Vengeance Of A Black Knight (Iron Dogz MC, #4)

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Vengeance Of A Black Knight (Iron Dogz MC, #4) Page 17

by René Van Dalen

  I worried about him, he had been in a bad spill a year ago and it has left him with some back issues the asshole chose to ignore most of the time. Like going for regular massages and doing his physical therapy exercises to keep the muscles supple.

  He waved a dismissive and irritated hand at me. “Stop your bitchin’, I’ll get it done when I have time.”

  “No, we’ll do it now. If you ignore it tonight it’ll only be worse by tomorrow. I packed a muscle rub just in case. Go, take a shower, once you’re done I’ll give you a massage. You know you need it so don’t fight me, big brother.”

  “Fuck, you’re not goin’ to stop until I give in, are you?”

  “Nope.” I said, popping the p as I grinned up at him.

  Rubbing his hands hard over his face he sighed.

  “Okay, fuck, let me take a shower then you can torture me.”

  I just nodded not pushing any further because I knew I had won this one.

  The man beside had watched the whole interaction silently but intently. I didn’t like exposing Raigan’s weakness to him but if I hadn’t my brother would have been in terrible pain tomorrow.

  When I left to do Dive’s back massage Wolf’s attention was on some game he was watching. He was propped up in bed watching something else when I came back into the room but his attention switched to me instantly.

  “Is he going to be okay?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, he just needed a massage to loosen his back muscles.”

  He nodded and turned back to the television, ignoring me as I got ready to get into bed.

  I was tired, sad and done with the day. Climbing into bed I threw the extra pillows on the floor, lay down then turned on my side with my back to him and turned out the light on my side. Clutching my pillow I closed my eyes and willed myself to sleep.

  Ignoring the man in bed with me. I didn’t battle to fall asleep. I was awake one minute and asleep the next.

  I didn’t sleep dreamlessly.

  I was plagued by dreams of Reid coming off his bike, of the shiny black coffin covered with red and white roses disappearing into a black hole.

  I jerked awake more than once during the night and every time he was there, soothing me back to sleep.

  I woke up feeling snug and warm. I sighed as I settled deeper into my lovely warm cocoon, only to realise it wasn’t a blanket cocoon but a human one.

  A big arm was heavy around my waist and my back and ass was snugged into his body. I could feel that big muscled thigh that was my kryptonite entangled intimately with mine.

  And he had morning wood, spectacular morning wood.

  Oh shit.

  I forced myself not to react and tried to slowly extract myself from the growing temptation.

  Yeah, that did not go well because his arm tightened and the leg was shoved deeper between my legs.

  Crap, crap, crap. A horny woman only has so much resistance to a hot man surrounding her in bed and I was reaching the end of mine.

  Before I could do anything really, really stupid he woke up. Immediately things changed. Changed in not a good way. He instantly withdrew to his side of the bed, silently slid out and disappeared into the bathroom. The door closed quietly and I sighed as the shower turned on.

  What did I think would happen?

  And did I even want to go there? No, I did not. He was a dick and an asshole.

  And that’s what I should remember. Not how much I liked his big thighs and how very large his love stick was.

  Oh God! Now I sounded just like Evie.

  Jumping out of bed I picked up and threw my pillows back onto the bed.

  I could be as standoffish and cold as he was.

  What I should remember is that this claiming wasn’t real. Nothing that happens between us is real.

  It’s all a show for anyone who’s watching.

  He might be hot and have some really good appendages but he wasn’t mine, would never be mine.

  There, talked myself out of doing something stupid.

  Then how come I wasn’t feeling relieved?



  Head leaning against the tiles Wolf let the warm water cascade over his head as he stroked his hard as fucking steel dick. He needed to fucking ease the ache in his balls before he could face her again. And what do you know, just thinking about her made his dick throb in his hand. Gripping himself he started stroking hard and fast, biting down on his bottom lip as he imagined her hands around him. Holding him, jerking him off rough and hard.

  He didn’t last long. His come burst from the end of his dick and splattered against the tiles as he gritted his teeth and swallowed the shout that raced up his throat. When he had milked the last of his come from his dick he sagged against the tiles with another groan.

  What the fuck had he done? She was going to want to use the shower and all he could smell was his come. Fuck. Quickly rinsing the evidence from the tiles he grabbed his shower gel, dumped a generous amount in his hand and washed the tiles. Sighing with relief when the woodsy scent over took all other smells.

  Washing quickly and ignoring his stupid fucking dick he got done and got out. That’s when it hit him that all he had to wear was the boxer briefs he had worn to bed. Fucking hell.

  Drying off and wrapping the big bath towel around his waist like a fucking skirt he finished his business in the bathroom. His dick was still tenting the damn towel, he hoped like hell it would relax enough that it wouldn’t be so prominent once he had to go back into the room.

  As he dried his hair, brushed his teeth and neatened his goatee he ignored a certain part of his anatomy and fucking finally it was relaxed enough for him to attempt leaving the room.

  And of course the first fucking thing he saw as he opened the door was her, bent over as she pulled her boots out of the closet. Could he not get a fucking break?

  She threw him a look over her shoulder and her eyes widened when she saw all he wore was the fucking towel. Thank fuck she quickly looked back down, grabbed her boots and the pile of clothes on the bed and scooted around him and into the bathroom. The door didn’t close softly but it wasn’t a slam either.

  Sighing with relief Wolf pulled his underwear and jeans on under the towel, letting it drop to the floor once he had his ass covered. He carefully situated his dick as the fucker wasn’t getting with the program at all. He had a semi that would not go down. He had just zipped up and pulled his black tee over his head when the connecting door opened and Dive strolled in. His eyes immediately went to the bed and then to him. And what do you know, his semi disappeared. Thank fuck.

  “Mornin’, she in the shower?” He growled in a still sleep rough voice.

  “Ja, she didn’t have a good night. Lots of bad dreams.” Wolf replied in a voice low enough he felt sure she wouldn’t be able to hear them over the shower.

  “Fuck, was afraid of that. She used to have fucked up dreams as a kid, especially when somethin’ was botherin’ her. Reid used to be the only one who could get her to talk about it. It seemed to help her sleep better. Don’t know what the fuck we’re gonna do now he’s gone.”

  Wolf frowned. “He’s been gone for years, Dive. Surely she outgrew it or found someone else to talk to.”

  “Nope.” Dive shook his head. “She used to call him. It was rough while he was on deployment and when he got hurt it was fuckin’ awful, worse when he disappeared. Evie used to sleep over at her place a lot back then. Fuck, I should have brought her with us but her and Magic have some shit goin’ on between them, so...” He shrugged.

  Wolf was about to ask about her dreams when the bathroom door opened and she walked out on a billow of steam. Her eyes were red rimmed and she had dark circles under her tired eyes. When she saw her brother a smile broke through and lightened the darkness in her eyes. Those stunning violet-blue eyes were dark today and filled with the demons of her nightmares.

  And how the fuck did he know that? Because he’d been watching her, that’s why.
/>   This shit had to stop. She was a fucking job and the princess of a one percenter club. An untouchable as far as he and his club was concerned. They did not want to get pulled into the fucked up shit these outlaw bastards were involved with.

  And if he had to repeat that to himself over and fucking over again he would.

  If only his dick would fucking listen.

  “Mornin’ darlin’, glad to see you’re ready and not draggin’ your ass.” Dive teased.

  “Mornin’ and I’m not dragging my ass. I need breakfast. How’s your back?”

  “I’m good, little sis, thanks to you.” Tilting his head towards the open door he listened then nodded. “Magic’s out of the shower. Give me five an’ we can go down for breakfast, okay?”

  He didn’t give her a chance to answer. Walking out he left the connecting door open, for some reason it pissed Wolf off. And he took it out on the woman unwinding her braids and extracting the long red leather thongs loaded up with beads and silver charms from her hair.

  “You need to hurry that shit up, don’t want you holding us up today.”

  He watched her back go ramrod straight as she narrowed her eyes at him in the mirror.

  “Fuck off. I know exactly how much time I have while Dive has his shower. Why don’t you focus on your own shit and leave me to mine.”

  With that she looked away from him and went back to brushing and braiding her hair. No small braids today but all the cords were now being woven in to the thick braid that he knew would almost reach her waist once it was done.

  Turning his back on her Wolf ground his back teeth together as he pulled on his socks and boots and shrugged into his kutte. Thank fuck they would be getting out of the room before he made an even bigger dick of himself. He was about to apologise when Dive and Magic walked in. Dive wasn’t wearing his kutte, strange. Magic closed the connecting door and locked it behind him while Dive walked over to Leo and slapped her on the ass, hard. The sound of the slap seemed to reverberate in the silent room.

  “Ow! You fucker!” Leo jerked away and her small fist smacked into her brother’s bicep.

  He grinned as he rubbed at the spot.

  “Let’s go little sis, no kutte, just your jacket. Hurry up darlin’, I could seriously eat my weight in bacon right now.”

  Wolf watched as she forced a smile and allowed him to lead her out of the room and into the passage where the other men were already waiting.

  “She’s not lookin’ good.” Magic murmured as they made their way to the door.

  “Bad night, bad dreams.”

  “Fuck.” Magic swore quietly.

  Following him out Wolf closed and made sure the door was locked before he walked down to the lift where the others were waiting. Leo glanced over her shoulder as he joined them. He wanted to grin when her eyes narrowed when he took her hand and drew her back and slung an arm around her, drawing her little body into the side of his.

  Fuck she was short. He usually avoided women like her, tiny, short and way too fragile for him. Although he had to admit she might be short but she didn’t seem fragile. Not at all. Maybe she could take him. Shutting that thought down immediately he concentrated on the day ahead. Things would be set in motion today that would force some of their enemies out into the open. He hoped it would force them out of hiding but nothing in this life was certain.

  After breakfast they headed over to the American Embassy in Sandton Drive. Wolf and the brothers had to wait outside as only Dive and Leo were allowed inside. Parking outside the Embassy was not allowed. After a short discussion the rest of them decided to find a coffee shop. Dive parked his bike in a parking garage across the street and he and Leo walked over to the entrance of the embassy while the rest of them watched over them. They would call once they were done and on their way out.

  They rode around until they found a coffee bar nearby with outside seating. Sitting out on the deck drinking coffee and people watching was a weird feeling. Wolf didn’t know when last he’d had time to just sit and watch the world go by. And sitting around at the clubhouse watching his brothers and the club whores definitely didn’t count.

  Reaper cleared his throat and Wolf glanced over, finding his eyes on him. “So, what exactly is your position in your club? Your patch says lieutenant but no further designation. Why?”

  Wolf didn’t think it would be revealing club secrets if he answered.

  “I’m one of two lieutenants that report to Beast, our enforcer.”

  Narrowing his eyes in thought Reaper nodded slowly. “So when he needs somethin’ done and can’t get to it himself or needs backup he sends you. Is that right?”

  Wolf nodded. “Ja, that’s about it.”

  Breaker, who was sitting opposite him, leant closer to the table, keeping his voice from carrying to the other tables. “What if the job requires more than just the three of you?”

  “If it does he has brothers on call who can do the job. It’s not a problem at all.” Wolf wondered where the hell this was going.

  “Was Reid one of the brothers he had on call?” Lure’s eyes stayed locked on him as he wondered if he should answer.

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “Curious about his position in your club, that’s all.”

  Wolf nodded. “Ja, he was on the list.”

  They nodded as if it made sense to them. Lure glanced at Magic and Breaker, they both nodded as if in agreement. What was going on here? Lure didn’t leave him wondering for very long. And what he revealed suddenly made sense of Army’s storage unit and the man he had apparently hidden from the club.

  “Reid was a trained killer behind that mask he showed the world. Fuckin’ trainin’ he had turned him into that man. Leo doesn’t know, she’s under the impression he was just a regular soldier, he wasn’t, he was a sniper. On his last deployment he was captured when their transport caught an IED, he was tortured before a SEAL team rescued him and three others. His spotter, who was a very good friend, didn’t make it. Reid blamed himself for not killin’ those fuckers. We were told they had been pinned down under heavy enemy fire and Reid took out a fuckload of their attackers before he ran out of ammo. He fought the fuckers off with his empty gun and a knife, he had a head wound, a broken leg, several burns and gashes all over his body and still he fought. He came home a changed man. Not even Leo could get through to him. The bomb and what was done to him durin’ captivity left him with big gaps in his memories. His girl, Sherri, stood by him and took all of his crap, not once complainin’. And then one day he was just gone. We tried to find him but it was as if Reid Jordan had ceased to exist.” Lure shook his head angrily.

  “It almost broke Sherri but the girl is strong and with Leo and Evie takin’ her back she got through it. She came up pregnant and some of the brothers, their women and the club whores were callin’ her a slut. Leo beat them up. All of them. Male or female she didn’t give a shit, she did it. Ren found out about that shit and let’s just say blood flowed for several days as he took those fuckers apart. Maniac eventually stepped in and called it enough. Sherri was family and he made sure everyone knew it. Banned some of the club whores and warned the old ladies they would be out the door next. Ren stepped up, not because he had to, but because he wanted to. He’s been the man in Sherri’s life, and as far as the club’s concerned, he’s Lori’s dad.”

  Wolf waited silently when Lure picked up his cup and sipped his coffee, he knew there was more, there had to be more.

  “Then out of the blue Reid reached out to Leo. He started callin’ regularly, and at first he wouldn’t give her a number. She tried to have his calls tracked without any luck. But our girl is nothin’ if not determined. She badgered him until he gave in and gave her his number. Leo brought it straight to the club, she wanted to know where he was so she could go find him and bring him back. I don’t know what Grave and Maniac said to her but they got her to back off.”

  Lure looked right at him and something in his eyes had Wolf steeling his spine

  “Leo gave Reid’s number to their Mama and she started talkin’ to her boy. And then the calls just stopped. For two fuckin’ months we all held our breaths and watched her, because we knew, we fuckin’ knew. If somethin’ had happened to Reid then Leo was goin’ to lose her fuckin’ mind. That’s why we were sent here with her. Not because our Prez wanted us away from the shit at the club. We are here to watch over her, to make sure she comes home in one piece. She’s very good at hidin’ what’s goin’ on in that head of hers. You need to keep an eye out. Somethin’ is cookin’ inside there and it’s not goin’ to be good when it explodes. Leo isn’t the spoilt little princess y’all seem to believe she is. She’s fuckin’ dangerous when she’s riled. Fair warnin’, keep that in mind when you’re dealin’ with her.”

  Lure sat back as if he had said his piece and was now done. Jesus, all the information he had just given him was fucking overwhelming. He had to get to his prez as soon as he could and let him know. He had reservations about some of the stuff though. Should he tell him about what he had learned about Leo or should he keep it to himself for now?

  He didn’t know and he wasn’t going to make a decision until he was certain about the best thing to do.

  “I have a question that’s been fuckin’ with my head since yesterday.” Hunter, one of the Devil’s Spawn said with a frown. “What the fuck was that old bitch’s problem with Leo? She doesn’t know the girl, had never met her but she gets into her face full of pissed off attitude. What’s up with that?”

  Shit. He had hoped no one would ask him about Beryl’s attitude yesterday.

  “I have no idea, man. I’m as much in the dark as you are.” Wolf shrugged because he didn’t have an answer for them.

  “You gonna let it slide?” Reaper watched him intently as he waited for Wolf to answer.

  “No, can’t do that, but I’ll have to be fucking careful how I approach her because she’s club royalty and I’m just a lieutenant. I’ll talk to my prez, find out what’s going on and try to stop that shit. But I don’t think it’ll change anything. Beryl pretty much rules at the clubhouse, Hawk lets her do and say as she pleases because she’s his father’s sister and she raised him after his mother passed away. I think it’s hard for him to deny her anything.”


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