“A Song for My Warrior”

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“A Song for My Warrior” Page 1

by Justus Roux

  “A Song for My Warrior”


  Justus Roux

  Also by Justus Roux

  Master Series:

  My Master

  Master's Ecstasy


  Sweet Rapture

  Mistress Angelique

  Wrath's Lust

  Breathless (Has novella: Master Drake)

  Love Thy Master

  Dante and Angelique

  The Demon Hunter Series:

  Keeper of My Soul

  Heavenly Surrender

  Breathless (Has novella: Forever, Demon Hunter Ryo's story)

  Ayden's Awakening

  Barbarians of Malka Series:

  Protector of My Heart

  A Warrior’s Will

  A Song for My Warrior

  Single Title


  Anthologies edited by Justus Roux:

  Erotic Tales

  Erotic Fantasy: Tales of the Paranormal

  Who’s Your Daddy?


  ISBN 0-9777788-3-5

  Copyright © 2006 Erotictales Publications

  All rights reserved

  Chapter One

  Nina looked around the Rundal spaceship. Demos and two other warriors were heading back to Earth to gather more Earth women to be mates for the warriors. Demos insisted Nina accompanied him. Niro allowed this—after all she was Demos’ mate. Nina remembered this ship. It was the one that brought her to Malka…to Demos. This last year has been the happiest year of her life. She was named the first woman warrior of Malka, but more importantly she was joined with Demos.

  “What is wrong?” Demos asked as he walked up to her.

  “Oh nothing, I was just thinking how lucky I am.” She wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly for a moment.

  “You keep pressing that beautiful body of yours against me like that and I will have to take you right here.”

  “Mmm, that sounds pretty darn good to me.”

  “Demos,” Ezra interrupted. “The Rundal captain said we must strap ourselves in we will be landing soon.”

  “Very well.” He reached down and grabbed Nina’s hand. “We will continue this later.” He smiled down at her

  He led her to a room which was right behind the cockpit.

  “Leo.” Demos nodded his head at the huge warrior who was already strapping himself to the seat. Leo was a massive man standing at least six foot ten inches tall; he won the Trials this year and earned the right to choose an Earth woman as a mate. Ezra who was just as big as Demos both stood six foot five, earned the right to choose an Earth woman by his unwavering loyalty to Alistair, one of the few warriors who did follow Alistair out of respect and not just out of loyalty to Niro. Niro had asked Demos to go along with the other two to pick a mate for Alistair. Alistair was busy trying to unite the tribes of the Larmat clan and didn’t know that Niro was sending Demos to retrieve a female for him.

  Demos made sure Nina was strapped in tight before he strapped himself in.

  “How do you pick females?” Nina asked.

  “A matter of chance I guess. Wherever the Rundals land the ship. We can’t afford to be spotted by too many Earthlings,” Demos said. “This is my first time to your home planet, I am most eager to see it.”

  “Malka is much more beautiful in my opinion,” Nina said.

  “Still, I am still anxious to see your former planet.” Demos smiled at her.

  “Demos, may I ask you something?”

  “My flower you can ask me anything.”

  “What’s the deal about Alistair? Everyone seems so hush-hush about him. I asked Robin why when Alistair’s name is mentioned the vibe in the room gets all tensed. All Robin ever replies is that she won’t spread idle gossip.” Nina could sense an immediate tension fill the air.

  “What do you mean? Niro chose him to unite the Larmat clans, to help them become one with the Dascon clans.”

  “I know that much, but…”

  “Alistair is a half-breed,” Leo interjected.

  “Do not call him that,” Ezra growled.

  “Put on your ear coverings now,” Demos rumbled at the two. He waited until they secured the headphones over their ears. “We don’t have long before we have to put our ear coverings on too, Nina, so I will briefly explain. Alistair is a half-breed.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “He is part Dascon from his mother and part Larmat from his father. This is rare on Malka. Most half-breeds are killed before they reach maturity, but Hakan took Alistair and his mother in and allowed them to live in the leader hut. I never asked him why he did this. I don’t know, perhaps because I never saw Alistair as a half-breed I never thought to ask. Alistair is a good warrior and he is loyal to Niro that is all that matters to me.”

  “He doesn’t look that different from any other Dascon warrior. Niro made Alistair the leader of the Larmat people while they get reorganize. If a half-breed is so bad…”

  “Niro trusts Alistair. I believe that Niro also saw the fact that Alistair is part Larmat that he may understand the Larmat ways better than a pure Dascon warrior would.”

  “But he was raised as a Dascon warrior.”

  “Alistair’s mother might have corrupted him out of her love for his father.”

  “Corrupted him?”

  “Told him the ways of the Larmat people.”

  “That doesn’t sound like corrupting to me, it sound likes she wanted him to know his father. Poor Alistair…” Nina looked up at Demos when he squeezed her hand.

  “I don’t see him as a half-breed and I am pleased to see that you will not either.” He kissed her hand then handed her a pair of headphones. “Put this on, this will keep your ears from popping while we land.”

  Nina placed the headphones on. Moments later the ship started to descend. She was going to help Demos find the perfect mate for Alistair. Her stomach lurched as the ship dove down faster. She smiled when Demos grabbed her hand and held it tightly.

  “Woohoo!” she cried out, causing Demos to start laughing.


  Anne pushed the stack of papers off the table. She was getting nowhere with her investigation. A year…a whole year had past since her parents were murdered. The police were getting nowhere so she decided to start investigating on her own. She put off going to her fourth year of college. Her training to be a vet could wait. She had to find her parents’ killer or killers. Her parents were murdered for loving each other. The evidence at the scene of the crime suggested it was a hate crime. The racial slurs painted on her parent’s bodies…she couldn’t think about it. She had to focus. Someone had to know something. She wouldn’t let whoever did this get away with taking her parents from her.

  She glanced at the calendar. Today would have been her parent’s twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Her parents had gone out last year to celebrate their anniversary and on their way home some one ran them off the road and brutally killed them. The killers had to have been stalking them, waiting for the right time to strike. She remembered the phone calls, an angry voice calling her an abomination, calling her parents evil for producing such a child. The police did try to trace back the calls, but the caller never stayed on long enough to get anything. Anne stood up and walked around the kitchen trying to get the memories of that angry voice out of her mind.

  “It doesn’t matter what narrow-minded people think. All that matters is the love that is in this house.” Her father’s words would always soothe her.

  Her whole life she has dealt with not really belonging. Her father’s family rarely saw her and when they did they always acted strange. Her mother’s family had disowned her mother for marrying a white man, so Anne
never got a chance to know them. But her parents had enough love that it didn’t really matter. Just seeing them together, watching them ignore the stares from strangers as they walked hand in hand together. The way her mother looked so happy just being with her father. The way they made her feel so loved.

  Anne glanced around the large house. This house was once her sanctuary from the cruelties of the outside world and now it was just a reminder on how cruel the world can be.

  Anne jerked hearing a strange loud noise coming from the backyard. Her heart started pounding in her chest. Somebody was definitely out there. There were no real weapons in the house—she had a problem with guns. She did have a stun gun and some pepper spray, but both were up in her bedroom. “Shit,” she whispered. Anne grabbed the broom that was propped up against the counter.

  “You can’t just burst in there?”

  Anne was puzzled hearing a woman’s voice. The deep male voice that tried to hush the woman up caused Anne to grip the broom handle harder. She jumped back when the door burst opened.

  “Demos, you can’t do that!” Nina hurried inside behind him. Her eyes locked with the frightened woman clutching the broomstick. “Look, you have scared her.” Nina slowly walked over to Anne. “We are not going to hurt you.”

  “Who are you people?”

  “I doubt you would believe me if I told you.”

  “Try me.”

  “Come female, we must head back to the Rundal ship,” Demos’ voice boomed.

  “Demos let me handle this.”

  “Rundal ship?”

  “Do you have a boyfriend, husband…?”

  “No…who are you?”

  “I am Nina and this is my…husband Demos.”

  “Husband?” Demos looked at her puzzled.

  “It’s what a mate is called here.”

  “Get out of my house. You two must be crazy. I am going to call the cops.” Anne dropped the broom and ran toward the phone. Before she reached it she felt herself being lifted into the air and then thrown over Demos’ shoulder.

  “Demos!” Nina scolded him.

  “Put me down.” Anne realized that Demos was only wearing a loincloth and that there was a very large sword strapped to his back. She looked to Nina and saw she wore some kind of fur top and a strange shimmering fabric for pants, and that she too had a sword strapped to her back.

  “Don’t struggle female. We have no wish to harm you.” Demos tried to keep his voice gentle.

  “I am sorry, but trust me where you are going is much better.”

  “Where am I going?” Anne started to pound on Demos’ back. “Let me go asshole.”

  “We have to get her on the ship,” Demos said, heading for the door. He had to hold Anne tightly to his shoulder as she struggled violently to free herself.

  Nina looked down at all the papers tossed around the kitchen floor. She went to pick one of the papers up…

  “Don’t touch those,” Anne shouted as she struggled harder to free herself. Demos’ grip was like iron and all she was managing to do was to wear herself out.

  “Demos…this feels strange. I remembered when I was just taken like this.” Nina watched the violent way Anne fought. Hell she was just like that when Rai captured her a year ago.

  “You said this female would be perfect for Alistair. Now we must go.”

  “You looked so sad when I saw you through the window, may I ask why?” Nina asked Anne.

  “No…now let me down.”

  Demos headed out the door and straight for a beam of light.

  “Demos!” Nina hurried to him.

  “We must go my flower.” Demos looked down at Nina. He could see the guilt creeping into her eyes. “I have taken this woman aboard you haven’t done anything.” With that Demos stepped into the beam.

  Anne felt funny and it took her eyes a moment to adjust. This big man still had her over his shoulder and was carrying her somewhere. She couldn’t make out where she was. She looked behind them and saw the woman from earlier.

  “I am sorry,” Nina said. It felt wrong to just take this woman. But Demos’ people would die out if they didn’t. So far Robin and Sabrina had children, and Jamie was with child. Nina however hasn’t gotten pregnant yet. The Malka infants were rather large and as such it is feared that the Earth women would only produce one offspring. Tomar, the leader of the Rundal, was monitoring all the Earth women carefully. Until Niro was sure that no harm was going to come to the Earth women only a couple at a time was brought to Malka. Tomar had scouts searching other planets as well, looking for compatible females for the Malka males.

  Demos carefully set Anne down and left the room. He closed and locked the door then looked down at Nina. That look on her face bothered him.

  “I didn’t like being dragged from my home,” Nina said. She slowly looked up at Demos. “But if I hadn’t been I would have never met you.”

  “Alistair will make her very happy.” Demos took Nina into his arms. “When the female has settled down, you should go talk to her.”

  “Don’t call her female. I hated that part too.”

  “When I learn her name then I won’t call her female. Nina, why did you pick this female?”

  “She looked so sad. I figured she might stand a chance of being happy on Malka.”

  “I don’t think Ezra and Leo chose their females with such care as you did.”

  “Yeah, speaking of them where are they?”

  “With their females.”

  “Oh no…Demos we can’t let them try and rape those two women.”

  “Who says they are going to take them against their will?”

  “I just remember spending the whole trip to Malka fighting off Rai.”

  “Ezra and Leo are not like Rai was. They are like me in regards to females. But if it makes you feel better I will request that they allow you to talk to their females.”

  “That would be great. Those poor women are probably frightened.”

  “Demos, we must prepare to launch,” the Rundal captain announced.

  “Then I guess we better head back to our chamber.” Demos smiled such a wickedly sexy smile at Nina.

  “Mmm, sounds good to me.” Nina grabbed his hand and led him back to their chamber.


  Anne pounded on the steel door. “Let me out of here, damn it.” She pounded and pounded until her hands were sore. She felt a strange tickling sensation in her belly and her body became slightly off balance. She grabbed the rail of the bedpost and held on to balance herself. The ship must be taking off.

  “No, no damn it no!” she screamed as she tried to pull herself back to the door. “You can’t do this to me. I can’t leave, you can’t take me.” Her voice began to shake as she realized the hopelessness of her situation. She sank down to her knees still holding the bedrail. After a few moments her balance returned. She remained there on her knees.

  She stayed like that for an hour. When her strength returned she stood up and headed back to the door. She began pounding on the door again. She jumped back when the door slid open. She slowly stepped back away from Demos.

  “What is wrong?” he asked. Her pounding against the door and her screaming was echoing through the ship.

  “What is wrong? What the fuck do you think is wrong? Take me back…take me back now.”

  “I am afraid I can’t do that.”

  Anne stepped back further when Demos walked into the room, he closed the door behind him. “My mate will be here soon. She will try to calm you down.”

  “Fuck her and fuck you.” Anne grabbed the nearest thing next to her and threw it at Demos. He ducked to avoid being hit in the head by the stone vase. Anne grabbed plates and glasses, vases and books—she whipped each one at Demos. He avoided all of them.

  “You better calm down,” his voice more stern.

  “The hell I will. Take me back to my house now!” She grabbed a large piece of stone art and using all her strength threw it at him. He stepped out of the way. />
  She gasped when he charged at her.

  “Don’t touch me…don’t fucking touch me.” She hit him over and over until he pinned her hands behind her back.

  “I will not hurt you, but you need to stop acting like a spoil child.”

  “Spoil child…” She kicked him in his leg as hard as she could, but it didn’t seem to faze him at all.

  “Calm down, female.”

  “My name is Anne, not female.”

  “Demos what in the hell are you doing to her?” Nina asked as she entered the room. She became instantly jealous seeing Demos holding that woman so close to him.

  “Trying to restrain her.”

  Nina looked around at all the items that were strewn across the room.

  “Tell your husband to let me go.”

  “Demos let her go. I don’t think she has anything left to throw at you.”

  Demos slowly let her go and stepped back. He glanced over to Nina and saw slight anger in her eyes. “What is wrong, my flower?”

  “I walk in here and you are holding some strange female…I am going to be just a little ticked off.”


  “You couldn’t find a better way to calm her down.”


  “How would you like it if I held another warrior like that?”

  “I would kill him.”

  Anne watched the couple arguing. “I don’t want your husband. I want you to take me back home.”

  “Quiet female,” Demos growled, causing Anne to step back further.

  “Demos…you can’t yell at her she is already traumatized enough.”

  “I don’t like it when you are angry with me. I meant no disrespect to you by restraining this female. You are the only female who will have use of my body.”

  “I know that, you big lug. I just didn’t like seeing you holding another female. I got jealous.”

  “Nina…you forgive me?”

  “Of course I do. But I would think it would be best if you let me talk with her for a little while.”

  Demos grabbed Nina and pulled her to him. He kissed her deeply holding her very close.


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