Minnesota, University of
Minot Daily News
Mischak, Bob
Mississippi State University
Mitchell, John N.
Modell, Art
Modzelewski, Dick “Little Mo,”
Montgomery, Bernard
Montrose, Earl of
Moon, Johnny
Moore, Ken
Moore, Lenny
Moore, Tim
Moore, Tom
Morgan, J. P.
Morris, Chuck
Morse, Arthur
Mount St. Vincent College
Mullin, Willard
Mulqueen, Harold
Mulvihill, Bob
Murphy, John
Musso, George
Mutscheller, Jim
Myhra, Steve
My Sister Eileen
Mythologies (Barthes)
Nagurski, Bronko
Namath, Joe
Nashville Banner
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
National Football League (NFL)
AFL competition with
bad officiating and player roughness
Bert Bell as commissioner of
Eastern Conference of
founding and expansion of
gambling scandal in
gate receipts of
1933 inaugural championship game in
racism and
rise of
Rozelle as commissioner of
salary negotiation in
Western Conference of
National Football League Players Association
National Guard, U.S.
Navy, U.S.
Navy football team
Army vs.
Nellen, James
Nelson, Gaylord
Nemecek, Jeremiah F.
Newark Star-Ledger
New Haven Journal Courier
New Jersey Turnpike
Vince Lombardi Service Area of
New Orleans Saints
New Rochelle, College of
New York, N.Y.:
Lower Manhattan in
newspaper strikes in
Sheepshead Bay in
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in
New York American
Damon Runyan’s “Both BarrelS” column in
New York Botanical Gardens
New York Daily News
New Yorker
New York Evening Journal
New York Evening Post
New York Football Writers’ Association
New York Giants (baseball)
New York Giants (football)
backfield stars of
gamblers’ attempts to fix games of
Green Bay Packers vs.
Howell as head coach of
Landry as defensive coach of
off-season jobs of players on
ownership of
platoon system used by
preseason training of
press coverage of
radio broadcasts of
rise of
television broadcasts of
VL as offensive coach of
VL offered head coaching job of
VL’s relations with players on
New York Herald Tribune
New York Jets
New York Journal
New York Journal American
New York Mirror
New York Post
New York Review of Books
New York Stock Exchange
New York Sun
New York Times
New York Times Magazine
New York Tribune
New York University football team
Fordham vs.
New York World
New York World-Telegram
New York World-Telegram and Sun
New York Yankees
Neyland, Bob
NFL Films
Nitschke, Ray
Nixon, Richard M.
Northwestern National insurance company
Northwestern University
Notre Dame University
Notre Dame University football team
box defense of
coaching staff of
Four Horsemen of
Hornung at
Seven Mules of
Oakland Raiders
O’Brien, Kevin J.
O’Brien, Philadelphia Jack
O’Donnell, Kenneth
O’Hara, William
Ohio State University
“Old Gibraltar” (Rice)
Olejniczak, Dominic
Olejniczak, Tom
Olympic Games
“On Brave Old Army Team,”
Oneida Golf and Riding Club
Oneida Indians
One More July (Curry and Plimpton)
Oosterbaan, Bennie
Oradell, N.J.
Ortmann, Chuck
Owen, Steve
“Ozymandias” (Shelley)
Palau, Andy “Handy Andy,”
Fordham teaching position of
marriage and family life of
St. Cecilia high school teaching and
coaching of
VL’s relationship with
Palau, Margaret
Palmer, Arnold
Palmer, Bud
Paper Lion (Plimpton)
Pappas, John
Paquin, Leo
Parcells, Bill
Parilli, Vito “Babe,”
Parker, Dan
Parker, Jim
Parvin, Clara
Paterno, Joe
Patton, George S.
Patton, Jim
Peaks, Clarence
Pellington, Bill
Pennsylvania Boxing Commission
Pennsylvania State University
Peppler, Pat
Perkins, Steve
Pesonen, Dick
Peterson, Gordon
Philadelphia Eagles
Green Bay Packers vs.
Philadelphia Inquirer
Philip Morris Inc.
Pierce, Natty
Pitts, Elijah
Pittsburgh, University of, football team, Fordham vs.
Pittsburgh Steelers
Planitz, Arthur
Planitz, Marge
Planitz, Mary Sheridan
Planitz, Mortimer
Playoff Bowl
Plimpton, George
Plum, Milt
Plunkett, Sherman
Pollard, Al
Polo Grounds:
college football at
New York Football Giants at
Powers, Jimmy
Prange, Karl
Price, Eddie
Pritzker, Don
Professional, The (Heinz)
professional football:
betting and
college football vs.
draft system in
early minor sport status of
era of huge, mobile pass protectors in
press coverage of
relationship of owners and workers in
rise of
television coverage of
Pro Football Hall of Fame
Progressive Party
Pros, The: A Documentary of Professional Football in America (Maule and Riger)
Prospect Heights Hospital
Proxmire, William
Public Facilities Associates, Inc.
Pugh, Jethro
Pulitzer, Joseph
Purdue University football team
Fordham vs.
Quilici, Al
Quinlan, Bill
Quinn, Ed
Red Bank Catholic High School
Reed, Donna
Reeder, Dort
Reeder, Julia
Reeder, Russell, III
Reeder, Russell “Red,”
character and personality of
Distinguished Service Medal of
VL’s relationship with
World War II service and injury of
Reeves, Dan
Reich, Gilbert
Remmel, Lee
Renfro, Mel
Rentzel, Lance
Republican Club
Republican Party
Resta, George
Reston, James R. “Scotty,”
Retzlaff, Pete
Rice, Grantland
death of
“Four Horsemen” coined by
Rich, Frank
Rich, Herb
Richmond, University of
Richter, Pat
Rickles, Don
Rickover, Hyman
Ridgway, Matthew
Riger, Robert
Riley, Ben
Ringo, Jim
Ripple, Frank
Roach, John
Robinson, Dave
Robustelli, Andy
Rockne, Knute
Roman Catholic Church:
doctrine and history of
education in
modernism vs. traditional values of
mystics of
Vatican Council II and
Ronzani, Gene
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt Hospital
Rose Bowl
Rosenbloom, Carroll
ROTC programs
Rote, Kyle
Rozelle, Alvin Ray “Pete,”
betting scandal crisis and
as NFL commissioner
Ruggles, John F.
Run to Daylight! (Lombardi and Heinz)
Run to Daylight! (television documentary)
Runyan, Damon
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, Fred
Rutgers University
Ryan, Johnny
Sabol, Ed
Sabol, Steve
Sampson, Al
Samuels, Abe
Sanders, Deion
Sanders, Henry “Red,”
San Diego Chargers
Sandusky, John
San Francisco, University of
San Francisco 49ers
Green Bay Packers vs.
Sanger, Margaret
Sapp, Amelia Izzo “Millie” (aunt)
Sapp, J. C.
Sarno, Amerino
Saturday Evening Post
Saturday Night Game of the Week
Sauer, Johnny
Savarese, George
Schaap, Dick
Schenkel, Chris
Schliebaum, Bill
Schmidlein, Edward J.
Schmidt, Carol
Schmidt, Joe
Schnelker, Bob
Schoenfelder, Fred
Schramm, Tex
Science and Art of Football, The
Scott, Hal
Scott, Ray
Second Effort
Seidell, Herb
Selective Service System
Senate, U.S.
see also Congress, U.S
Seraphim, Christ
Shapiro, Bernard “Barney,”
Sharkey, Tom
Shaughnessy, Clark
Shavelson, Melville
Shaw, Lawrence “Buck,”
Shecter, Leonard
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Sheridan, Cass
Sherman, Allie
Shinnick, Don
Shofner, Del
Shor, Toots
Shulman, Dan
Simpson, O. J.
Sinatra, Frank
Singer, Harry
Sisson, Lowell
Sisters of Charity
Skoronski, Bob
Skoronski, Steve
Slattery, David
Smith, Don
Smith, James
Smith, Red
Smith, Terry
Smith, Walter Wellesley “Red,”
Sports Series memoirs edited by
on VL
Smith, William D.
Snyder, George
Society of Jesus ( Jesuits)
see also Fordham University, Jesuit faculty and administration of
Sokolsky, George E.
Southern California, University of (USC)
Southern Methodist University
Spalding, William
Spellman, Francis Cardinal
Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, The (Ignatius of Loyola)
Sports Illustrated
Sports Network
Stagg, Amos Alonzo
Stanford University
Stann, Francis
Starr, Bart:
college career of
Green Bay career of
on VL
Starr, Ben
Starr, Cherry
Starr, Hilton “Bubba,”
Stathas, Jake
St. Bonaventure College
St. Catherine, College of
St. Cecilia High School
VL as teacher and football coach at
VL’s basketball coaching at
St. Cecilia Roman Catholic Church
Stengel, Casey
Stevens, Mal
Stevens, Wallace
St. Francis Prep
St. James Roman Catholic Church
St. Joseph’s Academy
St. Louis Cardinals
St. Mark’s Church
St. Mary’s football team
Fordham vs.
St. Matthew’s Cathedral
St. Matthew’s parochial school
St. Michael’s College
St. Norbert College
St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Stram, Hank
Strickler, George
Strom, Robert
St. Thomas, College of
Stuhldreher, Harry
St. Vincent Hospital
St. Willebrord’s Roman Catholic Church
Sullivan, Ed
Summerall, Charles
Summerall, Pat
Super Bowl I
Super Bowl II
Super Bowl III
Super Bown IV
Surgeon, The (Heinz)
Sutherland, Jock
Svare, Harland
Svoboda, Bill
Sweeney, Doc
Symank, Johnny
Syracuse University
Talese, Gay
Tarrant, Dick
Taylor, Jimmy
Tennessee, University of
Texas, University of
Thomas, Dylan
Thorpe, Jim
Thurston, Fred “Fuzzy,”
Tittle, Yelberton Abraham “Y. A.,”
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Todd’s Shipyard
Toots Shor’s
Torinus, John B.
Townes, Willie
Trainer, Dr.
Treml, Al
Trent, Johnny
Trimble, Jim
Triplett, Mel
Trouble Along the Way
Trowbridge, Fred, Sr.
Truman, Harry S.
Tucker, Julius
Tulane University
Tunnell, Emlen
Tunney, Jim
Turek, Mary
Turnbull, Andrew
Tyler, Humming Bird
Tynan, John W. “Black Jack,”
Unamuno, Miguel de
Union Hill High School
Unitas, Johnny
United Coin Machine
United Nations
United Press International (UPI)
Vainisi, Jack
as Green Bay Packers scout
heart disease and death of
Vainisi, Jackie
Valentino, Rudolph
Van, Fritz
Van, Jerry
Van Brocklin, Norm
Vanderbilt University
VanderKelen, Ron
Vander Patten, Wayne
Vann, Pete
/> Van Ness, Gary
Vietnam War
Villanova University
Villanueva, Danny
Virginia Military Institute (VMI)
Volovinno, Bob
Volpicelli, Lou
Voris, Dick
Wagner, Richard
Wagner, Robert
Wagner College
Waldron, John
Walker, Wayne
Walsh, Earl
Walsh, Ray
Walton, Joe
Ward, Gene
Warmath, Murray
Warner Brothers
Warren, Earl
Washington, Leroy
Washington and Jefferson College
Washington Evening Star
Washington Post
Washington Redskins
VL as coach and executive vicepresident of
Washington Senators
Waterfield, Bob
Watergate scandal
Wayne, John
Weber, Jake
Webster, Alex “Red,”
Werblin, Sonny
Westminster College
Westmoreland, William
West New York Memorial High School
West Point, U.S. Military Academy at
academic honor code violation scandal
cadet life at
Fort Putnam at
Michie Stadium at
tactical department of
traditional values and culture of
see also Army football team
West Point Society
What?s My Line?
White, Billy
White Fathers (Norbertine priests)
Whittenton, Jesse
Wietecha, Ray
Wiley, Alexander
Wilkie, Curtis
Willamette College
William C. Mitchell Law School
Williams, Edward Bennett
Williams, Joe
Williams, Travis
Williamson, Fred “The Hammer,”
Wilmington Clippers
Wilson, George
Wind, Herbert Warren
Winnebago Indians
Winslow, Paul
WINS radio
Winton J. White Stadium
Wisconsin, University of
Wisconsin State Journal
Wojciechowicz, Alexander Franklin “Wojy,”
Wood, William Verneli “Willie,”
Woodruff, Bob
Woodward, Stanley
World War I
World War II
D-Day campaign in
Pearl Harbor attack in
Wright, Thomas
Xavier Prep
Yale University
Yankee Stadium
college football at
New York Football Giants at
You Have to Pay the Price (Blaik)
Young, Dick
Zablocki, Clement J.
Zad, Martie
Zale, Tony
When Pride Still Mattered Page 80