“A Song for My Warrior”

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“A Song for My Warrior” Page 5

by Justus Roux

  Anne followed Demos out of the chamber. She smiled seeing Liza waiting for them just outside.

  “Great Demos.” Liza bowed her head to him. “Hello again, Anne.”

  “I am excited to see this village. I am glad you are the one who will be showing me everything.”

  “It’s my pleasure. But remember don’t wander off without Demos.”

  “I won’t.”

  Liza led her first over to the stables, inside were all sorts of conjas.

  “Oh I remember these creatures.” Anne walked over to Susie. “Especially you, girl.” She slowly reached out her hand.

  “Be careful,” Demos said.

  Anne slowly petted Susie’s scaly skin. “These creatures are fascinating. Back on Earth I was training to be a vet. Mostly small animals though.”

  “Vet?” Demos asked.

  Anne turned to him. “An animal doctor…healer.”

  “Healer…of animals. This skill is needed in Dascon and probably here in Larmat too,” Demos said.

  “You were allowed to train?” Liza asked.

  “Things are a bit different on Earth than they are here.”

  “You should speak with Tomar he has a couple of animal healers in his clan. Perhaps you can continue your training…if Alistair doesn’t have a problem with that,” Demos said.

  “I am looking forward to meeting with Tomar.”

  Anne followed Liza through the stables then up to the history vault. “Inside this hut is the record of the Larmat clan.”

  “Can we go in?”

  “Only if Alistair gives you permission to.”

  “Okay.” Anne followed Liza over to the weapon maker area. Anne watched as these strong men forged swords, spears, knives and other weapons from the hot steel. The rhythmic pounding of the hammers against the steel made its own music.

  Liza led Anne to a cluster of huts. “This is where the slaves were held.” Liza looked back at Demos. She hoped Demos wouldn’t grow angry. These buildings were used to house the Dascon females that were stolen from their villages. Liza lived in one of these huts while she was a prisoner. She had blocked out most of her ordeal. The only really clear memory is when Alistair set all of the Dascon females free, right after he was proclaimed leader of the Larmat.

  “Were held?” Anne asked.

  “Alistair freed all the females. Now these huts are used for travelers.”

  Anne followed Liza around all afternoon. The village was rather large. She saw the larger more impressive huts of the older retired warriors. She was pleased that this society honored its old. She leisurely went through the market area. She saw where females and children lived and where the warriors were housed.

  “Why are the females and males housed separately?”

  “Unlike Dascon where males and females become mates, here most males don’t have mates. They simply just take females when they want. If a warrior favors a particular female he will let her live with him so that he can keep the other warriors away from her. But once he tires of her she is sent back to live with the other females. Often this is when she has a child. Larmat males don’t care for their offspring the way Dascon males do.”

  “How can these two clans be so different?”

  “Larmat males are just animals,” Liza said quietly.

  “Not all of them can be this way.”

  “The ones I have seen are.”

  “Let’s keep moving,” Demos said. His eyes quickly went to the large Larmat warrior that entered the village. This warrior was easily six foot eight; his long golden blond hair was tied back. Demos never seen this warrior before, but he hasn’t been here long enough to memorize all of the Larmat warriors who occupied the village.

  Ivor looked over the village. He was disgusted to see so many Dascon warriors in the main village. They had no right to be here. Damn Rasmus for losing to Niro. Ivor stopped when he saw the dark-skinned female. Who was this vision? He wanted to go over there and take this new female, but stopped when he saw she was being guarded by Demos. That mark over one of Demos’ eyes, every Larmat warrior knew about Demos. He was the one who killed Rasmus, was the one who saved Niro from Malin. If a grand warrior such as he was guarding this female she must be either Niro or Alistair’s mate. Ivor made a mental note of this.

  Anne saw the large blond warrior staring at her. She felt Demos move closer to her. Soon the warrior moved on. She didn’t like the way that warrior looked at her.

  “Now I will show you the training grounds,” Liza said.

  Anne decided not to worry about the warrior. If something was wrong she was sure Demos would have done something.

  They headed over to the training grounds. The sound of swords clashing filled the air.

  “Alistair and Niro,” Liza said.

  Anne saw the way Liza lit up and wondered if it was Alistair or Niro that excited Liza. Anne watched as Alistair and Niro sparred.

  “I have heard much about Niro, but I have never seen him before. He is magnificent.”

  Anne was strangely relieved that it was Niro who was drawing so much excitement from Liza and not Alistair. “Are they going to hurt each other?” Anne asked as she watched the intensity in which the two sparred.

  “No, both are well trained,” Demos said.

  Anne couldn’t take her eyes away from the two men. Both were very skilled and their sparring match started to look like a deadly dance to her. After a little while both men stopped, both looked tired.

  Alistair shook Niro’s hand. “Good fight.”

  “Same to you, Alistair, I see I will have to keep training to keep up with you.” Niro looked over to Demos and the two females. “It seems as though your female has come to watch you.”

  Alistair quickly glanced over to where Niro was looking. Alistair couldn’t help but smile at Anne. He walked over to her. “Are you enjoying your tour of the village?” he asked as he came up to her.

  “Very much so, Liza has been very helpful with showing me around.”

  Alistair smiled at Liza. He had taken Liza as one of his females to protect her from the other warriors. She was too ashamed to go back to her village when he freed the other females. She asked if she could stay with him. He knew she had been used several times by various Larmat warriors during her captivity. So, he kept her in a chamber next to his. He was going to find her a Dascon protector, but since she was used by so many Larmat warriors finding her a protector was proving to be challenging.

  “I will join you later I must head back to Niro.” Alistair reached out his hand and gently caressed her hair. Alistair nodded his head to Demos then headed back to Niro.

  “We must head back to the leader hut,” Demos said.

  “Is it alright to visit with Robin for a little while?” Anne asked. Anne liked being with Robin. It made her feel better. Perhaps it was because Robin was once from Earth or maybe it was the gentleness that surrounded Robin. Either way Anne felt more at ease with her.

  “I don’t see why not.”

  Demos let the two women go on ahead as he followed them. Something about that large warrior he saw entering the village didn’t sit right with him. He would have to bring this up with Alistair later.

  Chapter Six

  Anne enjoyed her visit with Robin. Demos escorted her back to Alistair’s chamber. Demos left shortly afterwards. Anne sat down on the bed. She was tired from the day’s activities. She wanted to go into the history vault and read about the Larmat people. There had to be something good about these people.

  She sat up at the head of the bed and wrapped her arms around her legs, laying her cheek against her knees. Thoughts of her parents flooded her mind. The brief time she has spent with Alistair allowed her to forget the pain of losing them. Now guilt mixed with her sadness. How could she forget even for a moment? She had to focus on getting the people responsible for taking her parents’ lives. But how being here? For a year now everyday was dedicated to that goal. She worked then went home and worked on the case on her own
and with the police. Now…

  Alistair stood out on the balcony just watching her. He didn’t want to disturb her when Demos brought her back. He was enjoying just looking at her, but this sadness that washed over her tore at him.

  ♪Some say love it is a river…that drowns the tender reed. Some say love is a razor that leads your soul to bleed. Some say love is a hunger, an endless aching need. I say love it is a flower and you its only seed. ♪

  Alistair slowly walked over to Anne as she continued to sing to herself.

  ♪When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long. ♪

  He came down to his knees before the bed. She slowly looked up and saw him.

  ♪And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong♪

  She moved over to him. She sat up placing her legs on each side of him. She opened her arms and he fell into them. She held him tightly to her.

  ♪Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snow. Lies the seed that with the sun’s love in the spring becomes the rose.♪

  She held him so tightly to her as the tears escaped. Alistair wrapped his strong arms even tighter around her. “Tell me what’s wrong? Let me help you,” he whispered.

  “How could I forget? How?” she sobbed.

  “Forgot what? Please let me try to help you.”

  “My parents were murdered a year ago. The people who did this were never caught. I have been trying to catch their murderers…” she said in a rush. She felt Alistair hold her tighter. “When I am with you I forgot about them. I can’t forget I have to…” She sobbed uncontrollably now.

  “It is okay. Sometimes you must allow yourself to forget.”

  “No…it’s wrong…”

  “Anne, no it isn’t.”

  “You don’t know what I am talking about.”

  “Yes, I do in a way. My father disappeared and mother would have been forced into exile if it wasn’t for Hakan…”

  “Alistair…” She released him and looked into his face. “Oh Alistair I am sorry that was so insensitive of me.”

  “You needn’t apologize.” He cupped her face in his hands. “I can’t dwell on all the cruelties that have been inflicted on me. I won’t. If I do the people who call me half- breed or worse an abomination win, their cruelty wins and I won’t let that happen. Your parents wouldn’t want you to wallow in misery all the time. Their murderers will face justice in this life or the next, you losing your ability to live will not hasten this.”

  “But it would be as if I stop caring about them…”

  “No Anne, your parents will always live in your heart, the way my mother will always live in mine.”

  “What about your father?”

  “I never really knew my father.”

  Anne started to cry again. All the emotions she had bottled up since her parents’ death bubbled up to the surface. Alistair pulled her back into his arms and held her tightly. “Cry Anne, let it all out.”

  Anne cried and cried until she fell asleep in his embrace.


  Anne woke up the next morning and Alistair was gone. He held her so close all night, she felt so safe lying there with him like that.

  She got ready and was greeted by Nina.

  “Good morning Anne, Alistair wants you to follow me.”

  “Good morning Nina.” Anne followed Nina to outside of the history vault. A group of older women were standing there.

  “Anne,” Alistair’s deep quiet voice called out.

  Anne smiled at him as he walked over to her.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, looking at the older women.

  “I have caught you singing twice now. So…you must love music.”

  “Yes, I love music. But I don’t see what that has to do with…”

  “Listen.” He gestured to the older women. Half of them reached behind and grabbed strange looking string instruments. As soon as they were ready they begin playing the other half started to sing a most beautiful melody. It sounded like what a mother might sing to her child.

  Anne closed her eyes and let the music wash over her. She couldn’t stop herself from swaying gently to the soft melody. Alistair smiled watching Anne enjoy the music.

  “This song is beautiful.”

  “It is the song my mother always sang to me.”

  When the women finished Anne clapped her hands. “Very nice,” she said to the women.

  “These women know many Larmat songs and I can have singers brought from Dascon too if you would like.”

  “That song was a Larmat song?”

  “Yes, mother said it was the same song my father’s mother sang to him. She said he sang this same song to me when I was a baby. Anytime you wish I can have these women make music for you.”

  “That’s so sweet Alistair, thank you.”

  “Now I wish I could spend all day with you, but I still have much to discuss with Niro.”

  “Oh that’s okay, you go do what you have to do.”

  “Liza told me that you were interested in reading about the Larmat people. You can go into the history vault and read what you wish. I am not sure if you can read their words or not, I can provide a translator if you need. But please stay with Nina.”


  Alistair pulled her into his arms and kissed her so passionately she thought she might melt right there. “My body aches for yours,” he whispered in her ear. “If only I had time to have you.” He nibbled on her ear then released her. He bowed his head to the older women then quickly walked away.

  “Whoa, I could feel the heat you two generated all the way over here,” Nina teased her.

  “Umm, let’s go into the history vault.” Anne wanted to change the subject.

  “Alright…lead the way.”

  Anne looked around in amazement of the sheer volume of books that were inside the vault. She grabbed one of the books gently and opened the pages. The writing was very similar to English.

  “Amazing isn’t it, how their written word is so similar to ours. The Dascon writing is a bit more of a challenge to read. Luckily I have Demos to translate for me,” Nina said.

  “It is amazing. I think I can piece together what is written here.”

  “Well I will leave you to it.” Nina went over to the door and sat down next to it.

  Anne spent the afternoon pouring over the pages of several books. Mostly what she found was books on family history. Offspring were always called the son of male warriors, Talb son of Daemon, etc etc. This did little to help Anne understand much.

  Anne walked over to one of the older women who was writing something in a book. All the books here were hand written.

  “Excuse me, are there any books about Alistair’s father.”

  “Tibor…” the older woman quietly said. She stood up and walked back to a row of shelves and pulled one of the books off of it. She walked back to Anne and handed her the book.

  “Thank you.” Anne carried the book back to her seat and slowly opened it. It was strange that Alistair said he knew little about his father. He could have easily read this very book and learned. Why didn’t he?

  Anne read what a grand warrior Tibor was, second only to the guards of the ruler of Larmat. She read about his countless victories and the many females given to him. Tibor however had no Larmat children. If he did they weren’t mention. Anne gasped when she read the header to the next passage, The Fall of Tibor.

  He was sentence to death for helping a Dascon female escape, but will be forever shamed for allowing the Dascon woman to bear his child. Anne’s heart ached as she read the transcripts of Tibor’s trial. He refused to tell where his son was. They offered to spare his life and to lower his punishment to exile to a far off village if he told them where the child was. Tibor still refused. They wouldn’t allow the abomination created by Tibor and the Dascon female to be named during the trial. Upon hearing those words Tibor cried out his son’s name…Alistair. Tibor drew his sword and attacked his fello
w warriors. He was vastly outnumbered and was taken down, his execution was made public. He died a very painful death, but never did he tell them where his son could be found. Anne read the last page that looked to be recently added. It was rumored that it was Tibor who asked the Dascon leader Hakan to take pity on his Dascon mate Pedita and their child Alistair. Hakan was touched that the warrior that swore to kill every last Dascon warrior could humble himself before the leader of his enemy to spare the life of his mate and child. Hakan promised Tibor that the female and child would be safe. Tibor then returned to the Larmat village to receive his punishment.

  “Alistair…” Anne whispered as she closed the book. “Nina.”

  “What’s wrong?” Nina walked over to her.

  “Alistair has to know what his father went through to keep him safe.”

  Nina sat down next to Anne. “Anne, if Alistair wanted to know about his father he would have read that book.”

  “Tibor saved Alistair’s life. He went to Hakan to save them then he stood trial at this very Larmat village, he suffered an unimaginable death to save Alistair.”

  “You have to let Alistair decide when it’s time to learn about his father.”

  “Alistair has to know just how much his father loved him.”

  “Excuse me,” an older woman walked over to them. “Alistair has requested that Anne be brought to the feasting hall.”

  “Alright,” Nina said. “Anne, leave the book for now.”

  Anne slowly sat the book down. She knew Nina was right this was something Alistair had to do on his own.

  “I don’t know about you but I am starving. Oh…you are going to like this. I heard that Tomar is arriving. Perhaps he is already here and that is why we have to go to the feasting hall.”

  “The lizard people’s leader?”

  “Yep, they really do look like lizards so prepare yourself.”

  “I think it would be cool to see something like that.”

  “You are braver than I was. I remember seeing a Rundal for the first time—they kind of freaked me out a little.”

  Anne followed Nina out of the history vault. Nina quickly pulled her sword out and placed herself in front of Anne.


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