Baby, it's Cold in Space: Eight Science Fiction Romances

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Baby, it's Cold in Space: Eight Science Fiction Romances Page 7

by Margo Bond Collins

  The walls rippled, and a low rumble travelled across the floor. Santek.

  Elle turned to face Malachi. “What part of ‘no’ did you not understand?” She raised her hand and extended her middle finger.

  Malachi roared.

  With a quick flick of her wrist, Elle ran her fingers over the vid-screen, shutting down the holo.

  “Santek, shields. Prepare for defensive maneuvers.”

  “But of course…” Santek’s smooth voice echoed across the bridge.

  She opened a com-link. “Montoya, Adalyn, Britnie, prepare for—”

  The blast hit the shield with enough force to knock Elle to her knees. Pain radiated up her thighs. She gritted her teeth and crawled to her captain’s chair. “Santek, plot a course for home. Crew, status. Is everyone all right?”

  Paragon rocked back and forth as blow after blow hit the shields.

  A crackle burst through the com-link. “Elle, Adalyn took a hit to the head, but appears okay. Britnie and I are fine. We’ll send Adalyn to see Nuette as soon as we’re out of here.” Through the chaos, Montoya’s voice didn’t waver. Respect for her second in command bloomed in Elle’s chest.

  Angelo… She glanced at the doorway, the last place she’d seen him. He wasn’t there. Her throat constricted.

  Out of the corner of her eye, movement caught her attention. He sat in Adalyn’s seat, his fingers flying across the display, almost as if he were a born navigator. He’s a pilot. Indeed…and he’d learned a lot about her ship over the past week. Using her seat as leverage, she hauled herself to a standing position.

  The ship righted itself, and through the invisi-screen portion of the hull, the stars flew by. May you stew in your own excrement, Malachi. She couldn’t help but giggle.

  Adalyn’s chair squeaked, and Elle glanced at Angelo. He stood from his seat and approached. She couldn’t hold back any longer and raced into his embrace.

  “Elle…” The softness of his tone touched her deep inside. He was her calming influence, grounding her in all the ways that mattered.

  “Angelo, what you did for me…no one has ever offered to sacrifice so much.” Tears blurred her vision and she couldn’t stop one as it crested over her lashes.

  He pulled her close and wiped the tear away with the back of his finger. “How could I not, Elle? Isn’t that what one does when they love someone?”

  His words brought on a fresh round, and another tear slid down her cheek. He cradled her chin in his palm and wiped the drop with his thumb. His eyes narrowed. “I don’t understand. Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?”

  “N…no. You did everything right.” She wrapped her fingers in his hair and kissed him.

  The tenderness and warmth of his response turned into something more urgent, and she relished how he took control, deepening the kiss, bonding her to him like nothing else ever could. When she pulled back, the adoration in his eyes melted her on the inside.

  “What of your brother…and your ship? I thought they were the most important things in your life?”

  “Not anymore. I couldn’t let the Sandowins enslave you, take away your identity, nor could I fathom life without you.”

  “Elle, what are you saying?”

  “I’m saying…I love you, Angelo. Will you return to Alta with me?”

  His eyes brightened. “Stay with you? I kind of like the sound of that. Does that mean more…time alone?”

  Her heart swelled and she giggled. “Of course.”

  He slid his hand into hers, bringing her fingers to his lips, brushing them with a gentle kiss. “There’s no place I’d rather be than by your side.”

  She laid her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her tight. The steady beat of his heart was the calming influence she needed in her life. With tender care, she ran her fingers over his shoulder and down his arm. The fine hairs on his forearm tickled her skin.

  A wicked smile pulled at her lips, and she headed south, over his hip bone. Her fingers grazed over something hard, and although his erection pressed against her lower abdomen, that wasn’t what she’d touched. He had something round and solid in the pocket of his pants. She pulled away, and gave him a sexy grin.

  “I’d ask if you were happy to see me, but I already know the answer.” She patted his pocket. “What do you have in here, big guy?”

  He blinked, and a sly smile formed on his lips. “You haven’t seen my lucky rock, yet?” With a quick tug, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a stone. “I won it from my co-pilot in a poker match who won it from a Transinian Trolog.”

  The stone’s smooth dark surface had a profusion of silver lines snaking between the crevasses. That’s a Transinian labradorite. Unlike the blue and green crystals most often found in the universe, the ones from Transinia were silver…and contained vast amounts of energy. Her heart picked up speed.

  “Angelo…do you realize what you have there?”

  He raised an eyebrow and the thirteen under his eye stretched at the corner. “A pretty stone?”

  Her stomach fluttered and she couldn’t stifle her laugh. “It’s way more than that. Your…pretty stone…is worth a lot.”

  His eyes widened. “It is? How much?”

  She bit her lip. Enough to get Toman out of jail and pay off the debt on her ship, plus a whole lot more. As much as she wanted to ask him for the stone, she couldn’t bring herself to do so.

  “Elle, you’re scaring me.” He trailed a finger through her hair, placing a stray strand behind her ear.

  She shook her head.

  “Hey, hey…talk to me. Is this worth enough to help your brother?”

  His generosity meant the world to her. “This stone is worth more than you realize. You would be wealthy beyond your wildest dreams.”

  “So…you could get your brother out of jail with this?”

  She nodded. “Not only could I save Toman, and pay off the debt on Paragon, there would be plenty leftover to become wealthy landowners, maybe we could help some of the others…”

  “That’s all I need to know.” He gripped her wrist and placed the stone in her palm. With a gentleness she’d become accustomed to, he wrapped his fingers around hers, closing the treasure in their combined hands. “It’s yours.”

  Her heart melted, love for Angelo flowing through her veins. “Are you sure?”

  The twinkle in his eyes warmed her heart. “Absolutely. Nothing would please me more.”

  “You can be yourself on Alta, Angelo. No more hiding your emotions.”

  “And that is a true blessing.” He kissed her on the forehead.

  She reached into her pocket, and pulled out the Lipidite Ornithium. “Seems the good luck charm you left for me actually worked.”

  He smiled and she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on to her anchor. On a soft whisper, her words came from the depth of her soul. “Thank you.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  ANGELO THIRTEEN STEPPED ACROSS THE THRESHOLD into a beautiful ice chamber. The dome-shaped walls curved inward, blending with the ceiling until they met in the middle. A long, thick icicle hung from the central point, stretching until the tip almost connected with the hard frozen ground. Several Altonians stood in groups of two or three, their raucous voices bursting with peals of laughter. He was on Alta, Elle’s home planet.

  Elle entwined her fingers with his, and the softness of her touch warmed his heart. With her free hand, she gripped the collar of her coat and nodded toward a group standing by one of the tables lining the room. Her crew, Adalyn, Britnie, Montoya, and Nuette engaged in a deep conversation with four males.

  Not far away, Elle’s brother, Toman, chatted with a cadre of young men. Loud laughter burst from the group. Toman smiled, joining in the joviality. Elle had pushed the cold fusion reactors to the limit, and Paragon had returned in time to not only pay Toman’s fine, thus releasing him from jail, but also to make the final payment on her ship. Angelo Thirteen’s heart had melted at the
relief and happiness in Elle’s eyes.

  Elle leaned into him and whispered, “They seem…happy. Perhaps we shouldn’t disturb them.”

  He chuckled and condensation formed from his breaths. “Sounds like a fabulous idea.”

  “That’s good, because I wanted to spend some time alone with you.” She gripped his arm and pulled him toward a table. They stopped in front of a large ice carving sitting atop a small pedestal. The sculpture was of a rodent-like animal with a bushy tail. He blinked. “Hey, isn’t that a Lipidite Ornithium?”

  Elle giggled, the sound warming him. “Indeed, it is. This gathering is just the beginning of the winter celebration. Parties will continue for three days, most done in the privacy of individual homes.”

  He studied the intricate details carved into the ice. The artist had even chiseled individual hairs along the creature’s back, but the best feature—its bushy tail. Scattered between the cakes, pies, and tarts along the tables were miniature versions, folded from the Lipidite leaf, just as Elle had taught him. He picked up one of the delicate figures.

  Elle giggled again. “Eat it.”

  He scrunched his brow. “What?”

  “I didn’t get a chance to tell you on the ship, but the ritual states those who partake with the Lipidite Ornithium will receive good luck for a year.”

  He laughed. The sound seemed odd, yet comforting at the same time. It felt good to share his feelings. With Elle it was easy.

  He picked up another folded leaf and handed it to Elle. “Together, then?”

  The smile on her face was all the answer he needed. As she popped the small figure into her mouth, he did the same. A sweet flavor tingled his tongue, reminding him of strawberries from Earth. He longed for another.

  Elle’s smile widened. “As part of the ceremony, it’s tradition to give a gift to someone you love.” She pulled her hand from her coat pocket. In her palm was a small package wrapped in a thin, shiny material. A bright blue ribbon graced the top.

  Angelo Thirteen’s stomach tightened. “Elle, I didn’t know. I…don’t have anything for you.”

  She touched the back of his hand. “Angelo, you’ve already given me the best gift I could’ve ever hoped for—my brother, my ship…and you. Please accept this gift as a memento of my love.”

  The lump in his throat prevented him from speaking, so he nodded. The small box weighed nothing, but value wasn’t measured by scales. With tentative care, he untied the bow and placed it on the table. After unwrapping the silver paper, he opened the lid. Inside was a small tube.

  He picked it up, examining the thin cylinder. “What is it?”

  She trailed her fingers over his eyebrow and around his eye, coming to rest at his number thirteen. “I know how much you despise this mark. The cream in the tube will remove your tattoo. Would you like me to put some on for you?”

  His pulse pounded in his ears. Here was his opportunity to rid himself of his past. But do I want to? Memories of his life on Earth flashed through his mind…training camps, reprogramming rooms, copulation clubs. He’d grown during his time away from Earth. Although he still bore the marking of his birth, he no longer saw himself as a clone.

  He squeezed her hand. “Elle, that you wish to help me in this way means more to me than you know, but…” Conviction built in his chest, solidifying his decision. “I will keep my number thirteen as a reminder of my past.”

  She blinked. “Are you sure?”

  He smiled and gave her a gentle kiss. From this moment forward, he’d never again refer to himself as Angelo Thirteen. “Absolutely, Captain. Regardless of what is tattooed on my skin, my name…is Angelo.”

  About the Author

  After finishing a rewarding career in finance and accounting, it was time for award-winning author Rosalie Redd to put away the spreadsheets and take out the word processor. She pens paranormal, science fiction, and fantasy romance in her office cave located in Oregon, where rain is just another excuse to keep writing.

  Other books available by Rosalie include Unforgettable Lover, Untouchable Lover, Untamable Lover and the novellas Come to Me, Be With Me, and Touch Me.

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  Star Gazers

  Diana Rivis

  Chapter One

  SPECIAL AGENT KENDRA VORAY absolutely despised phase-jumps that were the core of inter-dimensional space travel. They always gave her a screaming headache. As an added irritation, they also left her starving …particularly for anything chocolate.

  As she worked the secondary helm station, Kendra spared a quick glance to her left. Her partner and pilot, Devlin Hawthorne III was seated at the control station. His jaw was set as he focused on the readouts on the comp screen in front of him.

  Dev was linked to the beta line that was the connection to the universe that was their destination. Kendra worked the alpha line from their home universe, containing the Milky Way and their base planet, Earth. The alpha and beta universe lines needed to be perfectly in balance for them to successfully transition from one to the other.

  Kendra checked her screen, saw the lines waver slightly and made a small adjustment to her controls. “Alpha levels are at 5.1 and holding.” I can tell you’re close with the Betas. How much longer?”

  “4.7...almost there. Just a few more seconds.”

  Kendra felt the energy levels intensify; then heard Dev’s steady voice, “Okay. Beta’s at 5.1 and steady. We’re a go.”

  After a brief exchange with the jump station command, he started the count down. “Twenty-eight...twenty-seven...twenty-six...”

  Here it comes.

  Kendra gritted her teeth and focused on maintaining her connection with the space line. A failed jump wasn’t lethal; it would just fizzle out and they’d remain in their current universe. It would produce enough backlash, though, to temporarily fry their psi-abilities and leave them feeling seriously hung over for days. The mission would be delayed until they recovered, a result that was unacceptable to her.

  The comp screen confirmed what her senses, her pounding head and accelerating heart rate told her was happening within the portal. She saw a crisscrossing, web-like pattern form and then solidify. The alpha and beta strands were meshed together.

  “Web platform achieved and confirmed. Ready on your mark.”

  Dev’s reply was immediate. “Let’s go then before your head explodes.”

  Kendra heard the amusement in his voice. He was grinning, the creep. The whole thing was just a walk in the park for him, while she was feeling her typical nasty side effects.

  “Fine, smart-ass. We’ll go on my mark instead of yours.”

  They worked their respective line strands in sync while they monitored their comp screens and coordinated with the jump station control crew. She sighed in relief when they finished navigating through the portal. As the energy reads levelled off, she felt her heart rate and body temperature start to move back into their normal ranges. Her headache also eased.

  She glanced at the viewport to her right. Through the blackness of space, she saw the unfamiliar constellations of the rarely visited Delphi sector of the multiverse. They would reach the planet Mali in about six Earth hours.

  Kendra studied Dev’s profile as he signed off with Jump Command and then switched their spacecraft to autopilot. People unfamiliar with Dev tended to underestimate him. They saw exactly what he wanted them to see...a cocky fly boy with a flair for fashion and a knack for technology.

  In reality, like Kendra, he was a highly trained and skilled agent for the Inter-Galactic Alliance. He was also incredibly lethal when he needed to be and had helped save their skins
more than once.

  Most women found him handsome, with his long blond hair, intense blue eyes and athlete’s body. Some even called him gorgeous. After two years of working together, to Kendra he was just Dev, her partner, best friend and the family she’d never had.

  At the moment, though, she wasn’t feeling either friendly or familial toward him. She recognized the smug, superior look plastered on his face. Plus, she was really hungry.

  Being one of only a small percentage of humans who experienced any noticeable side effects from phase-jumping was damned inconvenient. Since it was something she had to do on a fairly regular basis as part of her job, it was also really irritating.

  “If you’re going to pout, Kendra, I’m not going to share any of the cookies I brought.”

  “Cookies? You actually brought cookies? I’m starving. What kind?”

  “Double chocolate chip. With nuts. They’re in the outside pocket of my travel bag. And you’re always starving after we jump.”

  Ignoring his snarky remark, Kendra deactivated her helm seat protection band and stood up, taking a quick moment to stretch. “I’ll get them. While I’m at it, I’ll see what else I can scrounge up for us.”

  The technology breakthroughs that had made it possible to jump from one parallel universe to another had drastically reduced the amount of time needed for space travel. To get from an Earth launch site to just about any of the space-line jump stations now only took hours, rather than days or weeks.

  With much less fuel and equipment needed, ships were compact and designed primarily for ease of operation and maneuverability. Their current ship, Galileo VII, was a step up from the basic model and could transport up to four human adults. It even offered a few amenities, like the small alcove that laughingly passed itself off as a galley and the very utilitarian, but fully functional, privacy-sanitation area.


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