The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 42

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Ryle felt her coldness towards him, but he also felt relieved that she now knew where he stood when it came to his role in her protection. Perhaps the learning phase for their new roles was almost over for the two of them. A smile illuminated Alayna’s face at the sight of the Eastern carriages pulling up to the steps and Ryle felt his heart flip inside his chest. He would protect her, whether she requested it of him or not, he told himself. It was his duty. And by Heaven, he knew it was his heart’s wish as well.

  Alayna waved happily as she lifted her skirts and darted down the front steps towards Elizabeth’s carriage. Prince Clifton stepped out and she flung her arms around his neck in a tight hug. He laughed as he returned it, and she leaned through the doorway of the carriage to see Elizabeth.

  “It is about time you arrived.” Alayna teased.

  Elizabeth grinned as she reached forward and hugged her sister. The two women cried as they held one another and Isaac sat back and watched with a small smirk. Alayna found his gaze and her eyes widened. “Prince Isaac. I did not realize you were in this carriage as well.” She retreated and swiped the tears from her eyes as Clifton leaned into the carriage and lifted Elizabeth into his arms and eased her onto her foot beside him. She balanced, one legged, against him, her arm around his waist as Alayna hugged her again. Alayna stepped back and surveyed her sister closely. “You look thinner, but that is nothing Gretchen can’t fix.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “Oh how I have dreamt of Gretchen’s jelly tarts.” She waved towards Ryle as he made his way down the steps, and she noticed Alayna’s small scowl at the Captain’s presence. Curious, Elizabeth turned towards Clifton to see if he noticed as well. He lightly shrugged his shoulders in response and then greeted his brother warmly.

  “I was worried. You should have been here yesterday.” Ryle stated.

  “Aye, we got a late start. Seems my wife was not quite ready to leave as planned.” Clifton lightly squeezed Elizabeth’s side as she playfully rolled her eyes. “He exaggerates, Captain. Your brother was reluctant to let me travel and attempted to make every excuse under the sun to postpone the trip.”

  Clifton flushed at the truth to her statement and Alayna chuckled. “Well I am glad to see he is looking out for you, then. Come inside.”

  She watched as Samuel stepped out of the other carriage with Melody and she beamed as he turned around. “Samuel.” She curtsied and then hugged him warmly. She then embraced Melody. “It is so wonderful to have everyone back.”

  Isaac hopped out of the carriage and glanced around. “Is my father here?”

  “He is.” Alayna offered. “Though I would postpone a meeting with him if I were you. He is not pleased with you at the moment.”

  Isaac smirked. “Are you looking out for me, Future Queen?”

  Alayna ignored his statement and began walking towards the castle entrance. When she reached the door, she watched as Clifton scooped Elizabeth into his arms and carried her over the threshold. “Are you still not able to walk?” Concern laced her voice as she watched her sister lean her head on her husband’s shoulder.

  “Not yet. Arnos said I still need a week or two before my falsie is attached again.” Elizabeth kissed Clifton’s cheek. “But don’t worry Sister, I have the best transport there is.”

  Clifton winked at his wife as he turned to see King Anthony enter the room. The king greeted everyone warmly except his two children. Annoyance seeped into his gaze as he watched Melody retreat from his presence to stand closer to Samuel. “Good to see you, Isaac and Melody.”

  “Father.” They both greeted.

  Samuel turned in surprise when Melody accidentally bumped into his arm. He took a cautious step away from her but noticed she moved with him, keeping herself close to him. Not that he minded, he thought, but he could tell her father was not pleased.

  “You all must be famished. I have dinner in the great hall in an hour. I think that will be plenty of time to rest.” Alayna announced. “Please, make yourselves comfortable.”

  Elizabeth nodded and smiled as she pointed to the stairwell and for Clifton to carry her towards her old chambers. Mary followed closely behind. Clifton gently set her on the chaise near the fireplace and removed his traveling cape and handed it to Mary. Elizabeth handed him her cape as well and then he sat next to her. “You tired, love?”

  “Not really.” Elizabeth sighed in pleasure as her gaze wondered around the familiar room. “It’s odd.”

  “What is?” Clifton asked.

  “That this is my old chamber and I am now sharing it with a man.” She softly giggled as he buried his nose in her neck and nuzzled. She lightly pulled his face away and stared at him. “I am grateful for you, Clifton. Truly.”

  His eyes softened as he kissed her, and he lightly tucked her dark hair behind her ear before hugging her to him. “Rest, love. Though we may not need it now, I have a feeling we will have a long evening.”

  Content, Elizabeth sighed and allowed her eyes to close as her thoughts filled with images of Edward and the clearing and the longing in her heart to see her brother.


  “You deliberately disobeyed me!” Anthony began his tirade as soon as Isaac and Melody entered their wing of the castle. He tossed his formal wolf pelt to his attendant and turned towards his two children. Isaac’s brow furrowed, unsure of whether it was himself that was to suffer this wrath of their father or Melody. His father caught his confused expression and pointed a finger at Melody.

  “I am sorry, Father, but—”

  “You are not sorry, Melody. You went against my wishes with purpose. This is so unlike you. What were you thinking?”

  Isaac slipped onto the lounge sofa and his eyes bounced between the two opposing figures before him. He smirked, finding the fact his quiet sister had somehow disobeyed their father amusing. Good for Melody, he thought.

  “I was thinking that Isaac deserved to know about Princess Elizabeth.” Melody countered, her back stiffening as she tilted her chin up into the air. “It was unfair of you to keep such information from him, therefore I took it upon myself to reach out to him.”

  Isaac shifted and turned to look at his father. “You did not wish for me to go to the East?”

  “No.” Anthony confirmed adamantly. “I wished for you to serve your purpose to our kingdom. You are to find a bride. Had Melody not interrupted your stay at King Abner’s you may be well on your way to doing that.”

  “Wait,” Isaac stood, his hands outstretched in front of him as he tried to wave off what his father was saying. “You did not want me to know about Elizabeth, because you knew I would neglect my duties in Abner’s Realm?”


  “Did it ever occur to you that Abner’s Realm is not where we should be looking in the first place?”

  “Do not try to weasel your way out of this, Isaac. I gave you a task, and you failed because of Elizabeth. You will always fail because of Elizabeth if you do not distance yourself from the girl.” Anthony’s annoyance and disgust at his son’s actions had Isaac’s tan face transforming to a deep shade of crimson. Melody cautiously stepped back and eased onto the sofa, readying herself for what she assumed would be a volcanic eruption.

  “How dare you.” Isaac’s voice was low, almost a whisper, his hands began shaking as anger slowly overtook him. “How dare you!” He screamed at his father. “Elizabeth is important to me.”

  “That is the problem.” Anthony added, unamused by his son’s outburst.

  “Do not interrupt me!” Isaac challenged stepping closer toward his father, and inwardly pleased when his father’s brows slightly rose, and he retreated a step back. “I went to Abner’s Realm at your request. I met his daughters. I met him… the kind and jovial neighbor everyone believes him to be. I saw what his Realm is like. I learned about him as a ruler. I learned his history. And most importantly Father, I learned what kind of man Abner truly is. He is not what we think. AND, mind you, I also found out that Lancer is the true heir of Abner’s R
ealm. But do you care about any of that? Do you care about anything other than your son marrying? No.”

  “What are you talking about?” Anthony crossed his arms as he surveyed his son.

  “I was to fill in the remainder of the council tonight. My stay at Abner’s was most enlightening, but you best not be disappointed that it was cut short. For Melody had every right to write to me of Elizabeth’s condition. Every right! And if she hadn’t, I could very well be dead.” Isaac sat, his body tense and radiating strength, Melody feared offering a comforting hand would send her back with a stub.

  Anthony eased onto the chair opposite his children. “My concern, Isaac, is that you are too attached to Princess Elizabeth. We all see it. My only aim was to try and sever the hold she has over you.”

  “She has no hold over me. You make her sound like an evil enchantress. Did it ever occur to anyone that I would have travelled to the East should the role have been reversed and placed on Prince Clifton? Or Prince Ryle? I would have hurried back for Princess Alayna or even Prince Samuel. But no, for some reason my heart and feelings are to be dissected by everyone but myself, and I am presumed to be a love-sick puppy trailing after the princess.”

  Melody watched as her brother slowly deflated and her father’s anger dissipated. She knew neither man knew what to say now, a moment she wished to relish in peace, but she also recognized the need for reconciliation. “I feel as if we have all bypassed one another in some form or fashion. I apologize for writing to Isaac behind your back, Father. However, I feel we both owe Isaac an apology for assuming his intentions with the princess. Perhaps we have all been in the wrong but could possibly move passed this?”

  Anthony nodded. “It seems that is the only choice, Melody. I am glad to hear of your loyalty to our Realm, Isaac, that you have strong friendships with each and every leader. I just wish for you to find a match so that the Western Kingdom has its future leader balanced and supported by a queen. It has been ages since the West has had a queen to look up to.”

  “Mother cannot help it.” Melody whispered.

  “I know, but the need in the kingdom is still the same.” King Anthony stated. “Now, let us go to dinner and then we shall discuss what you have learned of Abner and Lancer.” He stood and straightened his red tunic before leaving his two children. When he exited, Isaac reached over and squeezed Melody’s hand. “I’m proud of you, Sister.”


  “Standing up to father. For writing to me against his wishes. The old Melody would never have done that.” Isaac gently tugged on one of her blonde curls and smirked as it bounced back up into place next to her cheek.

  “Yes, well, I believe we have all grown over the last few months. Our roles are more important now than ever.”

  “Indeed, they are.” Isaac agreed. “You are valuable, Melody. And not just to me.”

  Melody slightly blushed as she stood brushing the wrinkles from her dress. “Come. I imagine we will be the last to be seated.”

  Grinning at his sister’s slight embarrassment, Isaac stood and followed her out.


  Alayna sat at the head of the table in her father’s former chair and watched as everyone took their seats for dinner. She sighed happily at having everyone back and noticed Ryle’s watchful eye. She nodded to him and he responded in kind, his thoughts mirroring her own. “I am so pleased to have everyone back.” Alayna held up her goblet. “To friends.” Everyone toasted their glasses and sipped. “I noticed your father did not come with you.” Alayna turned towards Clifton.

  “Aye, my father will be joining us for the coronation ceremonies, but until then he was seeing to a few things in the East.” Clifton explained.

  “Have you set a date for the coronations?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Yes. A week’s time. Everything is on schedule. We will first have the coronation here in the North and then travel to the Southern Kingdom for Prince Samuel.” Alayna looked towards the future king as he and Melody spoke quietly to one another. Everyone exchanged smiles at the two oblivious royals.

  “Alayna is wonderful at planning events.” Elizabeth doted. “I’m sure everything will turn out lovely. Is there anything you would like me to do?”

  “Not that I can think of at the moment, except help keep my nerves calm.” The two sisters smiled at one another.

  “You have nothing to be nervous about.” Elizabeth stated. “The entire Realm has been expecting your coronation since before Father’s death. As soon as Edward crossed the boundary line, you have been next in line. You will be a wonderful ruler.”

  “Thank you, Sister.”

  Clifton lightly squeezed Elizabeth’s hand under the table, pleased that his wife encouraged her sister. He released his hold as servers began bringing their plates before them.

  “Eat up everyone, we will need our strength for the Council Room.” Alayna forewarned as she took a hearty bite of her roasted duck.

  “Such mystery.” Isaac baited.

  “There is much to discuss.” Alayna replied studying the Western Prince. “I wish to hear of your travels. Captain Ryle tells me you had an unfortunate incident with King Abner’s guards.”

  “Yes. I did. Speaking of Captain Ryle,” Isaac turned an amused glance towards the former Eastern Prince. “Is it custom for the Captain of the Royal Guard to eat with the royal family?”

  “Isaac!” Melody scolded across the table.

  He shrugged.

  Alayna turned towards Ryle. “I never quite thought about it.” She admitted. “It is true that Mosiah rarely ate with us. However, Captain Ryle’s position is a bit different. He’s also a royal.”

  “Not anymore.” Isaac pointed out. “He denounced his claim.”

  Ryle stiffened in his seat. He knew Isaac was just being his typical self, trying to stir up a commotion, but his observation was unsettling. Mosiah never did eat with the family. It was not the role of the Captain to be included in such matters. Was he to be sent away?

  “It does not matter. He is a former prince of the East. Therefore, he has a unique position. He is both royal and servant of the crown. He will remain at the table.” Alayna’s tone brooked no argument, and Isaac flashed a playful grin towards Elizabeth over seeing both Ryle and Alayna shift uncomfortably under everyone’s scrutiny. Elizabeth shook her head, but Isaac caught the small tilt to her lips as she turned back to Clifton and continued their conversation.


  “Sit down please, Edward.” Lancer motioned for Edward to take a seat within his personal chamber and immediately had a servant filling Edward’s hand with a drink. “I have much to discuss with you.”

  Edward took a sip of the offered refreshment, hiding his distaste with a quiet gulp of revulsion.

  “Edward, I met your sister.”

  The cup on its way to Edward’s lips froze. “My Lord?”

  “Your sister, Edward. The future queen. I met her today.”



  Edward set his cup upon the small table and tried to calm his rapid heart rate. How had Lancer met his sister? “Um… how, my Lord?”

  “At the boundary line. I decided to patrol the boundary line today and she sat upon the other side. She is really quite beautiful, Edward. I had no idea.”

  “How do you know it was her?” Edward asked, praying there must be some confusion as to why his sister would even dare to approach the boundary.

  “She wore the formal gowns of the Northern Kingdom.” Lancer explained. “It was not hard to deduce, Edward.”

  “I see.” Edward lowered his head to hide the concern in his gaze and tried to contemplate an explanation of her presence.

  “I feel your sister is planning something, Edward. That perhaps the weakening in my power comes from an elaborate scheme in the North to overthrow the Lands.”

  “But my Lord, it is impossible for them to cross and return. How could she plan something without risking the lives of her people?” Edward a

  “Think Edward. First, we receive all the cowards fleeing from the fight. That weakens me. Then I can no longer cross the boundary line. That weakens me. Then, I find Princess Alayna, future queen of the North sitting alongside my boundary line as if she had no care in the world!” Lancer rose and began to pace. “I was so angry I charged at her!”

  Edward’s eyes widened at that announcement and he feared what happened to Alayna.

  “BUT!” Lancer continued. “Due to my weakening power, I was tossed from my horse! My horse crossed, mind you, but I did not.” Lancer shook his head in disgust and frustration. “She stole my horse, Edward!” He turned a pointed gaze towards Edward and awaited a response.

  Edward sat stunned. “She stole it?”

  “Yes! She grabbed the reins and had the nerve to smile at me as she took it away! How dare she steal from me! How dare she think I will just stand by and let her take what belongs to me!”

  “What do you plan to do, my Lord?” Edward asked.

  “First we need to figure out what she has planned. So you are going to go to that boundary line and sit there until she comes back, and you are going to ask her!” Lancer demanded.

  “My Lord, how will I do such a thing? No sound carries across the boundary.” Edward played naïve as he waited for Lancer to reply.

  “I don’t know, Edward! Think of something. But you will not leave that spot until you know what your sister is planning. My Lands will NOT be overcome!” Lancer stormed out of the room, the large wooden door slowly closing behind his retreating footsteps. Edward heard the slam of the door down the hall to the reflection chamber. It was then he allowed a slow smile to spread over his lips.

  “Good job, Alayna.” He whispered. “Good job.” He sighed in relief as he stood and straightened his tunic and walked out. He would make quick work of his special task. What better way for he and the Realm to partner in this fight than him being assigned by Lancer himself to converse with them? It was perfect. And it just might be the very upper-hand they had been needing. If he kept the darkness within him, Lancer would remain weak and would require Edward to fish for information from his family. Meanwhile, his meetings would have a different nature all together. Perfect.


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