Escape to Paradise

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Escape to Paradise Page 10

by Pamela Yaye

  “It will be all that and more. I have complete faith that Ms. Jeffries will deliver.”

  Ana puckered her lips as if she’d just finished sucking the juice out of a lemon. “Tell me more about this American event planner you hired. How long has she been in the business? Who recommended her? Have you seen a portfolio of her work?”

  “Mom, I’ll fill you in on the details tomorrow, but right now I have to finish getting dressed,” he said, grabbing his watch off the dresser and securing the clasp. “I’ll meet you on the patio at noon for the champagne brunch, and we can discuss some of my ideas.”

  “Where are you going now?”

  Santiago slipped on his leather shoes. He knew better than to tell his mother he was going on a date, so he racked his brain for an adequate excuse. If his mom knew he liked Claudia, she’d race back to her suite and start baking a wedding cake, so he didn’t want her to know about the Southern beauty with the shy smile. When the time was right, he’d tell his mom all about his new leading lady, but not a moment sooner. “I’m hanging out with the guys tonight.”

  “The guys? You should be going out on a date!” Ana released a deep, tortured sigh. “I’ve thought long and hard about your situation, and I still can’t figure out why you haven’t settled down. Is it that you don’t want to get married or that you haven’t met the right woman?”

  “I don’t know.” Santiago strode over to the bureau, and after careful consideration, selected a casual white dress shirt. “I honestly haven’t given it much thought.”

  “But you should! You’re almost forty!”

  Santiago heard the reproach in her tone and chuckled. “That’s not old, is it? I thought forty was the new thirty!”

  Ana didn’t laugh. “I want grandkids, Santiago, and I’m scared that by the time you get your act together I’ll be dead and gone. Why can’t you just find a nice girl and have babies like everyone else your age?”

  “I wish you’d quit watching those stupid reality dating shows, because finding your soul mate is a lot harder than it looks on Me Encontrarán Una Esposa.”

  “Find Me A Wife is a great show, and if you’re still single next year I’m going to apply on your behalf,” she announced, nodding her head vigorously. “It’s time you got married and blessed me with a daughter-in-law I can hang out with and some grandkids to spoil.”

  Santiago heard the desperation in her voice, felt her loneliness and despair, and said something he knew would make her smile. “I’ll see what I can do, Mom.”

  “That’s the spirit!”

  Chuckling, he combed his hands through his dark, freshly washed hair. Santiago picked up a bottle of Circa 1840, remembered what Claudia had said about the exorbitantly expensive fragrance, and returned it to the dresser. “How do I look?”

  “Like a well-dressed politician!”

  “Not this again.” Santiago blew out a breath, and combed a hand through his hair. “Mom, I’ve told you this a hundred times, I have absolutely no interest in politics.”

  “Not yet, but you will. Imagine, my son, the sixty-eighth president of Mexico. You know, it was always your father’s dream that you’d graduate from the finest university and go on to have a long, illustrious political career.”

  “It’s not going to happen, Mom. I’m just not cut out to be in office,” he told her, folding his arms across his chest. “I don’t have the stomach to lie, and I hate disappointing people.”

  “You’re like me in that regard…so was Marisol.” A sad, faraway look filled her eyes, and when she spoke again her voice was a whisper. “Tiago, you deserve to be happy, and it breaks my heart to see you punishing yourself for something that wasn’t your fault. Don’t let what happened that night stop you from fulfilling your dreams.”

  “Mom, quit worrying about me. I’m fine. Really.” Santiago coughed, but the lump in his throat remained. “The last few years have been tough, but things are starting to get better.”

  “Eso es una mentira si yo jamás he oído uno!” she scoffed, gripping the armrests and pushing herself up to her feet. “A week after you were discharged from the hospital, you quit graduate school and took off to the States. You have an estate in the priciest neighborhood in Cabo, but you abandoned it for a cramped studio apartment in that bitterly cold city.”

  “For your information, I happen to like living in Washington.”

  “Yes, but you love Cabo. You’d always planned to raise your family here, but after the accident you tossed all your hopes and dreams aside.” Ana touched a hand to his cheek, a loving expression on her face. “It doesn’t matter where you run to or how far you go, Tiago. This will always be home, the place where you belong.”

  “Where is all this coming from? Is this about me returning to manage the resort?”

  “No, but it would be nice to have you around. With your father away for weeks at a time on business, I need all the help I can get,” she confessed. “Last weekend I promised Abuelito I’d come for a visit, but things were so crazy around here I couldn’t go.”

  “I’m sure Granddad understands.” Santiago slid a hand around his mother’s shoulders and gave her an affectionate squeeze. “He used to be one of the most powerful businessmen in the country. I bet he broke a promise or two in his day.”

  “I talked to his nurse this afternoon, and she said he has pneumonia. I feel terrible. I should have gone to see him instead of wasting my time wooing Mrs. Ortega.”

  “Why don’t you go down to the village to see him this week? I’m here, and if I have any questions about the renovation project I can always check with Ramón.”

  Her eyebrows drew together. “You’re offering to manage the resort?”

  “Stay as long as you want. I can oversee the renovation project and see to it that your desires for the celebration bash are carried out to a T.” Santiago retrieved his wallet from the dresser, took out all of the money inside and pressed five crisp hundred-dollar bills into her palm. “Give this to Granddad and tell him I’m looking forward to playing chess when I visit.”

  “If you’re sure you don’t mind me going, I’ll leave Saturday morning after breakfast.”

  “Don’t worry about a thing, Mom. I can handle it.”

  His mom pointed a finger at him. “No more unauthorized changes, Tiago.” Her voice was stern, and her eyebrows were raised. “I’m serious. And I want to sign off on the event planner’s checklist before she orders or books anything. Have I made myself clear?”

  Santiago saluted. “Yes ma’am!”

  If I don’t time this perfectly it could blow up in my face, Santiago thought, his gaze fixed on his stainless-steel watch. Seconds crawled by. The longer he stood in the foyer, the less confident he was. What if something went wrong and he blew his chance with Claudia?

  Santiago shook off his doubts. He’d planned the perfect date, one that the Southern beauty would never forget, and he had nothing to be worried about.

  At precisely seven o’clock, he turned off the lights and cracked open his suite door. The apartment was so quiet, he could hear the distant whir of a helicopter. Private tours around Los Cabos were very popular with tourists, and as he thought about the plans he’d made for tonight, he wondered if Claudia would have enjoyed an hour-long helicopter tour. Probably not. She would have deemed it too expensive, a waste of money. And moreover, she’d want to know how he could afford such a lavish expense.

  Santiago heard a door slam. This was it. Showtime. Praying it was Claudia exiting her suite, and not that pushy brunette who’d been chasing him around the resort for days, he stepped out into the hall. He caught sight of Claudia in his peripheral vision, but didn’t acknowledge her presence. He wanted to get a good look at her outfit, wanted to see if her toned legs were on display, but kept his head down. No sense looking eager. Women like Claudia—w
ho’d been burned countless times by the opposite sex—were suspicious of everyone with testosterone, and Santiago didn’t want to blow the little progress he’d made.

  “Santiago, good evening,” she greeted. “I was just on my way downstairs to meet you.”

  At the sight of her, his jaw dropped to the floor. Santiago felt like he was having an asthma attack, and he hoped if he collapsed, Claudia would revive him with those glossy red lips. He’d always been attracted to classy, sophisticated women, and her look was a slam dunk. The multicolored dress accentuated her curves and showed off her slender arms. Rhinestone diamonds sprinkled her gold strappy sandals, and she moved with more grace than the Queen of the Nile. She smelled fruity, like strawberries, and he’d bet her mouth tasted sweet, too.

  “There are no words,” he said after a long silence, “but stunning, gorgeous, and exquisite come to mind. Of course, they don’t do your beauty justice, but they’re a nice start.”

  Claudia had to remind herself to breathe. In through the nose, and out through the mouth, she commanded, trying to withstand the crippling heat of his gaze. And I thought it was hot outside! Santiago’s eyes were ablaze with lust, a passion so intense she could feel the sensual current radiating off his flesh. Fiddling with the buckle on her tote bag gave Claudia something to do with her hands. It was either play with her purse, or stroke Santiago’s bulging bicep, and doing him in the apartment hallway was the opposite of keeping a low profile. “Stop, it Santiago. You’re embarrassing me.”

  He wore a concerned face, but a grin was playing on his lips. “Now I understand why you hate being in crowds. It must be exhausting fighting off the opposite sex at every turn.”

  “I don’t know, you tell me. How do you deal with female guests propositioning you? Is it a perk of the job or a nuisance?” Claudia giggled when a frown eclipsed his boyish smile. “You cause quite the stir whenever you’re poolside.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Sure you don’t,” she teased, continuing down the corridor.

  Santiago lengthened his strides to keep up with her and opened the door when they reached the front of the complex. He was sweaty, hot all over, and when their arms touched, an electrifying shudder tore through him. Hornier than a frat boy at a wet T-shirt contest, he fought to control the sexual urges attacking his body. An inferno raged inside him, and the warmth of Claudia’s flesh incited his desires. The evening breeze ruffled the hem of her dress, drawing his gaze from her lips to her legs. Legs he wished were wrapped around his waist—

  “How was your day? I napped for most of the afternoon, but I managed to catch the tail end of the limbo contest. It looked wild.”

  The sound of Claudia’s voice brought Santiago out of his thoughts.

  “I had a lot of paperwork to do, so I never made it poolside, but now that I’m off the clock, I’m ready to party!”

  Claudia stopped. “Party? I thought we were going to discuss the celebration bash?”

  “We are, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun while we talk shop. I love cutting loose after a hard day’s work and I bet you do, too.”

  “My sister is always encouraging me to try new things, but I’m just not that kind of girl. My ideal evening is sitting out on my deck, curled up in my favorite chair with a good book. Max thinks that’s boring, but being outside relaxes me.”

  “Max is your sister?”

  Claudia nodded, but didn’t offer any other information.

  Santiago waited a moment. Claudia was a private person, who didn’t trust easily, so he chided himself to proceed with caution. “Do you have other siblings, or is it just the two of you?”

  “It’s just us, and we’re incredibly close. Or at least we used to be.”

  “There’s a new man in her life who’s cutting into your sister-sister time, huh?” He analyzed her reaction, saw a frown ruffle her mouth, and knew he’d hit the nail on the head.

  “Max eloped three months ago, so we don’t see each other as much as I’d like. And now that she’s pregnant, she barely has any time for me.”

  “Your family is growing in leaps and bounds.”

  “I know, tell me about it.” Claudia paused, then continued in a softer voice. “My brother-in-law is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met, but he’s just too…lovey-dovey. I don’t know how Max can stand it. He’s always kissing her, or whispering in her ear and rubbing her neck.”

  “He must be Mexican!” Santiago chuckled. “I’m joking, but Latino men are very passionate. They invented public displays of affection, and don’t see anything wrong with kissing their woman when the mood strikes. Not even during Sunday Mass!”

  Claudia wrinkled her nose. “That’s too much affection for my liking.”

  “How do you know unless you’ve experienced it firsthand?”

  “Because I’m hardly the kind of woman men go wild for.”

  That’s a lie if I’ve ever heard one.

  “I’m not sexy or provocative…”

  The erection burning a hole through my zipper says otherwise. Santiago wanted to touch her, wanted to prove her wrong, but he didn’t want to risk scaring her off again.

  “I read in my travel guide that the resort hosts a charity golf tournament every year. Is it true that you guys have raised a million dollars to date for AIDS research?”

  As they ambled along the cobblestone courtyard path, Santiago pointed out the wedding chapel and the row of fantasy suite condos. Claudia was brimming with ideas for the six rooms and had more questions than Santiago had answers.

  “I need to stop at the front desk,” Claudia said, once they arrived at the main building. “I contacted MasterCard a few hours ago, and you were right. It was just a computer glitch. They’re working to fix the problem, but it could take a few more days.”

  “I told you there was nothing to worry about.”

  But there is. Claudia felt terrible for lying to Santiago, but she couldn’t tell him the truth. It was too upsetting, too humiliating. Thinking about the heated conversation she’d had with that self-righteous customer service representative made Claudia’s blood boil. MasterCard had suspended her credit cards indefinitely, without explanation. Not that she needed one. This was the work of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Had to be. Who else was convinced she was a criminal and bent on ruining her?

  “Go ahead. I’ll wait for you right here.”

  A low whistle slipped from between Santiago’s lips as he watched Claudia glide across the lobby. She had a beautiful face, but the view from behind was out of this world. He prided himself on being a gentleman, on being in complete control, but whenever he was around Claudia all he could think about was kissing her. And making slow, passionate love. Winning her trust was going to be an uphill battle, and if he pounced on her like a dog in heat, she’d write him off as just another guy trying to get into her skirt.

  “Take a picture, man. It’ll last longer.”

  Caught red-handed, Santiago hid his embarrassment with a smile and greeted his longtime friend with a nod. Chaz had been the head chef at his parents’ resort for ten years, and after the accident, they had become close friends. But not close enough for Santiago to admit he was feeling Claudia. “I’m just watching to ensure everything runs smoothly around here.”

  “Sure you are.”

  Santiago threw up his palms. “What? Why are you staring at me like that?”

  “I see the hungry look in your eyes. You’re mentally sexin’ that brown-skinned beauty at the front desk!” Chaz smoothed a hand over the creases in his apron. “Want me to go over there and get her number for you? I don’t mind taking one for the team.”

  “No, thanks. That’s Claudia. The event planner I was telling you about.”

  “You said
she was an intriguing woman, but you never mentioned that she was fine.” His tone was thick with accusation. “Now I understand why you rescheduled Sheik Mohammed’s birthday party. You shut down Sueños so you could have this Claudia girl all to yourself!”

  A grin eased onto Santiago’s lips.

  “You’re rich, good-looking and as sly as a fox. I swear some chicos have all the luck.”

  “Claudia doesn’t know who my family is, and I’d appreciate if you didn’t say anything.”

  Chaz put a finger to his mouth. “I won’t breathe a word.”

  “Let’s hope you’re better at keeping secrets than Ramón.”

  The men chuckled.

  “I’m going to go check in on my student chef and grab a bottle of Chianti from the bar, but I should be in Sueños by eight. Quarter after by the latest.”

  Santiago frowned. “Why do you need Italian wine to make a traditional Mexican meal?”

  “I like to add a few hits of wine to my picante,” he said, using his hands to pour from an invisible bottle. “It gives the salsa more kick.”

  Santiago saw the devilish smirk in his eye and wondered exactly what his friend was cooking up in the kitchen. “What else is on the menu?”

  “It’s a surprise, but be prepared to see another side of that sexy, leggy beauty, because my secret sauce tends to put the ladies in a very amorous mood.” He gave a throaty laugh and clapped Santiago on the shoulder. “See you in an hour, my good man.”

  The chef departed, leaving Santiago to admire Claudia in peace. Watching her on the sly had become his new favorite pastime, but when she turned and caught him staring, he pretended to admire the statue displayed behind him.

  Seconds later, Claudia was back at his side, apologizing profusely. “I’m sorry for making you wait, but I just had to get this mess with the suite straightened out. I was scared that if I didn’t have a valid credit card on file you guys would kick me out of my room!”


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