Vengeance Of A Black Knight (Iron Dogz MC, #4)

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Vengeance Of A Black Knight (Iron Dogz MC, #4) Page 27

by René Van Dalen

  “Shut the fuck up and listen. We can’t make a mistake at this stage. I have a day to get organised before he calls back, so listen up. We have a tracker implanted on the back of her head. Byte activated it a couple of minutes ago.” Maniac frowned at Dive’s pissed off snarl before continuing. “Dive, the app was installed on your phone. Unfortunately it has a very narrow broadcast radius. Byte sent the app to your guy. Install it on the phones of those you trust. We don’t have enough time, we all know this. Get out there and find our girl before he does the fuckin’ worst a man can do to a woman.”

  Hawk threw a look at Wolf and Dive as he answered. “We’re on it. We have a general location but it’s a fucking huge area we have to search. I’ve called in our allies and support clubs to join in the search. They are men we trust. The app will only go to the officers in charge of the search groups. I’m sending Dive, Wolf and your men out to join the search tomorrow. It’s better for them and all of us if they aren’t here when he calls back.”

  Maniac nodded. “I agree. We’ve gone into lockdown and are stagin’ a chapel call out to keep the fucker from doin’ his worst. I’ve called in the fuckers on his list, once we have them confined we’ll move to the next phase of our plan.”

  “What’s the plan, Prez? Is it goin’ to hurt Leo?”

  “Son, you know I love her like she’s my own. But she knows, as do you, that I have to do what’s best for the club before I can do what’s best for her. You have my word I’m tryin’ to end this as quick as possible. Your job is to get out there and find her so I can shut shit down on this side. And Dive, I want that fucker alive. Whatever’s bein’ done to our girl will be done to him, but worse. Do you get me?”

  “Yes, Prez, I get you.” Dive nodded with a heavy sigh.

  Wolf couldn’t believe this shit.

  The screen had scarcely gone black when he was next to Ziggy. “Put that app on my fucking phone, right the fuck now.” He demanded.

  Ziggy smiled. “Brother, what do you think I’ve been doing since I got it? It’s active on your phone right now.”

  He was about to demand the latest search grid when the force of Hawk’s anger drew his eyes to his prez where he still sat in his chair.

  “Wolf, you and Dive and his crew get out to the location where we lost the signal from her phone and see if you can spot any cameras outside complexes or homes that Ziggy and Skelly can maybe hack into.”

  Wolf shook his head. “No, Prez, I don’t agree. I’ve been thinking about what Ziggy said. They abandoned the vehicle in Lone Hill and we lost the signal as they were heading north. If they’re heading north they were coming back towards us. If we ride down the R562 towards the N14 we can do a search of the area between here and the R511 and the N14. I have this feeling in my gut that they’re hiding somewhere in our backyard thinking we won’t look for them here.”

  “I think that’s a good idea, Prez.” Ziggy added. “I’ve got no one searching our area, didn’t think they would be damned cocky enough to park their asses in our territory.”

  “Fine.” Hawk narrowed his eyes on Wolf and Dive. “You fuckers don’t do anything if you find her. You wait for backup because we have no idea of their exact numbers. You got me?”

  They all nodded their agreement. “We got you, Prez.” Wolf looked over at Ziggy. “I’ll keep in touch as we ride.”

  Wolf didn’t wait around. Their time was fast running out. His girl needed them to find her and find her fucking fast. Because when it got dark the sound of their bikes would be too fucking loud to stay out searching.

  Getting to their bikes he was surprised to find the prospects working furiously on them and when he saw what they were doing he silently thanked Ziggy. They were attaching docks for their phones to the centre of their handlebars, enabling them to watch for the pulsing little red dot that would appear if they got anywhere near his girl’s location.

  They rode up and down all the back roads and secondary roads in an ever widening circle.

  And nothing.

  It was dark when Ziggy called them back in.

  Wolf was tired and sore but he didn’t want to go back, he wanted to keep searching.

  He wasn’t given a chance to do so because Ice rode up to them and just pointed. They had to comply and followed him back to the compound. Wolf promised himself he would be out there searching for his woman at daylight.



  The sun was just peaking over the horizon when Wolf and Dive sat down at the kitchen table with Bullet and the rest of the men for coffee and a quick breakfast before getting back on the road.

  They had no idea what time the fucker would be calling which meant they had to start the search as early as possible. He ate fast and downed his coffee then shoved his chair back and stood.

  “Get done here so we can get on the road. My woman doesn’t have much time left.”

  He got nods and grunts before he walked out. He needed to check on his bike before he rode out. No way was he wasting time today. He needn’t have worried about his bike, the prospects were all over getting the bikes seen to.

  Standing out there he watched as the morning arrived and hoped and prayed that today he would find her. Find her before that fucker hurt her more than he had already done. Going back inside he joined his brothers as they waited for Hawk and Ziggy to assign them their search areas.

  Wolf’s group were assigned to search towards Harties and the Hennopsriver farming area. There were a lot of smallholdings and small farms out that way and they immediately got on the road.

  Travelling down the R562 towards where the road would intersect with the R511 his eyes were constantly flicking to the screen. But it remained clear, no sign of her tracker signal yet. He was wearing his full face helmet and had his phone connected to the Bluetooth in his helmet should anyone call with news. They were all connected.

  They were approaching the R562 and R511 intersection when his phone rang. Ziggy.


  “We’ve got a weak signal. Jinx is waiting for you under the N14 bridge with a group of his brothers. The search is being redirected towards you and you should have enough backup within the next twenty minutes or so. I’ll keep watch from this end, brother. Good luck.”

  “Thanks, Zig. Talk to you soon.”

  Looking over at Dive he pointed and opened up, racing towards where his woman was waiting on them to save her from being violated any further. And didn’t that just fuck with his head.

  They raced in a tight group, flying through the tight corners, only slowing once they reached the intersection. Turning left they saw the bridge and raced towards it. And that was when it appeared on his phone, a weak pale red pulsing light, no dot yet. Ziggy had explained to them that it would become darker and become more focused the closer they got to her.

  He didn’t get off his bike, just pulled up next to Jinx and opened the visor of his helmet to speak to him.

  “Jinx, brother, thanks for helping us search for my woman. Now that we have a signal let’s see if we can find her.” He pulled up the area map on his phone and pointed out the search area. “We’ve got Laezonia, Knopjeslaagte and Gerhardsville, plenty of places to hide. I don’t think they will be down the M34, we’ve got the golf estate down that way and Mnandi, and Monavoni is too built up. But just in case I’m wrong let’s send two brothers with a tracker that way, they can turn around if the signal disappears.”

  “I agree. The rest of us can ride up the R511 and we’ll send brothers with the tracker out on the side roads as we pass them.”

  “Okay, brother. Let’s fucking do this.”

  Jinx held out his leather covered fist and Wolf bumped fists before he snapped his visor closed and pulled back out. They rode in tight formation before he sent four brothers down a side road to ride through the Laezonia area while they continued on. The pulsing became brighter the further they rode.

  Wolf knew that the bastard might have called Maniac back already
and it had his gut clenching. He sent a voice message to keep him in the loop.

  “Zig, we’re getting closer. We need more men to search the area. We’re searching Laezonia, Knopjeslaagte and Gerhardsville. I’ll check in again soon.”

  They came up to the turn off towards Hartebeespoort and were continuing down towards Gerhardsville when they all came to the same conclusion. The pulse was weakening. She wasn’t in that direction. Pulling over he turned around and rode back down the road.

  Turning onto the Harties road his eyes bounced between his phone and the road. He had to be careful because the road was full of blind rises and twists and turns. He was concentrating on the road when Jinx signalled him to slow down and pull over.

  Fuck. What now?

  Jinx was smiling wide. “We’ve got her, brothers. They’re holding her on a smallholding that lies almost parallel to this road. That’s why we’re getting such a good signal. There’s only one occupied home near the house she’s being held in but it shouldn’t be a problem. The brothers are staying away from the actual location because it’s so fucking quiet out here they’ll hear us coming. We’ve got cages, a doctor and paramedics coming. They’ll be with us within the next five to ten minutes. Let’s head into the area and meet up with my boys and plan how we’re going to take these fuckers down.”

  “I need to give my Prez a heads up first.” Wolf said.

  “No need, Wolf. It’s already been done. He sent out a couple of small boxed trucks to help with clean-up if we need it.”

  “Good. Let’s do this, brothers.”

  Dive nodded as he fell in next to Wolf.

  It didn’t take them long to meet up with the four brothers who had pulled over and stood waiting for them.

  Before long the road was filled with bikes, two cages and the two small trucks as more and more of the searchers arrived. The intelligent thing to do was to send out men on foot to scope out the location. Once they had an idea of the layout of the property they could plan their attack.

  One of the prospects broke open the gate to one of the empty properties and they drove the cages and trucks in while the brothers rolled their bikes into the property. They breathed easier once they were all off the road and out of sight.

  Beast, Kid and Spider arrived soon after and they immediately started making plans for taking the bastards down. Unfortunately it was taking some time, none of them wanted to screw up the rescue.

  Wolf had confidence in Kid’s experience and left the final plan of attack up to him. All he wanted was to be in the first group going through the fucking door.

  Beast drew him to the side and Wolf knew he wasn’t going to like what came next.

  “Brother, I’m fucking sorry, the fucker called early. Maniac wasn’t ready and shit got ugly very quickly. You have to brace, brother. This might turn into a recovery and not a rescue.”

  Wolf shook his head. “She’s not going to die, Beast. Not today. The bastard wants her alive, not dead. She’s going to be hurt but she’ll be alive.”

  Beast gave a short nod. “I’ve got your back, brother. Come what may I’m with you.”

  Wolf’s fucking head was starting to ache and his eyes were burning from a sleepless night. But fuck that, he would sleep once she was safe.

  The men that had been sent out to scope out the property came back with plenty of information. They saw two guards outside the back door, another two at the front and then two who were walking the perimeter. They were doing a shit job of keeping an eye out. Instead they were chatting and smoking, not paying attention to what was going on around them. Taking them out would be easy. They had seen men moving around inside but could not get an accurate count as mud had been smeared over the windows giving a partially obscured view of the inside of the house.

  After looking over the layout of the property Kid issued his orders. He sent Bullet with five men to take out the outside guards. The rest of them would move in closer and surround the property while waiting for the all clear.

  Wolf stood hidden behind tall bushes, waiting with Dive and Beast. His heart beat rapidly in his chest when he heard the strident call of a Kiewiet (Lapwing, Plover), their signal to move in.

  He didn’t hesitate, he ran towards the front gate of the property with Dive on one side of him, Beast on the other. Beast was wearing a com unit and was in contact with Kid who was leading the attack on the back door.

  Wolf’s gut was churning when they reached the gate unseen and waited on the order to go. The longer they fucked around here the more damage was being done to his woman. The fucker had given Maniac a day to turn his club over to his enemies. Only problem was he hadn’t given him a day, he’d given him a few hours. And those hours hadn’t been enough to comply with their demands.

  And that meant his woman was being hurt right now.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  He wasn’t even breathing hard when they ran through the gate down the over grown drive to the weather worn front door of the house. The sounds of his woman screaming almost had him plunging through the door. But he controlled the impulse. They had to wait for Kid and Jinx to reach the back door before they could move. The front door opened right into the lounge where Leo was being tortured therefore they had to wait. Her hoarse screams had him raging at the wait.

  Dive’s eyes were stone cold his mouth in a thin line as he looked at Wolf and gave one nod. They were going to kill the fucker. Fuck Maniac’s orders.

  Their girl was hurting and they had to stand out here listening to her fucking pain.

  Wolf couldn’t take it anymore.

  Tapping Beast on the arm he indicated he was going in but Beast shook his head.

  Why? He mouthed at him.

  Kid, give him five. He mouthed as he held Wolf’s eyes.

  Wolf squeezed his eyes shut and breathed deep then opened them and waited.

  At last Beast started counting down from five. They moved to the side to allow Bullet and Ratel who had the battering ram to step up and take out the door.

  On five the world around them exploded. He saw the door fly off its hinges and smash the guy who had been standing in front of it to the floor. They ran inside using the door as a bridge, everyone giving an extra hard bounce to smash the fucker through the floor.

  The take down was fast and deadly. The end result was that the fuckers were either dead or bleeding out on the floor when they were done.

  But it was his woman who had his full attention.

  She was covered in blood. The only part of her without any blood was her beautiful face. Blood ran from cuts to her abdomen, arms and legs. It was slowly dripping off the sides of the table and into the pool of blood on the floor. A too fucking big pool of blood.

  She was incredibly pale and her head was turned away from the camera. Her body was motionless, her hands lay tied behind her head and a constant dripping of blood fell from them.

  Jesus Christ! He had cut off her fingers! Her lost fingers lay in the pool of blood on the dirty floor and Wolf’s rage exploded.

  “You fucking bastard! I’m going to fucking kill you!” Wolf roared and would have stormed forward but Beast held him back.

  “Hold it, brother. Not yet.” He whispered.

  Shaking his head Wolf glared at the smirking fucker standing over her, a scalpel in one hand and a big blood covered fucking dildo in the other.

  Wolf’s enraged eyes shot to his old lady’s pussy and what he saw had the rage turning into ice cold fury. By the blood covering her down there he knew the fucker had violated his woman with that fucking dildo.

  “You are going to wish you had never laid a finger my old lady.” He swore.

  Next to him Dive and his crew were being held back by Buzz, Spider and several other brothers as they surged forward.

  The piece of shit smiled. He fucking smiled.

  “Welcome to my little party everyone. What a pleasure to have you join me and the gentlemen on the screen over there.” He pointed the bloody dildo at the monitor
and laughed. “They’ve been enjoying the entertainment I’ve supplied for this morning but sadly it must now come to an end.”

  When Wolf moved he waved the dildo from side to side. “Ah-ah-ah, don’t come any closer, I would hate to have to hurt her again just to get you to back off.”

  The crazy fuck didn’t look like he was worried about the position he was in at all.

  “You’re going to die today motherfucker.” Wolf promised him in a low emotionless voice.

  Peering at Wolf’s kutte he smiled. “I don’t think so Mr Wolf. I’ll be leaving here with my little toy and you will be good boys and allow it to happen. Did you really think I wouldn’t have a contingency plan? Believe me, I do.” Pointing at the screen he gave his cold little smile. “If you hinder my exit in any way my brand new business partner over there, Mr Maniac, will be forced by his newly instated officers to start executing the women in his club. Starting with my little toy’s mother and moving on to her future sister-in-law and that beautiful little girl of hers. And that would be a pity because I have something very special planned for the two of us.” He smiled his little cold smile at Maniac who sat as if frozen.

  Maniac didn’t say anything. He just looked stoically into the camera. He couldn’t give the order to take the smirking fucking traitors sitting at his table down until Leo was safe.

  And right now she wasn’t safe. Not at all.

  Wolf didn’t take his eyes off the man holding the scalpel to Leo’s carotid. One slip, that’s all it would take and she would bleed out before they could do a damned thing. He had to do something but fuck knows what. That’s when he realised that Jinx was almost directly behind the bastard. Meeting his eyes he slowly dropped his eyes down to the hand holding the scalpel.

  Jinx immediately got what he meant and started slowly inching over so as to fully move into the bastard’s blind spot. For some reason none of the fuckers watching on camera warned the bastard. Once Jinx was behind him he moved forward one slow step at a time. One of his men joined him in the slow stalk.


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