Dark Embrace (Principatus)

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Dark Embrace (Principatus) Page 14

by Couper, Lexxie

  He did as she ordered, skimming his hands from her legs up to her ass cheeks. He explored each one, reveling in the toned muscles bunched under her flawless skin. Not just hours of hard work and dedication, Ezryn, he thought, running his fingers over her butt. Centuries. An ass this perfect comes from a lifetime of hard work. A lifetime of sweat and…

  He dipped his fingers in the cleft between each cheek, finding the puckered hole of her anus, and he lost the train of thought. Oh, what would it be like to penetrate her there?

  “Not yet.” Inari’s whisper, barely audible in her trembling moan, filled his cock with new desire and agonizing anticipation.

  Nostrils flaring, jaw clenched, he moved his hands from her ass and slid them up the line of her spine to the defined angles of her shoulder blades. He gazed up at her, the featherlike caress of her nipples on his chest driving him insane. If he wanted to, he could yank her to his body and thrust his cock into her pussy. His arms already circled her, and she was in such a tenuous position, suspended as she was above him by only the strength of her hands and knees. He could yank her to his body and drive his length into her sex, burying himself in her tightness in one swift move.

  And then sink your fangs into her neck and drain her until she is an empty, lifeless shell.

  He ground his teeth, anguished conflict drilling into his chest. No.

  Are you really going to sacrifice hundreds of vampires, those who declared their loyalty to you in the face of Haral’s wrath, for a Principatus? An assassin of the Highest of Powers? The born enemy of your kind?



  Dark Ones, all he wanted to do was forget who they both were, what they both were and make love to her until they were too weak to move.

  He ran his hands over her back and then to the side swell of her hanging breasts. For the moment, Inari was in charge, and he loved every minute of her control. Admired it. Was turned on by it.

  He brushed the back of his knuckles over the outer curve of each breast, watching her face. She gazed back at him, her breath ragged. Shallow. Still, she didn’t move, the heat of her body, so close to his and yet a world away, stimulating the ancient vampire he truly was. He’d never released that side of himself during sex. Not once in his three hundred years, but at this very second, he wondered how much longer he could contain it. For as long as he could remember, the demonic creature he truly was hungered for only one thing—blood. Tonight, it hungered for something more. And she rested above him on all fours, the musk of her juices a heady perfume on the air as she watched his face with unreadable eyes.

  Not much longer. I can’t last much longer.

  He moved his hands to capture her breasts completely, squeezing each one with a force he knew was not gentle. She sucked in a sharp breath, her eyelids fluttering closed, her pulse quickening. The potent power of her blood surged through her veins. He could feel it. Dark Ones, it was beautiful.

  “Touch me,” Inari whispered once more.

  A spasm of base need claimed his cock at the raw urgency in her voice. He understood it all too well. He’d never been so strung out, like a bleeder junkie craving a blood hit. Except it wasn’t blood he craved. It was Inari’s body, her sex, her pleasure. Her desire.

  Curse it, Ezryn Navarr. What are you thinking?

  He wasn’t. He was existing purely on instinct. A state he’d never allowed himself to be in.

  Studying her face, her eyes still closed, her lips parted, he smoothed his palms up the column of her throat, wanting to feel her pulse beat against his hand. Wanting to feel her life against his flesh.

  Her life in his hands.

  She opened her eyes and gazed down at him. The white fire burning in their once green depths should have petrified him. They were the eyes of a Principatus, ablaze with righteous, divine power. It should have petrified him. But it didn’t. Not at all.

  “Fuck me,” she said. “Now.”

  He rolled her to her side, raking one hand down to the back of her knee and tugging on it. She complied, her pussy lips spreading with the extension of her leg as her musk filled the air.

  Giddy, he skimmed her rib cage and flat belly with his hands, followed the edge of her hipbone and then traveled the delicious line where her thigh met her lower belly. He brushed his fingers over the velvet junction and his head swam, his mouth filling with fresh saliva. Inari gasped softly at the contact and Ezryn moaned.

  Don’t rush. Don’t—

  But it seemed Inari was impatient. Reaching up, she curled her fingers around his wrist and guided his hand deeper toward her very center, her eyes holding his.

  “We’ve got forever to take it slow, Ezryn.” Inari's voice was husky. Strained.

  Her creamy heat wrapped around his delving, seeking fingers, driving him to the very edge of madness. She pulled in a deep breath, her chest swelling, her breasts rising upwards as she received his fingers’ gentle attention. Her hand left his wrist, and she skimmed her own fingers along his arms, splaying over his unbeating heart before trailing down to the jutting pole of his cock.

  He moved his hand, twisting and probing, brushing the pad of his thumb over the tiny button of flesh hidden in the folds of her sex. She gasped again, arching her back and pushing her hips harder into his hand. “Don’t stop,” she ordered in a whisper. He curled his fingers, aiming for the sweetest spot deep in her tight, slick channel. “Oh, Ezryn!” She thrust her hips forward. The musky scent of her passion filled each breath he drew. Scalding heat licked through him, charging his body into life beyond the physical.

  Nothing but Inari existed.

  His eyes fell to the pulse in her neck, fluttering with frenzied life. Lowering his head, he placed his lips lightly against that wicked beat, touching the tip of his tongue to it.

  She tasted so good. And it was his undoing.

  Control deserted him.

  His mouth crushed hers, plundering and demanding. She tangled her fingers in his hair, balling them into painful fists that made his blood sing with need. With each stab of his tongue into her mouth, he thrust his fingers deeper into her wet pussy, her creamy passion slicking his skin. Driving him wild. She moved against him, hips writhing under his hand, rotating against his palm.

  Dark Ones. Yes. Her heat and smell and taste invaded his mind. Yes.

  Flattening her to her back, he rested on his palms above her, reversing the very position they’d held but a moment ago.

  “There’s no going back from this, Inari. No matter what is demanded of us, there’s no going back. No matter what we want, or what must be, there’ll be this forever.” The statement left him on a growl, each word and syllable cut with conflicted certainty. He had to kill her, he knew that. But he couldn’t, and he knew that too. Which left him nowhere but wracked with tortured suffering and consumed with pure pleasure.

  “Forever,” she repeated on a breath, her eyes smoldering white fire.

  Liquid heat shot straight into his groin. His balls.

  He gazed down at her, wanting the unobtainable. Wanting her. Just her. “As it is,” he whispered. “And as it will be.”

  He lowered himself to her body. His hipbones brushed hers, their heat mingling as his stomach slid over the flat plane of hers. She shifted, raising her right leg to wrap it around his hip as she curled her fingers around his neck. There was a mutual thrust, and he felt her sweet heat wrap around him, folding around his rigid length with tight, wet pressure.

  “By the cursed ones, Inari, I can’t…” he ground out.

  “Oh God, Ezryn!”

  The gasp left Inari’s lips in a sharp breath and, before she could draw another, he thrust inside her again, his head filling with colors so intense he felt blinded.

  She was everywhere. She surrounded him.

  Their bodies moved together, a rhythm that was natural and elemental, driving Ezryn toward a precipice that was both terrifying and sheer ecstasy. He would never recover from this. Ever.

  Explosive heat erupted in his
body, its epicenter the very point where Inari’s heat engulfed him. Tight and wet. Just as her name burst from his lips, he heard her call his in a voice that shook with released power. He felt his seed pump into her. He felt her sex contract, squeezing his shaft in pulsing pressure.

  Kissing her shoulder, her neck and her jaw, he returned his gaze to her face. He’d wanted for it to last so much longer. He’d wanted to show her just how much he could pleasure her, to fill her with the same powerful, passionate rapture that engulfed him, but when he’d felt her sliding around him so completely…

  He opened his mouth, not sure what he was going to say, but she placed a soft kiss on his lips, stopping him.

  “Oh, Ezryn,” Inari whispered, knotting her fingers in his hair once more. “If you apologize for that I think I will hit you.” A lazy smile curled her lips, swollen from his kisses. “Or turn you to dust.”

  “I won’t apologize,” he replied, not withdrawing from her body’s intimate hold. “But I promise it’ll be slower next time. No matter how much you beg.”

  Inari raised an eyebrow. “Do you want me to beg again? Or call you master?”

  Ezryn moved his hips, dragging his hands down her back to cup her ass. “I want you to come again,” he growled, moving against her as his desire flooded strength back into his rapidly growing length. “And again, and again, and again.”

  Inari lifted her hips, taking him deeper into her folds. Her fingernails drew lazy lines along his spine. “Okay.”

  She gripped his shoulders and pulled his head to hers, her lips capturing his in a kiss that sent liquid fire through his cold body. Without words, he and Inari rolled, moving as one until he lay on his back and she straddled him. He looked up at her, finding her face flushed in heady passion and her eyes burning green fire. Marveling at the satiny smoothness of her golden skin, the finely toned strength of her body, he brushed his hands over the firm flatness of her stomach.

  He’d never known anyone like her, had never wanted to know anyone the way he knew her. He traced the delicate line of her stomach muscles with a slow fingertip. “You’re gorgeous.” It was the absolute truth.

  “So are you,” Inari replied, her fingers making their own wicked way over his torso. When they found their way to his nipples and circled each with tantalizing pressure, Ezryn’s head spun, a single sharp breath catching in his throat. Such a simple touch, and yet it was like being branded by an angel.

  Not an angel. A Principatus. One you are meant to kill.

  He bit back a curse. He was her property, her possession, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. Come hell or high water or holy battle.

  Ever so softly, she drew her fingertips across the tightening tip of his nipple, a small smile pulling at her lips as she watched and felt his response. Her eyes flicked to his, that iridescent fire still blazing in their depths and, with deliberate slowness, she lowered her head, capturing one of his rock-hard nipples with her teeth as she slowly rolled her hips against his. Ezryn gasped, a spasm of concentrated pleasure ripping through him. He curled his fingers around her hips, holding her against him as he rose to meet her body’s demands. “Dark Ones, Inari,” he groaned, his throat tight and raw.

  She lifted her head—slightly—a thin stream of cool breath playing over his skin as she gently blew against the nipple her tongue had only just tasted. The effect was instantaneous and all consuming, and Ezryn could control himself no more.

  Growling, he flipped her onto her back and thrust deeper into her. Deeper. Deeper.

  “Ezryn,” she breathed, her hips undulating in perfect rhythm with his, taking him completely and utterly.

  His mouth found the perfect, tight peak of her breast and he flicked his tongue against it, her throaty cries of pleasure filling the room, exciting him even more. She arched her back, pressing her nipple harder against his lips. “Don't stop,” she begged, voice husky. “By the Powers, please don’t stop.”

  So he didn’t.

  Pulling the puckered tip of her breast farther into his mouth, he nipped at it with his teeth, the sound of Inari’s resulting gasp and the taste of her sweet flesh almost driving him insane.

  He dragged his lips across her flesh, replacing his mouth on her abandoned breast with his hand. The heavy swell of flesh under his fingers was soft, pliable to the touch. He squeezed it in rhythm with his suckling mouth, enjoying the way Inari writhed and moaned under his touch.


  She raked her hands down his back, scoring lines of painful pleasure over his skin. She shoved her hips up harder, meeting his penetration, her fingernails sinking into his flesh as she locked her legs around his body. Holding him close.

  The silent demand was too much. Exquisite heat began to tear through his lifeless veins. His balls tightened. Lifting his head, he stared down into her face, seeing her pleasure in her eyes, on her lips. “I can’t hold on much longer, Inari.” His breath was short. Shallow. “Dark Ones, I don’t know what you’ve done to me, but I can’t hold on much longer.”

  White eyes flashed. “Then don’t.” She dragged her nails up his back, digging into his shoulders, her breath hot and moist against his neck. When her teeth found his flesh, nipping with superb pressure, a hot tidal wave crashed through him, scorching him like a river of molten lava.

  He thrust into her, and she took it all.

  Her back bowed and her hips drove hard. When he thought he could survive no more, that he was going to be totally consumed by the searing heat rolling through him, she gasped, her body gripping him in pulsating spasms as she cried his name.

  His own release surged from him like an eruption of molten fire. Draining him utterly. Filling him completely.

  They lay in silence for a long moment, Ezryn staring at the ceiling, his undead heart heavy. As if the organ thrummed full with energy and life. Letting his head drop to the side, he ran his gaze over Inari’s face, smiling at the completely sated expression softening her features. Her eyes were closed, but a small smile played on her lips, and Ezryn felt his own smile stretching his mouth.

  “Ezryn?” Her voice was soft, almost a whisper.


  “Thank you.”

  His smile widened. “For what?”

  She gently rolled onto her side, tucking her hands under her head as she studied him. “Y’know.” A delicate blush began to color her cheeks and she closed her eyes again.

  Ezryn chuckled quietly. “Any time.”

  “Hmm,” Inari murmured. “I’ll keep you to that.”


  She smiled at him, and Ezryn could not miss the utter contentment that softened her features. He smiled back, slipping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer to his body. He didn’t want her even that far from him.

  She wriggled around a bit before turning onto her other side, pressing her butt to his groin. He bit back a groan, the contact stirring forces deep within him. His demon, his lust, his desire. He closed his eyes, cupping her breast with gentle care as he pressed his face to the back of her hair. Contented. He’d never felt more contented. Or relaxed, and while that notion should have worried him, it didn’t.

  He smiled against the soft, cool strands of Inari’s hair, her heart beating against his palm, her bottom pressed to his groin.

  And fell asleep.

  The demon moved his hands up her arms, a lame attempt to tug her closer to his repulsive body. Disgust rolled in her belly, and she pushed him away. “Don’t be absurd.”

  “You’re saying no?”

  Inari pulled a face, rubbing at her flesh where his clammy hands touched her. “Of course I’m saying no.”

  Watery-blue eyes narrowed, and the empathic leech demon stepped closer to her again. Invading her personal space. “Why?”

  The putrid stench of his excreting body oil turned the air to a cloying mist, making her almost gag. Dark Ones, he was repugnant.

  She cocked an eyebrow, letting her revulsion and distaste show on her face. “W
hy? Does ‘you’re not my type’ mean anything?”

  He lifted his own eyebrows, genuine surprise filling his face. “But you’re a succubus. Anything with a dick is your type, and my dick is fucking huge.”

  The disgust in her belly rolled again and she ground her teeth, resisting the urge to slam her fist into the leech’s ugly face. “I am a succubus. Which means I can fuck whomever I want. Ignoring the fact I don’t even know your name, trust me when I say, every human male in the world of man stands a better chance of me pleasuring myself on their body than you.” She flicked her gaze to his crotch and curled her lip. “Besides, something tells me your dick isn’t as big as you think it is.”

  The leech stared at her, his eyes wide. Angry. “I am a second-order demon,” he snarled, puffing up his chest and standing straighter. “My power grows exponentially with the fear I create in these men you speak of. I can turn a human man to a blubbering baby with a single image in his mind. I am more powerful than you—a mere sex demon—could ever hope to be.” He leaned forward, and she curled her nose at the sickly sweet stench seeping from his body. “And you’re telling me you’d rather fuck a human for simple pleasure than me? One of your own kind?”

  She laughed, the sound dismissive. “We may both be second-order demons, leechy-boy, but that does not make us the same kind. You’re a parasite. I’m an artist. You feed on your victims using fear and torture and infantile mind tricks. I feed on mine using sheer rapture and bliss and sexual ecstasy. You give them terror, I give them lust.”

  “I can give you lust,” he said, reaching for her again. “One little subliminal image in your mind, and you will soon be moaning for more.”

  Inari’s stomach rolled. She took a step back, shaking her head. “You even think about planting something in my mind, and I’ll rip your dick off and shove it down your throat.”

  The leech blanched, his eyes narrowing to slits. “So you’re saying no?”

  “I’m saying get-the-hell-away-from-me no. If you want to experience the ultimate in sexual pleasure, leechy-boy, you’re going to have to find a succubus with really low standards. Or a really expensive human whore, ’cause frankly, I’m just not that hungry.”


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