Vengeance Of A Black Knight (Iron Dogz MC, #4)

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Vengeance Of A Black Knight (Iron Dogz MC, #4) Page 15

by René Van Dalen

  “What? What else needs, to be done? We’ve had the meeting and the claiming, it’s done. What else could there be?”

  A look that might have been anger or apprehension flitted across his face as he dropped his head closer to mine.

  “Your kutte, Leo. You have to take it off.”

  My gasp of shock must have been loud enough to be heard by my brother because he was suddenly right beside me.

  “What now?” He growled as he put his hand on my back.

  “She can’t go in there with her kutte. No one will believe she’s been claimed if she’s wearing your club’s property patch.” Wolf explained softly.

  “Fuck. Me.” Breaker swore softly.

  I struggled to form words but nothing happened as I opened and closed my mouth soundlessly.

  “Leo, we know this is fuckin’ difficult but it has to be done.” Magic said softly.

  Shaking my head I swallowed and cleared my throat.

  “I’ve earned the honour to wear these colours and have worn my kutte for the last eight years. It’s a part of me just like yours is a part of you.” Drawing in a deep breath then letting it out I slowly stroked my hands over the front of my kutte then closed them over the lapels. “But I would do anythin’ for Reid, anythin’ at all.” As always the accent popped up when I was upset.

  I slowly started to take it off, but bigger hands closed over mine and I looked up into his eyes as he helped me to slide it off. Taking care to fold it neatly he handed my kutte to Dive. My brother stood looking down at my leather in his hands and shook his head.

  “You worked your ass off to earn this. Never thought I’d see this day. Eight years you’ve worn our colours on your back. Always thought we’d be adding a brother’s name to this, not removin’ it from your shoulders so another club’s fuckin’ colours could take its place.”

  I felt naked without my kutte and a shiver ran down my spine that felt like a premonition.

  A premonition that everything was going to change along with my kutte.

  A kutte that represented my family, my life and everything that I am.

  Fuck, what the hell was I getting myself into?

  Staring at my neatly folded kutte in the hands of my brother I had second thoughts.

  But then I looked at the man by my side and something inside settled.

  I would do this for my brother and our clubs.

  Damn, I never thought I would ever give up my kutte.

  Not ever.

  Least of all to be claimed by someone from another club.




  His brand new old lady was fucking battling to contain the tears he saw sitting in her eyes as he handed her kutte over to her brother. It was a little worn in places but had been kept in good condition, and hearing she’s been wearing it for eight years? It fucking slayed him that they had to take her colours from her.

  Pulling her into his body he dropped his head until his cheek rested against the side of her head. He rubbed his cheek over her braids and set the tiny bells tinkling then whispered his promise.

  “My prez selected me to be your old man. I swear on my life that I will take care of you, Leo. You’re mine now. You are my old lady and therefore a part of the Iron Dogz MC. Losing your colours has to feel like it’s the end of your world, but it’s not. Once we get done with this shit you will be wearing your kutte again. All we have to do is get through the next few days.”

  She rested her forehead against his chest for a moment, nodded then moved to put a little bit of space between them and looked into his eyes. And because he was still bent over her when he pulled his head back slightly they were face to face. He searched her eyes and face to ensure himself she was handling the shit that had just been handed to her.

  And she didn’t disappoint.

  “Okay, I can give you that. But right now we need to honour my brother sacrificing his life for his club while protecting the old lady of a brother.”

  He couldn’t have stopped the smile if his life depended on it. He knew by the dilation of her pupils that she liked what she saw and he immediately wiped it from his face as he straightened. His face was once again expressionless when he drew her up against his side and walked from the compound. As before the marquee had been set up on the open piece of ground between the compound and Beast and Rider’s house.

  The Wraiths and Devils walked out with them, surrounding them and he knew they were protecting her. She would always come first with them and that’s as it should be. He was okay with it, actually more than okay. She was an unknown woman to his club and they wouldn’t be as quick to have her back as the other two clubs would.

  Eyes followed them when they entered the marquee and as he walked his woman over to the tables that had been reserved for the Iron Dogz MC’s women. He settled her at the end of the table where her brother and his crew would more easily watch over her. After Aunt Beryl’s pissed off attitude he was very wary of leaving her alone around the women. DC had been decidedly cool towards her and the other women took their directions from her. The only women who had been totally open and relaxed had been Suzy, Genna and Chris. And because Leo was now his, however fake it might be, it was his job to see to it that she was comfortable around his club.

  Stepping away from the table he drew his phone out and sent Genna a quick text.

  Need you out here. My old lady needs a friend.

  He was about to put his phone away when it pinged with an incoming text.

  On my way. I’ve got her back, no worries.

  Slipping his phone back into his pocket he surveyed the packed marquee. There were several one percenter clubs present who had come out to honour the fallen brother of the Iron Dogz MC. This was something that hadn’t happened in a damned long time, until Petey. With his death everything had changed. Their club was once again being acknowledged by the big outlaw clubs. He didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing, he would have to give it some thought. But not right now. His brand new old lady needed his attention.

  While he had been checking out the gathered crowd Genna had slipped into the marquee and settled herself next to Leo. By her body language he could see Leo was more relaxed and her smile was back. That was fucking good to see. What wasn’t so good was the attention Genna had garnered from Leo’s brother. The fucker had his eyes pinned on Ice and Spider’s baby sister and Wolf knew this had the potential to turn into a giant cluster fuck.

  His VP hadn’t made it a secret that he didn’t want anyone looking at his little sister. She was off limits to the entire club. That was the problem though, Dive wasn’t part of their club. He was with a club they were now allied with. Would Ice still enforce the rule regarding his sister?

  Giving an internal shrug Wolf let it go, not his problem right now. He sat down next to his old lady and pulled her chair closer to his. He grinned at her surprised little squeak.

  “Can I get you something to drink, Kitten?”

  Rolling her eyes at him she nodded. “The name is Leo, not kitten. And yes please, a beer would be good.”

  Wolf looked around then waved the prospect that had been hovering near them over. The boy immediately came to him.

  “Anything I can do for you, Wolf?”

  “Prospect, this is my old lady, Leo. Anything she needs you get it for her, you got me?”

  Shock flashed over his face but it was quickly hidden.

  “I got you, Wolf.” He said with a nod.

  Turning to his old lady the prospect introduced himself.

  “I’m Devon. What can I get you ladies?”

  Genna sat forward and grinned at the prospect. “Bring us a shot of Jack each and I’ll have a light beer.”

  She raised an eyebrow at Leo in question. Leo didn’t leave her hanging.

  “Hi Devon, I’ll have a normal beer, none of that light shit for me.” She said with a grin.

  The prospect laughed, then left to get the women their
drinks. Wolf was about to follow him to the bar when a cooler of beer was set down on the ground next to the table.

  “Thought I’d save us all this walkin’ up and down to get a fuckin’ drink . Met an amazing woman over at the bar who gave me the cooler because we’re Leo’s family.” Lure winked as he popped a beer open and threw the top into the big bin near their table. “Think I’m goin’ to take her home with me.”

  Wolf laughed. “That’s not going to be easy, brother. You’ll have to get past Hawk with that one.”

  Lure frowned. “She a club bitch?”

  “If it’s the tall blonde called Chris, no, not really, she runs the bar at the clubhouse and helps Beryl out when she needs another pair of hands. She used to be with Beast but that ended when he found his old lady again. She now works for the club but not as a club girl.” Wolf tried to explain.

  Lure gave an evil smile but before he could say anything Leo smacked him on his arm.

  “She was nice to me, Lure, I like her. Don’t pull your usual shit here. If you can’t play it straight then you need to stay away. She’s been hurt and doesn’t need another man’s shit to hurt her even more.”

  “Not gonna hurt her, Leo.” Lure held his hands up to placate her. “She’s fuckin’ beautiful and I’m interested. That’s all I can give you right now. But who the fuck knows what will happen down the road?”

  Before they could continue with their conversation the rest of the women filed into the marquee along with their men. Wolf watched with narrowed eyes as they came and sat down at the table. He didn’t get up. Before he would have, but not after all of them took Beryl’s lead and chilled her out.

  DC sat down across from them, River and Tori as well. Gail, Suzy and Slim came and sat next to Genna. The rest filled the other seats with their men ranged around the table, mostly standing behind their women.

  Thank fuck Beryl was nowhere in sight and she had better not come anywhere near his old lady. He didn’t know what the fuck her problem was but she had better suck up her bad attitude before he lost his shit. As far as she knew this was the fucking real thing and he could not allow her to treat Leo as if she was the enemy. Not when her safety was his to see to.

  His prez was staring at him but Wolf pretended not to notice, instead he focussed his attention on his woman. Putting his finger under her chin he turned her face up to his and he immediately noticed a strained tightness around her eyes. She was aware of the undercurrents around the table and knew it had to do with her.

  Bending close he whispered. “I’ve got you, Kitten. You’ve got my word.”

  She leant forward, rested her cheek against his for a few seconds.

  “Thank you.” She whispered in his ear before she withdrew.

  The tension around the table didn’t abate at all. Instead it seemed to grow as it became time for Hawk to pay tribute to Army and his sacrifice for the club.

  A heavy silence fell over the gathered crowd as Hawk stepped up onto the small stage set up at the far end of the marquee.

  “The Iron Dogz welcomes and thanks everyone who came out today to ride in the procession with us to honour Army, our fallen brother. Our brother gave his life to save the life of a brother’s old lady. He was an integral part of our club and will be missed by all of us. He was a good man and loved his bike, his brothers and his club. Our brother was a man who loved a party and he loved women, and let’s just say he wasn’t shy about enjoying them either.”

  Laughter rang out and Wolf joined them only to realise that Leo and the men with her weren’t laughing. Their faces were without any emotion. Closed off and cold.

  “Our brother’s family from the US joins us here today to celebrate his life. Brothers, would you like to add some words?”

  It was a very tense and obviously angry Leo who shoved her chair back and stood up, snatching her kutte that, strangely, her brother had still been holding and shrugged it on. Fuck. After pulling her hair free she settled the kutte around her with a firm snap then started stalking towards the stage, the Wraiths and Devils following right behind her. Wolf surged out of his chair and followed after them.

  What the fuck?

  Avid interest followed in the wake of the small woman stalking to the stage. She stepped up with Dive right beside her. They both gave a short very stiff nod to his prez then Dive stepped up to the mic and without saying a word lowered it for his sister.

  Fucking hell.

  She stood silently as her eyes slid over the packed marquee. Whispers buzzed and leather creaked as everyone shifted under her remote and icy regard. She started speaking and had everyone’s attention when her sexy as fuck voice curled through the still air.

  “The man everyone here knew as Army was my brother, Gunnery Sergeant Reid Jordan, USMC. He served his country with honour and was a highly decorated Marine.” Her words had a heavy silence descending over the gathered men and women.

  “He fought for his country and faced danger on a daily basis for many years before an IED ended his career. He faced all those dangers and survived, only to come here, to this country, and die. He was the other part of my soul, my other-mother twin, my best friend.” She paused and looked at her brother and at his nod she continued. Wolf was fucking livid that she was wearing her Shadow Wraiths MC kutte with the fucking one percenter diamond front and centre. When she continued he wanted to fucking cringe for his president because she made sure everyone knew the brother she had known wasn’t the man his prez had said he was. Wolf knew he was going to catch shit from his prez about this. He was supposed to keep her contained and he had failed miserably the very first time they were out in public.

  “The brother we knew, the brother we grew up with and loved, was not a party animal. He did not drink excessively or screw around with the club sluts and hangarounds. But then he came here and became someone I find very hard to identify as the brother I knew and loved. But even saying that I have to admit that people change, especially people like us. People who live hard, people who know death is but the spin of the wheel away.”

  Silence reigned as she took a deep breath and continued.

  “His death has left a gaping and bleeding hole in our family. I do not forgive nor will I ever forget how he died. I will not let this go until those responsible suffer a similar fate.”

  The silence was heavy as she glared out at the crowd. Dive put a hand on her shoulder and she turned into his arms. He held her for a few seconds before he let her go and raised the mic.

  “Reid was a moody motherfucker. The only ones who could pull him out of his moods, or get him to come to club parties, were Leo and Sherri. They dragged his ass to more than one party that he did not want to be at. Bastard stood around drinkin’ water while everyone around him got shitfaced.” There was laughter and shaking heads and he grinned and shrugged before he continued.

  “My brother was a legacy, like me, but turned down the opportunity to prospect with the Shadow Wraiths to enlist. We were fuckin’ proud of him, didn’t give a fuck that he wasn’t a club brother. He was still our brother and a fuckin’ hero. We’ve gone through almost losin’ him once before, that time he survived. This time he did not. Our parents and our club are devastated by the loss of a son and a brother they loved. And as Leo said, we do not forgive, nor will we ever forget.”

  Taking two shots from Lure as he held it out to him Dive handed one to Leo then raised his own high.

  “Drink with us, brothers. To a hero, a brother and a fuckin’ good man. Ride free little brother.”

  Dive and Leo slammed their shots down as the shouts went up around the marquee.

  Taking Leo’s empty glass he handed both their glasses to Lure then wrapped his arm around her and led her off the stage. He brought her straight to Wolf, handing her over to him. All the while he stared right into his eyes, trying to tell him something. Wolf looked down at Leo and saw what Dive was silently trying to tell him. She had shut down. Her face and eyes was blank, no expression what so ever.

sp; Wrapping her in his arms he held her against his chest and gave Dive a lift of his chin. He got it. Turning with his woman in his arms he walked her through the crowd back to the table. Before he settled her in her chair he removed her kutte and gave it to Lure who folded it with care before walking out of the marquee. Wolf didn’t give a shit where the fuck he was going with it, all he cared about was his silent woman.

  “Kitten, I’m here for you, okay?” Wolf whispered against the side of her head as he held her.

  “My name’s Leo, not Kitten.” She muttered against his chest.

  Gently moving her back he pulled the chair back and waited until she sat down before he sat down next to her. DC, River and Tori were no longer at the table and when he searched the crowd he found them in a huddle with their men at the far end of the marquee.

  Fuck. That wasn’t good.

  But he didn’t have time to worry about that shit right now. He had to take care of Leo and she needed his full attention. Thank fuck for Genna. The girl had stepped up and taken his old lady’s back today and he would never forget her kindness to someone she didn’t know.

  Dive leant over the table and spoke softly to Leo.

  “Baby sister, let’s get you back to the hotel, okay? I don’t know about you, but I’m fuckin’ bushed. Jet lag is catchin’ up with all of us. We can deal with this fucked up shit again tomorrow. Okay?”

  She didn’t answer, just nodded and started to stand but Wolf grabbed her hand in his and held her back.

  “You’re riding with me. I don’t want you riding after everything you’ve gone through today.”

  That got a reaction from her. Thank fuck.

  “I’m no shrinkin’ violet, Wolf.” He loved the way her accent came through when she was pissed. “I’m ridin’ my bike and that’s that.”

  Dive hid a smile by dropping his head but Wolf caught his wink before he did.

  “Don’t give a fuck if you can ride or not. You’re on the back of my bike. I need to know you’re safe and, baby, I’m not leaving you tonight. Here’s what’s happening. We’re going back to the clubhouse where I’ll pack some shit in my saddlebags. I’ll be staying with you tonight. Tomorrow we’ll come back here for the meeting. What happens once it’s done is tomorrow’s worry.”


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