“A Song for My Warrior”

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“A Song for My Warrior” Page 13

by Justus Roux

  “Alistair!!” she cried out.

  He released her hips and allowed her to ride him. His hands wandered over her soft body as she moved up and down in a frantic pace. He watched her face wanting her to take her pleasure before he did. But the intensity in which she was riding him quickly brought him right to the edge of bliss.

  “Female…take your pleasure.” His deep voice excited her as she moved faster and faster.

  She looked into his face and watched him struggle to contain his orgasm.

  “Come…my male,” she purred.

  “AHHHH!!!” he cried. He gripped her hips and drove his cock hard and deep as his cum spurted into her. He came and came as his orgasm seemed to last forever. He could hear her sweet moans as she joined him on this wave of ecstasy.

  She collapsed into his embrace. “Alright what were we doing before this amazing fuck?” she said between breaths.

  “I can’t think at the moment.”

  “Oh yeah, I remember I was going to dress you.” She slowly climbed off of him and dragged herself out of bed. She reached down and grabbed the clothes off the floor. “I will let you dress yourself.” She explained to him how to put on the clothes. She told him how to use the shower. She left the room and headed for the guest room to take a shower.

  When she was finished with her shower she went to the kitchen to get some coffee. Her body felt deliciously used. She couldn’t help but smile. She stopped and looked at the stack of papers neatly placed on the kitchen table. He had done what she asked. She poured herself a cup of coffee then sat down and looked at the pile of papers. A sense of guilt swept over her. Up until she met Alistair her parents’ murder consumed every thought she had, so much so she had to quit school. Alistair gave her a respite, when she was with him thoughts of revenge and profound sadness disappeared. Was this right? How could she enjoy herself like this when she still hasn’t found the person responsible for her parents’ death? Just when it looked like the guilt would consume her Alistair walked into the room.

  “Did I put the covering on right?” he asked.

  Anne looked over to him. The clothes fit him perfectly. His long, light brown hair was still tied back like he had it. Damn he looked so good.

  “You look perfect.” She smiled. “When we go out today, please do what I say alright. The laws on Earth are much different than on Malka.

  “I will do as you say.” Alistair didn’t like these coverings. They were very uncomfortable and how was he supposed to fight in these. He walked over to the kitchen table and grabbed his sword. He was about to strap it on his back when Anne stopped him.

  “You can’t wear your sword.”

  “How am I supposed to protect you without it?”

  “Since you are much bigger than most of the males on this planet I don’t think you will have a problem with that. Alistair you must listen to me. If you hurt someone on Earth you can go to jail.” She saw the puzzled look on his face. “Um, the leaders on this planet will punish you.”

  “Why? I would be only protecting my female.”

  “They won’t see it that way.” She glanced back at the pile of papers.

  “I read your writings while you were gone. I have thought up a battle plan.”

  “What? You can read…” Then she remembered that the Larmat people’s writing was very similar to hers. If she could figure out their words of course Alistair could figure out hers.

  “I hope it was okay that I read your writing? I wanted to help you. The more I know about what has happened the easier it was to figure out a battle plan.”

  She could see in his eyes just how much he wanted to help her. He knew how very important this was to her. “What have you come up with?”

  “While I don’t understand what difference it makes that your parents had different skin tones…do you have a drawing of your parents?”

  “Yes.” She quickly got up and went to the living room. She grabbed the photo from the bookshelf and went back into the kitchen. “My parents,” she said, handing him the picture.

  Alistair looked at the picture of the very happy couple. The love they had for each other showed in their eyes. “Your mother was very beautiful. You have your father’s smile.”

  Anne broke down and started to cry. Alistair immediately jumped up and took her into his arms. “If the people who have done this heinous crime are still watching you, they will see me with you. If skin tone means so much to them, my lighter skin should enrage them.”

  Anne looked up at him. He gently wiped away her tears. “Then I will catch them and kill them for you.”

  “Why would they still be watching me? I have been gone for over a month.”

  “It said in your writings that you believe these people were stalking your parents, which means they must live in the radius of where your parents traveled. There are many huts in this village so tracking them down will prove most difficult, but not impossible. You will take me to where your parents would have traveled together. These people will see us and start stalking us.”

  “Alistair…” His plan was so simple, but yet so brilliant at the same time. But these people will have guns. Alistair will not know what a gun is. “Their weapons are much stronger than your sword. We will have to let the police help us.”

  “I don’t need help protecting my female.”

  “You don’t understand. On Earth we have weapons that even a weaker male could take you down with.”

  “Show me this weapon.”

  She knew this would be the only way to make him understand. She knew several of the police officers well—maybe they would help her out, but how to do this without drawing attention to Alistair?

  “Alright I will show you. I know people who have this weapon.” Anne gathered up her purse and car keys. “Are you ready?”


  “Remember you promise to do what I say.”

  “I will.”

  They headed out of her house and to her car. She climbed in and saw Alistair was still standing in the driveway looking at the car. She climbed back out of the car.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “What is that?”

  “Let’s say it’s like your conja.” She smiled seeing him slowly walk over to the car. He placed his hand on the warm metal.

  “It’s not alive.”

  “It’s kind of like a mix of your conja and a Rundal’s ship.” She climbed back in the car and reached over to open his door. He hesitantly climbed into the passenger seat. She pressed the button to make the seat go all the way back. She reached across him and put his seat belt on, then she put hers on. When she pulled out he gripped the door and the dashboard.

  “You go on a ship that travels faster than the speed of light and fly on the back of a conja without blinking an eye and yet a car freaks you out.” She chuckled.

  She drove him everywhere her parents would have gone, then she took him to one of her parent’s favorite restaurant.

  They walked inside. Alistair looked around as they waited to be seated. There were many weaker males with females sitting at the various tables.

  Anne grabbed his hand when the waiter showed them to their table. Alistair glared down at the much smaller male when he got a little too close to Anne for Alistair’s liking. The waiter quickly went away.

  “Alistair please sit down.” Anne gestured to the chair across from her.

  “There are too many males looking at you. How did these weaker males obtain the right to be with the females?”

  “There are plenty of females on Earth remember. You have to stop glaring at every man that comes near me. You about gave our waiter a heart attack. On Earth it’s okay that other males get near females, just as long as they are polite.”

  Anne opened up the menu. Alistair looked around the restaurant. A blonde hair female sitting with a weaker male smiled seductively at him.

  Anne looked up when Alistair made a strange noise.

  “What’s wrong?”

Why is that female looking at me that way in front of her male?”

  “She thinks your hot looking. That may be her brother or friend she is with. You better get use to females looking at you like that. You are a very handsome looking male.”

  “You are my female. I don’t want other females looking at me like that.”

  Anne smiled at him.

  “Are you ready to order?” a female waitress asked. Obviously Alistair scared the male waiter too much.

  “Yeah we will have the steak dinners.”

  She enjoyed watching Alistair as he looked at everything. She wondered if he got the same enjoyment when she was on Malka and everything was new to her?

  After a little while the waitress came with their steaks.

  “This is a fork and knife, it’s pretty much like your eating utensils on Malka.” She watched as Alistair enjoyed his meal.

  When they were finished she paid for the meal then explained to Alistair about money as they headed back to the car. She took him home then they walked to the park, just like her parents did every evening after dinner. Being with him she was able to enjoy the good memories of her parents. Talking about them to him felt good. Most of all seeing him look at everything with such wonderment lifted her heart. She was relieved that he did keep his promise and did as she asked, though she knew it was hard for him.

  When they went home he made love to her. He fell asleep in her arms. She pulled the tie from his long hair as he slept with his head cradled to her breasts and his arms wrapped around her. She leisurely let her fingers run through his silky hair. Today he gave her a special gift and he didn’t even know he had. He gave her what she needed to start the healing process.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It had been a month now since Alistair was on Earth with her. They made sure to be seen together in public, going to all the places her parents use to go to.

  Anne cleaned the kitchen as she watched Alistair practice with his sword in the living room. He made sure to move everything far out of the way, especially after he had accidentally chopped her coffee table in half. He had to modify his training to make use of the small space. When he wasn’t outdoors with her, he wore his loincloth. He hated the Earth coverings and wore them as little as possible. She could sense he missed Malka, she had to admit in a way she did too.

  The phone rang startling Alistair. She laughed and walked over to answer it.

  “I told you bitch to leave and not to come back,” an angry voice said.

  Alistair quickly walked over to her when he saw that frightened look on her face. She raised her hand to stop him.

  “I know you are listening. Did you not learn your lesson when your parents died? Do you want to die? Who is that white man I see you hanging all over?”

  Then the phone clicked.

  “Anne,” Alistair quietly said.

  “It was the same man who used to call and harass my parents.”

  “Your police can tell us where he is now, can’t they?”

  “Unfortunately no, he didn’t stay on the line long enough.”

  The phone rang again this time Alistair answered it. “What do you want?” Alistair growled.

  “Are you the freak’s white boyfriend? Stay away from her unless you want to die too.”

  “Come here and show yourself.”

  “You are begging to get shot aren’t you? Why don’t you find yourself a nice white woman?”

  “Why don’t you come here and say such words directly to me instead of cowering in the shadows?”

  “You are going to die too.”

  “I doubt that. I think you will be the one who ends up dead.”

  Anne couldn’t believe that Alistair was keeping the man on the line. Something she could never do. She was always too afraid to talk.

  “I will kill that bitch right in front of you for that.”

  “Stop talking and just do it.”

  “Let’s see how brave you are when I have my gun in your face. Shit!”

  Alistair heard the phone click. He set it back down and looked at Anne.

  “Alistair, I think you kept him on the line long enough for the police to track him.”

  “If this is true he will quickly leave. I must take you somewhere safe.”

  “No, I will stay here with you. You remember what the police showed you. You saw just how powerful a weapon a gun is.”

  “Yes. Trust me Anne.” No strange weapon was going to keep him from protecting her. Let the male come. Once Alistair killed him Anne will be able to heal from her loss.

  The phone rang again this time making Anne jump. She quickly answered it and was relieved to hear Frank on the other end. Alistair did manage to keep the man on the line long enough. The police knew who it was now. She thanked Frank from the bottom of her heart. If he hadn’t put the trace back on her phone they would never have found the man. He told her to sit tight and that he was sending a squad car over right away.

  “Who is Frank?”

  “The policeman I introduce you to at the police station. He was the one who has helped me so much.”

  “Then I must thank this male.”

  It was a long night as Alistair waited up ready to challenge the male, but he never came. Anne had to admit she was relieved. Alistair was a grand warrior on his planet, but did he really understand the destructive power of a gun?

  In the morning both of them were startled by the knock on the door. Anne looked out the window and was relieved to see Frank on the doorstep. “Just a minute,” she called out. “Alistair please go change into your Earth coverings.”

  “I will not leave your side.”

  “It’s okay, it’s just Frank.”

  Alistair hurried upstairs to change.

  Anne opened the door and let Frank in.

  “We caught them Anne…we finally got ‘em.”

  Anne felt like she couldn’t breathe. For so long she waited for this moment.

  “They were a couple of skin heads who lived out by the park. We raided the apartment and found all sorts of hate paraphernalia. You wouldn’t have known it by looking at the two, they looked like two average men.”

  “Where are they I want to see them.”

  “When we raided the apartment the men open fired. We were forced to kill them. Luckily only one officer got wounded and thankfully not seriously.”

  “They’re dead…”

  “Hello Alistair,” Frank said as Alistair came down the steps dressed in a pair of jeans and a white dress shirt.

  Alistair went to Anne and wrapped his arm around her.

  “They won’t hurt you anymore Anne. Now you can find closure.”

  “Thank you Frank.” She was having trouble letting all of this sink in. She felt Alistair pull her closer as if letting her borrow some of his strength.

  “I am in your debt,” Alistair said to Frank.

  Anne couldn’t move, she just watched Frank leave. It was over. Her parents’ killers were dead and yet she felt numb.

  Alistair scooped her up in his arms and carried her upstairs. He gently laid her down on the bed and sat next to her. “Now you can heal,” he said softly as he stroked her hair.

  “I wanted to tell them…”

  “I know…then tell them now.”


  “Say what you wanted to tell them. Their spirits will hear.”

  Anne slowly sat up. Her thoughts were muddled. “My parents were two of the most kind and loving people…why did you take them away from me? Just because they didn’t share a skin color, what did that matter? I was born out of love, my parents loved and cherished me, no one could have asked for better parents. I am not an abomination but a lucky person who had two wonderful, giving parents. The lessons they taught me will never leave me, you can never take my memories away from me.” Her body trembled.

  “You are not an abomination, my female.” Alistair stroked her face. “Your parents must have been amazing to raise such a wonderful female.”

  Anne looked into his handsome face. “You are not an abomination either Alistair.” She reached over and pulled the book Hakan made for Alistair from her nightstand. “You have given me closure Alistair, made me feel alive again. Let me help you find closure.” She handed him the book.

  Alistair took the book from her.

  “I am going to rest now. The emotions of this day have exhausted me. Please read that book Alistair.”

  Alistair kissed her gently on the forehead then covered her with the blanket. He watched as she drifted off to sleep. He went over and sat down on the chair in the corner. He stared at the cover of the book for what seemed like an eternity. Slowly he opened the book and began to read.


  Anne woke up in the middle of the night. She was startled seeing Alistair just sitting in the chair staring out the window with his sword lying in his lap.

  “Alistair?” She slowly climbed out of bed.

  “All this time I thought my mother made up stories about my father. She wanted so much to protect me. I could barely remember him. But when I read that book I could see him.”

  Anne walked over to him and knelt down beside him.

  “I now remember this sword. It was always strapped to his back. He was so big, so strong looking and yet he held me so gentle. I remember my mother telling me what a fierce warrior my father was and now all I can remember is how kind his face looked, how his eyes lit up when he played with me. I have his eyes, his smile, his voice and his strength.”

  Anne placed her hand gently on his leg.

  “When he stop coming around I believed he just stopped loving us. I always thought it was because of me that he didn’t return. That he finally believed that I was a half-breed and unworthy of love. I watched my mother suffer—saw the countless tears she tried to hide from me. The guilt I felt knowing it was my fault that she lost my father’s love. I hated him so much for what he did to my mother. She was the only person through my childhood who loved me. She protected me from the others, shielded me from their venomous words. And he left us…”

  Alistair paused, he had to collect himself. He didn’t want to cry in front of Anne. He was supposed to be strong. He didn’t want to show her any weakness.


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