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Resilience Page 22

by Bailey Bradford

  Maarten looked more amused than angry, which predictably infuriated Adam, but,

  since he pulled a key from his pocket, Adam decided to shut up for now. In seconds, Adam’s hands were free, and Maarten had tossed the key to Sim. Adam started to turn around but Maarten caught him by the shoulder. “Inside first, please. Then I promise you can see to your husband. We are at risk every moment we are outside.”

  “Well, you sure didn’t seem to care before,” Adam snapped. “And I’m checking him

  now.” He pivoted and promptly gasped, having turned too quickly. His knees gave out, and only Maarten’s quick reflexes kept him upright once again.

  “What is the saying? Doctor heal thyself?” Maarten muttered. “You are hurt, too. Come on. I gave you my word you can tend to him, but you can’t do so if you are unconscious as well.”

  “That’s a bullshit line in this case,” Adam protested, but, the truth was, he could hardly breathe, much less walk. He felt battered from head to toe, his nerve endings screaming with pain. He had no choice except to let Maarten help him inside. To his complete surprise, he and Todd were placed in a spacious bedroom. Windowless, which didn’t surprise him and cast more doubt on their host, but there was nothing he could do about it right now.

  “I will send someone in to see to you both,” Maarten said. “I know you are a

  veterinarian, but your husband is a man, and you are hurt. You haven’t anything to work with, either.” Maarten frowned at him then studied Todd. “What did Peter do?”

  “What the hell does it look like he tried to do?” Adam shouted, patience eradicated by hours of fear and hurt. “Fucking look at us!”

  “He was very hateful and hit Adam several time,” Daan said from behind Maarten.

  “And made threats to Todd unless Adam was very nice to him. That is when Adam threw up on him outside.”

  If Adam thought Maarten had looked furious before, it was absolutely nothing

  compared to the thunderous expression he wore now. “Get Spiegel in here,” Maarten

  ordered. “I will go take care of Peter.”

  With that ominous threat, Maarten left the room, Daan running off with a “Be back with the doctor,” right behind him.

  Adam sat on the edge of the bed and felt the fluttering pulse at Todd’s neck. Was it stronger? It wasn’t weak, but it was erratic. Adam flipped on the bedside lamp and gently touched Todd’s cheek. His gold-tipped lashes cast shadows on his fair skin, and Adam fought back the urge to weep. It was a ridiculous urge, but he knew the stress and pain and fear and anger and all the other chaotic emotions bouncing through him were truly fucking with him. He wanted Todd to open his eyes, wanted to see their pretty colour…

  Adam swiped at his eyes then felt carefully around Todd’s head. The bump on the back was worrisome, certainly. He touched again, and Todd whimpered, and Adam thought it

  was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard, even if he did regret causing Todd pain.

  “Todd?” Adam leant down, rubbed his nose against Todd’s cheek then brushed a kiss

  over his parted, chapped lips. “Baby, please open your eyes for me. I’ve been so scared.”

  Todd winced but his lashes fluttered, his eyes darting behind the closed lids. Slowly, he opened his eyes and Adam barely kept himself from whooping. As it was, he sucked in a sharp breath and nearly passed out from the pain of it.

  “Adam?” Todd ground out, his voice sounding uncomfortably raw. “Where—”

  “I don’t know.” Adam stopped trying to hold back his tears. Everything had been too

  much, and he hurt, and Todd hurt, and he didn’t know what was happening. He hadn’t even asked Maarten about Jameson or Luuk! He was too worried about Todd, and until he knew Todd would be okay—

  A sharp rap at the door startled Adam into another gasp, which made him sway as he

  struggled not to pass out. He made out a blurry shape, not a big one, so not Maarten then.

  “I’m Dr Spiegel,” the blurry shape said. “Please allow me to check you both.”

  Adam didn’t think he could stop the guy. He was barely managing not to keel over as it was.

  “Todd first,” he insisted, though. Then he scooted up and held Todd’s hand,

  determined to keep a staunch watch over him.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Todd glared at the man sitting on the floor at Maarten’s feet. Peter was nude and

  battered, and Todd probably should have felt bad for him, but fuck it.

  “He had a chance to defend himself,” Maarten said, interrupting Todd’s angry

  thoughts. Todd jerked his head up to look at the freakishly big shifter. Adam had filled him in on what had happened, but Todd wasn’t about to trust anyone other than his husband.

  “I don’t know how things are done in North America, but, here, I give my betas a

  chance to apologise properly and accept punishment or fight those they’ve wronged, myself included, in the ring. Peter chose…” Maarten glanced down at the man who hadn’t yet

  looked up from the floor, “unwisely.”

  “From the moment he broke into our room,” Todd snarled, glaring at Maarten even

  though it made him want to piss himself. The guy was just scary. Adam linked his hand through Todd’s and leaned against his side. Todd thought about the bruises and scratches.

  Adam’s ribs were just bruised, thank goodness, but they were sore as hell and who was really to blame? “So since you have offended me…” Oh shit! What was he saying?

  Maarten looked startled, too, blinking owlishly and sitting back in his chair. “By?”

  Todd wanted to whoop the big ox…wolf. “You’re the one who sent that jerk after us.

  What kind of leader doesn’t know his own men?”

  Maarten actually appeared to shrink a little at that accusation. He muttered something Todd couldn’t hear and rubbed the back of his hand over his mouth.

  “Maybe he’s just not very bright,” Adam chimed in, whispering and knowing full well the shifters would hear.

  Daan made a choking sound and Sim shoved a fist in his mouth and stared at them

  with wide eyes. Peter didn’t so much as twitch, and Maarten growled, a low rumbling sound that made every hair on Todd’s body stand up, but he didn’t back down. He could growl, too, if that was the way the shifter wanted to play this chest-thumping game.

  “You couldn’t touch me in the ring,” Maarten finally said, not without a little mockery.

  Todd’s cheeks heated but he kept his own tone bland. “Who said anything about being

  in a ring?” Todd scrambled for an alternative, because, yeah, Maarten would clobber him in a heartbeat.

  “Why should he have to?” Adam asked. “You orchestrated this whole thing, and expect

  us to think you aren’t a bad guy? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Adam had worked himself up to a furious ball of indignation. “You drugged our friends! Or had them drugged, whatever! And you sent psycho-fuckwit along in charge! If you’re the leader of the shifters here, they are so fucked!”

  “I’m not,” Maarten snapped, “not more than those who live here in this house with me.

  We are rebels, outcasts, whatever, of Luther’s regime! I want him dead, and my brother back in his rightful place! As for your accusations—”

  “Facts,” Todd interrupted, “there’s no accusation to it!”

  Maarten growled again and clenched his hands on the armrests of the chair. Todd

  heard the material rend, heard wood crack. “Fine, then. Yes, I sent him, as a test! I suspected he was sent to me to spy by Luther, and he was. I did not order him to drug your friends…exactly.”

  “What the fuck does that even mean?” Adam shouted, then groaned and went white as

  a ghost as he clutched his side.

  Todd murmured soothing words to him and cradled him to his side carefully, all the

  time glaring daggers at Maarten. Maybe he
’d have two wolf rugs.

  “I just said not to bring them.” Maarten huffed and looked up at the ceiling. “Fine, yes. I didn’t want the other shifters here because I do not know or trust them, and they are strong.

  You two are just humans.”

  “Oh, fuck you, asshole,” Adam hissed, his voice was pitched higher than usual and

  laced with pain. “My human can shoot you before you can blink.”

  “He doesn’t have a—”

  Todd did, though, since Daan and Sim had brought his bag. He didn’t know how

  Marcus had managed it, but he’d assured Todd he could get his handgun through and he had. Now Todd got to give Maarten a thin smile while pointing his nice .357 at him.

  “…gun,” Maarten finished lamely. He twisted to glare at Daan and Sim. “What kind of help are you two?”

  Daan shrugged even as he blanched. “We didn’t go through his bags. You said you

  wanted their help, which was why we couldn’t understand Peter’s behaviour.”

  “Couldn’t understand why you made him a beta in the first place,” Sim sneered.

  “You both do remember there is a very large calibre gun pointed at me?” Maarten

  asked. Todd was wondering the same thing himself.

  Daan looked at him. “He won’t shoot you. Todd is a very honourable man.”

  Damn it. There went any leverage Todd had and he knew it. So did Adam, judging by the soft sigh he gave. Maarten faced him and arched a brow. Todd set the safety and tucked the gun in the back of his waistband under his shirt.

  “You’re still an asshole,” Adam informed Maarten.

  “I am,” he admitted easily. “I suspected Peter’s duplicity and put you and your friends at risk unnecessarily, but I did manage to beat some information out of Peter. At least I know Luther hasn’t yet found Luuk or Jameson.”

  “Are you sure they’re even alive?” Todd asked even though he hated to do so. But

  Adam deserved the truth.

  Maarten shook his head. “I have no proof, but I believe they are. Luuk went to America and, somehow, he met his mate. Europe’s shifter politics have been unstable for a very long time. When Luuk went to America, I believe he intended to meet with the Alpha Anax there, Marcus Criswell—”

  “Whose brother you had drugged,” Todd pointed out. “Hate to be in your shoes.”

  Maarten shrugged. “I honestly did not think Peter would drug them. But, as you have

  both said, he is my responsibility. I would not defend myself against Marcus Criswell any more than I would against either of you.”

  Todd was getting really tired of the head games. “You said—”

  “That you couldn’t touch me in the ring, and, no, if it were an actual fight, you couldn’t.

  But I did cause harm to you and your mate, or husband, whatever you call Adam, and to you. There wouldn’t be a fight. I would give you your pound of flesh, as it were.” Maarten shrugged one massive shoulder. “I am a fair man, and honourable too, even if my judgement wasn’t the best.”

  Todd was almost glad he hadn’t shot him. “If you really are as honourable as you claim to be, then send someone for our friends, or contact them and tell them how to get here.”

  Maarten lowered his head and his expression hardened. “I will not give your friends

  the same pound of flesh. They are shifters and should understand my reticence at having them in my small pack.”

  “I think maybe you’re wrong about that.” Adam sounded better, as if the pain had

  receded. “Or maybe y’all just aren’t as evolved as the North American packs.”

  Oh, that didn’t sit well with Maarten at all, and Todd wanted to laugh. Adam did,

  snickering at the thunderous expression. “Well, if y’all are more beast than man and can’t have guests of the same species without it being a pissing match…”

  “We can,” Maarten grumbled. “Daan, Sim, go back to the hotel and bring the shifters

  here. Watch for a tail.”

  As much as Todd wanted to see Gabe and the others, he didn’t think Maarten’s idea

  was the best. “They’re likely to get their asses kicked first,” he pointed out. “Easier to call.”

  “Fine.” Maarten waved at his betas. “Call, but don’t give them our location, and use a disposable phone. I’m paranoid for a reason,” he said when Todd gave him a questioning look.

  “If you were smart the paranoia might not be necessary,” Adam pointed out.

  Maarten scowled at them. “Why were you Jameson’s best friend? I was told he was a

  very nice man.”

  “Fuck you,” Adam said succinctly.

  “Adam is too, but get your head out of your butt, Maarten.” Todd refused to point out the obvious. They’d been kidnapped and hurt and had every right to be bitchy and furious.

  “Of course, you’re right.” Maarten nudged Peter with his foot. “Get up and shift.” To Todd and Adam, he explained, “His wolf has submitted to me wholly, but I don’t trust the man. The beast will obey, however.”

  Peter shifted and trotted unsteadily over to a kennel. The door was open on it and he entered it, pawing at the padded surface beneath him before plonking down.

  “It’s a security thing, before you think me cruel,” Maarten said. “Peter isn’t locked in, but the small area gives the impression of a den and soothes the wolf.”

  “Okay.” Todd didn’t know why Maarten gave two shakes about their opinion of him.

  “About Jameson?”

  Maarten stood and walked over to a small portable bar. “Care for a drink?”

  “No, we’re both on pain meds.” Adam didn’t add ‘duh’ but it was definitely implied.

  Maarten almost looked embarrassed. “Ah. Well. If you don’t mind, I will imbibe,

  although I doubt there’s enough in here to truly do the job right.” He waved a bottle more than halfway filled. “Scotch, my favourite.”

  After he fixed his drink, Maarten turned and leaned against the bar. He sipped slowly then moaned and closed his eyes. “God, there’s nothing quite like this.” Maarten opened his eyes and peered at the glass. “I haven’t seen Luuk or Jameson for over two years, not since shortly after they landed, actually. I was there to greet them, having been standing in Luuk’s stead, in a manner of speaking, while he was gone. There were rumours of a coup, but there’s always such rumours, ever since I can remember. No one had actually tried anything in decades.”

  He tossed back the rest of his drink and poured another. “And that was my mistake

  then, too, wasn’t it. Not believing the rumours. I had some men check into it, including my close…friend, Luther, whom I trusted, but those very same men are the ones who turned on us. All hell broke loose, as the saying goes. I was hurt.” Maarten tipped his head to the side and it was only then Todd saw the thick scar running across his neck.

  Adam hissed and touched his own neck. “That…looks like it should have killed you.”

  Maarten’s lips twitched and kicked up on one side. “Well, on days where I’m throwing myself a pity party, I wish it would have, but no, the artery was missed. I was in shifted form, otherwise, who knows?” He sipped his second drink again. “When it was over, only Luuk, Jameson and I had survived that attack. Me, just barely, I suppose. Jameson was hurt as well. He was, at that point, only a human.”

  “I’m really beginning to hate that whole ‘only a human’ shit,” Adam groused. “Like

  we’re somehow less.”

  “You’re not,” Maarten corrected quickly. “Well, not less important or what have you.

  Obviously humans aren’t as strong as we are, or as long-lived, and you do tend to break easier. That does not negate the importance of humans, however.”

  “How sweet to hear you say so.” Adam stood and Todd did as well, slipping an arm around Adam’s waist.

  “I don’t mean any disrespect, I’m just trying to explain. I can’t say e
ither of our species is superior. We each have our good and bad points.”

  “How bad was Jameson hurt?” Todd asked, knowing Adam wanted to know but was

  afraid of what he’d hear.

  Maarten’s slight nod made Todd think the shifter had the same opinion. “Quite, I’m afraid, although I believe he survived. Not without many scars. A human body is little barrier for a wolf’s teeth. There were only the three of us against almost a dozen.” Maarten finished his second drink and, instead of pouring a third, lifted the bottle to his lips and drank. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and continued as Todd rubbed

  soothing circles on Adam’s back. “Jameson was alive, though. Luuk took my car. We didn’t know whom we could trust at that point. And Luther, he is now Alpha Anax here. Early on, I received a note, handed to me by a human boy on the street one day. All it said was, ‘We are.’”

  “Alive? Here? We are what?” Todd asked. Adam was too quiet, too still beside him. He looked and found Adam struggling against tears. Todd gently folded Adam into his arms.

  Maarten shook his head. “Alive, I took it to mean. It was definitely Luuk’s writing, and I could still catch a hint of his scent on the paper. That was almost two years ago. I’ve tried finding him, but, honestly, I’ve no idea where he and Jameson could be. Rumours have them in the mountains. That encompasses…a shitload of places.”

  “How many shifters do you have to help you search?”

  “Thirteen.” Maarten cast a glance at the wolf. “I won’t have Peter help. As it is, I halfway expect Luther to send his murdering minions here at any time. But then he would have no hope of finding Luuk, or Jameson. That’s the only reason he’s left me alive, I’m sure.”

  “He hasn’t come after you at all?” Todd thought this continent of shifters was entirely too fucked-up to comprehend, or at least their way of doing things was.

  “Sometimes, he has. He even caught me once, or, rather, some of his pack did.”

  Maarten’s smile was all teeth and not the least bit friendly. “He should have sent more than four, the fool. I think he believes I’m not quite all here.” He tapped his head.


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