Vampire Friend (Vampire Hero Book 2)

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Vampire Friend (Vampire Hero Book 2) Page 25

by V. B. Andrian

  I shook my head in despair. “Evy, you’re hopeless. I’m not giving you the pleasure of discussing my relationship with Nate. Change the subject, please.”

  She giggled. “Relationship. Ooh! That is so cute. Finally my twin found some sense.”

  I didn’t answer, only waited for her to continue as I reached my building and started climbing the stairs to the second floor.

  “Well, alright. If you’re not going to share then I won’t either. How are classes going?”

  “Very well. One more week before the quarter finals.”

  “What about the assignment? Did you progress at all?”

  I’d sent her a brief text that I had a breakthrough on my project without relaying any further info, if only to be safe. I was being paranoid, but I didn’t want there to be documented communication about the research. I’d watched too many films about hacking accounts.

  “All is well. I haven’t yet informed the Professor since I wanted to finish my tests first and have a final answer.” I decided to leave it at that, general and simple.

  Evy didn’t appear to need more to understand. “That’s great. In fact, maybe you should keep it hushed even from the Professor. At least until we have someone of confidence to discuss it with. You never know where information is leaking from.”

  I nodded, even though she couldn’t see me. “I know. I was thinking—” I trailed off as I reached the door to my room. It was slightly open, which was utterly odd.

  “Ali? Are you there?” Evy asked as the silence on my part continued.

  I stood in front of the door, not pushing it open yet. “The door to my room is ajar. I don’t remember Julia ever forgetting to close it.”

  Another moment of silence from both of us, and I started reaching my hand out to push the door, when Evy’s alarmed voice stopped me. “Ali, get out of there. Now!”

  Before I had a chance to register what she was telling me, the door was pulled open from the inside, and I was tugged in the room one moment and pressed against the wall the next. I managed a small yelp of panic before the air supply to my lungs was forcefully cut off. A hand squeezed my throat to hold me still, and I was face to face with someone in a ski mask. The only part I could see of my attacker was a pair of dark brown eyes.

  I was struggling for oxygen, my feet slowly lifting from the ground as he slowly increased the strength on his hold to lift me higher against the wall. I vaguely heard Evy yelling from the other end of the line, before the man crashed my mobile under his booted foot, his eyes never leaving mine.

  “Where is it?” he hissed.

  The hold on my throat didn’t loosen, and I realized I was going to die before I was even able to utter another word. My mouth opened in an attempt to beg him to release me, but no noise came out. My sight started throbbing, as did my head in response to the lack of oxygen.

  Unexpectedly, my attacker relaxed his hold, and the air that entered my lungs in my hasty attempt to breathe again caused me to start coughing.

  “Where the fuck is it?” he asked again as he slowly lowered me back on the ground.

  “I… don’t… know…” I stammered. Truth was I had a very clear idea of what he was looking for, but I wasn’t about to make it easy for him. I knew the moment he would find what he was looking for, I’d be dead.

  His hold relaxed completely for a second, but then returned with a sudden push that caused my head to knock hard against the wall. My vision turned black for a moment, before the pain of the hit expanded through my head.

  “Tell me where the research is, you little slut, or I’ll drink your blood to the final drop.”

  Another vampire. Figures. I tried shaking my head under his hold. “Please… let me… go… I don’t—”

  “Tell me where it is!” he shouted, knocking once more my head against the wall.

  A small cry of pain and fear left my mouth along with the remaining air in my lungs, and I squeezed my eyes shut against the ache. Behind my eyelids, Nate’s face appeared clearly, and my heart sank at the realization he was going to be devastated. I was going to die and he was going to suffer for loving me.

  The pain I felt in my heart for Nate was stronger than whatever pain my attacker was causing me, and it strangely gave me strength to fight. I brought my hands up and tried to hit the man’s face. He anticipated the move, and leaned back before knocking me against the wall again.

  “You bitch! Tell me where the research is and I’ll make this quick.”

  And there it was. His reassurance that I was going to die. The only thing remained to be seen was the way it was going to happen. And I didn’t care. I would never give them anything.

  I tried one more time to fight him off, flailing my legs in an attempt to make contact with his lower body. He pulled his lower half backwards to protect himself, which brought his head closer. My hands flew up instinctively and I aimed my fingers to the only part of his face I could see: his eyes.

  I felt my nails scratching his eyeballs a fraction of a second before a scream tore out of him, and I was unceremoniously released and dropped on my knees. The man doubled over in front of me, his hands protectively covering his eyes as he continued shouting in pain.

  “Cunt!” he screamed in rage.

  I knew I had very little time and tried pushing my body up in an attempt to run. The room around me swayed dangerously, as my lungs struggled to adjust to the return of oxygen in them. I forced myself on my feet, and managed to take two steps towards the door. That was as far as I would go it seemed.

  A fist landed on my temple, and I dropped on my side, my vision going dark for longer now as warm liquid trickled down my cheek. The man continued yelling as he started kicking me in any part of my body closest to him. I felt his boot making contact with my thighs, then my chest and my stomach, as I screamed in agony with whatever strength I had left.

  The last thing I felt was his boot striking my face, and then everything turned black.


  Pushing the weight bar up one last time, I placed it on the stand and sat up. The smile that was forming on my lips felt almost glued there. I was smiling like a creep all week long.

  And how could I not? My life was finally good again. I’d spent the entire week getting acquainted with Ali and her amazing body. There hadn’t been an inch of her glorious skin I hadn’t touched or kissed, and I could never get enough of her.

  And my girl was as insatiable as me. We couldn’t get enough of each other.

  My best time with her so far was when I explained what my tattoo meant, and she’d admitted she wanted to have one too, only she hadn’t yet a design in mind. I’d grown immensely hard at the thought of my girl getting inked. I had a visual of my name tattooed on her body, and that was that for me. I’d made sweet love to her, relishing every moment our bodies touched, feeling my heart beating through her. Because she had it. All of it.

  Sadly, tonight would be the last we would have alone, because tomorrow Kay and Evy would be returning from their week in San Diego. But it wouldn’t be much of a problem. I would just have to enjoy Ali only in my room.

  “Bet I know what you’re thinking.”

  I turned to my right and looked up at Luke’s smirking face. My smile widened. “Fuck off.”

  He chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest. “Told you it would be worth it. I’m glad you finally pulled your head out of your ass.”

  I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, not in the littlest bit caring I was getting an ‘I told you so’. “I know. I’m free, Luke. It took me about a year to see it, but you were right. You were all right. And Ali…” I drew another breath and opened my eyes to look at my friend again. “I don’t have any words, man. Not a single word in the fucking dictionary to describe how amazing she is.”

  Luke’s smirk widened into a real smile. “I’m happy for you, Nate. For both of you. You two are great together.”

  How he knew that I had no idea, since Ali and I hadn’t met with Luke as a couple ye
t. But, okay, the guy was freakishly observant. No wonder since he’d been a sniper when serving with the Marines.

  Before I could respond, a girl with purple hair in a long ponytail appeared beside Luke and poked him in the arm. Luke turned to her and lifted an eyebrow in question.

  Were her eyes… purple as well?

  “Can I take a break, Mr. Warren? I have another appointment in about twenty minutes.”

  Luke nodded and offered the girl a small smile. “Sure, Jamie. As long as you cut all the ‘Mr. Warren’ crap and start calling me Luke.”

  The girl smirked. “I’ll start calling you Luke when give me a raise.”

  Luke chuckled and shook his head. “I’ll give you a raise when you have at least thirty appointments in a week.”

  She frowned. “No fair. If I reach that number I’ll be dead on my feet. What good will a raise be then?”

  Luke laughed. “Get out of here before I change my mind about your break.”

  The girl flashed him another smirk and then twirled around, her ponytail almost smacking Luke across the face as she sashayed away.

  I watched Luke with raised eyebrows. “You finally hired a female trainer?”

  He laughed softly. “No. I hired Jamie. She’s not a trainer, she’s a multi-tool. That girl can do everything. She doesn’t have a degree on anything, but she can do logistics, handle all the equipment in here, and pose as a trainer. And her formal job description is that of a masseuse.”

  My eyebrows reached my hairline. “A masseuse? I thought you were looking for a yoga instructor, not a masseuse.”

  “I was looking for both. Oddly enough, yoga is the one thing Jamie will adamantly steer clear from, so I’m still on the lookout for another woman.”

  The ringing of my cell cut off my answer, and I pulled it out of my pocket. Kay’s name flashed across the screen and I answered with a grin.

  “Kay, please tell me—”

  “Get to Ali, fast,” Kay all but yelled at me. “Someone’s in her room as we speak.”

  Time stopped, and the world turned to black and white. For the longest second of my life I remained still as Kay’s words filled me with absolute horror. All I could think about was Ali. Not her. Not again.

  Then I shot up, my hand clenching around my cell as I disconnected the call and darted towards the exit with a single word to Luke. “Ali.”

  He was running behind me in a flash, yelling out to Jamie about calling 911. As soon as I stepped out of the gym, Luke’s hand grabbed my bicep and he pulled me to the right. “My car.”

  I didn’t hesitate for a second. We ran to Luke’s truck and climbed in. My mind was blank and reeling at the same time. Terror was nothing compared to what I was feeling. Everything around me was moving infuriatingly slow, except for time. Time seemed to be running away from me, taking Ali further away with every ticking second.

  Bile rose in my throat at the thought of losing her. “Luke, please. Please get us there.”

  “I am,” Luke tried to reassure me. “We’re getting there. We’ll get to her, Nate. I promise you we will.”

  His words meant nothing. The tightening in my stomach kept me from breathing. “I can’t lose her,” I breathed out.

  “Shut up, Nate,” Luke gritted out and dug his cell out of his pocket. He threw it on my lap. “Here. Call Sean. If he has access to blood he can get there faster. Just tell him Ali’s in danger. Of all the fucking days to take the car instead of the bike.”

  My fingers seemed to be moving agonizingly slow, yet I knew I was doing as fast as I could. I found Sean’s number, pushed send and waited for the dialing tone.

  He answered on the second ring. “What’s up man?”

  “Ali’s in danger,” I croaked out hurriedly, hoping my words would reach him. To my ears I sounded like I was choking. In truth I felt that way too.

  “Fuck,” Sean barked out. I could hear him moving. “Where is she?”

  “Her dorm. Luke and I are driving there as we speak, but please, man. Please…”

  “I’ll get there now,” was all he said and the line went dead.

  I lowered the phone and closed my eyes tightly. I needed to get to her. Why didn’t I wait for her? I should have been there when she finished her classes. Why didn’t I fucking wait?

  Luke grabbed my shoulder and squeezed. “Stop, Nate. Whatever you’re thinking just stop. We’ll be there in two minutes. Sean sooner. She’s going to be fine.”

  She’s going to be fine. She’s going to be fine.

  I kept repeating the mantra because it was all I could do. I wouldn’t lose her. I wouldn’t fucking lose her.

  “I’m going to kill whoever did this to her,” I bit out, clenching my fists. “Whoever touched her is fucking dead.”

  Luke didn’t answer, but I knew he was thinking the same thing.

  We finally reached Ali’s dorm, and I was out of the car before it came to a complete stop. I saw a blur of movement darting to the entrance, and my mind registered that it had to be Sean. Another part of my brain registered the sound of sirens approaching, but I was already climbing the stairs to Ali, Luke right behind me.

  The first thing I heard when I reached her floor was a loud thud. I stormed in the room to find Sean standing over an unconscious man dressed in black, with a ski mask covering his face, and right next to him Ali’s tiny figure covered in blood.

  No, God, please.

  I was beside her faster than I would have ever thought I could, and moved to pick her up, only to be held back by Luke.

  His voice came to my ears as if through a tunnel. “Don’t move her, Nate. You could do more damage.”

  “Let go of me,” I hissed, struggling to get out of his grip. Any other time Luke would have been able to hold me back, but not in that moment. Fear and adrenaline made me ten times stronger than him, and I freed myself to drop on my knees beside Ali.

  I reached out a trembling hand and brushed her hair from her face. She had two nasty cuts, one on her right temple and another just below her right eye. Her glasses were broken beside her head, and red bruises were marring her delicate throat. Her T-shirt was torn over her belly, and she had bruises over her ribs too, as well as a few more cuts. But the worst appeared to be her right hand that was twisted in a weird angle at the wrist.

  A sob tore out of me and I fumbled for her pulse, wanting to touch her, but too scared of doing it. Luke’s words had registered and the helplessness I felt was like a rusty knife digging in my gut.

  My fingertips finally touched her neck, but I couldn’t tell if it was her pulse or my own heartbeat I could feel throbbing there. “Baby, please…” was all I managed before my voice broke and my eyes started burning with tears.

  Hands grabbed me again and I was lifted off my feet. I registered blurry shapes of people entering the room and I was pushed outside. The moment Ali was out of my sight, a new wave of adrenaline rushed through me, and I struggled to get back. Whoever was holding me though was too strong, and I was practically held immobile.

  “Let me the fuck go,” I screamed, but it was no use. All I managed was to feel my voice breaking, tasting my own blood in the back of my throat.

  “Nate, stop,” I heard Luke’s voice from somewhere on my right. “Stop man. Let the EMTs do their job.”

  “I need to get to her, Luke. I need to be with her.” I struggled to release my arms that were held firmly to my sides. “I need to heal her, dammit,” I yelled.

  I was suddenly pressed up against the wall behind me, and Sean was right in my face. This guy made Luke seem like a teddy bear. He was equally huge in muscles and height with Luke, but his buzzed hair – cropped on top – and icy blue gaze made me want to take a step back myself. “Then get a grip, man,” he snarled through gritted teeth. “Fucking get in there, drink her blood and heal her, but get a fucking grip.”

  His words brought me some clarity. If I was to heal her I needed to drink her blood. But Ali wanted the untainted blood of a fully developed vampire for
her research. “You do it,” I whispered to Sean. “She needs my blood for the vaccine. Give her yours, man. Heal my girl.”

  Sean held my gaze for another moment and then nodded curtly. “Consider it done, Nate.”

  He literally disappeared in a flash, and I hurried to follow him back in the room with Luke. Sean grabbed a syringe from one of the paramedics’ bags, removed the foil and stuck it in his left arm, before the man had even a chance to argue. He drew several millimeters of blood and then gave the syringe to the paramedic leaning over Ali’s broken body.

  “Give her this,” he barked out, not giving him a chance to argue or delay.

  The paramedic gave Ali the blood and I kneeled beside her, taking her small hand in mine. Other than the time I’d watched Evy’s blood heal Kay’s chest wound, I wasn’t used to seeing the process.

  Right there in front of my eyes, as if time was moving on rewind – or maybe fast forward – Ali’s bruises faded away, the cuts on her face and ribs were sealed again, and her wrist straightened once more.

  The paramedic placed one edge of a stethoscope over Ali’s chest and gave a small nod. “Everything seems to be working properly. Her pulse is strong and her breathing steady. But we should take her to the hospital nonetheless, just to be sure. Concussion isn’t always cured by vampire blood.”

  I nodded in agreement. “I’m riding with you.”

  No one tried to stop me from climbing into the back of the ambulance after Ali’s gurney was placed in, and Luke told me he’d be right behind us with Sean. Her attacker would be transferred in a different ambulance, which had already left the scene. Good thing too, because I would have finished what Sean had started.

  I sat by her side and held her hand the entire ride, knowing she was fine, but still feeling the hollowness that had almost consumed me before I reached her room. I needed her to wake up so I could look in her eyes. I needed to feel her lips on mine, and her sweet breath as she would whisper that she loved me. I needed her.


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