Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More Page 13

by Shelley Kaehr

  Amethyst has kept its ancient reputation through the years, and I have used it for that purpose in my private practice when clients come in to discuss substance abuse problems of any kind. The high frequency of the stone and the purple hue provide the energy to uplift addictive behaviors while relaxing and soothing clients, so they can feel at ease.

  Amethyst is the carrier of the purple ray, and will open your third eye and crown chakra centers. Because of that, it is a great stone to help you open up to your psychic gifts and is a great meditation tool. It can enhance circulation, ease tension headaches, and calm anxiety.

  In energy work, I almost always use amethyst because it is one stone almost everybody loves and its high frequency helps remove all kinds of energetic blockages.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce gave more clues about the healing properties of amethyst than just about any other stone. He said it is to be used as a meditation aid, has ties to the purple ray, quiets the mind, eases depression, and assists those who wish to develop skills of a seer, or psychic.

  Sample Amethyst Readings


  Well that the entity have the stones or minerals about self when in periods of meditation, or in those periods when it may find itself the more easily attuned to the influences that may use the body, either in the healing forces that flow through—through its attunements, or through the visions and the associations of the entity; the chrysolite or the amethyst. For the color purple should be close to the body; and the perfumes or odors as of lavender have their influence—not as in great quantity, but that which makes for attunements.


  In the Mercurian forces does the entity find the wisdom of the sage, the seer, as a portion of the experience of self, rather than in the application in that which may be gained from books or from letters—but the words and the sounds and the tones and the colors. For as the vibrations and the healing in the amethyst, that make for the helping and aiding in individuals’ assistance or help, the wisdom is balanced in those things that are founded in constructive forces—which it must be, in the healing.


  Stones—the entity should have the amethyst (the white) about self often. These vibrations will bring greater harmony, in not only body but in the mental attributes.


  In the choice of stones, do wear the amethyst as a pendant about the neck, as a part of the jewelry. This will also work with the colors to control temperament.

  Row Four




  Because the stone beryl has been known since ancient times, it holds an almost definite space on the breastplate. In fact, beryl is much more common than its relative the emerald. New research suggests that the “emerald” found in the jewels of ancient Egyptians were actually beryl. The difference between the two lies in the richness of the green color provided by the element beryllium, which you read about in Part Two of the book.

  Beryl minerals grow in elongated shards that serve as transmitters to higher planes of existence. Beryl physically works on toxicity by assisting the elimination organs of the kidneys, pancreas, liver, and spleen. It cleanses each and provides healing support to them, particularly if those organs are overtaxed.


  I have seen some scholars list aquamarine by name in the identification of the breastplate stones. While this is possible, since it, like emerald, is in the beryl family of gems, I find it hard to believe anyone could be certain as to its identity after thousands of years. As it applies to the breastplate, I feel most comfortable calling the stone by its family name, beryl.

  Aquamarine is without a doubt a powerful stone. Its light-blue hue assists those who choose to verbally communicate with the spirit world and is a favorite scrying or gazing tool for mystics.

  As the name suggests, aquamarine connects you with all aquatic life and the healing energies of water and the ocean in particular. It has the power to transform and heal deep emotional pain and the physical ailments resulting from that pain.


  This is the pink form of beryl, named after banker J.P. Morgan. It has a sweet loving energy with ties to the faerie realm. Morganite allows you to be a child again and heal a hardened heart.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce mentioned beryl and its ties to ancient civilizations.

  Sample Beryl Readings


  These will make for much judgment to the entity, and the beryl and scarab should be a portion of the entity’s dress, ever, either worn as an amulet, the ring or such, will make for a safety in the entity’s present experience.


  In this temple, we find these of large or semi-circular columns of onyx, topaz, and inlaid with beryl, amethyst, and stones that made the variations in catching the rays of the sun.


  In this temple, we find these of large or semi-circular columns of onyx, topaz, and inlaid with beryl, amethyst, and stones that made the variations in catching the rays of the sun. Hence a portion of same became as the sun worshippers in other portions, from which there were an egress of the peoples.


  The entity gained throughout this experience; and still may there be seen that that was laid up, of the entity’s activities, in the tomb or the small granary, or obelisks yet to be uncovered in the small or first pyramids of beryl.




  Onyx comes from the Greek word onux, meaning fingernail. Greek legend says the Cupid clipped Venus’ fingernails and scattered them along the beaches of the world where the Fates transformed them into onyx. England’s Queen Victoria wore onyx jewelry during periods of mourning, and since then onyx is often worn as a stone for healing grief during periods of bereavement.

  Onyx is a powerful, protective, grounding stone, keeping you stable and centered during astral plane or out of body experiences. It can help change bad habits and relieve absentmindedness. Contrary to popular belief, most onyx is not black; it is brownish orange and has bands in it similar to agate. Much of the black onyx on the market today is dyed; yet black remains the most popular color.

  Aside from times of mourning, onyx is a good choice to wear during any somber occasion, such as going to court. It will help you appear humble and apologetic and will protect you from the scornful gaze of jurors.

  Cayce Uses

  Again, Cayce recommended Onyx for vibration purposes, plus the ties people had to onyx in past lives.

  Sample Onyx Readings


  (Q) To what color, symbol or stone does entity vibrate best?

  (A) The ruby and onyx, and as to colors—the radiation of colors from both the ruby and onyx.


  For the entity, turning within, may aid many in making the more marvelous discoveries; for there is a whole civilization above the entity’s temple; yea, even its bed, which is almost of pure gold and onyx.


  The furnishings may be surmised from the fact that the most beautiful things from each land were gathered there; gold, silver, onyx, iron, brass, silk, satins, linen.

  Other Biblical references

  “And onyx stones, and stones to be set for the ephod, and for the breastplate.”

  Exodus 35:9

  “And the rulers brought onyx stones, and stones to be set, for the ephod, and for the breastplate.”

  Exodus 36:27




  There are just about more types of jasper than any other stone on the planet. It has a very calm and soothing energy to it that can assist you in sleeping and dreaming, settling the stomach and nerves, and grounding you to the earth.

  Jasper is a stone known since ancient times. There is little doubt it was used in the breastplate of the High Priest, and in fact was used by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks in their ceremonies as well. The stone was used in ancie
nt European times to bring rain, and interestingly, the name jasper means “rain bringer” in some Native American cultures.

  Dalmatian Jasper

  As the name implies, this jasper looks like the speckled dog. It is a beige-colored stone with black spots that connects you with the animal kingdom and Mother Earth.

  Mookite Jasper

  This variety comes in rich yellow and red colors with occasional beige streaks. From Australia, it will help you tune into what the Aborigines call the dreamtime, an otherworldly, extra-dimensional place where you go to gain great wisdom and spiritual strength. When I first brought this stone home and had a showing of it, people went crazy for this particular stone. There was something about it that gave us all chills. It is really powerful for those who are attracted to it. I can’t help but think it has something to do with past-life connections, because some people either don’t notice it at all or are repelled by it. If you think you are attracted to the Australia/New Zealand part of the world at all, you may want to get some of this and try it!

  Ocean Jasper

  The multi-colored ocean or orbitcular jasper comes from Madagascar, off the east coast of Africa. This stone connects you with all creatures of the sea and the healing salt waters of the ocean. It is an excellent stone to use in meditation because it quiets and centers the mind. It will also help transform and heal negative emotions—particularly fear.

  Red Jasper

  This jasper comes from Utah and carries a deep connection to mother earth. It is an excellent stone to use for grounding and the orange-red color can help you in creative projects from art to architecture. It soothes the digestion and relieves pain of menstruation. My great friend loves this particular stone and puts pieces of the Utah variety all over her house. She has very deep ties to the Native Americans of that area, as well, so I think she is somehow connected with that energy as many people are. The red variety from the U.S. has helped me with my dreams and to connect with totem animals native to our country such as wolf.

  Zebra Jasper

  This stone is striped like the zebra. It comes in several varieties. One is pure white with black stripes, like the traditional zebra. This stone will help you make decisions and fine tune your opinion on tough issues. The other variety comes from Australia and has more of a sandstone base. It is brown with rusty-colored stripes.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce mentioned jasper as it related to uses in past lives.

  Sample Jasper Readings


  Not in the present, but we would give that which surrounds the source, place, force, that is seen here. For, the walls are jasper, the ceilings are beryl, the doors are beryl, the floors are pure gold, the light is the Lamb.


  Such teachings were correlated and disseminated; whether pertaining to the arts, those things of a commercial nature, the delvings into the earth and into the strange places for those things that might be turned into adornments as of silver and gold or precious stones—diamonds, emeralds, onyx, beryl, jasper, and all those things that made for adornment. These were the interests, these were the activities of the entity as related especially to the preparation of individuals for their material actions in those periods.

  Biblical References

  “Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as a crystal.”

  Revelation 21:11

  “And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass.”

  Revelation 21:18

  Other Biblical Stones

  “And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire, the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst.”

  Revelation 22:19-20




  One of the oldest known materials to ancient Egyptians, alabaster has been used for thousands of years for making the art and lining the tombs in some of the greatest civilizations the world has ever known—Egypt, Sumer, Babylonia, Assyria, and ancient Greece.

  Alabaster is a gypsum-based stone that is hard to find these days in any great abundance unless you are a sculptor or take a trip to Egypt. I went to Egypt a few years ago and bought a beautiful hand-carved scarab beetle and began to use it in meditation, because I was told it would connect me with my ancient Egyptian lives. The stone provided me some amazing meditative journeys into temples I had never seen before—at least not in this lifetime. Physically, because it has a calcium base, it was very soothing to my body; in particular the skeletal structure seemed to solidify.

  If you want to get some alabaster, you can buy little scarab beetles here in the states that are imported from Egypt. I had several students who meditated with these and had several similar reports to my own. One of the most interesting follows here:

  “I relived a death in Egypt where I was a powerful initiate who was perceived by a particular high priest to be a threat to him. I was not yet in full awareness of who I was—he knew who I was—it was his karmic responsibility and soul contract to initiate me—instead, he chose to betray me. Part of the initiation process was learning to trust, but he trained me to trust him instead of myself. He tricked me into an underground chamber claiming it was a secret entrance to the pyramid which was where the next stage of my initiation was to take place. Instead it was a dead end underground chamber that he sealed me in. I thought it was part of the initiation. By the time I realized what had happened, it was too late. I managed to survive on scarab beetles hoping someone would find me. I couldn’t “psychically” tell anyone where I was because I had been blindfolded and disoriented before being brought to the chamber. I died betrayed and despairing. No one, except the priest, ever knew what happened to me. I felt a shooting pain run up the left side of my body from my hip to my shoulder, along the ley line through my heart.”

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce described lives in Egypt and told of alabaster used in that time.

  Sample Alabaster Readings


  The entity chose not an active force other than as a demonstration in the relationships to others through the sex relations, for the preparations of the body for the new form, the new expression. For, few of those had arisen to that state in which there were the preparations so as to produce the alabaster or all white, or all relationships that brought or made for individuality and better expression for the personality of the entity throughout the sojourn.

  254-107 Reports

  The slaves were brought from the pyramid to work at home, and they erected an entrance of alabaster and faience that led to the river, and lined it with tapestries of gold and statues of Rah.

  Biblical References

  “There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box . . .”

  Matthew 26:7

  “There came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment . . .”

  Mark 14:3

  “And behold, a woman in the city, which was a sinner when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster box of ointment.”

  Luke 7:37




  Chalcedony is a word used to describe a particular stone as well as a family of stones. In this section, we will explore several types of chalcedony.


  Bloodstone is a dark-green chalcedony with red specks in it. Some varieties have golden streaks in them. Legend says the red specks represent the blood of Christ and when you place the stone on your body, you will absorb these red spots and they will heal you .

  Of all the stones I can tell you about in this book, bloodstone remains to this day the one I have personally see
n the most miraculous healings with my own eyes. This stone has the ability to totally change color and allow you to absorb the life force from it to heal. I reported on several cases in my book Gemstone Journeys, and continue to see more and more examples of these healings all the time.

  I have some close friends who have leukemia and I gave them some bloodstone to carry with them. Within a week of receiving the stones, they were beginning to become hollowed out as they took on the life force of the stone. One of them is now in complete remission and the other is feeling well—better than he had been in quite awhile.

  Bloodstone, as the name would suggest, is known for healing all disorders of blood and can also assist in circulation problems.

  Another time, I was about to go out of town to work with a family who was suffering from profound grief after the suicide of two of their children. I was guided to place my favorite piece of raw, dark-green bloodstone in my pocket and carry it with me on the trip. By the end of the two-day weekend, this stone had gone from a dark green to a yellowish color. Much of the rich green had been completely zapped out of the stone, and I felt okay after the sessions, although they were extremely emotional, as you can imagine.


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