Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More Page 9

by Shelley Kaehr

  Like the Phoenix bird that rose from the ashes, this is an element of renewal from fire and will connect you with the deepest recesses of the earth and the secrets of the ocean itself.

  Cayce Uses

  Atomic Iodine solution (Atomidine) alleviates high blood pressure, and Cayce recommended diets filled with iodine to assist the nervous system.

  Sample Iodine Readings


  There is a lack of the necessary forces for keeping a full flow of the normal corpuscle activity, owing to the lack of the elements in the body—and the blood supply—for the balance between the iodine and potash. Or there is an excess of potash in the system.


  . . . iodine—which in this formula or in this manner (Atomidine) is non-poisonous, non-toxic, but is healing to mucous membranes, is an astringent and a healer and a purifier of tissue in the body. Use such a weak spray whenever there are the irritations arising through the sinus and the antrums.

  499-1 Reports

  Principal Iodine Foods: Iodine sea lettuce, raw egg in orange juice, Cod liver oil, smoked salmon, skin of baked potato, Irish moss, lobster, artichokes, strawberries, green grapes, frogs’ legs, oysters, shrimp, green turtle, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, clams, pineapple, crawfish, crabs, scallops, garlic, peas, pears.

  Iodine is the great protector of the brain and nervous system from body toxins. Lack of iodine means extreme nervousness, erratic notions, and worries. Iodine stimulates the glands, balances the weight, causes assimilation of calcium and blood salts, increases oxygen assimilation, balances and increases brain activity. All people need iodine. No temperaments have iodine in excess. Those who need it the most, however, are the anemic, emotional, nervous, sentimental, easily upset temperaments, and also those with goitre and tendency to nervous prostration. Big heads and puny bodies, diabetic and nephritic types, those with unnecessary fears and apprehensions, squinting eyes, alternate talking spells and stupor, flabby lower abdomen, awkward movements, soggy head colds, excessive hunger feeling rather than very full sensations, frothy saliva, numbness, irritation from the sun, lack of concentration—these symptoms and many others of a “nervous” nature are not due to “imagination.” They need iodine. There is no such thing as “just nerves.”



  Atomic Number 7


  Chemistry student Daniel Rutherford discovered nitrogen in 1772 after experimenting with a candle. He covered it and realized that after the oxygen had burned out that another gas was present. Nitrogen is an asphyxiant because it takes oxygen out of the air, and it is the most common gas in the earth’s atmosphere.



  Nitrogen is not common in the mineral kingdom, but does occur occasionally in a sodium nitrate form called nitratine, a very delicate mineral that will actually turn to liquid after absorbing water from the air. Because of that, this stone will help you if you are overly emotional or have a lot of water planets in your astrological chart and need to remain calm, cool, and collected.

  Cayce Uses

  Nitrogen is used in the production of Carbon Ash, a common Cayce remedy.

  Sample Nitrogen Readings


  (Q) In producing the ash, may the other elements in the air consist of a gas such as acetylene?

  (A) Not too much of it. More of the natural gases of the air is better in the product. That of the hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen—these are better in the air than the gases as would come from acetylene.


  (Q) Any advice as to diet of the mother?

  (A) Keep a diet well-balanced or well-rounded in iron, nitrogen, and the necessary bone structural forces in the activities that arise from such diets. Milk, a good vegetable diet; not acid-forming foods, not too heavy of meats—but a well-rounded, well-balanced diet.


  (Q) What is the cause of frequent colds and headaches?

  (A) . . . the pressure as is produced on the sphlenic [splenic?] nerves and the active forces to the gall bladder especially, or gall ducts—these prevent that being carried in the system that is able, through the assimilation of food values, to create the plasm necessary in the blood supply to cope with the germ when it enters the system—which is, as is known, as prevalent in the air as is oxygen, or nitrogen, or hydrogen.

  Treatment for a man with a parasitic infection:


  (Q) What is the niccolite composed of?

  (A) Oxygen, nitrogen, and action on the force of putrified matter in the animal; in the state we have it from the animal matter, acted on by nature, or put there by its Maker for the use of mankind when he needs it. This man needs it, take it and use it.



  Atomic Number 8


  One of the most abundant elements on earth, oxygen is essential to life. It is a key component in the air we breathe, the water in our bodies and on our planet, and is part of most minerals on earth.

  Spiritually, oxygen reminds us to breath, to take in the richness of life and all it has to offer. It is an energy of pure emotion because breathing is a very emotional experience. When you breathe, you feel things, you smell things, and those smells go straight to the brain stem, to the oldest part of the brain and remind you of things past.

  Oxygen allows us to be at our ideal weight and body size. Proper breathing can help burn necessary calories for weight loss, or it can allow the cells to expand to assist the body in achieving perfect health.

  When you breathe out of your mouth, as I used to do, the sympathetic nervous system is activated and the adrenal glands go into affect creating a fight or flight response. That would be okay if you were living in prehistoric times and needed to run to hunt food, or escape the deathly grips of a predator. These days, there is no need to use the adrenals to a great extent, yet we do it all the time and it ultimately wears the body down. Cayce mentions the sympathetic nervous system hundreds of times in the readings:

  These as we find produce disturbances between the cerebrospinal and the sympathetic nervous system coordination.


  The cerebrospinal nervous system is most likely another name for the parasympathetic nervous system. It controls rest and relaxation and digestion. If you do not breathe out of your nose, this system will not get activated and digestive problems will occur. Of all the life readings, elimination problems make up an extremely high percentage of problems people had in Cayce’s time, and if you take a look at commercials on TV lately, you will see this problem has only gotten worse. Dozens of digestion-related products flood the market each year. Many of these ailments could be alleviated through proper breathing.

  Cayce Uses

  As mentioned above, most of the 537 oxygen readings deal with the proper intake of oxygen as it is applied to healing all sorts of ailments within the body.

  Sample Oxygen Readings


  (Q) How long will it be necessary to continue oxygen?

  (A) Until the blood has sufficiently rehabilitated itself to carry on the eliminations through their nominal channels, or until there is a disintegration in some portions.


  While oxidized, or oxygen is also a necessary element in the breaking up, especially of tissue that is infected in any manner in the human body . . .



  Atomic Number 15


  Discovered in 1669, Phosphorus is an element that is essential to life. In the spirit of alchemy, German chemist Hannig Brand made an attempt to turn urine into gold and discovered phosphorus instead. It is a white powder that glowed in air and is named the Greek word for “light bearer.”

  Cayce Uses

  Recommended to relax the body.

  Sample Phosphorus Readings


  (Q) Specify foods containing phosphorus?

  (A) The yolk of egg, n
one of the white. Those in carrots, celery, turnips, all carry a form of phosphorus that are additions, and solubles to the system. Milk also, if warm with the animal heat. That which has been pasteurized does not carry same.

  Those (foods) of the silicon, and those that act with the phosphorus, for the activity of the glands in system, in evening. These will rest the body.


  (Q) Would phosphorus be helpful to him? If so, will you suggest the name of a tonic including phosphorus and iron?

  (A) As we find, phosphorus, to be sure, is a necessary element, but its assimilation from synthetic concoctions is oft hard upon the body. The assimilation of same from food values then becomes much more not only palatable but activative with the influences of the body. Those then as we find of the artichoke, the lowly rutabaga or turnip—these taken at least once to twice a week as a portion of the meal—will be the better manner for this to be assimilated by this body at the present time.



  Atomic Number 14


  The second most abundant element next to oxygen, silicon is a prime component of some of the most common minerals on earth.

  The power of silicon cannot be underestimated. It is a critical part of the mineral kingdom comprising parts of so many stones, I could not name them all here. Silicon brings speed and clarity to the healing process. It is like a rocket booster that amps up the speed and quickens everything it touches.



  Quartz, named after a Slavic word for “hard,” is the crystalline form of silicon, and many of the gems, such as clear crystal, amethyst, citrine, tiger’s eye, aventurine, and carnelian, are from the quartz family.

  Each type of quartz brings different energies, but as a family of gems, quartz stones represent transition and change. They transmit a high frequency that brings about smooth yet often rapid changes in health or general conditions.

  Quartz Readings

  Quartz is mentioned by name 141 times in the readings, primarily as used in mercury-quartz lamps for the treatment of arthritis, hemorrhage, pleurisy, cancer, multiple sclerosis, tumors, tuberculosis, bodybuilding, spinal issues, and ulcers.


  (Q) Would the Sun-Lamp Quartz or Carbon help eliminations and general condition? If so, state manner of treatment.

  (A) These may be given occasionally, but should not be a continued portion of the treatment. They assist and stimulate, especially when there are movements made in the muscular forces, where the activities come from impulses in centers along the cerebro-spinal system.


  Flint is non-crystalline form or crystal used in ancient times to start fires. Flint is also a stone of transition and rapid change, often assisting energetically with completely bringing down old systems or ways of doing things to make way for the new. It brings change so swiftly and without emotion that it feels a bit heartless, but by not allowing you to get too tied up in reminiscing over past events, flint encourages you to think positively and anticipate a brighter future knowing that you have to give up things to get better things down the road.

  Flint Readings

  There are a few mentions of flint in the readings, most talking about geological elements within land.


  In Uranus we find that the entity may be very magnanimous in some experience and then as hard as flint in another.

  Cayce Uses

  Recommended to regenerate organs and systems of the body and to assist better functioning of glands.

  Sample Silicon Reading


  (Q) Those [foods] containing silicon.

  (A) These are found in beets, carrots, spinach. In such these may be found.


  Beware, then, of starches and of sugars—but add as much of those that will carry the more stabilizing conditions for the system, in silicon, gold, and of those that regenerate the whole of the system as related to the glands.



  Atomic Number 16


  Sulphur in mineral form is bright yellow, and can be found near hot springs, geysers, and some volcanoes. Gypsum and Pyrite are common sulfur-based minerals.

  Energetically sulphur deeply cleanses the system of toxins both physically and etherically and aids not only in “burning off” unwanted conditions, but spiritually ridding you of unwanted situations. A powerful psychic protection stone, sulfur keeps negative thoughts from penetrating the aura and causing misfortune. Around the home, it can be used to create a wall of protection around your property simply by placing pieces in four corners around the home. They energetically link together to create a strong protective force that cannot be broken.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce recommended a mixture called Balsam of Sulfur for treatment of elimination problems, arthritis, paralysis, lesions, circulation, spleen psoriasis, toxemia, dermatitis, scoliosis, boils, and any kind of nervous system disorder.

  Sample Sulfur Readings


  (Q) How much Balsam of Sulfur should be massaged into the body at a time?

  (A) About what would be held in the hand, see? See, the Balsam of Sulfur is Sulfur boiled in oil, and is of a dark mealy, or liquid—heavy—of this combination, see?


  Using those properties as given—the sulphur, the cream of tartar, and salts—see? These in small quantities, taken properly as given, will cleanse the condition, see?

  Part Three

  Gems, Stones, and Minerals


  (Q) Is there a stone or ring somewhere waiting for me, that I should wear? What causes the feeling that there is, and what power has such a stone in reference to one’s life?

  (A) The ruby would make for the body that not as something which would be other than the power that self attributes to same, through its actual experience. But the light or reflection from same, worn on hand or body, will enable the body to concentrate in its mental application the greater—through the influences such a stone brings to material expression.

  How? Each element, each stone, each variation of stone, has its own atomic movement, held together by the units of energy that in the universe are concentrated in that particular activity. Hence they come under varied activities according to their color, vibration or emanation. In this particular one (the ruby) there is that fitness with that which has been the experience of this soul, this entity, through material expression. Hence it is an aid, a crutch to lean upon. But, as has always been given, let it be a stepping-stone; not that which thou standest only upon!

  The Dream Continues . . .

  Several months had passed since my strange dream about the Maltese Falcon. I read the book and watched the wonderful film with Humphrey Bogart. The book had one section I was particularly drawn to:

  “Mr Joel Cairo was a small-boned dark man of medium height. His hair was black and smooth and very glossy. His features were Levantine. A square-cut ruby, its sides paralleled by four baguette diamonds, gleamed against the deep green of his cravat . . . Cairo turned his hat over, dropping his gloves into it, and placed it bottom up on the corner of the desk nearest him. Diamonds twinkled on the second and fourth fingers of his left hand, a ruby that matched the one in his tie even to the surrounding diamonds on the third finger of his right hand . . . a platinum Longines watch on a platinum and red gold chain . . . a silver and onyx fountain-pen . . .”

  On another night, several months later, I found myself back in the same dream in the darkened cavern, standing with Cayce as he extended his arm back in a welcoming gesture, revealing thousands of precious gems: rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds.

  “Look,” he said. “The gems!”

  As I looked behind him, I saw huge treasure chests filled with many of the gems featured in the Maltese Falcon. I thought I understood what it all meant, until some time later, when I realized the dream was not over and there was much mo
re to see and to experience. For now, though, I knew I had to explore these gems—the gems Cayce mentioned in his work.

  Stones of the Bible

  Breastplate of the High Priest

  “And thou shalt set in it settings of stones, even four rows of stones: the first row shall be a sardius, a topaz and a carbuncle: this shalt be the first row.

  “And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond.

  “And the third row a ligure, an agate and an amethyst.

  “And the fourth row a beryl, and an onyx, and a jasper; they shall be set in gold in their inclosings.

  “And the stones shall be with the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a signet; every one with his name shall they be according to the twelve tribes.”

  Exodus 28:17-21

  “Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tablets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.”

  Ezekiel 28:13

  The breastplate of the High Priest is an important part of the Edgar Cayce readings. The stones of the breastplate represent the twelve tribes of Israel. Cayce mentions the breastplate three times:

  The entity then was among the daughters of Levi, and those chosen to make the vestment of the priest. And to the entity, because of its own abilities, there was given the preparation of the settings of the breastplate and the putting of the stones thereon, and the preparation of the Urim and Thummim for the interpretations of the movements that came upon the high priest in the holy of holies to be given to his people in or from the door of the tabernacle.


  Put ye on, then, the whole armor of God, the breastplate of righteousness, the sword of the spirit of truth.



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