“A Song for My Warrior”

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“A Song for My Warrior” Page 3

by Justus Roux

  “Oh…I am so sorry.”

  “So you see I have to go back.” Anne looked at Robin hopefully, silently pleading that she would be able to help her.

  “The Rundal ship will be leaving in six months I will make sure that you and Alistair go with them.”

  “Alistair?” Anne looked at Robin puzzled.

  “I am sorry, but Niro has decreed that you are Alistair’s mate. And besides you can’t reject Alistair.”

  “The hell I can’t.”

  “Please…” Robin grabbed Anne’s hand. “Alistair has known nothing but rejection his whole life.”

  “Why? What’s wrong with him?”

  “On Earth there would be more understanding for Alistair, but not here.”

  “What’s wrong with him?”

  “Alistair is what they call a half-breed.”

  Anne pulled her hand away from Robin and stood up. Half-breed, how many times had she heard those words from the lips of cruel ignorant people on Earth when they used to taunt her.

  “There are two races of barbarians on Malka, the Larmat and the Dascon, Alistair comes from both which makes him an outcast here. Niro’s father Hakan took Alistair and his mother in and trained Alistair to be a warrior. Niro helped make Alistair a grand warrior and he trust Alistair enough to let him rule the Larmat clans while they try to unite all the villages on Malka. Niro wanted Alistair to have a mate, to have someone to bring him comfort and in time love.”

  Anne just stood there. She had screamed and yelled, begged and pleaded and even resorted to violence and not one of these damn barbarians would listen to her. It was obvious they had no intention on taking her back at least this Robin gave her a little hope. What other choice did she have but to accept this woman’s offer. “I will meet this Alistair, but you have to promise me two things. One, that I will not be forced to be his mate and two that I will go back to Earth in six months so I can find my parents killers.”

  “Alright, I couldn’t force you to be Alistair’s mate, he has to prove himself to you then you accept him.”

  “But you just said Niro wanted me to be Alistair’s mate.”

  “If you accept Alistair…you have a lot to learn, but we must get ready to go to the main Larmat village.”


  “So you can meet Alistair.”

  Chapter Four

  Rodan sat by the campfire with his twin brother Ivor. They and their growing number of warriors had to be careful of Alistair’s warriors. They were always moving from one village to the next trying to stay one step ahead. It would look suspicious to have such a large number of warriors grouped together. Rodan was the leader of this group. He was determined not to let that half-breed Alistair rule his people. He had no desire to unite the Larmat clan with the Dascon clan, as Niro would like to see.

  “Niro is on his way to the main Larmat village. I just heard that from the villagers,” Ivor said as he poked at the fire.

  “Then we must be careful. Rumors of our rebellion have no doubt reached Alistair by now,” Rodan added.

  “If only we had more warriors we could kill the Dascon leader along with that half-breed.”

  “Patience Ivor, we must go about this in the right way. If we attack now we will only waste good warriors. No doubt Niro will be escorted by several of those filthy Dascon warriors.”

  “Once we have killed Alistair our people will recognize you as their leader, Rodan.”

  “Yes Ivor, then the Larmat clan will be returned to the way it has always been.”

  “Alistair is always surrounded by his Dascon warriors. If only we could draw him out.”

  “You will think of something.”

  “I want you Ivor to travel to the main village.”


  “Alistair doesn’t know who the warriors are that revolt against him. You will just be another Larmat warrior to him. I trust you above all others brother. While you gather all the information you can on Alistair I will look for more warriors to join us.”

  “I will leave first thing tomorrow morning.”


  Anne held on to Nina for dear life. When Nina told her they would be flying to the main Larmat village Anne didn’t envision they would be doing that on the back of a creature that look like a dragon. Nina said this creature was called a conja. Demos gave Nina this conja for their year anniversary, which she affectionately called Susie. They had been traveling for two days now. They camped to sleep for the night then they spent the rest of the day flying on these darn creatures. Anne wanted nothing more than to get off this beast.

  “Look Anne the main Larmat village,” Nina said.

  Anne looked to the horizon and saw the large village in the distance. It was enormous just like the main Dascon village. It seemed to be simpler in design, no lavish towers like the Dascon village, but still pretty impressive. Anne grew more nervous as they got closer to the village.

  “The Larmat are a bit different than the Dascon people,” Nina said.

  “They look different?”

  “Well no, other than they have blond hair. It’s just their customs are different. I am not sure how much Alistair has changed things.”

  “You said he was only the leader for a year, I doubt too much has changed. You can’t force a race of people to change overnight.”

  “You are right, Anne. I doubt Niro would want the Larmat people to give up all their traditions. Now you better hold on tight we are coming in for a landing.”

  Anne held Nina even tighter as Susie started to descend. Anne closed her eyes tightly. She began to wonder what Alistair looked like, wondered if he was a kind or cruel man. It didn’t really matter—she agreed to meet with Alistair and nothing more. In six months she was going to head home with or without him. But for now she would at least start learning about this strange world. The creatures here were fascinating; unlike anything she had seen on Earth. Maybe, this Alistair could find a way to get her home sooner. He was after all the leader of this other race of barbarians.

  “You are going to like Alistair,” Nina said as Susie landed.

  Anne was going to be friendly with Alistair. There was no point being cruel. So far all these barbarians have been nothing but kind to her. She could at least return their kindness.

  Anne could hear little Zenos giggling in the background. He enjoyed flying on the conja with Niro.

  “A little baby took that trip better than me,” Anne chuckled as Demos helped her off Susie.

  Demos just smiled at her.

  “Alistair,” Nina whispered to Anne as a large, light brown-haired barbarian walked toward them.

  Anne’s breath caught when he came closer. He was absolutely gorgeous. His pale blue eyes were so alive with emotion. His face was chiseled and…perfectly male. His smile was perfect. His body was strong and he had to be at least six foot six. She watched as he greeted Niro then Robin and Zenos. Oh no this can’t be Alistair…oh hell no. She was hoping that he would have been more barbaric looking even somewhat mean looking it would have been so much easier to keep her distance from him. She sure the hell wasn’t expecting this beautiful male. His face had a gentleness about it, his eyes had such life but yet such sadness.

  “I have a surprise for you,” Niro said as he led Alistair over to Anne.

  “Demos…Nina.” Alistair greeted them. Alistair’s eyes locked with Anne’s.

  “This is Anne and I have brought her to be your female.”

  Anne watched as Alistair slowly walked over closer to her. She couldn’t look away. She couldn’t deny or stop the way her body ignited under the heaviness of his gaze. Hell no, no….no…she couldn’t be getting aroused. This wasn’t how it was suppose to be.

  “Anne.” Alistair bowed his head slightly to her, though he was unable to take his eyes off of her. His heart pounded in his chest, his body ignited with pure raw desire.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Alistair,” she barely got out. The way he said her name, his voice was very
deep and soft…stop it girl, just stop it.

  “Thank you, Niro.” Alistair couldn’t move nor stop staring at Anne’s beauty.

  Anne started to become uncomfortable from the intensity of his gaze. Please someone get him away for me. She had to think, had to come up with a new plan.

  “Alistair we must get settled in. You may gaze at your female later,” Niro said.

  “Come, I will show you to your rooms.” Alistair reluctantly turned from Anne.

  Nina lightly grabbed Anne’s arm. “I told you, you would like Alistair.” She smiled.

  “He is beautiful,” she whispered. Anne started to follow Nina. She wasn’t expecting to feel like this by just looking at Alistair. He awoken her desire, something she hasn’t felt in quite some time. However Niro referring to her as Alistair’s female was a bit annoying. She was nobody’s female. She followed Nina. She looked behind her and saw Demos was right behind them. It seemed like he was never too far from Nina, for that matter Niro was never too far from Robin either. They all seemed happy, just like her parents were together. She wasn’t lucky like that—she never really had that kind of love before.

  The village was bustling. They walked through the market area. Anne listened as Nina explained how the people from different villages came to trade with each other. Anne noticed that all the men were large and quite frankly rather attractive. There were few women and children. But unlike the Dascon village these women didn’t have protectors with them. Robin explained to her the need for a male protector, with so few women around it was dangerous to walk around alone. Yet, here the women did.

  “I thought females needed protectors?” Anne asked Nina.

  “Larmat women don’t have protectors. They belong to males.”


  “They don’t have a say in which male takes them. Usually they try to gain favor with the strongest males hoping that he might protect her from the others.”

  “Well, that’s a bunch of crap.”

  “I told you the Larmat people were different. You should never go out on your own. It’s even more dangerous for a female here than it is in the Dascon village.”

  Anne turned to the sound of metal being hammered. A sword maker was busy doing his craft. There was such a buzz in the air as the people went about their daily lives.

  “Oh, what is that?” Anne said, pointing at the pig-like creature.

  “That is a Trof. Though both clans eat this animal it is a favorite with the Rundal,” Nina said.

  “Wasn’t I supposed to meet with the Rundal leader? Quite honestly I am curious to see what lizard people look like.”

  “Tomar was taken back to the Rundal village on important business.” Nina smiled at Anne. “I do like your curious nature. I am sure Alistair would be more than happy to show you everything.”

  “You are not going to leave me alone with him are you?” Anne grabbed Nina’s arm. She couldn’t be expected to be left alone with him.

  “Of course I am. You two got to get to know each other. Besides, I saw the way you looked at him.”

  “I…well…all these warriors are rather attractive, a girl would have to be blind not to notice.”

  “Yeah, but the way you stared at Alistair…”

  “Could we please change the subject?”

  “Don’t worry Anne, Alistair won’t hurt you.”

  “Don’t go anywhere without him,” Demos added. “Or if he wishes I will guard you.”

  Anne looked back at Demos. He was busy scanning the area.

  “Did you hear me, Anne?” He looked down at her.


  “You must listen to Demos. It is very dangerous to walk around alone.” Nina grabbed Anne’s hand and led her through the small crowd.

  They were greeted by two large Larmat warriors at the entrance to the leader hut. There was a strange tension to the air. Anne suspected that the Larmat warriors didn’t like the fact Niro and all these Dascon warriors were here. Every one of these warriors, be it Dascon or Larmat seemed a bit on edge right now.

  Inside the hut looked similar to Niro’s large hut back at the Dascon village. Everything looked handmade which gave it a real charm. Anne’s curious eyes took in everything. The little nuances the people of this village had set them apart from the Dascon people. This was just the surface.

  They were shown to the top level of the hut, there Alistair greeted Niro. Anne kind of hid behind Demos trying to avoid eye contact with Alistair.

  “These upper rooms are for your use Niro.”

  “Thank you Alistair. Once I have settled in Robin and Zenos I will join you in your meeting room. I am most eager to hear what you have done since the last time we spoke. Take your female and get her settled into her room and I will meet you within the hour.”

  “Yes Niro.”

  Alistair walked back toward Demos. “It is good to see you again Demos. We must spar while you are here.”

  “I would like that.” Demos stepped aside leaving Anne standing there.

  “Alistair it is always nice to see you.” Nina smiled.

  “As it is you, Demos’ mate.”

  “Anne, me and Demos are going to get settled in. Alistair will show you to your room.” Nina grabbed Demos hand and led him down the hall.

  Anne slowly looked up when she felt the heat of Alistair’s gaze.

  “Please follow me.”

  Anne only nodded her head and then followed behind him. She was so nervous, so unsure of what to do. She continued to follow him to the lower floor of the leader hut. He led her to a large room.

  “This is my chamber,” he said, stepping aside once he entered.


  “Yes, this is where you will be staying.”

  “With you?”

  “If you wish.” Alistair felt so awkward. “If you are uncomfortable around me I will understand.”

  “It’s just…I don’t even know you.” Why was he being so reasonable? She could come up with a better defensive plan if he was a pushy asshole.

  Anne turned from him, she felt so strange. She about jumped out of her skin when he gently caressed her shoulder.

  “You needn’t fear me,” he whispered. “I won’t make you do anything against your will.” His hand gently traced down her arm. He knew he shouldn’t touch her. She seemed so afraid of him, but he couldn’t stop himself. “Your skin has been kissed by the suns and yet it is so soft.”

  “Please allow me some time to adjust,” she said, stepping away from him. Just his simple touch and his scent ignited her body further. She had to get some distance between them.

  “As you wish, I will have a female bring you some food and drink.”

  Anne turned toward Alistair. “Thank you,” she said quietly.

  Alistair bowed his head then left the room.

  Anne walked over to the large fur covered bed. She sat down then slowly lay down in the soft furs. Alistair’s clean masculine scent filled her nostrils. She brought one of the fur blankets up to her face and nuzzled it to her cheek. This was preposterous, how could just the scent of him make her body come alive like this. She didn’t want to think about it too much, not now. Somehow she had to convince this Alistair to help her get back to Earth. How was she supposed to do that? She wrapped herself in the fur and drifted off to sleep.


  “Look at her,” a female voice quietly said.

  “She is from Earth,” another added.

  “Niro’s mate is from Earth too and doesn’t have sun kissed skin.”

  “Her skin must feel like leather.”

  Anne could feel two hands touch her leg.

  “Her skin is as soft as mine.”

  “What does it matter? As far as I am concern let this Earth female have that half- breed Alistair. It will spare a Larmat female from lying with him.”

  Anne pretended to just wake up. She startled the two women.

  “Alistair has instructed us to bring you food and drink. I hope we d
idn’t wake you.”

  “It is okay.” Anne looked at the two blond-haired women. They were a bit smaller than the Dascon women were.

  “You know…”The smaller of the two poured Anne some water. “You can refuse Alistair if you want. Niro will insist that Alistair follow the Dascon way of mating.”

  “What are you talking about?” Anne got up from the bed.

  “A Dascon female chooses her mate. Not like us Larmat females who are just taken by the stronger warriors.”

  The other one set out some food. “I wouldn’t blame you if you did.”

  “Who are you two?”

  “We belong to Alistair. Since he is the acting leader of the Larmat he can have several females.”

  “Don’t look so shocked Earth female. Alistair hasn’t touched either of us. For which we are grateful.”

  “Please leave.” Anne gestured to the door. She hated the venom these two women spewed. Low whispers and words of hate only drudged up painful memories for her.

  “Oh very well.” Both women left.

  Anne looked over the tray of food. She didn’t feel much like eating.

  Anne headed for the door as she swung it opened, there was Alistair. The hateful words the two women just spoke rang in her ears as she looked up into his handsome face.

  “What is wrong?”

  “Would it be okay if I were to speak with Robin?”

  “If this is your wish, please allow me to escort you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Alistair had such a soft, but yet deep voice. She couldn’t stop herself from wondering if he always spoke with such calmness.

  Alistair led her to Niro’s chamber. “If you wish to go back to your chamber, let Robin get an escort for you,” he said as she opened the door for her.


  He simply nodded his head to her then left. Anne walked into the chamber and saw Robin sitting out on the balcony.

  “Hello Anne, please come and join me.”

  Anne walked over and sat down next to Robin.

  “You look upset.”

  “I had two women whispering in my chamber, whispering about Alistair. They called him a half-breed. I know you told me that is what he was referred to…how bad is it for him?”


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