Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More Page 15

by Shelley Kaehr

  Tuaoi Stone

  Some of the readings deal with a stone that Cayce said was used in Atlantis called the Tuaoi stone. One woman came for a reading and asked Cayce about a seal or symbol that would be helpful for her. Cayce described the Tuaoi as part of her seal. The following reading explains the stone in detail:

  For this entity, then—in the center upon a board or paper—we would begin with the stone as the light of the activities in the temple in the Atlantean-Poseidian era. This might be termed the Tuaoi stone—T-u-a-o-i. This would be a six-facet stone of the height, as to proportion, with the rest of the chart as may be indicated. The stone of the Tuaoi would be opalescent, while the light would be indicated from the top in the rays of the white light.


  The mention of such a stone nobody had heard of before, led to a stream of scholarly inquiries into the identity of the mysterious crystal. Further inquiry from (2072) resulted in Cayce providing a very detailed description of the stone:

  (Q) Going back to the Atlantean incarnation—what was the Tuaoi stone? Of what shape or form was it?

  (A) It was in the form of a six-sided figure, in which the light appeared as the means of communication between infinity and the finite; or the means whereby there were the communications with those forces from the outside.


  Cayce went on to describe the radioactive nature of the stone:

  Later this came to mean that from which the energies radiated, as of the center from which there were the radial activities guiding the various forms of transition or travel through those periods of activity of the Atlanteans.


  And he described the stone’s setting and warned not to confuse it with the crystal we have today:

  It was set as a crystal, though in quite a different form from that used there. Do not confuse these two, then, for there were many generations of difference.


  Like a crystal, the Tuaoi seemed to share the transmission abilities of quartz, but potentially much more powerful—strong enough to supply central power to the entire area:

  It was in those periods when there was the directing of aeroplanes, or means of travel; though these in that time would travel in the air, or on the water, or under the water, just the same. Yet the force from which these were directed was in this central power station, or Tuaoi stone; which was as the beam upon which it acted.


  Cayce described the original intent of the stone—as a carrier of spiritual light:

  In the beginning it was the source from which there was the spiritual and mental contact.


  Later, he noted that the Tuaoi was one of the aspects of Atlantis that began pure and utopian and ended in a misuse of power. According to Cayce, the stone was gravely misused, leading to the eventual destruction of the entire civilization:

  First it was the means and source or manner by which the powers that be made the centralization for making known to the children of men, and children of God, the directing forces or powers. Man eventually turned this into that channel for destructive forces—and it is growing towards this in the present.


  Reading recipient (2072) later wrote a letter describing her interpretation of the Tuaoi Stone:

  Regarding the “Tuaoi stone”: It does not seem to be a gem, in the sense of something to be worn or for ornamental purposes, but rather must have been a very large block of crystal used in the Atlantean sacred temple.

  Neither this explanation nor any of the readings give a clear indication about the identity of the stone. I was puzzled about it until I had a continuation of my recurring dream one night.

  This time, Cayce and I stood in the cave, but not in the same chamber where the gems had been and where the rest of the dream occurred. He stood smiling and then bent down to reach for something quite large. It was a big almost foot-high egg-shaped whitish stone. As I looked closer, it had pale luminescent rays of light blue, yellow and pink emanating from it like an opal, although no opal I had ever seen before.

  “Tuaoi,” he said in a whisper as he held it out for me to see more clearly.

  I woke up the next day and remembered the dream. Tuaoi is an opal, I thought.

  Remember I briefly talked about the formation of opal in that section of the book. The opal is formed from the porous volcanic matter deep within the earth. The stone is almost all water, so it is usually found near water, and the reason for the various and amazing colors it produces is because there is no set formula for it. Opal is a combination of water and whatever mineral or element content lies near it. Aside from the water content and unpredictable chemistry, it is somewhat similar to the quartz crystal chemically because both are forms of silicon dioxide, known to be excellent frequency transmitters.

  In my understanding, Tuaoi is like the opal, yet made from minerals that are radioactive in nature, such as uranium or radium.

  Cayce gives a clue to the identity of the stone in the following excerpt:

  The stone of the Tuaoi would be opalescent . . .


  While, as always, there is no way to prove this theory, it poses an interesting question: could our dismay over opals actually be linked to a deep subconscious memory from Atlantis where we watched our beautiful God-given gifts be destroyed by greed and power?


  Today when someone mentions the Yucatan, you probably think about Cancun or Cozumel, yet in ancient times, it was a wondrous place with a fascinating history mentioned several times by Cayce in the readings. There was a stone known by no other name than “firestone” that Cayce mentioned, and like the Tuaoi of Atlantis, scholars are still stumped about its identity. In the readings, the area of the Yucatan is referring to a part of Atlantis:

  In the sunken portions of Atlantis, or Poseidia, where a portion of the temples may yet be discovered, under the slime of ages of sea water—near what is known as Bimini, off the coast of Florida. And in the temple records that were in Egypt, where the entity later acted in cooperation with others in preserving the records that came from the land where these had been kept. Also the records that were carried to what is now Yucatan in America, where these stones (that they know so little about) are now—during the last few months—being uncovered.


  Some say Tauoi and the firestone are one in the same, which is possible, but I am inclined to think they are two separate stones.


  Before that we find the entity was in the Persian land, among those who carried the goods from one portion of the land to another, or a caravan maker, dealing in the linens of Egypt, the pearls of Persia, in the opal, the firestone, the lapis lazuli in Indo-China, yea the diamonds and rubies of some of the cities of gold. These find an attraction for the entity in the experience in the present. Be not rather as a hoarder but use such, then, of the knowledge of such, in the study as to the helpful force in the experience of thy follow man.


  The entity came into the experience in Egypt but was of the Atlantean peoples, and interpreted in the Temple Beautiful those beauties of the temples in the Poseidia; for from there we find those great lights—opaline lights, as it were—about the entity. And these, as we find, would be those stones that to others may bring as mystery yet the fire opal would be of the stones that should be about the entity; for the holding of that fire, the vigor, that understanding that makes for purification, even though the fires of the flesh must be burned out that the glory of self may be made manifest in being a channel for the glory of the living truths to be known and experienced among others.


  Mexican Fire Opal

  It is my opinion, because of the area where it is found, that the firestone Cayce is referring to is the Mexican Fire Opal. In the following passage, he gives us a clue into the true identity of the stone:

  . . . in the opal, the firestone . . .


  At first, it may look like Cayce is referring to two separate stones, but look again and you will see, he is merely renaming the opal. An example would be if I said to you, “Edgar Cayce, the world’s greatest psychic . . .” would you think Cayce and the psychic are two different people? No, of course not. I am describing the man with the phrase “greatest psychic.” In the above passage, Cayce redefines the stone opal as the firestone. He could be referring to any opal, yet because this one has ties to the Yucatan and fire opals are unique in that area, I assume he is naming that particular kind of opal. So in essence, the Tuaoi and firestone are the same—they are two types of the same stone.

  Fire opals have been mined since the 1870s. They carry the energy of fire, which means they will help you get things started. They are great to use when you are beginning any project to breathe life and energy into these endeavors. They can also be used to aid sluggish digestion. Fire tends to get things moving, both spiritually and physically.


  Before that we find the entity was in that land now known as the American, during the periods when there were the sojourning of those from the land of Mu, or Lemuria. The entity was then among the first of those that were born in what is now portions of Arizona and of Utah, and among those that established the lands there for the building up or growing up of that civilization in those experiences; and was in the name Uuluoou.


  Before that we find the entity was in that land now known as the American, during those periods when there were the changes that had brought about the sinking of Mu or Lemuria, or those peoples in the periods who had changed to what is now a portion of the Rocky Mountain area; Arizona, New Mexico, portions of Nevada and Utah.


  While there is no mention of a specific stone, gem, or mineral from Lemuria, there are many readings about Arizona, an area Cayce said is part of the lost continent of Lemuria.

  In the next section of the book, we will examine what some call the most significant stones in all the readings that happen to come from Arizona.

  Could it be that these stones energetically link us to the world that predated our Atlantean incarnations? You will have a chance to explore this and other possibilities in the next section.

  The Question of Lapis

  Of all the stones in the Cayce readings, none has inspired more discussion and debate than the Lapis group. Because three distinctly different varieties of the stone are mentioned, two with old world Latin names, researchers still question the exact identity of these stones. It is important to identify them, though, because they figure so prominently in the readings.

  Lapis Lazuli



  Lapis Lazuli is an ancient stone well known in Egypt for adorning the Pharaohs’ funeral masks and other religious items. Today most high quality deposits are found in Afghanistan.

  There are reports in the readings of the miraculous “singing” of Lapis Lazuli and it was something I wanted to experience for myself, so I tried it. I placed the stone next to my left ear and waited. At first I heard nothing, then I began to hear an extremely high frequency, a barely audible tone.

  As was mentioned in the above reading, the sound was so weak it seemed to emanate from my own head, rather than from outside myself.

  It started out like a beeping similar to a morse code, yet again, so faint I could not make out any messages; then after keeping it in place for quite some time, the tone changed to something I could only describe as a song. It sounded like a little bird singing first thing in the morning. It was quite remarkable.

  As the singing grew, my hand began to pulsate and it was as if the stone began to carry a very high vibrational frequency through my whole body. At a certain point, it began to taper off and I knew the healing was finished.

  The other most profound case I have seen with the Lapis involved a student who came to my gemstone healing class some time ago. I was passing around different stones to the group and the man raised his hand.

  “Yes?” I asked.

  “I hate to say this,” the man began, “but I have to tell you I think stones are about the lowest things on the planet. I mean, this doesn’t have anything special about it!”

  My first thought was of sheer wonder that the man was even at the class in the first place; yet, I soon realized why he was there.

  “Yes, you are right,” I said, to the astonishment of the other students. “That stone you are holding has a very low vibration. There are others, though, having higher frequencies that we’ll look at now.”

  I reached out and picked up a small piece of pure blue Lapis I had never shown to a group before and I passed it to the man. Immediately his face began to change and he “fell in love” with it.

  The whole group watched as the man’s attitude, demeanor, and physical appearance totally shifted right before their eyes!

  Of course, he had to purchase the stone and now carries it with him to this day. He told me later that he found by putting it in a bandana around his neck so the stone could touch his throat chakra, it had totally alleviated his acid reflux, and his normal tendency to consume nearly a roll of antacids a day had gone down to none. As far as he was concerned, this was a miracle.

  He also told me that he was a frequent migraine sufferer. He did not ever seem to complain of that condition much since I have known him, and while studying the readings, I came across the following:


  Here we find some complications—the effects of or the beginning of migraine headaches. Most of these, as in this case, begin from congestions in the colon. These cause toxic conditions to make pressures on the sympathetic nerve centers and on the cerebrospinal system. And these pressures cause the violent headaches, and almost irrational activities at times.

  This passage seems to support the idea that the acid reflux may actually be linked to the migraine headaches. I shared this information with my student and he agreed, although he had never put the two together before, that the headaches had also disappeared when he held his Lapis near.

  Cayce Uses

  Several people wrote in after readings to report on the healing effects of Lapis including feeling safe in the midst of danger and feelings of contentment. The high frequency singing is also beneficial to the body. Psychic development and awakening are also attributed to Lapis. Interestingly, as was stated briefly in the biblical section of the book, several scholars now believe the stone in the breastplate of the High Priest was Lapis and not sapphire, based on extensive geological evidence. So much of Cayce’s work revolved around things from ancient biblical times, it would not be surprising, yet at this point, it is only speculation.

  Sample Lapis Lazuli Readings

  2072-16 Reports

  As to your questions regarding the lapis lazuli: Both my husband and I have oval stones which we obtained from Mr. Green. I sleep with mine inside my pillow case, under my pillow. There are times when I have thought I heard it singing, but apparently the “singing” is within my ear or myself for I have heard it other than when the stone is near me. For awhile we both taped the stone over our foreheads at night, but had no outstanding experiences of any center’s activity being heightened. Rather, we find the psychic faculties sharpened only and when we study, meditate, and keep our trust and mind turned to Christ and God.

  1931-4 Reports

  During the fire last week quite a few men were injured by falling trees and suffered various injuries. I felt perfectly safe even though I was assigned to the hottest district! I feel that the lapis is a great protective influence. I also might state that my personal contacts in business and in social life are happy and congenial which I feel lapis is somewhat responsible for.


  (Q) Any color, stone or symbol for spiritual development? (A) The lapis lazuli should be the better, but this should be encased and worn—for this body—about the waist; not around your neck.

br />   (Q) Please give my colors, stone, odors and musical notes. (A) The lapis lazuli, worn close to the body would be well for the general health of the body—and this you will have to be careful of very soon. The lapis lazuli, of course, is an erosion of copper; but this encased in a glass and worn about the body would be well.


  The lapis lazuli stone would be well to wear about the body. This is as a chrysalis to be sure of copper; thus the very natures of same produce those emanations for the body in which the environ is made for keeping holy things holy, and material things in their proper relationships. For it acts as it were as a storage of energies of the inner self.

  Lapis Ligurius


  Ligures is a Latin word that refers to the Ligurians, a group of people who live on the northwest coast of Italy. Liguria borders France to the west and Tuscany to the east and lies on the Ligurian Sea. Liguria is a very old term dating back to pre-Roman times. There is a stone especially from this area called Ligurite. I have had no luck finding out anything about this stone other than the fact it existed. It is quite obscure. You probably remember in the section about the priest’s breastplate that there was a stone called Ligure, which could be an old-world name for zircon. I think this is certainly something to look into which I have tried through studying ancient Latin and Greek root word stems. “Lig” usually means “tree” in Latin, and “urius” has something to do with the law. I really don’t know what that would mean, except it is interesting to note the Source did mention this ancient name verbatim. It is so similar to these other words that it makes one wonder if there is something significant about zircon. The problem is the same that you run into with looking at the breastplate stones or anything else from ancient times—the language barrier and the uncertainty of topography at that time.


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