All Your Nights

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All Your Nights Page 4

by Shirleen Davies

  “Crooked Tree seems like a good town and RTC is about as solid an operation as we’ll find. I’m not the expert, you and the others are, but from what I saw, it’s definitely worth pursuing.”

  “Did you meet all three partners?”

  Eric glanced at his stepfather, well aware of the issues if they moved forward. The company was equally owned by three partners, Rafe, Ty, and Chris, good friends since high school. Ty and Chris wanted out. They’d spent a lot of years building the business and wanted to take their profits and retire, or try their luck in another venture. Rafe didn’t feel the same.

  Chris and Ty had contacted Heath and his brother, Jace, confidentially, about a possible sale. The one issue everyone knew could stop the sale at any time was a subject they rarely spoke about. Rafael ‘Rafe’ MacLaren was the estranged middle brother of Heath and Jace.

  “I did. First with Ty and Chris, then later with Rafe, although I spent little time with him. He knows his partners are talking to potential buyers, and I’ll tell you, he isn’t inclined to be cooperative. I believe he’s hoping nothing will come of it and they’ll back off.”

  Heath inhaled a deep breath. He hadn’t seen Rafe since he’d stormed from their home before Trey MacLaren, Heath’s son, was born. Their father had died not long afterwards. Jace and he hadn’t heard a word from him since, even though they’d tried to locate Rafe. Years later, they learned he and a couple high school friends had started RTC in Montana. Heath and Jace wanted to work through their issues and offer him his place in the MacLaren businesses. This could be either the start of a reconciliation or an irreversible failure.

  “I’ll get with Doug and Colt. Colt will have his partner travel to Crooked Tree in his place. Rafe and Colt knew each other before Rafe left Fire Mountain. We need to be careful until we’ve made a final decision. No sense stirring up more trouble between the partners than already exists.”

  Heath had a lot of faith in his CFO, Doug Hester, and their outside attorney, Colt Minton, who had handled the major legal affairs of MacLaren Cattle Company for years. The two were part of a team which now included Cam and Eric whenever Heath and Jace wanted to evaluate a potential acquisition.

  “If they give their approval…” Eric’s voice trailed off as he waited for Heath’s response.

  “We’ll send Cam.”

  “How will you and Jace deal with Rafe if Cam gives the thumbs up?”

  Heath stood and walked to the large picture window that looked out onto hundreds of acres of MacLaren land. Land belonging to three brothers, not just him and Jace.

  “I honestly don’t know how we’ll handle it, Eric.” He turned back toward his stepson. “Somehow, we will make it all work out.”


  “I can’t stay long, Paco.” Brooke took a seat in her usual chair in the spacious living room which looked out over the Pacific Ocean. She had to find a way to bring up the subject that vexed her since the appearance of Agent Taylor—Paco and his family’s association with the drug trade.

  “Are you leaving tomorrow?”

  “After I see Professor Krueger in the morning.”

  “How long will you be gone?” Paco reached for his glass of wine and took a slow sip, watching Brooke over the rim.

  “Two weeks tops.”

  “It’s always good to spend time with family,” Paco said, his mind sorting through options. “Are you sure you don’t want some wine?”

  She looked at his glass. “Wine does sound good.” She’d get some wine then ask him straight out about the Bujazan family.

  Paco began to rise before Brooke stood and started for the kitchen.

  “I can get it. Be right back.”

  He watched her close the kitchen door then reached for her notebook. She used one her father had given her with a thick leather cover and the three rings common in traditional binders.

  She refused to use anything else. Paco pulled a slim object, the size of a credit card, from his pocket. He slid it into a concealed slit in her binder then pinched the ends together, sealing the object inside. The kitchen door swung open as he finished.

  “I hope it’s all right to look at your most recent notes.” He settled back into the sofa, crossed a leg over one thigh, and held the open notebook in front of him. “I’m curious as to the direction you’ll take with your conclusions.”

  “Of course it’s all right. Your comments are always welcome.” Instead of taking her usual spot, Brooke slid next to him in order to read over his shoulder. She’d told him the short version of her questioning, not mentioning the DEA or the charges, only the fact everything had been dropped.

  “Tell me more about what happened when you were questioned. I wish I’d been here, maybe I could have helped.”

  “They were DEA agents, Paco.”

  Paco set down his glass and crossed his arms. “Go on.”

  “They asked me what I know about you and your family.”

  His eyes narrowed on her. “Why would they ask you such questions?”

  Restless, Brooke stood and paced toward the other side of the room. “They told me your family is involved in drug trafficking and you’re part of the operation. They believe I have knowledge of what’s going on.” She fixed her gaze on him. “Is it true?”

  Brooke didn’t need to ask. She’d done her own research and found a wealth of information about the Bujazan family, much of it not flattering. However, nothing she read indicated anyone in the family had ever been convicted of the crimes Special Agents Johnson and Taylor mentioned.

  He pushed from the sofa and walked toward her. She backed up a few inches, a sense of unease building.

  “No, it isn’t true, but the United States government believes otherwise and has made our lives miserable. We own import and export businesses, plus a few other smaller companies. All legal.” He took a few more steps until he stood before her. He raised a hand and let his knuckles graze a path down a cheek, over her jaw, and down her neck before stepping away. “You believe me, right?”

  She glanced around the spacious living room of a house she knew cost millions. Of course, families with legal businesses could afford this type of luxury, except now, doubts had entered her mind. She needed to get away and think.

  “Of course. I told them I knew little of your family, except they own businesses and live in Mexico. There wasn’t much to tell them.”

  He watched her eyes, knowing she truly did know nothing of his family except the brief pieces of information he’d fed her. All of it about his mother or siblings. No details at all about the businesses.

  Paco turned and strode back to the coffee table, picked up his glass, and finished his wine.

  “Well, it’s over now.” He offered a vague smile. Brooke didn’t know what to think, except, she needed time away. Perhaps she could get her life back on track at the ranch, surrounded by family, and the calming landscape of the region.

  Paco changed the subject to his own thesis and the progress he’d made, as well as the small amount of research he’d done while visiting his family.

  “Was it a good trip for you?” Brooke asked, now more curious than ever about his family.

  “What can I say? I go when they call, but the whole time I think of you.”

  Brooke laughed, knowing he made too much of their friendship. He’d kissed her twice, both times fleeting and with little passion. She’d felt nothing either time. Although she enjoyed Paco’s company, there’d never been the spark other friends spoke about. Of course, she’d never felt a spark with her ex-fiancé, Perry, either.

  The only time she’d ever felt anything more for a man was when the obnoxious DEA agent, Kade Taylor, had been close. Her body responded in inexplicable ways when he was around—her chest would tighten, her heart would race, and she’d feel an odd sensation in her stomach. She’d never felt anything like this with her ex-fiancé. It confused and maddened her.

  For a well-educated woman, she found herself almost tongue tied when the imposing age
nt stood anywhere near. When he’d led her from one place to another with his hand on her elbow or the small of her back, she’d felt an almost comforting jolt of recognition. None of it made sense, considering he wanted to see her behind bars.


  Kade, and Clive Nelson, the agent in charge of following Paco, sat in a local bar several blocks from the university. Each had watched Brooke enter the Bujazan residence then leave over an hour later, returning to her apartment. Clive had been the one to insist Brooke had to be involved and Kade had let his arguments sway him. Yet it had been their boss’s call to approach Jeremy Flannigan for approval to pick up Miss Sinclair for questioning and warrants to search her property. Now Kade found himself in the position of defending her, knowing it wouldn’t set well with the other agent.

  “Look Clive, your surveillance of Paco won’t change until we’ve closed the door on the Bujazan empire. I’ve been given a couple more weeks to link Miss Sinclair to the family, then Johnson will pull me. We’re at a standstill unless I can catch her with more than your gut feeling.” Kade took a long draw from his bottle of beer and sat back.

  “I thought the searches would turn up something. What did I miss?” Clive asked.

  “She may be just what she seems—a Ph.D. student with no ties to Paco other than being a fellow student.”

  “That’s crap and you know it. Bujazan Junior doesn’t make friends unless they’ll further the company’s business. There’s a reason he spends so much time with Sinclair.” Clive thought through the connections again before locking eyes with Kade. “Shit,” he muttered when the obvious became apparent. “He’s using her as a courier.”

  “That’s what I think. We found nothing during the searches, which means anything he gives her must be hidden in the normal items she uses every day.”

  “Her purse?”

  “We didn’t find anything. Besides, I doubt she’d leave her purse lying around for someone to rifle through.”

  “The only other items she carries are books.”

  Kade slammed his hand against the wooden counter. “Her notebook. She takes it everywhere, including all her visits with Paco. He must be slipping the package inside.”

  “Who retrieves it?”

  “My guess is someone at the university. They would need access to the notebook for a minute or two to retrieve whatever Paco might put inside.”

  “You realize all of this is conjecture.” Clive took another swig of his beer.

  “We work on hunches, my friend. At this point, it’s the best I’ve got to explain his interest in Brooke.”

  “What next?”

  “The next time she visits the university, I’ll follow her inside. We know she went from Paco’s home to her apartment tonight. Unless someone breaks into her place, the first chance of a contact retrieving the information is tomorrow.”

  “She doesn’t know me. I should be the one tailing her inside.” Clive knew he’d have the best chance of following her into the university building without being detected.

  “What about Paco?”

  “He spends most of his time at the university anyway, in the same building. Odds are he’ll already be on campus when Miss Sinclair shows up.”

  Clive stood and threw a few dollars on the bar before exiting out a back door.

  Kade finished his beer and ordered one more, taking time to think through the plan to follow Brooke. With luck, she’d stop by the school tomorrow so they could check their theory. If not, it could be a long few days.


  “My guess is I’ll be on the road before ten and at the ranch before supper.” Brooke cradled the phone between her ear and shoulder as she pulled the rolling bag toward her car and lifted it inside. “I’ll call when I leave San Diego. Love you too, Mom.”

  She’d make a quick stop at the school to see Professor Krueger and then be on her way. She pulled onto the street, not noticing the gun metal grey truck parked a few cars away.

  “She’s moving.” Kade spoke into his headset with Clive on the other end. “I’ll let you know her destination.”

  He stayed close behind, knowing within minutes where she was headed, which he reported to Clive.

  “Already here.” Clive watched for the red SUV. Within minutes Brooke parked in the lot. He watched her pull the leather binder from the car before walking inside and was tailing her within seconds. “I’ve got her,” he said into his microphone, following her up a flight of stairs and down a hall.

  “Good morning, Nancy. Is he in?” Brooke asked the department assistant.

  “Hi, Brooke. Not yet, but I expect him soon.”

  “I’ll be at my desk. I just need a couple minutes of his time.”

  Brooke turned down another hall and disappeared from Clive’s view as a group of students walked toward him. He joined the back of the group, passing Nancy’s desk, and following them as they took the same route as Brooke. He spotted her in a small cubicle as she laid her notebook down and pulled a few papers from it. Clive continued another few feet and ducked into an empty cubicle next to hers.

  “Brooke? Dr. Krueger just walked in if you want to catch him before anyone else shows up.”

  “Thanks, Nancy.” Brooke grabbed the papers she needed and dashed down the hall behind Nancy, knocking on Krueger’s door and vanishing inside.

  Clive waited a couple of minutes before hearing someone in her cubicle. He walked toward her desk to see a slender male, about Brooke’s age, pick up her binder, turn it over, as if searching for something, fingering a seam on the bottom. He dropped it when Clive appeared.

  “Is Brooke around?” Clive asked, taking a good look at the slender man, whose eyes darted around nervously.

  “She’s not here right now.” His voice shook as he started to move around Clive, who blocked his path to the hall.

  “I can see that. Do you know if she’s in the building?”

  “Uh, no, I’m not sure.” He tried once more to get past Clive.

  “Are you waiting for her also?” Clive asked, seeing the tension in the man’s face escalate.

  “No, just dropping something off. Look, I need to get going.”

  Both men turned at the sound of Brooke’s voice. The man took the opportunity to slide past Clive and dash the opposite direction from where Brooke stood in the doorway of Krueger’s office.

  “Thanks, Dr. Krueger. I’ll give you a call next week once I get your suggestions.”

  Clive ducked back into his cubicle and out of sight. He glanced over the top divider enough to see Brooke grab her notebook and take off.

  “Nancy, I’ll be out of town for a couple of weeks.”

  “Vacation or work?” Nancy asked.

  “Visiting my family in Arizona.”

  “I have your phone number and email if Dr. Krueger needs it. Have a great time, Brooke.”

  “Thanks, Nancy. I plan to.”

  Clive followed her outside, adjusting his ear bud. “She’s on her way outside, and get this, she’s headed to visit her family in Arizona.”


  “You heard me. Someone tried to retrieve an item from the binder she left on her desk. I didn’t recognize him. Slender male, about five foot eight inches tall, brown hair. He dashed out the back when I interrupted him.”

  “Did he get anything?”

  “No, but he was after something, Kade, and he didn’t want her to see him.”

  “Here she comes. I’ve got her from here.”

  Brooke took her time climbing into her SUV. She pulled out her phone and Kade could see her talking before she hung up and started the engine. She turned onto the main road, but instead of heading south toward the airport, she drove north, then took the connecting freeway east until it hit the interstate toward San Bernardino. He needed to let Clive know.

  “What’s going on?” Clive asked when he saw the caller I.D.

  “She’s headed out of town all right, but not by air. She’s driving.”

��ve got to locate what the guy was after, Kade.”

  “I will.”

  “Hope you filled up your tank. Hold on a minute.”

  Kade could hear Clive close a car door. “I followed Paco to his home a few minutes ago and guess who just showed up.”

  “The guy you saw in Brooke’s cubicle.”


  “Are you getting pictures?”

  “Already done. I’ll send them to headquarters. With luck we’ll have him identified soon. Keep me posted on Miss Sinclair.” He clicked off.

  Kade kept a respectable distance between his truck and Brooke’s car, guessing her destination to be the town her brother, Cameron Sinclair, lived. He settled into the seat, reached behind him to grab a bottle of water from the back, and reconciled himself to the fact he’d be in Fire Mountain, Arizona before nightfall.


  “What do you think you’re doing, coming to my home? You are never to come here. Ever.” Paco Bujazan couldn’t contain the anger he felt at seeing Perry Worton pounding on his front door. He’d let his bodyguards allow the man inside, the same bodyguards who stayed hidden whenever Brooke had visited.

  “There’s a problem.” Perry moved further into the room, ignoring the muscle posted near Paco. He scrubbed a hand over his perspiration soaked face and dropped into a chair. “I didn’t get the package. Some guy interrupted me just before Brooke walked out of Krueger’s office. I had to take off or she would’ve seen me.”

  “You’re telling me the package is still in her possession?” Paco ground out, anger obvious in his tone.

  Perry looked up and nodded, and once again realized the danger surrounding him. No one knew of his association with the cartel. He’d made a mistake a year before and now he’d be paying for it the rest of his life.

  “So you failed.” Paco turned from him and paced toward the massive picture window.

  “It was just the one time. I’ve made all the other exchanges to your contact.”


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