Marked Omega (Quarantine Omega Book 1)

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Marked Omega (Quarantine Omega Book 1) Page 8

by Lizzy Bequin

  She may still be an outsider in her mind and her way of thinking, but her body is all omega now.

  Soon we come around a low, wooded hill, and there before us is the waterfall. Its white water spills down from a rocky outcropping about thirty feet up and crashes into the dark pool below, churning its surface with white foam and raising plumes of mist that sparkle with a pale rainbow. The fragrant grass grows right up to the black, volcanic rocks lining the pool, which are furred with moss.

  “Oh wow,” Lily whispers on my shoulder as she twists around to look. “It really is a waterfall!”

  As we approach, a fishing heron pauses to eye us suspiciously, then raises himself on broad gray wings and flaps off over the trees. Lily gasps at the sight of it. She is a curious little creature. Do they not have such things as waterfalls and birds on the outside?

  Then again, her awe and curiosity is inspiring in its own way. It reminds me of those things that I all too often take for granted.

  I and my brothers step to the edge of the water and scan our surroundings. Hasker, whose sense of smell is the strongest, tests the air to make sure no one is nearby. We don’t want to give away the location of our hidden camp. He nods, indicating that we are alone.

  Lily breaks the silence.

  “Okay,” she sighs. “If we’re just going to stand here, could you please put me down for like two seconds? My feet haven’t touched the ground all day.”

  I flash a grin at Hasker and Kadmon.

  “Really?” I ask. “You want me to put you down?”

  “Yes! I’ve only said it like a mil— hey!”

  The little omega squeals as I toss her easily into the clear pool. Her mouth gapes and her legs kick as she hangs in the air for a moment before she hits the water with a splash.

  Lily briefly goes under before she returns to the surface, her arms flailing wildly like an injured animal. Her mouth gasps for air, and I’m reminded of the dull ache in my nuts as I think of how badly I want to feel those perfect lips wrapped around my hard cock.


  But there are some things that need tending to first.

  “Help!” Lily shouts as she bobs and splashes about frantically.


  “Help!” I shout.

  But those three jerks just stand at the edge of the pool laughing their asses off. Well, I’m glad that somebody is enjoying themselves, but I’m certainly not. I thought they were supposed to be protecting me, not drowning me.

  “I don’t know how to swim!” I manage to cry before my head dips beneath the surface.

  Addom stops his laughing long enough to shout something at me, but I can’t hear him between the water filling my ears and his thick, gravelly accent. Struggling with my arms, I manage to bring my head above water once again.

  The leader of the Alphas shouts again, making each syllable clear.

  “Put. Your. Feet. Down.”

  I immediately do as he says, straightening my legs, and I feel my toes touch the bottom. Large round stones covered in a thin layer of slick mud. It’s kinda gross, but also it feels oddly nice between my toes. Pressing with my legs a little more, I find that I can stand here if I lift my chin. By bouncing, I’m able to bring my whole neck and shoulders above water.

  My cheeks sizzle with heat as the three big Alphas stare down at me laughing, their facial piercings winking in the sunlight. Hasker shakes his head in disbelief and says something to the others that I don’t understand. Based on the way that they both laugh even harder, that’s probably for the best.

  “Yeah, really funny, guys.”

  I mock their laughter in a deep dumb-sounding voice that mimics Hasker’s.

  Addom and Kadmon continue to smile, but mean-looking Hasker actually looks upset. His grin disappears inside his beard, and he steps toward the edge with a scowl on his face. I feel a twinge of panic as I expect him to jump in and punish me. But Addom stills his companion with his hand on his shoulder.

  The leader says something else that I can’t catch. Hasker and Kadmon both nod and set off climbing the hillside to the top of the waterfall, disappearing into the blue shadows of the forest there.

  Now I’m all alone with Addom.

  “Where are they going?” I ask, swallowing with nervousness.

  “Nevermind,” he says, with a wicked grin curling the edge of his mouth. “They’ll be back. Right now, it’s time for a bath.”

  An involuntary and very loud gasp escapes my lips as Addom unties his loincloth and removes it, hanging it on a nearby tree limb

  Completely naked, Addom gazes down at me with lusty, hooded eyes. He is completely unashamed, and he certainly has no reason to be.

  Hanging between his legs is his enormous member.

  Before last night, of course, I had never seen a man’s genitals in real life. Oh sure, I had seen pictures in my anatomy courses at the university. But those were ordinary men with tiny little things that appeared to be little more than an oversized version of a woman’s nub.

  Then last night, I felt and saw Addom and Hasker’s hard erections. But that was in the dark of the cave. Now, looking at this monster in the broad daylight, it completely takes my breath away.

  Hot desire clenches deep in my core, and I find myself struggling to hold back a whimper. But no matter how I try, I can’t manage to take my eyes away from that long, gorgeous cock.

  I lick my lips. My skin seems to tighten. I’m grateful that my breasts are obscured beneath the water’s surface so that Addom can’t see the way that my nipples are beginning to bead with arousal.

  At last I manage to drag my eyes away, flicking my gaze up toward his smirking face.

  Not only is he not ashamed—he’s watching me stare at him, and he’s actually enjoying it.

  A movement down below brings my eyes back to his groin.

  “Oh God,” I mutter before I have a chance to stop myself.

  As I watch in amazement, Addom’s cock is gradually stiffening as it engorges with blood flow. His meaty rod hardens, and plump veins stand out along its surface as it rises. The head of it is round and pink and slightly sheened with moisture.

  At last, he is fully hard, his erection pointing almost straight up to the sky, revealing his smooth underside and a sexy little seam of flesh that runs along the middle of his sac and midway up the center of his shaft. His member is so hard that it jumps with his heartbeat.

  The light catches something on the underside of his head.

  Oh God. He’s pierced down there too?

  “Do you see, little mate?” Addom asks in a growly voice. “Do you see how excited you make me?”

  That gives me a desperate tickling feeling inside my belly. To think that I’m the one who caused that intense arousal in this extraordinary male makes me feel…good?

  But it also frightens me because I know he’s talking about putting that hard, pierced, Alpha cock inside me, and there’s not a chance it would ever fit.

  Good luck persuading this demanding Alpha of that fact, though.

  Addom bends his knees and leaps out over the water. I marvel at the sexy way that his hard muscles flex and move beneath his smooth, tight skin as he swings his arms together into a graceful dive.

  Although his body is massive, he enters the water like a sharpened spear tip, making hardly a splash.

  I shake myself out of my daze, reminding myself that I’m now alone and naked with a fully aroused Alpha.

  A dark shape moves beneath the rippling surface of the water. I retreat, stepping my feet backward along the smooth stone. The pool gets deeper, and my toes slip on the underwater rocks. I’ve found myself in the deep end as it were.

  I can’t touch bottom, and I don’t know how to swim.

  “Help!” I shout again just before my head dips underwater with a glub.

  A wave of terror passes through me as I suddenly become afraid that I might actually drown.

  However, in a flash, powerful arms as hard as living stone coil
around my lower body, squeezing me against an equally hard chest. There is a sudden surge, and my head breaks the surface, then my entire upper body, all the way to my belly button as Addom lifts me while he treads water.

  I don’t know what to do with my hands so I put them against his head to steady myself. As much as I hate to admit it, I enjoy the way my fingers feel in his wet mane of thick, dark, slightly silvered hair.

  “Careful, little omega.”

  Addom’s voice is deep, half growl and half chuckle. The sound of it rumbles through my body, and I become suddenly and acutely aware that my naked sex is pressed right against his chest. I can feel his powerful heart beating in time to my own pulsing desire. My nipples have stiffened to aching peaks, and now they are on full display in the bright sun.

  “You weren’t trying to run from your Alpha, were you?”

  Addom gives me a sexy smile that shows off his over-developed canine teeth. Warmth throbs between my legs. It’s a good thing we’re in the water at the moment so that Addom can’t feel the shameful arousal that’s leaking from my slit onto his chest.

  “Maybe I was,” I answer. “You can be a little frightening.”

  “I only want to protect you.”

  “Really?” I ask. “Because it kinda looks like you want to eat me alive.”

  Addom’s grin gets bigger, and his nostrils flare as he scents me. I suddenly realize the unintended double meaning of what I just said, and I try to change the subject.

  “Besides, it’s not like I’m totally helpless.”

  Addom snorts.

  I choke back a moan as he lowers me and the hardened bud between my legs rubs all down the ripples of his front, eliciting echoes of the multiple orgasms that I experienced the night before under Hasker’s skilled tongue and fingers.

  Then I squeal as something long and hard thumps me right between the legs. It seems that erection of his has not abated on its own. If anything, it seems even harder. And now that I can feel it touching me, I’m even more certain that there’s no way it could fit inside my hole.

  God, I wish it could though, as shameful as that is to admit.

  I bite my lip and suppress a whine as Addom slowly rocks his hips, stroking the top of his shaft along the groove of my parting while his strong hands knead my tushy, his fingers coming dangerously close to my rear hole.

  “Not helpless?” Addom growls. “Omega, you don’t even know how to swim. You’re as helpless as a newborn fawn.”

  I struggle against his grip, but he’s too strong. But instead of forcing himself on me as I expect, Addom turns my body.

  “Here, I’ll show you, little omega.”

  He swims while supporting my body, and I try to mimic his movements, kicking my legs and stroking my arms, but my movements are far less graceful than his.

  “You know, I’d really appreciate it if you would stop calling me ‘little omega.’ As I already told you, my name is Lily.”

  He leads me to the edge of the waterfall—a sheet of sparkling water splashing into the pool and raising a fine mist that twinkles in the sunlight. Addom supports me as the water splashes over me like a shower. The water is cool and refreshing, and it feels good to wash away the sweat and grime of the previous day.

  “Tell me, Lily,” Addom says, using my name for the first time. “How did it come to be that you don’t know how to swim? Are all outsiders this way?”

  Outsiders. I’ve never thought of myself that way before.

  “No,” I say as I pull back my hair to rinse it in the splashing waterfall. “Soldiers learn how to swim. And I’ve heard some of the aristocrats have special pools for swimming inside their homes. But I’ve never seen those. They live on the upper tiers of the hive.”

  I let the pure water splash over my face and down my chest.

  “But it’s true that most outsiders cannot?”

  I’m finally starting to get used to Addom’s unique accent, so I can understand him more easily. I rest my hands on the hard slabs of his shoulders.

  “The water in the hives isn’t like it is here,” I tell him. “There are canals in the lower levels, but they aren’t safe to swim in. The water is filled with poison and disease.”

  Addom nods solemnly.

  “They say it was once the same way here,” he says, “in the time of the old ones.”

  “Before the cataclysm?”

  Addom’s brow furrows, and he gives me a quizzical look.

  “Cata…kizem? I do not know this word.”

  “Cata-clysm,” I say slowly. “It means when something bad happens. Something big and terrible.”

  Addom shakes his head.

  “The water became clean and life returned to the soil and the trees. Is that terrible? Meanwhile you live in a crowded hive with poison canals? You outsiders see things in a strange way.”

  I’m tempted to remind him that hundreds of thousands of people died when the cataclysm happened. That the zone had to be quarantined to contain the disaster. But I keep my opinions to myself for now.

  Besides, certainly not everything about the zone is bad. I have to admit, I do like the clear skies and the cool clear water on my naked skin.

  And there are other things I like too.

  “Come, Lily” Addom says, “There is something we must do.”

  I protest as he leads me into the center of the waterfall where the water beats down really heavily. I duck my head to protect my face from the spattering, rushing flow of water. But soon we emerge on the other side, and I find that we are in a cool, dim cave.


  The outside light filters through the falling water, giving the cave a bluish glow. The sound of the rushing, splashing water echoes through the chamber like soothing white noise.

  “Oh, Addom. This is amazing.”

  The flat stones act as steps, and Addom steadies me as I step out of the water. The temperature in the cave is comfortable, but my naked body is dripping wet, and a shiver runs through me.

  “Are you cold?”

  Addom comes up from behind and wraps me in his arms again. The incredible heat from his Alpha metabolism warms me, but not half as much as the surge of heat that flushes outward from my core when I feel his thick erection pressing against my butt.


  His hands run over my body, stimulating and warming my skin. My nipples are springy under his touch, and my sex throbs as I feel his fingertips graze the top of my tuft. I feel like I should tell him to stop, but my mouth won’t let me.

  “You’ll be warm soon,” he whispers in my ear. “Hasker and Kadmon are bringing wood for a fire.”

  My eyes fall on a recess in the stony floor. As my vision adjusts to the low light, I realize that it is blackened around the edges and filled with the remnants of old fires.

  “But how will they bring wood?” I ask. “They can’t bring it through the waterfall without it getting wet.”

  As if on cue, a sound of scuffing footsteps and low voices comes from the farthest end of the cavern. It is Hasker and Kadmon coming from the other direction.

  “This cave has many branches,” Addom explains. “The entrances are hidden. This is a secret place that only my pack knows about.”

  “How can you be sure?” I ask. “I mean, maybe someone else has been in here while you were away?”

  Addom sniffs the air behind me. His nose sounds almost like a snuffling dog, and I get a sexy chill as I feel like I’m in the arms of a true beast man.

  “Trust me,” he says. “No one else has been here. I would smell them?”

  “Really?” I ask in amazement. “You can tell who’s been here just from a few quick sniffs?”

  Addom nuzzles his face against my neck. His nose is still snuffling like a hound dog, several sharp, rapid sniffs followed by one longer inhale.

  “Not just who’s been here.” His breath tickles my ear, making me break out in goosebumps and shiver with excitement. “I can tell what they’ve eaten. If they are wounded
. If they are sick.”

  His fingertips trail down my lower belly, moving deeper into my short thatch of pubic hair. He touches me on my little hood of flesh, and the tiny bud underneath instantly wakes up again, swelling with arousal at his touch.

  “If they are in heat.”

  His other hand is moving all over my body, following every contour of my bare skin. I moan and lean back into him as he squeezes my breasts and pinches my nipples. He kisses my neck and shoulders, and his sharp, hard teeth graze along my flesh.

  And all the while, that long erection is throbbing against my backside.

  That’s when I realize that Addom is purring. A deep rumbling sound like an enormous jungle cat. So deep I don’t hear it so much as I feel it vibrating through the fibers of my muscles, soothing me and relaxing me.

  All of my senses feel heightened. Every sound and every touch seems to echo endlessly. But at the same time I feel as though I’m in a trance or a dream.

  While Addom strokes and caresses me, Hasker and Kadmon go about their business of building a fire as though nothing unusual is going on. Occasionally when I whimper under Addom’s attention, Kadmon will flick his gaze my way briefly, but that is all.

  “Lie down,” Addom says behind me in a voice that is gentle but firm.

  “What are you going to do to me?”

  His powerful hands grip my shoulders, and I suddenly feel so tiny and weak in his grasp. He pushes me down, and my body has no choice but to bend to his will.

  “Lie down,” he commands again, more forcefully this time.

  Addom guides me to the floor of the cave. He lays me down on my back. The stones of the cavern floor are hard and cool against my spine. The rush of the waterfall echoes in the empty space.

  “Spread your legs.”

  “But Addom,” I whine.

  “Spread. Your. Legs.”

  Even when he speaks, that deep purring sound continues underneath his voice coaxing me to obey him. Last night, Hasker opened me with the sheer force of his rough, calloused hands. But with Addom, it is different. My legs fall open for him effortlessly. It is as if he has bypassed my conscious mind to speak directly to my body.


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