Marked Omega (Quarantine Omega Book 1)

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Marked Omega (Quarantine Omega Book 1) Page 4

by Lizzy Bequin

  Bishop’s voice bursts over the dead trooper’s comm units again.

  “Deakon, Chappel, come in! What is your situation? Do you copy?”

  Part of me wishes that Bishop would come and save me from these monsters. Of course, I know that he would just kill me the way Deakon was about to do. But maybe a bullet to the head would be better than whatever these feral Alphas have in mind.

  With a grunt, the bald Alpha reaches over my head to clasp the metal ring nailed into the tree. His body presses against mine, his hard chest squished against my face. With his arms raised, his thick, overwhelming scent fills my nose. It should be disgusting. It’s body odor after all.

  So why does my body thrill at that heady smell? Why do my sore nipples tighten? Why does my swollen sex pulse with desire?

  The nail end of the metal spike creaks as the Alpha wriggles it free from the wood. With a sharp yank, it pulls out. A normal man would have needed a sledgehammer and crowbar to get that nail freed, but this guy just did it with his bare hands. Amazing.

  Not a guy, I remind myself. A beast. A wild animal.

  I shriek as he tosses me over his muscular shoulder and lopes toward the woods at an incredible speed. My hands are still shackled, the chain jangling against his thick back. The other Alpha with long dark hair runs after us, his companion slung across his shoulders.

  Behind us, I catch sight of Bishop and Dr. Lucian coming out of the treeline at the rim of the basin. Bishop raises his rifle and fires. The projectile whistles overhead, far too close for comfort. He obviously has no concern for saving my life. It’s the Alphas that he wants.

  But it’s too late. Within moments we have slipped into the shadows of the forest, and my fate is sealed.




  The air inside the cave is cool. From the subterranean depths comes the echoes of trickling water. But here, near the mouth of the cave, the stones are still dry enough for sleeping, so we chose this place as our camp during this trek into the far lands.

  Addom is still slumbering from the outsiders poisonous dart. I set him onto his bed of straw and leaves, relieved to have his massive frame off my shoulders at last. Though I am young, I am big for an Alpha. Addom, however, is absolutely massive, and carrying his dead weight through the uneven terrain of the forest is enough to exhaust even me.

  He is unconscious, but his life signs are healthy. His breathing and heartbeat are steady and strong.

  Hasker is farther inside. By the dim light filtering in through the mouth of the cave, I watch him stoop and place the omega onto another bed of leaves and moss. She scrambles away from him, and the long iron chain still binding her wrists rattles.

  She says something in her strange outsider dialect.

  “She’s afraid,” I call to Hasker.

  Hasker is crouching on his heels, arms resting on his knees as he eyes the girl. He turns and looks at me over his shoulder.

  “No shit,” he growls.

  His pupils are blown, widened into circles of near total blackness. I know that mine are too. It’s not just an adjustment to the dimness of the cave. We’re both feeling the rut, and we’re feeling it bad. The omega’s heat-scent was strong before, but within the confines of this cave it’s nearly overwhelming.

  My cock is painfully hard, throbbing with the need to sate itself inside her sweltering cunt. But I have to restrain my urges.

  This little omega is for Addom to claim. It is him who found her, and he is the leader of our pack. Hasker and I will have to wait our turn. This is our way.

  “She may be scared, but she’s also an outsider.” Hasker snarls. He gestures toward her shackles. “And bait for a trap, no less.”

  His voice is thick with pent up aggression. I know he despises the outsiders from beyond the wall, and I know he has good reason too as well.

  “She’s not an outsider anymore,” I tell him, keeping my voice respectful.

  Hasker bares his teeth, and I bow my head in deference.

  He is my elder by nearly twenty years, and he is Addom’s second. Therefore, I must give him my respect. But part of that respect involves reminding him of the truth. The girl may have been an outsider when the sun rose today, but now she is an omega. Now she is one of us.

  Hasker runs his hand over his shorn skull and turns back toward the omega.

  “What’s yer name?”

  The omega cringes back against the stony wall. Her breath is short and shallow, her muscles shivering and jangling her chains. Her eyes are two wide circles of fear brimming with tears.

  But her pupils are dilated too. Her irises are wire-thin circles of hazel around their black centers. She may be afraid, but she’s also in heat.

  “Name?” Hasker draws the word out very slowly this time.

  The omega struggles to speak. The way that her plush, pink lower lip trembles with fear causes my hard dick to buck beneath my fur loincloth. A bit of precum dribbles down my shaft.

  At last the omega manages to answer.

  “Lily,” she says. A tear rolls down her cheek. “My name is Lily.”

  Now that she isn’t frantically shouting, I’m able to understand her, despite her unusual accent. Lily. A strange name. An outsider name.

  “I am Hasker,” my companion says slowly, gesturing toward his chest. Then he points to me. “He is Kadmon.”

  His voice is rough and gravelly. I can hear that he is struggling to restrain his warring urges. Part of him wants to kill the omega, just as he wishes to kill all those who live beyond the wall. But an even greater part of him wants to fall upon this little omega and ravage her fragrant little cunt until she is overflowing with his seed.

  But we must wait for Addom. That is the law of our tribe.

  Fuck, I hope he wakes up soon.

  The omega’s eyes dart back and forth between me and Hasker. Her chains clink as she raises her arms, covering her bare, pink nipples. She is wearing strange, thin clothing to cover her loins, but the outsider fabric does little to obscure her raw, needy scent.

  “What are you going to do to me?” she asks, her voice weak with fear.

  Hasker glances at Addom, where he lies snoring on his bed of straw, then turns back to Lily. He addresses me, but he keeps his eyes on the female.

  “She’s in heat,” he grunts, as if I weren’t painfully aware of that fact. My balls are so heavy with cum they feel like they might explode if I don’t release soon.

  “I know,” I answer, “But Addom has the right to first claim. And he clearly intended to take her at the tree.”

  Hasker nods.

  “Aye, but if we don’t do something with her now, her heat-stink will draw every Alpha for miles around. We’re not in our home territory. We’ll have a hell of a brawl on our hands.”

  “Let them come,” I snarl aggressively. When the omega gasps and cringes, I soften my tone. “Let them come. We’re stronger than these Alphas of the far lands, Hasker.”

  Hasker chuckles coldly.

  “Your balls have grown big, young’un, but your brains have got some catching up to do. With the boss out of commission, we’d be wise to avoid a fight.”

  He’s right of course. Before long, the omega’s heat smell will have filled the whole forest. We could have dozens, maybe even hundreds of far-lander Alphas descending on the cave.

  “Then what will we do?” I ask.

  Hasker palms his bare scalp again, thinking.

  “Hold her down, boy.”

  The omega squeals as I approach her. She squeezes against the rock wall again. There’s no where for her to run. Hasker and I have her cornered.

  “Please,” she begs. “Don’t hurt me.”

  But as I get closer, her timid attitude turns defensive. Her lips curl back to reveal her teeth and she growls. She clasps her long chain in her tiny delicate fists as if to threaten me with it as a weapon.

  I laugh, and even Hasker can’t help but chuckle behind me.

/>   “See,” I tell him, not taking my eyes off the feral omega. “I told you she is one of us.”

  I move cautiously toward her, making no sudden movements that might spook her. I’m not afraid of the omega of course. I could rend her limb from limb if it came to it. But at the same time, I’m none too eager to feel her bite.

  Not yet, anyway. That will come later.

  “We’re not gonna hurt you,” Hasker growls as I take hold of her. Then to me he adds. “Lay her down on her back.”

  With a quick, darting movement, I seize the chain and pull her toward me so her back is against my front. Kneeling on the bed of straw, I cradle the omega in my lap. Her growling stops, but her muscles are tense. She gasps as she feels the hard steel of my cock pressing against her back through my loincloth. She squirms and struggles, but I hold her arms tightly.

  “Easy, little one,” I soothe her in a gentle but firm voice.

  Hasker takes up position in front, grabbing her delicate ankles. His loincloth is tented by his hard cock. His breathing is ragged. His restraint is incredible. It takes every bit of willpower that he has not to claim her here and now with his aching cock.

  “What are you going to do to me?” Lily whimpers.

  “I’m going to tend to your need.”


  While the younger guy with the long dark hair, the one named Kadmon, holds my upper body against his lap, the other guy, Hasker takes hold of my legs.

  Not guys, I remind myself. Alphas.

  They may look like humans on the outside, but inside they are beasts.

  Then again, I was just growling at them. I’m a beast now too, whether I like it or not.

  Hasker begins to spread my legs apart, revealing the growing stain at the crotch of my panties.

  “No,” I shout. “Stop, we shouldn’t do this!”

  “You’re in heat,” he growls.

  His accent is guttural. Nearly incomprehensible. His people have been separated from the civilized world for so long that their dialect has diverged from standard speech, but I can understand him if I focus.

  The thing is, focusing is not easy to do when these two brutes are putting their hands all over my skin.

  And Hasker is right, I am in heat. My body sings wherever these men touch my flesh. My nipples tighten and ache with raw need as I remember the way the other Alpha, the one named Addom, sucked on them earlier. My sex pulses inside my shamefully wet panties, begging to be filled.

  Even the long chain that is still bound to my wrists excites me. My skin tingles at the feeling of the smooth, cool iron links pulling across my tummy as I writhe against my captors.

  This is wrong. This is so fucking wrong.

  God, some nihiloxin would come in handy right about now. Something to help me detach from the situation. No such luck though. My tablets got left behind in my satchel in the transport vehicle. I’m going to have to go into this with my eyes wide open. I’m going to experience every touch, every smell.

  “Don’t fight,” Kadmon says behind me.

  I tilt my head back to look up into his face. He is clearly the youngest of the three. His skin is less scarred, and his face, while decidedly masculine, has slightly more delicate features than his companions. If I were to guess, I would say he is around the same age as me, if not even younger.

  Hasker, on the other hand, is very different. He is the most sturdily built. His squarish head is shaved and covered with battle scars. Even the piercing in his eyebrow is thicker and more brutal looking than the others. There is nothing delicate about Hasker.

  And there is nothing delicate about the way he suddenly tears away my panties, ripping the fabric in two and leaving me totally exposed down below.

  “Wait!” I gasp. “Don’t look!”

  I clamp my knees together, but it’s no use. The Alpha is inhumanly strong, and he easily pries my legs apart, spreading them until the tendons of my inner thighs ache from stretching.

  He can see all of me. And he can see how desperately my body needs to be touched.

  “By the Source, that’s one sweet little cunt,” He groans as something long and hard bucks beneath his fur loincloth.

  Before today, the only people to see me naked were a few female doctors. All work and no play has meant pretty much no love life for me. But now I am totally exposed and open in front of a male. An Alpha male. He can see everything—not just the cleft of my outer lips, but my wet pink inner frills as well. He can even see my hungry hole, aching to be shamefully filled by his hard, hot flesh and drenched in his potent semen.

  Now I’m completely naked and at the mercy of these two rough Alphas. Well, not completely naked, I remind myself as I feel the cold steel bound around my wrists. Somehow that just makes this even dirtier.

  I gasp on an inhale as Hasker’s rough, calloused hands slide down my moist thighs until they reach my center.

  “Her cunt is practically weeping,” Hasker grunts, and he slides his thumb between my wet folds.

  “Please,” I moan as he rubs me. “Oh god, please…”

  I toss my head back and forth in Kadmon’s lap as his companion continues to stroke me. Hasker swipes some of my wetness onto my stiff nubbin before rolling it beneath the pad of his thumb.

  “Fuck, she’s sensitive,” Hasker rasps.

  “I don’t need the commentary,” Kadmon replies softly.

  When I look up at him, I’m surprised to see that he has turned his face away to the stone wall of the cave, his teeth worrying the steel ring piercing his lower lip. At first I think he’s jealous of his companion. But then it dawns on me what is happening.

  He’s not jealous. He’s simply trying to hold back his urges. The hot, stiff pole beneath my head makes it clear that he’s having a hard time with that.

  “Hey, boy,” Hasker snarls, “This isn’t any easier for me. Now lend a hand so we can finish her off faster.”

  Kadmon grunts his assent. The younger Alpha’s hands begin to move over my body too. He pulls away the remnants of my tattered bra and tosses it aside. He grabs my naked breasts, squeezing and kneading my soft mounds. He flicks and strums my hard nipples, sending electric tingles of arousal through my body.

  The way he looks at me, his eyes filled with raw hunger is terrifying and thrilling. I’ve never been looked at this way before. I’ve never been needed so badly by a man.

  Beast, I remind myself again. Not man. Beast.

  “Does that feel good?” Kadmon asks, gazing down at me.

  “Mm-hm,” I hum and nod, feeling his stiff cock springy beneath my head.

  Meanwhile, Hasker continues drawing tight circles around my tender clit with the ball of his thumb, occasionally dipping to my slit to gather more of the moisture that’s oozing from me. He is focused on my pussy like a craftsman. He is all business.

  I couldn’t understand much of what passed between Kadmon and Hasker before, but I caught enough to understand that Hasker doesn’t like me too much.

  Nevertheless, he’s making me feel pleasure like I’ve never experienced in all my life.

  “Oh fuck,” I cry out, “Please don’t stop! That feels so fucking good!”

  I clap one hand over my mouth in disbelief at the obscenities that are tumbling out of me. I can’t believe the way that I’m actually begging these filthy Alpha beasts to touch me and probe my body.

  Kadmon snickers wickedly, and jerks my hand away from my mouth.

  “Say it,” Hasker grunts down below, his face serious and intense. It’s like he is punishing me with pleasure so intense it hurts. “Say what you want, omega.”

  “I wanna come,” I whine. “I wanna come so fucking bad, please…”

  I toss my head back and mewl as Hasker torments my poor, sensitive clit even more roughly. I’m so desperate for release that I feel as though I could burst into flames. My chains rattle as my body squirms. My fingers clutch at Kadmon’s naked thighs, my nails biting into his smooth muscles.

  “That’s right,
” Kadmon purrs. “Come like a good little omega.”

  His fingers brush my lips, and my tongue darts out, tasting the salty tang of his skin.

  “Come,” he commands me.

  My body shudders as my climax jolts me. My body jerks and spasms. Weak, whimpering sounds escape my nose as my lips wrap around Kadmon’s thumb. And all the while, Hasker refuses to let up, his strong thumb relentlessly grinding my throbbing bud.

  Moisture jets between my legs as I climax.

  “More,” I beg, drawing my lips off of Kadmon’s thick thumb. “I need more. Please give me more.”

  My voice is so needy and demanding. Just one masterful touch is all it took, and now I’m hopelessly addicted. I’m no better than a feral animal. I’m a dog in heat, begging to be used again and again until I’m limp and panting with exhaustion.

  “She needs more,” Kadmon growls. “Her heat is too strong. We must fuck her,”

  Hasker snarls and scowls at the younger Alpha. That sign of aggression should make me cower in fear, but instead it just sends a thousand little shivers of desire wriggling through my veins.

  “You know the laws,” Hasker grumbles. “Addom is the pack master. He holds the right to first claim.”

  Kadmon growls back, but he concedes.

  I feel a twinge of disappointment that I’ll not be speared right now by both of those hard poles. But that feeling is immediately washed away by a flood of shame that I could even consider wanting something so dirty. So sinful.

  Still, that soft tickling sensation like a feather inside tells me what I need.

  And Hasker already knows. His thick fingers are sliding again between the petals of my inner lips to tease at my opening.

  “Touch me,” I beg, my voice dripping with need, “Touch me inside.”

  Both Alphas growl approvingly. Kadmon’s left hand never stops roving over my skin, squeezing my breasts and pinching the stiff, pink peaks of my nipples. His left hand caresses my face. His fingers circle my lips while Hasker’s fingers circle my opening below.

  “Oh fuck!” I blurt as Hasker pushes one fingertip inside me. But I’m immediately silenced as Kadmon slips one of his own fingers into my mouth. I instinctively begin sucking him submissively as I gaze up into his midnight blue eyes.


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