though the command inspired a wicked grin, I fought the urge to tug at the seams just as she had suggested. My hands pulled greedily at clasps and ties and the moment I had freed her enough to step out of her skirts, I felt a sense of accomplishment at what I uncovered. The body beneath bore flattering curves, her form displayed in naked splendor when she lifted her chemise and tossed it atop the rest of our clothing. Reaching for my hand, she used her grip to urge me down onto the floor with her, lying back once she had settled and beckoning me on top.

  I paused to remove my boots, pulling off my trousers as well before crawling forward toward her. Our eyes met as I hovered over her, her gaze straying first to the medallion hanging from my neck before clenching shut altogether. My fingers thrust inside of her, provoking a cry from her mouth and her back to arch in response to the entry. Her nails dug scoring marks into my skin as I persisted. “Whatever it is you’re doing, Christian, I demand you continue,” she called out, heedless of the volume of her voice.

  “As milady wishes,” I responded. A loud moan pierced the air around us, the rhythm of my ministrations unabated until she pulsed around my fingers and panted for breath. Jane quivered and pushed me from her, inspiring me to laugh and furrow my brow as I settled onto my backside. She didn’t bother to speak and I failed to ask of her intentions, having the question answered when she climbed onto my lap.

  Reaching between us, she guided me inside of her and slowly settled into place. I groaned and gripped onto her hips, barely aware of the sly grin tugging at the corners of her mouth while her body rocked like the waves of the sea. I buried my face into her shoulder and tightened my hold on her while she clutched back, our movements turning frenzied; the rhythm one of unadulterated need. As I felt her spill over the edge, I did the same, pleasured sounds escaping my mouth through each pulse of climax.

  I heard the smile in her voice as I rested my face against her shoulder. “Pause if you must, dear Christian,” Jane said, “But you’ll be doing that to me again before the night is through.”

  A devious grin spread across my lips. “Am I to be enslaved to you?” I asked.

  “Show me your gratitude and I’ll show you mine.” Her eyes met mine in a deliberate fashion as I looked up at her, another shiver afflicting me when her nails raked against flesh again. “Let it out,” she whispered, pressing her forehead against mine. “Let out the fire and let me teach you how to be a force to be reckoned with.”

  “Is that what this is?” I said, one hand sliding around to her back while the other one traced the contours of her body. My smile faded as I shut my eyes. “Catharsis?”

  “It is everything we want it to be.” She kissed me softly, only pulling away for breath. “Or nothing at all. Don’t get so wrapped up in your thoughts. Regardless of what you want in the end, you have to forget yourself for a moment if you want to wield your gifts.”

  “Heavens do I ever.”

  “Then let me show you the way.”

  I kissed her back, apt to listen for the time being. For a few hours, I stopped being the son of Richard, or the conflicted mercenary. I was a m
an of magic, tapping into something larger than himself. Larger than Jane. Larger even than the act of our bodies coupling and ripples of satisfaction running through us after we became swept up together once more. I swore I heard the pulse of the world in the silence which followed, beckoning me toward distraction.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next morning, I woke curled around her, one arm loosely hanging around her waist with furs draped across our naked skin. Squinting against the sun filtering through the windows, I blinked to clear the blur from my vision, seeing the hearth still blazing before us and wondering when either of us had thought to cover up. My mind raced to recall everything which had transpired the previous evening, fighting through a heavy layer of haze in the process.

  I knew the moment that it had, though, when the first pang of guilt buffeted me.

  She smelled inviting and felt warm. The way she shifted against me, still lost in slumber, was enough to stir the heart of even the most stalwart man and two wills warred within me as my hand settled against her stomach. The baser part of me wanted to pepper her with kisses, rousing her and losing myself in the bliss which had swept me under the night before. My heart convicted me, however, reminding me what I had left behind for the lion’s den. This is where it seemed to have led me.

  A sigh passed through my lips as I buried my nose in her hair. Jane stirred further and I shut my eyes, feeling my body betray me further the more she wriggled against me. Her arm shifted, and as her hand slid on top of mine, our fingers interlinked. She attempted to push my palm toward one of her breasts, which served to finally knock me out of my stupor.

  I clenched my eyes shut and claimed back my hand. “I should dress and bring us food,” I said, wondering if the excuse sounded as desperate to her as it did echoing in my ears. Parting from her side, I came to a stand and peered around the room for where my clothing had fallen. Jane shifted around to her back, and from my periphery, I saw her lift onto her elbows, heedless of the way it exposed the top half of her body. Or perhaps deliberate in the action, I told myself, averting my gaze.

  “Christian, this is what I have servants for,” she said. “I’m not employing you to wait on me.”

  “Consider it an act of good will.” I flashed a quick grin, not making eye contact before resuming the pursuit of my pants. Finding them and the rest of my clothing, I placed them on a bench and slid my arms through the sleeves of my shirt. “Besides, my stomach can hardly wait for them.”

  “Is it your stomach or your mind afflicting you?”

  “I’m not sure that it matters.”

  “I’d say it does, considering it isn’t your cock.”

  The crass way she issued the words forced my attention back to her. She glanced downward and raised an eyebrow and I sighed while fishing out my pants. “Yes, well, what it wants can be attended to another time.”

  “Did my rogue suddenly get cold feet?” Jane twisted around until she was on all fours. I paused the effort to dress, captivated despite myself by the feline way she crawled to me, her licking her lips while closing the distance between us. Each inch claimed bore a wriggle to her hips, her backside high in the air and her eyes set on me as though I might be her prey. When she reached where I stood, Jane peered up at me. “Now, will you stop playing games and tell me what has you so startled?”

  I opened my mouth to issue a retort, but my words fell short. Jane settled on her knees, glancing up at me with a devious grin tugging at the corners of her mouth. I read her intention and felt my knees go weak at the mere thought of what she meant to do to me. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” I said, my breaths turning shaky. “You are a woman of noble birth and I am a commoner.”

  Jane inched closer still. As she leaned in further, she pursed her lips and blew a gust of air against that part of me becoming more uncomfortable by the moment. I groaned and her smile broadened at my reaction. “Are we revisiting the topic of my honor?” she asked, tsking after the issuance of the question. “Tell me the truth and I’ll give you what I know you want right now.”

  She lifted a hand, taunting me with her touch. I swore under my breath, clenching my jaw while her fingers trailed up and down sensitive flesh. “I have somebody.” My vision swam, eyes wanting to shut. Mind desiring to give into oblivion again. “My feelings for you would always be muddled, Lady Cavendish.”

  “My rogue, your feelings for anybody would be muddled. You serve your demons first.” Jane settled into a taunting rhythm with her strokes. “Do you think I’m in pursuit of a lover?”

  “I don’t know what you’re in pursuit of.” My legs threatened to wobble.

  “Exactly what I’m doing to you right now. Nothing more. I’m using you for carnal pleasures. You’re using me for my teaching. When you leave to do whatever it is you feel you must do to the Luminaries – either join them or fight them – then this ends. You only need to entertain me for what remains of the next fortnight.”

  “Entertain you, you say.”

  “Your payment in return for my instruction.”

  “I thought I was to be your guard.”

  “No, I’m paying you money for that part.” I drew a sharp breath inward as coils of tension started to knit in my groin, heat pooling while my hips gave a rock. She smirked at the way my eyes fluttered. “Plunging between my thighs would be so much better arguing, don’t you agree?” she asked.

  “At this rate, we won’t get to any actual instruction,” I retorted, smirking despite myself.

  “Pleasure me first and then, we’ll get started.” Her hand lifted, settling on the other side of my hips and tugging me down onto the floor with her. As I lowered, she reclined back and dutifully, I assumed a place between her legs. Crawling over her, teasing her lips with mine, I hummed into the kiss when I felt her dig her heels into me. Thrusting into her, I moaned and withdrew just enough for us to start rocking together, my inhibitions surrendered to her from that point forth.

  I wore only a pair of trousers for the remainder of the day, when she let me wear anything at all. Lady Cavendish pulled out books while her servants brought in food, clad in only a chemise and apathetic toward what the commoners saw of her. Together, we sat in the library, resuming our work first on one of the large rugs before shifting to a spot of wood flooring sometime later. Jane fetched a piece of chalk and shifted around, drawing a circle in the middle of the floor and running lines through its center.

  I couldn’t be bothered to hide my arousal at the sensual way she crawled from one spot to another. As she provided me a generous view of her backside, I studied the curves of her body with unabashed appreciation. “Shall I spoil the moment to ask what you’re drawing?” I finally asked.

  “A casting circle.” Jane peered at me from over her shoulder. “Sit in the center of it. I’m almost finished.”

  “As the lady wishes.” I licked my lips when her gaze lingered and rose to a stand. Stepping into the circle, I realized the pattern in the middle of it had formed the shape of a star. “What is the purpose of a casting circle, if I might ask?”

  Jane chuckled, reaching the edge of the circle with the piece of chalk she held. Placing it aside, she dusted off her hands and stood as well. I settled into a seated position while she strode to me and grinned as she settled in my lap, facing me. “It’s to help you focus. Each of the five corners stands for the five elements I told you about,” she said, the fingers of one hand idly toying with my medallion before she lifted both palms. “You’re only going to summon fire and air. I’ll help you with the rest.”

  “Quite the proposition to be saying with you seated like that.” My smile broadened.

  She clucked her tongue. “Be thankful I didn’t have you get completely naked first. That would be a true test of your concentration.” Her lips spread in a grin to mirror mine as I reached for her, intertwining our fingers. “Now, start with fire. Invite it in and reassure it that the wind won’t extinguish it. You’ll still have to coax air, but I think you’ll have a better t
ime of it this way.”

  “Worth trying, I suppose.” With a nod, I shut my eyes, clutching onto Jane’s hands tight while allowing my mind to go blank again. For as little focus as I should have had in the moment, I found my mind sharper, more in tune with the energy I attempted to summon. Fire filtered through me with ease, its wisps circling around as I focused on my natural element. Dividing my attention, I then saw the wind within my mind’s eye and stared it down.

  When it finally flew into the palm of my hand, it was all I could do not to bark out a laugh.

  “I believe I have it,” I murmured. “Now what?”

  Jane hummed. I failed to open my eyes, afraid it might disrupt my focus. Her grip on me tightened and I suddenly felt a much cooler rush channel through me, a third type of energy merging with the other two. “Say hello to water, Christian,” Lady Cavendish murmured. “See how much you can invite her in without my help. I’m calling earth to us now.”

  “What then?” My fingertips tingled. I admired the new presence and drew it in, wanting to hold onto it and surprised when it played into my hand as well.

  “We will invite quintessence together, using our joined energies. Remember, this is the first step. Sometimes, you need it all and sometimes, you don’t. You’re powerful enough to do this the correct way, though, and I don’t want you to cheat.”

  “Very well.” I nodded and fell silent, allowing Jane to concentrate. Within moments, a firmer, much steadier energy meshed with the fluidity of the water, the intensity of the fire, and the playfulness of the wind. I gasped, unable to stop the impulse, and felt an impressive amount of power channel through me, running through my body from head to toe and back again. It seemed as though nature stood before me, asking it how it might do my bidding.

  I found myself desperately wishing I had a task to assign it.

  Jane whispered words I didn’t recognize under her breath. Our grasp on each other tightened, and I felt what we had summoned slip from me to her, released in a slow, even manner until the world fell silent. As I opened my eyes, I watched her finish her words, her eyes shut and head tilted back as though issuing thanks to some deity on high. She lowered her chin, her lids fluttering open, and as she regarded me, I shivered under the weight of her stare.


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