Vengeance Of A Black Knight (Iron Dogz MC, #4)

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Vengeance Of A Black Knight (Iron Dogz MC, #4) Page 29

by René Van Dalen

  “Are you sure?” She looked confused.

  “Yes, very sure.”

  She gave me a nod and left to do as I had asked. Next on my list was a call to Maniac. Thank fuck for one touch dialling.

  “I need to come home. Can you arrange for that Adam guy to come fetch me? The doctors at home can see me through the rest of my recovery.”

  “Something happen that I should know about?”

  “No, I just miss Mama and home and everyone. I need my family around me right now.”

  “Okay, baby girl. I’ll set it up. Be prepared to leave on very short notice. You okay with that?”

  “Yes, yes I am.” He didn’t know how very prepared I was to get away from here.

  Maniac didn’t let grass grow under his feet and had my flight home arranged within hours.

  Dive tried to talk me out of it but I insisted. I was going home.

  Twelve hours later I was in the bed at the back of the plane with a nurse in attendance and flying home with a very pissed off group of men.

  I didn’t acknowledge any of them or their tempers.

  I was on my way home to heal.

  Unfortunately for me it would take my bruised and damaged heart longer to heal than my broken body.

  And my mind?

  My mind was a whole other story.



  Looking at her lying in a hospital bed looking so damned fragile fucked with his head in a big way. He blamed himself for not protecting her like he had promised. Everything that had happened to her was on him. He should have been in the fucking cage with her, not an inexperienced prospect.

  He sat next to her bed as she slept and knew he had a decision to make. A life altering decision.

  His woman.

  Or his club.

  An impossible decision. It was a decision that was going to fuck up his life, whichever way it went.

  With that shit on his mind he couldn’t keep sitting next to the bed and left before she woke up. She didn’t even know he had been there. He nodded at the cheerful nurse taking care of her as he walked out.

  He wouldn’t be back until his decision was made. It was the right thing to do for both of them.

  Back at the clubhouse he was glad to be pulled back into the daily workings of the club and threw himself into it wholeheartedly.

  The best part was attending the interrogation of the asswipe they had locked up below the club.

  Crow was walking around their captive, looking him over and nodding her masked head.

  “I can see it.” She hissed in that altered voice of hers.

  “See what?” Dive asked as he looked at what he thought was just a weird little guy. Not the interrogator they had been waiting for.

  Wolf could see his confusion written all over his face. He was confused about why they hadn’t touched the bastard tied to the chair but had left him sitting as they waited for the Crow to arrive. When the Crow walked through the door Wolf realised they had all forgotten the real Crow. The one who walked around dressed in a black leather coat with that fucked up BDSM mask on his head.

  That was the person who had walked through the door with Hawk.

  Not the one who had interrogated Laney and Emma.

  The person in the room with them was Doc Michaels’ best kept secret, his Crow.

  Focussing those dead black eyes on Dive he hissed. “I see his dark soul.”

  Dive threw a glance Wolf’s way before he nodded. “Okay.”

  Crow tapped their captive’s head with a gloved forefinger. “Is it going to give me what I want or are we going to play?”

  The stupid fuck blinked as if confused. “I...I’m not sure why I’m here or what you want from me. I was only doing my job. That’s all.”

  “And what is its job?” Crow bent over and hissed in his ear.

  “I, uhm, I expedite the acquisition of certain assets for my employer.”

  Why the hell was the asshole giving us this shit without being touched?

  “And what might those assets be?”

  “Anything he wants. I just do as I’m told. It’s just a job.”

  Crow hissed out a weird little laugh.

  “No, no, don’t be so humble. It likes its job. Doesn’t it?”

  “Sometimes. Not always.”


  “I...I...I can’t. I can’t say anymore.”

  Again that hissed little laugh.

  “Wrong. It’s going to say a whole lot more before we’re done here today.” Crow looked over at Beast where he stood next to the table filled with instruments of torture. “Bring me my number two knife, Beastie.”

  Beast grinned as he walked over with the knife and placed it into Crow’s outstretched gloved hand. It didn’t take long for the bastard’s clothes to hang in long strips all around him. The fucker sat there naked and was finally starting to get scared.

  “My employer has no problems with the Iron Dogz MC. If you let me go I give you my word I’ll put in a good word for you. You don’t want to get on his bad side, believe me.”

  “Ah, so its employer is a man. Good to know.”

  The knife flashed and a cut appeared along his arm. In the exact place he had made the first cut on Leo. The second cut right above his cock came just as quick. He was bleeding before he even connected the dots. But he did. He very quickly connected those dots.

  “I didn’t know she was part of the Iron Dogz.” He tried to explain but Crow wasn’t listening.

  Bobbing around to music only he heard he walked around the chair, a brand new chair. A chair that was completely covered in plastic and the best feature was that at a touch of a button it could be reclined. And Crow did exactly that.

  The plastic that covered the chair squeaked as the stupid fuck moved, trying to keep Crow in his view.

  “Name. Give me its name.”

  Shaking like he had fucking malaria the fucker shook his head.

  Several small slashes later he gasped it out.

  “Peter Van Wijk, my name is Peter Van Wijk!”

  “Good. Now give me the name of its employer.”

  Shaking his head furiously he stuttered. “I...I ca...can’t. He...he’ll kill me.”

  Crow hissed out a horrid little laugh.

  “No, he won’t kill it, I will.”

  Several slashes and little twists of the knife point into nerve endings had him screaming and writhing in the chair.

  “Give me what I want and it can rest, just a little.”

  The fucker was crying. Snot was running from his nose and spit dribbling from his mouth. He was a pathetic heap of snivelling shit and Wolf had to clench his teeth and fists to keep from going over to the chair and gutting the piece of shit.

  “I can’t! I can’t tell you.”

  “Hmmm, we’ll see.”

  This time Crow walked over to the table and selected the next implement personally.

  Peter Van Wijk started screaming when he saw the side cutters. He knew what was coming. Fucking pussy.

  Crow didn’t stop until eight severed fingers lay on the bastard’s chest. Crow left him his thumbs as he laid the blood covered cutters on the table and picked up a knife with a thin long blade.

  “Beastie, tie a tourniquet around the forearms. I don’t want it bleeding out too soon.”

  “P...pu...pu...puh...puh...leeease. I’ll tell, I’ll tell.”

  “Go on then. Tell me what I want to know.” Crow hissed in his ear.

  “He...he’s is Ja...ja...ja James, James Ha...ha...harisss...sssson!”

  “Now that wasn’t very difficult now was it?” Crow patted his chest then twisted his hand over the wounds and had the little coward screaming again.

  “Why would James Harrison get so close to the dirt, Peter? It doesn’t make sense to me. He didn’t really think he was going to get away with this did he?”

  “He, he wanted to prove to hi...hi...his father that he...he was
ready to take over in Ca...Cape T...Town. Winifred’s time running out wuh...wuh...with the Syndicate.”

  Crow hissed out a laugh and shook his head. “Fuck, Petey, the two of you have totally fucked up, have you realised that yet? You mutilated the only daughter of the VP of the Shadow Wraiths MC, the old lady of one of the enforcers with the Iron Dogz MC. And by doing so the two of you started a war between The Syndicate and several of the biggest and baddest MC’s in the world.”

  Crow waited a beat before continuing.

  “And that, Peter, is why you are here. In my chair. You hurt a friend of mine.” Crow nodded when his eyes widened with fear. “Oh, yes, Peter, she’s a friend and you did things I can’t forgive.” He held up a finger as the bloody piece of shit started stuttering and hissed angrily. “No, I don’t want to hear anymore. I’m bored with you. Let’s finish our little chat.”

  Every single man in the interrogation room cringed as Crow went back to the table and came back with the dildo the fucker had used on Leo.

  But not Wolf, he didn’t cringe, he seethed with rage.


  Black eyes turned to him. “Why?”

  “He put his hands on my woman, he violated her. What comes next is mine, my vengeance.”

  The leather clad head nodded, laid the dildo down and stepped away from the chair to stand to the side, arms crossed over his chest and totally relaxed.

  Wolf didn’t hesitate even a second. Stepping up to the chair he leaned over the bastard.

  “You called my woman a whore and a toy as you cut into her and violated her. I’m not going to call you any of that. Because you are nothing but a waste of breath and skin. Toys and whores serve a purpose. You however have no purpose, not anymore.”

  Picking up the dildo he held it up and waved it in front of the snivelling piece of shit’s face.

  “Here we operate on a simple system. And eye for an eye. Seeing as you don’t have the appropriate equipment we’ll have to make do with what you do have.”

  With that Wolf rammed the dildo up the fucker ass, withdrew it and watched as blood and shit flowed from his torn up asshole. His screams were like fucking music to his ears and he grinned as he shoved the dildo back into his ass and left it there.

  “I’m going to leave it there because your shit is fucking disgusting. Not that you’ll have to worry about it for very long.” He said in a conversational tone as he walked over to Crow’s table of toys and picked up a long bladed knife then returned to lean over the crying bastard.

  “Now we get to the good part.” Wolf reached down and ripped the dildo out of his ass. As his mouth opened to scream he shoved the blood and shit covered dildo deep, feeling absolutely nothing as the bastard choked and battled for breath.

  “You will never hurt another woman ever again.” Wolf snarled as he moved behind him, pulled his head back by his hair and cut his throat.

  Wolf stepped back as blood sprayed in a red arc over the body and dripped on to the plastic covered floor. His hand holding the knife hung loosely at his side as his rage slowly receded.

  He had avenged his woman and in some small way every woman or child the bastard had ever touched.

  “There we go. We’re almost done.” Crow gave a little hiss of a laugh, took the knife from his hand and sliced off the fuckers dick then laid it on his chest. “And look at that, we’ve made a bit of a mess.”

  In the shocked silence that reigned while blood slowly dripped from their victim the Crow meticulously cleaned the instruments and returned them to their places on the table. Nodding at Hawk once he was done.

  “Send his dick to Winifred Harrison and dispose of the rest.” Hawk ordered then looked at Wolf and gave him a small chin lift. His boss approved of his actions.

  Hawk took Crow by the arm and led him out the door. Wolf knew his brother was taking her to her room to clean up and to keep her identity from the Shadow Wraiths. None of them could ever find out that DC Michaels was the Crow.

  Beast’s voice broke the silence.

  “Wolf, escort our US brothers back to their ride. Do not forget the blindfolds and bags.”

  Dive and his brothers had been brought into the Sanctuary through the hidden entrance on our property and not down the internal staircase. They had been given blindfolds and solid black bags to cover their heads before being loaded into the club’s big transporter. Then they were driven around the property before being brought inside through the cave entrance.

  The ride back to the clubhouse was deathly silent.

  Parking inside the garage twenty minutes later Wolf was done with the silence.

  “You can take the hoods and blindfolds off. We’re back at the clubhouse.”

  He took the bags and blindfolds as the men ripped them off and then just sat in the cage looking at him and at each other.

  “That was fucked up, you realise that, don’t you? But saying that, you did what we all wanted to do. He fucking paid for what he did to my sister. Thank you my brother.” Dive said as he reached over and shook Wolf’s hand.

  “Who the fuck was that little guy?” Magic broke the heavy silence that hung around them.

  Wolf shook his head. “That was someone you never want to piss off. You fucking never want to draw his attention either. Not fucking ever. He has eyes and ears everywhere.”

  “So he’s a contractor. He goes where the money is.” Lure said.

  “No, not even close.” Wolf knew he couldn’t say too much but he had to say something that would satisfy their curiosity.

  “The Crow can’t be contracted for a job. He will find you. He found us and Hawk lets him do what he does best. He always gets the information you need.”

  “Then he works for your club.”

  Wolf laughed and shook his head. “Nope. After today we won’t see him again for quite some time. He comes and goes like a fucking ghost.”

  “Pity, we could use a man like him back home.”

  Wolf shrugged and got out, slamming the door shut behind him.

  He was fucking tired and all he wanted to do was get back to his room and shower the day off him.

  And not think about the woman lying in the hospital.

  After his shower he didn’t go back down to the common room, he fell into his bed and went to sleep.

  He woke to thumping on his door.

  “Fuck off!”

  “Wolf! Get your fucking ass out of bed and get down to the office. Hawk is looking for you.” Beast’s grumpy voice came from the other side of the door.

  Stretching his still tired body Wolf rolled out of bed and got into the shower to wake himself up before going to see his president.

  Sitting rigidly in front of Hawk’s desk he had to breathe deep to control his temper. And control it he would. His president wasn’t wrong, he had been trying to decide what to do. But he hadn’t expected his president to decide for him.

  “I’m not losing one of my best men to another club, Wolf. We need you here. If you still feel the same after we’ve handled the shit we’re wading through right now we can talk again. Not that I will be fucking happy to lose you, but if you insist there’s fuckall I can do.”

  Dragging his hands through his hair Wolf blew out a heavy breath. “You’re right, boss. I belong here, not at some club I don’t know and won’t be able to give my loyalty to. It’s better to cut ties now before anymore feelings are involved. I got you.”

  “Good. I’ve called Church, let’s get going.”

  It was very anti-climactic. He withdrew his claim, his brothers accepted it and Wolf handed her kutte to Hawk. His president folded it carefully and set it to the side.

  “I’ll go see her after church and tell her.” Wolf said.

  “No, you won’t.” Hawk said. “I will be doing it. It’s my duty as the president of this club to finish this business with her and the Shadow Wraiths. Trust me to do it right, Wolf.”

  There was nothing left to say. His president had spoken and his word
was law.

  After church he, along with his brothers descended on the bar and he drank himself to oblivion.

  He had no idea how he got back to his room.

  When he woke the next morning it felt like a fucking bird had shat in his mouth and his head was thumping.

  The thing that fucked with him completely was the woman in bed with him. Fucking Melly.

  What. The. Fuck.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” He growled, immediately in a fucking rage.

  The bitch slid out of his bed and he silently exhaled with relief when he saw she was fully clothed and so was he.

  “You were out of it last night, Wolf. You drank until Chris threw you out and I helped you up here to your room. You passed out when we got here and I stayed to take care of you. Why don’t we have a quick shower and I’ll take even better care of you.” She smiled and Wolf’s stomach turned violently.

  “Never going to happen, bitch. Get out of my room and stay the fuck away from me. This’s your only warning.” He growled at her and didn’t feel anything when her eyes widened in shock.

  She rushed out of his room as Wolf rolled out of bed and ripped the duvet off the bed.

  The fucking whore’s scent was on fucking everything and his stomach rebelled violently. Rushing into the bathroom he fell to his knees and vomited into the toilet. He stayed there until there was nothing left inside him to expel. Getting to his feet he rinsed his mouth, brushed his teeth and washed his face before he felt he could face his room again.

  Wolf knew he would never again sleep in his bed without remembering that he had had a club whore in his fucking room. And even worse, he had almost cheated on his old lady. Even though she no longer wore his patch that’ s what she would always be to him, his old lady.

  And then it once again exploded in his head like a fucking grenade.

  He’d had a slut in his room. In his fucking room. In his bed.

  He needed to get it cleaned out.

  After a long hot shower he dressed in sweats, a tee and his fucked up takkies (running shoes) and got busy.

  He stripped the room and dragged his bed and bedding downstairs and threw it out of the side door. Shouting at the prospects to get rid of it he went back upstairs to continue with his purge. He vacuumed, bleached and polished. Once he was done he showered again, got dressed, grabbed his wallet and keys and walked out of the clubhouse.


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