Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More Page 3

by Shelley Kaehr

  Alzheimer’s is not mentioned at all in any of the readings, yet Cayce clearly knew of a danger of high aluminum exposure and even cited the fact that the hazard has to do with what kind of food was being served. Once again, Cayce was ahead of his time.

  Cayce also recommends many of the aluminum-based gemstones in the readings mentioned later in the book. Aluminum based gems allow the soul to move into higher spiritual realms and remember talents and spiritual abilities from past lives. Aluminum allows us to access higher realms of consciousness by breaking the sound barrier between our world and the spirit world so it is easier to hear spirit guides.

  Sample Aluminum Readings

  (Q) Are aluminum cooking vessels a detriment to health?

  (A) To some; and dependent upon what’s cooked in ‘em!


  Mornings—alternate between fresh fruits with cereal, or citrus fruit or whole wheat—the wheat that is rolled, but cooked at least for an hour or hour and a half; and this means cooking covered, not in aluminum but rather in enamel or glassware. Not in aluminum. For with this condition, aluminum becomes poisonous to the system. Do not use aluminum ware in any form where this body takes food from!




  Atomic Number 56


  Carl Wilhelm Scheele first discovered barium oxide in 1774, but it was not separated from its ore until Sir Humphrey Davy did so in 1808, so Davy is credited with the discovery. It is used in electronics, spark plugs, fireworks, rocket fuels, and most commonly in x-rays.

  Barium Sulfate


  In mineral form it is known as barium sulfate. Spiritually, the element of barium brings an energy of transparency, allowing us to see though the masks we wear and allows truth to come to light. Truth, honesty, and justice are the virtues of this element.

  Cayce Uses

  In the life readings, Barium was referred to as an enema, or ingestible liquid that allows doctors to easily see and diagnose complications in the digestive track.

  Sample Barium Readings

  1196-14 Reports

  G.I. Series made for [1196]

  Fluoroscopic examination—Esophagus was observed, throughout its entire length, which appeared to be normal. Barium on entering the stomach rapidly passed to pyloric area.

  257-217 Reports

  Barium enema examination at that time was said to have revealed no other significant findings.



  Atomic Number 4


  Beryllium is a rare alkaline earth metal originating from the mineral beryl, the same family of minerals as emerald and aquamarine. French chemist Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin discovered beryllium in 1798 while investigating the structures of emerald and beryl, once thought to be two totally different minerals.

  Beryllium also led to the discovery of the neutron in 1932 after James Chadwick, the English physicist and Nobel Prize winner, discovered that bombarding beryllium with alpha particles caused a nuclear reaction that created neutrons.

  Beryllium Aluminum Silicate


  In mineral form, beryl is found in elongated shards with many different colors including green, blue, and pink. It is powerful stone of transformation and assists us in healing both physical ailments and situations. Several varieties, including emerald, aquamarine, and morganite, will be explored later in the book.

  Cayce Uses

  Life readings were requested by executives of the Beryllium Corporation and much of Cayce’s work in this area dealt with the profitability of the business. Amazingly, Cayce was able to deliver extremely detailed and complex information about the mining and alloying, or mixing, of metals—things normally only known by seasoned metallurgists.

  Sample Beryl Readings


  (Q) Will it be possible to work pure Beryllium?

  (A) To make for commercial usage would be better to work same with its affinities, both above and below in the scale of metals, and not in its pure form.


  (Q) Regarding Beryllium, what metal below Beryllium in the scale of metals has most affinity for Beryllium?

  (A) Tin.



  Atomic Number 83


  Bismuth was first described in 1450 by Basilius Valentinus, a German Monk, who called it wismut. It was constantly being confused with lead and tin but was not identified as an element until 1659 by Johann Glauber, and it was not separated from its ore until 1753 by Claud Geoffroy.

  Bismuth is an ingredient in Pepto-Bismol, commonly used today to treat stomach disorders.

  In the early twentieth century, infant mortality was very high due to an illness called “cholera infantum.” A doctor from New York developed a formula he called Mixture Cholera Infantum made from Bismuth, zinc, and wintergreen that drastically improved the symptoms, and infant deaths began to decline. The mixture was colored pink, and after becoming mass-produced, was renamed Pepto-Bismol in 1919.

  Native bismuth crystals are rare. It can be found more often as a nugget with other minerals included in the specimen. They can occasionally be found in Germany and Bolivia. Other minerals with Bismuth in them include: Bismuthinite, Pucherite, Walpurgite, and Emplectite.

  Energetically, bismuth is a grounding element that soothes the nervous system and provides both physical and psychic protection. When the mineral specimen is placed on the stomach, it can provide the same relief to the digestion as Pepto-Bismol while healing ulcers and repairing tissue damage from stomach stress at a cellular level.

  One of my clients suffered from a pre-ulcer condition caused by stress. The nervousness led to an acidic buildup, and he was warned to relax or suffer the consequences. Bismuth and its related minerals are good antidotes to such conditions if they can be located. The mineral can actually mend and heal the tears and bring the body back into a state of complete perfection when combined with meditating and allowing the body to rest.

  Cayce Uses

  Appearing 769 times in 569 readings, Milk of Bismuth was continually recommended for any ailment of the stomach or digestive system. Cayce’s recommendations of the mixture began in 1930, only a decade after it was first made available. It was prescribed for all sorts of illness, including alkalinity, acidity, toxemia, arthritis, tumors, stomach spasms, diarrhea, constipation, epilepsy, and ulcers.

  Sample Bismuth Readings


  The Bismuth furnishes that as a coating for the whole intestinal system, and prevents regurgitation . . .


  (Q) Should the Bismuth be combined with the Pepsin and taken?

  (A) It’s prepared in that way and manner. Bismuth-Pepsin, or Pepsinized (Peptonized) Bismuth.


  Copper and Zinc Alloy


  Brass is an alloy, or mixture, of Copper and Zinc that was discovered after the Bronze Age, probably because Zinc is not easy to refine.

  Brass is rarely found naturally except in Siberia, Russia, and because of that, it may one day be classified as a mineral—as long as it can be found in some quantity and is different from other copper and zinc mixtures.

  Brass links us with our past. It can greatly enhance the recall of many past lives and the frequency can assist you with healing those lives or dealing with unfinished business.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce primarily referenced brass as it related to the advancements of several early civilizations including Atlantis and Egypt and during biblical times. He also made several mentions of “sounding brass,” which could be referring to Corinthians in the Bible.

  Sample Brass Readings


  With these developments came then the gradual injections of the use of elements from without for protection, as implements with which to protect themselves, which began with the use of fitting stone, iron, brass, copper, and
those elements known in the present, as instruments of warfare, or of building, or of preservation of the various emoluments of individuals.


  At the completion of that called Gizeh, there was the mounting of that which completed the top, composed of a combination or fluxes of brass, copper, gold, that was to be sounded when all the initiates were gathered about the altar or the pyramid.


  Iron, brass, and copper were also employed even before the first upheavals.

  The early Atlanteans were peaceful and so made rapid advances in the application of natural laws.


  . . . an idea may be beautiful, may be wonderful, but without the background of an ideal becomes as but sounding brass, or as the gourd without water.

  Biblical References

  Brass is mentioned several times in the Bible; however, in the New International Version, it is replaced with the word copper. In the time of the King James translation, brass was a popular material; in biblical times, however, copper would most likely have been the metal used, because brass was not around then.

  “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.” Corinthians I 13:1

  “And he made the horns thereof on the four corners of it; the horns thereof were of the same: and he overlaid it with brass. And he made all the vessels of the alter, the pots, and the shovels, and the basins, and the fleshhooks, and the firepans: all the vessels thereof made he of brass.” Exodus 38:2-3

  “And the pins of the tabernacle, and of the court round about, were of brass.” Exodus 38:20


  Copper and Tin Alloy


  The Bronze Age began around 3600 B.C. after someone accidentally discovered that if you mix copper with tin, a new stronger material emerges that makes sharper tools and weapons than pure copper alone. This was a huge leap forward in the development of mankind. The chronology of the Bronze Age varies in different parts of the world. In any culture, the discovery of bronze occurred after the discovery of copper and preceded the discovery of iron which would provide even further enhancements to mankind. It is a time categorized by the fact that tools and weapons were made of bronze and can give amazing clues as to the developmental timelines of various cultures around the world.

  Prior to discoveries in the 1960s, the Bronze Age was thought to have begun in the Middle East until new findings in Ban Chiang, Thailand, showed bronze technology dating back to as early as 4500 B.C.

  Spiritually, bronze will connect you with other past lives where you experienced those energies. You can lay bronze on the body to provide a high frequency metal that will strengthen the aura while clearing it of blockages that may be tough to get through to with other stones and elements. It acts as a spiritual coat of armor and will protect the entire energy field from drains and psychic attack.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce’s referrals to bronze dealt with the decorative or ornamental uses of the metal.

  Sample Bronze Readings


  Above this—not too large and yet not in an oval, though the figures in the background shaded together would indicate an oval—the central figure, or the larger, would be the goddess Isis, with Horus upon the lap; this indicating especially the body of the goddess with the headdress, to be sure, of Taurus, or in that form, with the figure of the sun as the symbol in or between the horns of same. All of this would be in bronze color, save the center sun symbol which would be white. Indicate the special significance to Horus in the heart, or the manner of the entity’s development towards children, motherhood, and the activities. Put in the center the hand holding a torch. The hand would be in flesh color, the torch in bronze, the light in white and red, or red flame with white shadow above same; indicating the giving out to others.

  Biblical References

  Bronze is referred to as brass in the King James version of the Bible, yet in the New International Version, that word is sometimes replaced with bronze because the Bronze Age came before brass was discovered.



  Atomic Number 48


  Cadmium is a rare metal that is only obtained as a byproduct of refining copper, lead, and zinc. Cadmium is used in electroplating, photography, engraving, transistors, and yellow oil-based paint. It was discovered accidentally in 1817 by chemist Friedrich Strohmeyer when he noticed a peculiar yellow coloring in some zinc ore he was analyzing; he realized it was a new element. Cadmium gets its name from the Greek word kadmeira, which is “calamine,” a name referring to a skin lotion.

  Cadmium is a very scarce element that cannot be found as a mineral in nature. It is found in a mineral called Otavite (CdCO3), and Greenockite (CdS), which is the only real ore of cadmium. Cadmium usually comes from the processing of lead and zinc ore because it is found as a trace element within them.

  Cayce Uses

  The cadmium in the readings is an ingredient in an oil Cayce prescribed for a three-year-old girl who fell and suffered a head injury.

  Sample Cadmium Readings

  3375-1 Reports

  [Q] What is the calamus (or cadmus, as pronounced in the reading) oil? Where may it be obtained? . . .

  Is it a solution of cadmium salts?

  [Note by Gladys Davis: I find this definition under the word cadmium: “calamine, a bluish white metal resembling zinc in its general properties. In its physiological action it is escharotic and astringent; internally, in large doses, it produces emesia and violent gastritis. Calmium iodide, used as an ointment, 1 to 8 of lard—calmium salicylate, white needles, soluble in water and alcohol—is said to be a more antiseptic activity than other cadmium salts—cadmium sulphate, an astringent in gonorrhea and in corneal opacities; used as a lotion in strength of H gr. or 4 to 1 ozs. of water, or as an ointment in 1:40 of fresh lard.]


  [A] While the cadmium indicated would be the salts mixed with lard, we will change these; so these may be the administrations!



  Atomic Number 20


  Sir Humphrey Davy discovered calcium, the fifth most abundant element, in 1808. Several minerals include calcium including limestone, gypsum, calcite, and marble. The walls of caverns and caves are all made from calcium deposits. It is the building block of our bones and will help you stand strong in any situation. Obviously, minerals with calcium help prevent osteoporosis and bone disorders.



  Apatite, as the name suggests, is used to curb the appetite. There are many varieties and colors ranging from blue to green. It can help you lose weight, or if that is not what is needed, it can help you feel okay with the way things are going for you. It brings a sense of gratitude and inner peace.



  Selenite, as I like to call it, is one of the most powerful stones of the New Age. It brings light into the energetic bodies and instantly clears all chakras. It is one of the few stones that does not ever need to be cleansed. It can be used to cleanse other stones as well. There are some great wands from Morocco that are very powerful healing tools. Wands can be used to direct energy and act as an extension of your energy and intent.


  Limestone makes up so much of our planet and is an important geological part of the earth. It is like the bones of the planet that carry the weight of us all and hold everything together. So many tremendous mineral deposits are found among limestone. It is as if the bones hold the entire being of the planet in place so the gems can exist peacefully, each gem representing an organ of the body—so precious and rare and vital to the whole, yet it could not exist without the structural support of limestone. Limestone is excellent in healing any bone ailments from cancers to bone density issues, such as osteoporosis, to scoliosis. It can also be used to bring bala
nce to areas where too much calcium has built up causing painful over-calcified joints by assisting the excess to spread more evenly around the body.

  Limestone Readings

  Limestone is mentioned in the readings primarily in regards to the location of oil deposits:


  (Q) Would the well be drilled with Standard or Rotary tools?

  (A) Should be begun with Rotary tools; through the second and third with Standard. The Hartselle Limestone will be too hard to drill with Rotary.

  There are also references to the bone-building properties of limestone, and Cayce confirms it can be used to build teeth, gums, and soft tissue:


  (Q) . . . could limestone in solution be added to this combination? And would it be beneficial as a cleanser of the teeth? Would it be good as a commercial dentifrice in this form?

  (A) Not adding to the abilities of a cleansing agent, but adding to the soft tissue for a builder-upper, as might be called, to the gums and soft tissue of mouth and throat, it would be well.


  Although the days of blackboards and chalk are well over in the schools across the country, it is too bad. Chalk is a wonderful calcium based substance that held a nurturing energy that is now missing in most schools with the advent of the dry erase board and the chemical markers. Chalk is a wonderful tool for little children to use to draw with on sidewalks. It allows them to tap into their soul roots in other lifetimes and remember the days of cliff drawings and hieroglyphics. As they access these dormant memories of the soul, hidden talents are released and it becomes easier for them to wake up and realize soul purpose, so they may complete it in this lifetime. Many special children are being born now to come in and assist us with vibrational and frequency shifts on the planet. The sooner these special earth angels wake up and remember their missions, the better off we will all be. Chalk provides the creative outlet and the nurturing energy so that children feel safe and secure while bringing in this information.


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