Rosewood, Natalie - Octavia's Time [The Klawinken] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Rosewood, Natalie - Octavia's Time [The Klawinken] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 3

by Natalie Rosewood

  “If it’s so wonderful, why did you wait so long to tell me?”

  “That was your mother’s and my choice. We wanted you to have a childhood free of concerns that you were different from the majority of your friends. However, many of our kind tell their children much sooner. I was told when I was eighteen, your mother, when she was only twelve. We both agreed to allow you the freedom of ignorance in our ways until you turned eighteen because until then, there was no way you could fully comprehend your gifts with the level of maturity needed to embrace them.”

  And now here he was ten years later, and his mate was standing in front of him, looking up at him expectantly. His father was right. Nothing could have prepared him for the feelings of love, desire, and the need to be one with her that coursed through his body. He wanted to rip her clothing from her body and make her his in the most primitive way possible, and yet he wanted to protect her from the immeasurable pain he knew she would experience when he finally mated her soul with his.

  Mathieu wasn’t quite sure how long he had been standing there, lost in thought, before he said, “Where would you like me to set up?”

  * * * *

  Octavia knew the man standing in front of her was speaking to her. However, she was having difficulty joining his words together.

  “Just point me in the general direction, and I’ll find my way, Octavia.” He smiled. “May I call you Octavia?”

  “No, I mean, yes, of course you can call me Octavia. It’s my name.” She sounded like a complete idiot. He had that effect on her. She had never seen a more handsome man. She wanted to touch him for many reasons, but mostly just to make sure he was real. He wasn’t only handsome, she decided. He was downright beautiful. He stood around six feet tall, and his thighs that were outlined through his tight, faded jeans were as well muscled as his upper arms that were visible beneath the short sleeve, black T-shirt that fit him to perfection. His light-brown hair hung straight to just above his shoulders. His features were sharp, his bone structure strong, and the eyes beneath his long lashes were green. Not just hazel but really green, almost like a cat’s eyes. They were gorgeous, and they were looking at her with amusement.

  “Please, let me show you to the sun room. There’s a table and chairs in there and plenty of natural light. We also have lamps and an overhead light if you think you’ll need it.”

  He followed her. She turned to see his eyes surveying the room.

  “It’s nice that you have privacy here,” he said, looking out into the large fenced backyard. This room will work well.”

  Octavia sat down at the table and watched him begin to prepare for the piercings. She was mesmerized by his smooth, long tapered fingers that removed clamps, forceps, packaged needles, medical pads, disinfectant, and an array of other items that she couldn’t put a name to from his bag. He looked over at her and grinned, showing even, white teeth. “I have something in my car that I need to bring in. Would you excuse me for a second?”

  “Of course, I’ll show you out.”

  “No need. I’ll find my way. Just relax. I’ll be right back.”

  Octavia watched him disappear through the house. This man was going to pierce her nipples and insert nipple rings. She trembled with the desire of a woman who was about to be taken for the first time, no, she corrected, a woman who was going to have her nipples pierced for the first time. I must be suffering from some kind of mental disorder. If I wasn’t, I would tell him to leave.

  He walked back into the sunroom carrying a folding table with a mattress pad. She watched him open it and then secure the latches before he put the pad in place. “This is where you will lay while I pierce your nipples. You did want them both done, is that right?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, wondering how much longer it would be before she was on her back, half naked, and looking up into his handsome face from the table.

  “Do you have the jewelry?”

  She pulled a clear plastic pouch from her pants pocket that held two silver rings that she had been told, by the clerk at the specialty store and Kala, would look great on her nipples. She had thought she wanted a ring, but the barbells that were on display looked interesting, too. The clerk had ushered them into a small private room and pulled out a binder full of pictures that depicted all types of nipple jewelry that were being modeled by both men and women.

  As if sensing her confusion, Kala whispered, “I think the rings are the best.”

  “For most women,” the clerk spoke with authority, “we suggest a twelve-gauge ring, especially when it is your first piercing.”

  She finally decided on the silver captive bead rings. They were simple but elegant.

  “They’re perfect.” Kala had smiled.

  Octavia now handed the same nipple rings to Mathieu, whose touch sent little shock waves through her fingertips and up her arm. Suddenly she had a flashback to her dream of the night before, when the man from her dream had touched her body in ways that could still make her blush.

  “Octavia, are you ready?”

  “I think so,” she said, feeling over heated and very nervous. The whole idea of having a needle jabbed through her nipple had suddenly become very real and scary.

  “Are you afraid?” he asked, his voice low and soft, his lips near her ear.

  “A little,” she breathed.

  “That’s normal. I would be surprised if you weren’t afraid. I’m going to explain everything to you. There’s no need for fear.”

  He showed her the latex gloves that he slipped on before he went over the items on the table. He explained that the needles would stay in the sterile bag until just before he was ready to use them. He answered all her questions with cool professionalism before he asked her to take her T-shirt off so that he could mark her nipples for the piercings.

  She closed her eyes and tugged it over her head. She felt the heaviness of her breasts move upward as she lifted her arms higher over her head. When she brought the T-shirt down in her lap to fold it, she looked up into Mathieu’s green eyes that sparkled with anything but the cool professionalism he had so recently demonstrated. She felt shy and yet proud as her nipples responded.

  “Do you think you’ll have any trouble piercing my nipples?” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  “None.” He removed his gloves and gently touched both her nipples. “However, you do realize for the next six weeks you are going to have to take special care not to do anything that might injure them”

  “What does that mean exactly?”

  “It means there will be no tugging on them like this.” He took one of her nipples between his index and forefinger to demonstrate. “Or,” he said, his eyes looking deeply into hers, “this.” He leaned down and took one of her nipples into his mouth, his teeth nipping at it. He lifted his head, watching her as she moaned softly. Her eyelids fluttered with pleasure.

  “There can be no stimulation of any kind, Octavia.” He backed away from her, his gaze locked with hers.

  Octavia stood up from the chair and moved closer to him, her body almost touching his. Mathieu stood quietly watching her. “I’m not sure that I can do that,” she spoke softly, looking directly up into his heavily lashed green eyes.”

  “And why is that?” His voice held a husky quality that made her insides quiver.

  “Because right now all I can think about is your mouth on my nipples,” she said, casting her eyes downward. “Please touch me again.”

  Mathieu groaned. His mouth descended to first one nipple and then the other. Her moans increased as he suckled, stretching each one with his teeth. Octavia felt such intense desire throughout her body that her knees almost went out from under her. This was what she had been craving. She threw her head back and grabbed his shoulders for support as he continued his assault on her nipples.

  She felt Mathieu’s hands move lower to her pants buckle as it popped open, and her zipper was released. He slid her pants down her hips and onto the floor where she stepped out of them. She
would have done the same for him except he had removed his jeans and black T-shirt so fast, it was as if he had already been naked. He stood before her, his body smooth, muscled, and very aroused.

  “You’re beautiful.” She stared at his naked body.

  “You’re the one that’s beautiful, Octavia. More beautiful than any dream I could have dreamed.”

  He picked her up and carried her upstairs where he stopped in front of her bedroom door that he pushed open with his foot. How did he know this was my room? Did it matter? Her muddled mind questioned.

  Lying on her back, she looked up at him. “I want you so badly,” she whispered.

  “And I you, Octavia. I’ve wanted you for a very long time.”

  He talked in riddles she didn’t understand, but at this point, she couldn’t think beyond what was going to happen next. “Then take me, Mathieu. Please, I need you now.”

  Chapter 3

  “I will,” he groaned, “but first I need to prepare you for what is to come.” Mathieu’s face disappeared between her legs where he began to lick her pussy and nibble on her clit that he toyed with until she quivered with uncontrolled desire. “Mathieu…Oh, Mathieu,” she cried out.

  “Please. Oh please,” she whimpered. He began to fuck her with his tongue. She tasted like peaches and cream dribbled with honey. He wasn’t prepared for the flood of sensations that filled him from her scent and the way she tasted. He couldn’t get enough of her.

  Her juices dripped down his chin. He knew there was nothing he wouldn’t do for this woman. It was important to him that she enjoy every second of every moment he made love to her beautiful body and soul, and if her whimpers of pleasure were an indication, she was more than enjoying his mouth on her. He wanted to make the next step in his lovemaking as easy as possible for her. His cock was more than ready to take her virginity that was meant for him alone. He knew the time was now, even though it was killing him that their first coupling would bring her a kind of pain she had never experienced and thankfully would never be subjected to again.

  “Open your eyes, Octavia.”

  She opened her eyes as Mathieu commanded.

  “Spread your legs even wider for me.”

  She opened her legs wider.

  “This will hurt at first, but in the end you will feel the power of my seed within you, loving you.”

  Gently, he manipulated the lips of her labia, opening her. He knew she was tight. He fingered her, lubricating and preparing her as best he could. He had to take her now, and fast. Entering her slowly would only prolong the agony. Lifting himself, he rammed his cock deep inside her, forging through the resistance. She screamed in agony, but he couldn’t stop. He plunged into her tightness again and again, until he ejaculated with a deep, unending groan. She lay limp beneath him with blood on her thighs, her breathing erratic, and her beautiful eyes closed.

  “Octavia, my mate,” he cried out. He could see the pain in her face begin to disappear as his liquid warmth flowed into her body to sooth her pain, while giving him the release he had only experienced in his dreams.

  When she finally opened her eyes, he kissed her gently. “Octavia, my love,” he said softly. “I never wanted to hurt you, but with a Klawinken woman, such as yourself, the first time brings with it great pain, but it also opens you for the greatest of pleasures.”

  * * * *

  Octavia had known losing her virginity would be somewhat painful, but never had she experienced such excruciating pain in her life. Initially in shock from the act itself, she had wanted Mathieu to stop hurting her, but she now understood why he had taken her so aggressively and hadn’t stopped until he came. It was his pleasure that had provided the healing balm that took the pain away. She felt achy inside, and she knew her thighs were not only slick with her juices but also blood. She looked up at Mathieu and saw what she could only describe as love in his eyes. She smiled, still trying to catch her breath, when she felt her breath leave her momentarily. Mathieu had called her Klawinken. With comprehension came anger. His being here was no accident. Mathieu spoke as if being his Klawinken mate was a foregone conclusion.

  “What did you call me?” she asked, her voice still hoarse from her screams.

  “Octavia, I promise you the next time we mate, you will be filled with the beauty of our love without the pain. My love for you will guide you and show you the ways of the Klawinken, along with your own insights that will now develop and bring you into the world that embraces you for all that you are and all that you will be.” He hugged her closer to him before he gently removed himself and went into her bathroom. He returned with a warm washcloth that he used to clean the blood from between her thighs before he carried her limp body to the chair next to the bed. He removed the sheets and replaced them with clean ones. She just watched him, her mind stalled, her confusion growing. He even knows where we keep the clean sheets.

  “I know you must have a lot of questions.” He smiled nervously, coming to sit on the edge of the bed. “What just happened between us was better than anything I’ve ever experienced in my life…and yet I’ve never felt so helpless. I want to help you make sense of what just happened and calm whatever fears you may have.”

  “My fear is that in the span of an hour, my whole life has been changed and manipulated without my consent by a man who calls himself Klawinken and tells me I’m his mate.”

  Mathieu’s eyes widened. “First, nothing we did today was without your consent. My intentions were to simply pierce your nipples, but when you offered yourself to me, I couldn’t resist taking you as a man takes the woman he loves. And second”—he took a breath—“I didn’t mean for you to find out about being Klawinken quite like this. I had a plan, but one look at you, and I forgot about everything. All I could think about was you.

  “I’m not denying that I wanted you to make love to me.” She tried to smile to take the edge off her words. “I wanted you every bit as much as you wanted me. I’m just saying that you seem to think that my being your Klawinken mate is a foregone conclusion and that I have no say or choice in the matter. You can’t do that to me. I won’t let you. I will choose my husband and decide whether or not I want to follow the Klawinken.”

  Confusion mixed with worry played across his handsome features. He waited for her to continue.

  “You’re telling me we are destined to be together and that we have no choice but to follow our destiny. Didn’t you want to have a choice, Mathieu?”

  “You’re my choice,” he choked out. “You’ve always been my choice since the night I first dreamed of you.”

  “But if you had dreamed of another, then you would be with her right now, not me.”

  “I didn’t dream of another. I dreamed of my mate, the woman who was created for me as I was created for her, according to…”

  “The Klawinken.” She finished his sentence for him with disgust. “You’re telling me you’re here because you dreamed about me? That something told you that I was the one woman in the world for you? How convenient for you that I was so open to your advances.”

  “I knew you were different…that I should have waited.” He sighed deeply. “You had no one to prepare you for our world, and I had wanted to talk to you about our people first. Believe me, I had no intention of making love to you today. I was only going to get to know you.”

  “You’re right about one thing. I had no one to prepare me.”

  “Your sister should have been here for you. With the help of her Klawinken family, she embraced her heritage without question.”

  “You know my sister?” Octavia went rigid.

  “I’ve met her.”

  “Well, I’m not my sister.” She felt the outrage building. He had all the knowledge, all the answers, and she had none. He even knew Evenela, and she hadn’t seen her own sister in years.

  “That’s obvious,” he stated with a hint of anger. “You’re telling me you wish you could choose another…that you don’t want me.”

  She saw the
pain in Mathieu’s eyes, and even though she wasn’t sure of anything, she didn’t want to hurt him, but she couldn’t allow him to dictate her life. “I said that I want to choose the person I’m going to spend the rest of my life with and not have someone or something else choose for me. Is that so wrong?”

  “I can’t believe you’re questioning our nature, our dreams, and our love for one another as if none of it matters. Maybe”—he looked away from her—“because of the way you were brought up, the Klawinken in you is weak.”

  “Maybe you’re right,” she lied. She knew she was Klawinken, and the feelings inside of her were not weak. There was an inherent truth that flowed through her veins that wouldn’t allow her to dismiss Mathieu’s claim. She turned from him, not wishing him to see the tears in her eyes.

  “Don’t turn away from me, Octavia,” Mathieu spoke softly, his hand capturing her chin in his firm grip.

  His eyes searched hers for answers she didn’t have. He was the only man she had ever been intimate with, and her body was still responding to his, and if she didn’t do something quickly, she could easily find herself back in his arms. Shaking his hand from her chin, she said, “I think you should leave.”

  She saw his eyes widen in surprise and his body stiffen. He didn’t move. When she remained silent, he said, “Yes, maybe I should go for now.” He stood up, his handsome face looking down at her with sadness. “It’s my fault. I should have taken it slower with you, but when you came so willing into my arms, I couldn’t resist taking you and becoming one with you. I lost control. I couldn’t have waited one more second.”

  Octavia stood up from the chair and went to her bureau where she pulled out a pair of panties and a bra. He watched while she slipped into her clothes and a white blouse that she tried to button with trembling fingers. Mathieu walked over to her and brushed away her fingers. He buttoned her blouse and then took a step back, his eyes full of sadness.


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