The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 6

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “The Renaldi’s have yet to accept the betrothal request. I fear we may need to find other alternatives.” King Granton suggested.

  “Alternatives?” King Anthony interrupted. “Alternatives do not grow on trees, Granton. You have but two daughters. It only makes sense that one be aligned with our wavering kingdom in the Realm. The Southern Kingdom needs to be aligned in order for us to withstand the Unfading Lands.”

  Ryle watched as King Granton’s face turned into an unhealthy shade of red. “Do not speak of my daughters as pawns in a chess match, Anthony. The decision of Alayna’s fate is in my hands, her father’s hands. I have issued a message to the Renaldi’s. Their lack of acceptance to attend this week is a confirmed disregard for the request. Alayna is not to wed into the Southern Kingdom.” He took a deep breath.

  Ryle breathed a sigh of relief that he mustered beneath the fist he rested underneath his chin.

  “That being said,” King Granton continued. “I do have hopes that a reestablished allegiance between our three kingdoms will be enough strength to suffice for now, until we can build up our armies to fight off Lancer on our own.”

  “And if that does not work?” Anthony challenged.

  “Then we reach out to neighboring realms. The Unfading Lands may not be a threat to them now, but if we fall, the Lands will only spread.”

  “How do you wish to align our kingdoms then, since the proposed marriage of Prince Edward and my Melody fell through with his betrayal?” King Anthony straightened in his chair. “And the blatant refusal on Princess Elizabeth’s part in regard to my Isaac. What say you of that?”

  King Granton’s shoulders slouched in his chair. Ryle could tell the king was tiring, yet the current discussions needed to take place.

  “Elizabeth has a strong will.” King Granton explained. “She wishes to make her decisions freely.”

  “But you are the king!” Anthony demanded. “If our realm’s fate is left to the emotions of a woman, then we are doomed to fail.”

  Ryle noted the spark in the king’s eyes and the fury he restrained. Ryle cleared his throat and waved a hand to gain the elderly men’s attention. “If I may, my King?”

  “Oh, I see. You want to step in and recommend the Eastern Kingdom as the aligning kingdom, is that it?” Anthony barked.

  “No.” Ryle stated simply. “I was going to suggest that perhaps we should focus our attention on military strength before alignments. Our kingdoms are united now. Yes, a reestablished agreement may strengthen us, but only a few feet. We need more than a few feet to defeat Lancer. Our strength is in the guard. We need to focus our efforts on building our armies. We need a force that is threatening, and as of right now, we do not have one.”

  “Prince Ryle is right.” King Granton confirmed and glanced around the room at his generals and his captain. “We need to build our protective forces. Mosiah, I want you and Prince Ryle to discuss protective measures for the Eastern Border. Anthony, I wish for your army to spare as many guards as possible without sacrificing your kingdom’s protection.” He stood from his chair, all the other men standing in respect as he exited. “We are finished for now.” He stated and walked out.


  Walking in the market place energized Elizabeth, the hustle and bustle of the merchants making it all the more exciting. She watched as children ran and weaved between tents and carts giggling as they chased one another. She loved the variety. The crafts, the spices, the breads, the dresses, she could find anything she needed here at the market. Though she rarely ventured out of the castle the past few months, she enjoyed the time when she could walk amongst their people. The merchants took time to show her their latest products or crafts, so pleased they were with a member of the royal family gracing them with their presence.

  “Princess Elizabeth, it is an honor.” An older man bowed humbly before her and motioned towards his cart of pelts. “The latest furs, milady.” Elizabeth smiled as King Eamon stepped forward and began sorting through some of the pelts.

  “These are quite nice.” King Eamon held up a pelt for Clifton to survey.

  The older man straightened in pride at the compliment. “I only catch the finest animals, sir.”

  Elizabeth smiled at the man’s eagerness to make a sale and the pride he took in his merchandise. “Dear Sir,” She began, “Allow me to introduce you to King Eamon and Prince Clifton of the Eastern Kingdom.”

  The man’s eyes widened in surprise. He bowed to the gentlemen and placed his hand on his heart. “It is an honor, my Lord.” King Eamon smiled as the man, energized by the presence of royalty, began showing him his finest pelts.

  A small girl wandered over and tugged on Elizabeth’s skirt. “Oh, hello there.” She greeted. The mother of the child rushed over. “Terribly sorry, Princess.” She grabbed her daughter’s hand and began to tug her away. Elizabeth knelt and pulled one of her roses out of her bouquet and handed it to the little girl. “A beautiful rose for a beautiful little girl.” Elizabeth lightly tapped the little girl’s nose and stood. The little girl beamed and raised the pale pink rose in the air for her mother to see. The woman smiled graciously. “Thank you, your Highness.”

  Elizabeth nodded and then turned back to King Eamon’s shopping. The King and Clifton stared at her in surprise. “Did you find anything you could not live without?”

  The King laughed. “Indeed. I purchased two fine pelts.” The merchantman bowed and waved his thanks as they walked away.

  “I believe you just made that little girl feel like a princess.” Clifton smiled down at her as she grinned.

  “She was a sweet girl. Most children are just curious when they see us walking about. People tend to place us on a pedestal and forget that we are actually people too. I think the children see us through untainted eyes full of wonder. They do not see the politics of our position. They see it as magical.” Elizabeth grinned as the little girl brought one of her friends up to her. She pulled a yellow rose from her bouquet and handed it to the little girl. Smiling and comparing roses, the two little girls ran off.

  “You are gracious to take the time to acknowledge the little ones.” Clifton continued. “Most royals do not do such things.”

  “Which is a pity.” Elizabeth added. “Do you take the time, Prince Clifton?”

  He tilted his head at her question. He could not lie to the beautiful princess. “Not as often as I should.” He answered truthfully looking into her eyes for acceptance.

  “Then here.” She handed him several roses. “You can hand roses out as well.” King Eamon watched as his son willingly took a bundle of roses.

  Clifton chuckled as several children walked up to them. He knelt beside Elizabeth as she lowered herself to eye level with the children. She then took the time of placing each flower with a certain child. Several of the young boys showed Prince Clifton their sling shots, rocks, or whatever they found in their trouser pockets. The prince kindly took notice of each item and even cast a few stones playfully at his father making the young boys giggle in excitement.

  “And what is your name, sweet girl?”


  “Annabelle, that is a lovely name. Did you know, Annabelle, that you have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen? Don’t you agree, Prince Clifton?” The little girl looked shyly towards Prince Clifton. With a warm smile, he lightly tilted her chin up so he could see her eyes. “I must say they are a beautiful blue. Much like yours, Princess.” He winked at the little girl. She smiled a toothy grin, two of her bottom teeth missing, creating an adorable absence in her mouth. “I think this flower would look lovely in your hair.” Elizabeth snapped off the stem and placed the flower behind the girl’s ear. The little girl lunged forward and hugged Elizabeth around the neck. Taking Elizabeth off guard, she fell backwards into the dirt, her right arm catching her fall and Clifton’s strong arm quickly sliding around her waist as well. “Oh my.” She giggled and patted the young girl’s back. Mary rushed forward and helped Elizabeth to her feet
and lightly beat the dirt off of her dress. “It is fine, Mary.” Elizabeth stated, lightly brushing her attendant’s hands away. She did not move from Prince Clifton’s light embrace, but instead continued walking.

  King Eamon watched as the princess finished handing out her roses and helped his son hand them out as well. The woman was a gem. The people loved her and she seemed to equally love them. She would make a great asset to the Eastern Kingdom. Since the passing of his wife, the Eastern Kingdom had lacked a strong female presence, especially one that loved the people. He watched as his son doted on her as well. Yes, there was definitely something brewing between the two young ones. The long looks, the restrained touches, and the nervous chuckles gave their hearts away as he watched. He smiled to himself. He would have to discuss the possibilities of a merger with Granton.


  “What do you mean the king has revoked my request of courtship?” Prince Isaac asked as he stormed through their guest chambers. He removed his outer cloak and tossed it across the chaise his sister Melody currently occupied.

  “Just that.” King Anthony interjected. “It seems Princess Elizabeth does not wish for a courtship from you or anyone at the moment. The king has granted her request.”

  “That is absurd!”

  “Isaac.” Melody’s calm voice filtered through the room to her brother.

  “Do not shush me, Melody.” Isaac warned. “We would not be in this mess if you had agreed to marry Edward earlier. Then he would not have been able to cross the boundary.”

  Melody dropped her eyes to her lap and nervously wringed her hands.

  “Do not blame your sister for your current situation.” King Anthony stated. “It seems King Granton wishes to drop the matter of marriage being a unification tool for the Realm. His attention has now shifted to military strength. Prince Ryle and I have been working closely with Mosiah, the Captain of the Royal Guard, to establish ways to prevent Lancer’s strength from expanding.”

  “Prince Ryle.” Isaac snarled. He paced holding his chin in his hand. “What of Princess Alayna and the alignment with the South?”

  “Failed. Princess Alayna is no longer betrothed.”

  “So why not establish a courtship with her? Yes, I had preferred Elizabeth, but Alayna will suffice.”

  “This is not an auction, son.” King Anthony eased into a chair near Melody and lightly nudged her chin with his thumb and smiled tenderly at his daughter.

  Isaac finally sat and ran his hand through his dark hair. “Then what do you suggest?”

  “My suggestion, Isaac, is that perhaps you attempt to woo the princess while also aiding in the guardianship of our lands. The Eastern Kingdom needs our help against the South.”

  “And which princess should I woo, Father?” Isaac asked with a bitter chuckle.

  “Whichever strikes your fancy, son. Just remember they are to be respected.”

  “Always.” Isaac replied with forced cheerfulness. “Perhaps Melody could distract the princes of the East while I attempt to establish a merger?” Isaac looked to his sister and winked. A light blush stained her cheeks and she shook her head.

  “Your shyness is a hindrance, Melody.” Isaac explained. “How do you plan to marry one day when you refuse to put yourself on display?”

  “Stop badgering your sister, Isaac. She is a lady. Besides, Melody is still within the marrying age. She has plenty of time.” King Anthony affectionately glanced at his daughter and then back to his son.

  “Well I will do my best to win over the princess.” Isaac announced. “If the Eastern Kingdom continues to have issues along their borders, perhaps my princely competition will have all the distraction they need, and I will have more time with the princess in their absence.”

  King Anthony sighed and stood. “Well, perhaps you can seem slightly interested in the protection of our lands and follow me to a meeting with the King and your princely competition.” Isaac smirked as he followed his father out of their chambers and through the castle halls.


  Edward dismounted his white horse and handed his reins to the fully armed guard at the base of the castle steps. His gaze travelled up the marble steps to the wide wooden doorway that would lead him to Lancer. He took a deep breath and surveyed the surrounding guards. None glanced his direction. He walked up the steps and the doors opened freely. He stepped inside, greeted with a wide array of brightly colored glass in the windows, ornate chandeliers hanging from vaulted ceilings, and a grand staircase that encircled the main hall. He spotted a single chair, ornately carved and ordained with gold, centered at the end of the room. Standing on either side of the chair were two guards, relaxed in stature, but gracing the sides of the chair that housed a man.

  “Ah, welcome Prince Edward.” The man stood. Tall. Elegant. Strong. Edward stopped several paces away from the figure. “Or should I just call you Edward?” The man smirked at his own joke and then extended his hand. Edward gripped the man’s hand and shook it. Smiling, the man’s dark eyes gleamed with pleasure. “Glad you agreed to come.” The man began to walk towards a doorway to the left. “Follow me.”

  Edward surveyed the room. Smaller than the previous room, it held a warmth much like his own personal chamber back in the Northern Kingdom. An intimate space meant to entertain friends or family, he thought. The man turned and gestured to a comfortable chaise and took a seat on the matching one opposite it. “I am Lancer. Although I am sure you have heard of me by now. I am pleased to have you on our side of the boundary. I understand you crossed to be with the woman you love and to oppose your father, King Granton?”

  Edward cleared his throat. “Yes.”

  “Just like that?”

  “It would seem.” Edward replied.

  Lancer grinned. He lightly ran a hand through his dark hair, the close-cropped cut accentuating his slashing cheekbones and sharp gaze. He wore a golden yellow tunic with golden buckles and a red sash across his chest. Edward noted his lack of weapon and thought it curious. “You may be wondering why I asked you here today.” Lancer continued, his gaze measuring Edward much like he had him. “I must admit my curiosity has been piqued for quite some time, but your whereabouts have been quite elusive.”

  “I find it hard to stay in one place for too long.” Edward admitted, not wanting to give the man any information about his usual locations, especially his spot where he conversed with Elizabeth.

  “That is one of the reasons I wished to speak with you. I find your previous status on the other side quite valuable, as well as your nomadic ways on this side. I would like to recruit you, Edward, to my personal guard.”

  Edward inhaled deeply. He felt a slight twitch in his left eye, but attempted to halt the movement as he stared at Lancer. There wasn’t anything powerful about the man’s appearance, Edward thought. What was it about him that stirred souls to leave their families? What had people flocking to follow him with abandon?

  “Is this a position you would be interested in?” Lancer continued.

  Edward shook his head and fostered a smile. “Yes, of course. My apologies. I am just surprised— and honored.”

  Lancer laughed. “Oh no, Edward. It is I who am honored. I feel your insight into the Realm will be of great use to the Lands. Word has it your father’s health is fading. We have gained considerable ground the last few months. I feel it will not be long before we breach the Northern Kingdom’s inner villages.”

  Edward’s brow rose in surprise at the man’s confidence. “So quickly?”

  “Well, I am hopeful. We have seen an increase in defense along the boundary line. It seems your father has guards posted to prevent people from crossing. But with help from the Southern Kingdom, we have still gained a considerable amount of strength.”

  “The Southern Kingdom? Are they allies?”

  “Not per se.” Lancer replied nonchalantly, snapping his fingers and signaling a servant to enter carrying a tray with two glasses of amber colored liquid, the scent causing Edward’s s
tomach to roll. “My sources say the Southern Kingdom wishes to be independent of the Realm but lacks the strength to rebel. They seek help elsewhere. Some have crossed into our lands seeking aid and found out the cost of their crossing.” Lancer waved his hand as he spoke as if someone crossing were of no consequence to them or him. “Failure in the attempt to cross back over the boundary line opened their eyes a bit.” He chuckled and took a sip of his drink. He nodded towards the glass in Edward’s hand. Edward took a slow sip, the amber liquid hot as it slid down his throat, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

  “The Southern Kingdom wishes to be free of the Realm and now— the Lands.” Lancer set his glass to the side and brushed a hand over the front of his chest. He patted his heart softly. “The Southern Kingdom has always been quite savage, haven’t they?”

  “Yes. My father could never quite control them.”

  “He and I have that in common. At least now, however, they recognize my threat.”

  “So why not extend your reach to the Southern Kingdom first?” Edward asked.

  “Because they are child’s play.” Lancer replied as if bored with the topic. “They do not have ties with the rest of the Realm. Who would care if they disappeared? No one. But the Northern Kingdom… The seat of the throne of the Realm… now that… that would cause the Realm to crumble.”

  Edward’s heart rate kicked into overdrive as he listened to Lancer’s plans to overthrow his father’s kingdom. Elizabeth. Alayna. His father. No. He had to convince Lancer of another path.

  “Alright.” Edward stated confidently. “I will join your guard.”

  A slow smile spread across Lancer’s lips and he toasted his glass towards Edward. “I was hoping you would say that, my prince.”

  Edward clinked his glass and took another ‘celebratory’ sip as Lancer beamed across from him. Now, thought Edward, now his plan to save his father’s kingdom had officially begun.


  The next afternoon Elizabeth saddled her horse, Lenora, and swung herself into the saddle, the new riding skirt Mary had made tucked into her saddle bag as she shifted in her trousers. She snapped the reins and Lenora took to a quick gallop. She had to talk to Edward today. It had been a couple of days since she last went to the boundary line, and she had so much to share with him. She galloped out of the stable yard and across the picturesque pasture.


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