Once Upon A Time

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Once Upon A Time Page 9

by Jo Pilsworth

  I was going to enjoy this walk. I didn't know where it would lead but I was going to enjoy it anyway.

  Angharad Lloyd

  I sipped my coffee and watched Owain with Merida, surprised at the gentle way he dressed her. He was right, he is showing mate tendencies which is both sweet and frightening at the same time. A human female. That conjures up all kinds of obstacles not the least of which is her presence here. So far we have managed to sidestep comments or actions that would frighten and confuse her but for how long?

  I noticed her watching my intent stare and I shook my head with a smile. “Sorry, I don’t mean to stare. I get like that when my brain starts working on something. It’s like the world around me goes away. Have fun and enjoy the walk.” I gave them a small wave and turned back to the dining room to see Gavril dip his head at me. I acknowledge his request for a talk and follow him.

  Gavril Negrescu

  Walking to my study, I held the door open for Angharad to enter, closing it behind her, and indicating that she should take a seat. I did not waste time in coming to the point.

  "We have a potential problem, Healer." I wanted to make it clear in which capacity I needed her assistance. "Owain's little human, whether or not she turns out to be his Mate, is still human. We have the Solstice Ritual tonight, and, whilst she remains non-Pack, she cannot be permitted to watch us. Both Aaleahya and I will invoke our connections to the Goddess, to open the ritual, and you know what happens during the blessing."

  I steepled my fingers on my desk, thoughtful. "What would you suggest we do, to ensure that she remains unaware?"

  Angharad Lloyd

  I was not surprised by his concerns as I have had them too. Just conversation alone has to be monitored lest something slipped. “I’ve blended a tea for her to take home since it’s clear she has trouble sleeping. I can add a few more things to a tea this evening for her. It should put her to sleep and more importantly, keep her asleep through the night.”

  I considered on the herbs and medicines I had and planned the mixture. “My only concern will be her size and metabolism. I don’t know her well enough so I will be modest in the dosage. I certainly don’t want to harm her in any way.” A brief thought crossed my mind to use my ability to induce sleep but I nixed that idea. “I know I could use my ability to put her under but for that length of time and being human? It may cause more harm than good. At the very least a headache and I don’t wish to face that possibility. So tea it is.” I remained seated and waited for his dismissal.

  Gavril Negrescu

  I nodded at Angharad's suggestion. "I will leave the best method up to you Healer, since it is your area of expertise." I shrugged. "I have one other favour to ask of you, Angharad."

  "This will be the first time that the twins participate in the Solstice Ritual. Clearly Aaleahya and I cannot bless our own children. Would you and Owain be willing to do the honours? I would have asked Bran and Alix, as they are a Mated pair, but I don't want to risk Alix's young by her invoking the Goddess."

  Angharad Lloyd

  "I would be honoured my Alpha." I dipped my head, pleased at his request. "I'm not sure of the risk to Alix but agree that it's best we don't find out." I almost stood up but caught myself and remain seated. This was a formal meeting with my Alpha and it is up to him to dismiss me. Sometimes my personality makes it hard to adhere to this protocol and the amount of time I spend alone doesn't help at all. No doubt he knows everything about me so I smiled softly as I met his eye.

  Gavril Negrescu

  I had to smile at Angharad's hesitation. Yes, if I was as protocol-bound as the Gosselin Alpha, I might have taken her to task, but in the decades that I have been Alpha, I have not felt it necessary to take heavy-handed tactics with any member of my Pack.

  "My thanks, Angharad. It was something that Aaleahya and I wanted to have covered, particularly as the twins were so unexpected for us."

  Changing the subject, I asked her what she thought about Owain's atypical behaviour.

  Angharad Lloyd

  I chuckled at his question and try to formulate an answer. One that made sense anyway. “I admit that I’m surprised and never saw it coming.” Again I struggled for the words. I didn’t want to sound too cautious nor sound too encouraging. “There are just too many variables involved in this relationship. I would not deny him the joy he seems to have found but there is a part of me that fears for him should this not be a true mating.”

  I leant forward as my concern dictated my movement. “A human female. I can’t begin to know how that effects anything but I do know that the longer they are together, the more chance there is of her finding out more than she needs too.” I sat back and shrugged. “It’s hard to be happy for him but feel the inherent danger of a prolonged relationship.” I breathed out a laugh and looked up at his face. “I don’t know how you deal with these situations day in and day out. It’s much easier mixing herbs and healing injuries.”

  Gavril Negrescu

  Standing, to indicate that any 'formal' meeting was over, I nodded. "You are echoing my own concerns. Whilst Owain has never, to be blunt, had a problem finding a bedmate, in all the decades, he has never found his true Mate. Whilst we were able to work with the humans around us in the Carpathians, the circumstances were extraordinary, and the recent interaction with the Gosselin Pack have demonstrated that those not able to protect themselves, are at risk."

  "Still, whilst she stays near the Hall, there shouldn't be a problem. Owain will be able to keep watch that she doesn't hear anything which might give her cause to wonder." I shrugged. "It is about all we can do at the moment."

  I held open the door of the study, indicating the Angharad might leave the room ahead of me. Again, I smiled. I could not see Alix's sire being as 'lenient' over priorities.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  After the breakfast we walked out to get ready for our walk. The way he 'dressed' me, placing the boots on my feet. His hands were soft and warm. "Thank you, they fit well."

  As we walked outside, and I was able to see the gardens my eyes go wide. Even though they were covered on snow it looked amazing. I took my camera while he explained the fence, and we chatted more. While setting the camera, I glanced at him and the first thing I did was snap a picture of him. He is handsome, I couldn't help myself, plus I did want a picture of him for myself to keep.

  The wilderness was something amazing, by now I had maybe five to eight pictures. "I like it outside." I said honestly, while looking at him, I wasn't looking where I went and tripped. Oh the shame, but thankfully his hand was there to steady me, so fast it was almost surreal. "Thanks, you can imagine why I don't really do sports … can't even walk well." I joke about myself and laugh, and then seized the opportunity to kneel and toss some snow at him.

  Angharad Lloyd

  I respect my Alpha and more, I like him. Our wellbeing rests on his shoulders and some would run with that power, swell with it until they lose touch with the pack and their collective good. But not Gavril. He listens and makes us all feel as an active part. I am truly blessed.

  I stood and moved to the door but stop when something hit me. “Alpha, did you know that Owain invited Merida to the biathlon? With the issue of the Gosselins well, her safety concerns me greatly. She is only human.” I drop my head a bit trying to work out all contingencies and shake my head. “She is a photographer and is quite pleased to be invited. I hated to say anything as Owain was happy she accepted.” I shrug helplessly and I must say, relieved to have laid this on his shoulders. “It had slipped my mind or I would have mentioned it sooner. My apologies.”

  I stood and walked to the door feeling almost lighter now that I had voiced my concern and knowing I was not alone.

  Gavril Negrescu

  I closed the door to the study again, and opened a mind link to include both Angharad and Aaleahya.

  [Open ML] My love, you would join us down in the study. Something has come up with regard to Owain's little human an
d the race tomorrow. [End ML]

  "Sorry, Healer. Thank you for letting me know." Damn, this was going to make things a bit difficult. If the Gosselin Pack thought for one moment that we had a human in our Pack, given the tensions, Angharad was right that she would be at risk.

  "Would you mind waiting until Aaleahya can join us?"

  Angharad Lloyd

  "Of course" I walked back and took my seat to await Aaleahya's arrival. Naturally I was mentally kicking myself for not mentioning this sooner, not to mention I felt a bit shocked that it slipped my mind. That is not like me at all. At least I did remember before we arrived at the course. Small comfort that thought is. Gavril seemed lost in his own thoughts so I once again went over the options for Merida's tea this evening and was satisfied with my choices.

  Owain Cadwalader

  Something in me lurched when Merida tripped in the snow. Caution against revealing anything to her was overridden by this strange way I was behaving, and my hand shot out to stop her from hurting herself. For a moment, it was a hint of tension between us, as I realised that my speed was not 'normal'.

  But, that tension faded, as she knelt in the snow, and unexpectedly flung some snow in my direction.

  Grinning, again, I found myself reacting on instinct, and scooped her up. "I did warn you that I am not to be beaten in this snow throwing lark, Merida." I laughed. "Not unless you are a kindergarten kid, which I am pleased to say you are not."

  Then, it hit me. Her lips. So close. So very close.

  Aaleahya Mic Daciana-Negrescu

  Opening my eyes, I saw that Matyas and Liszka were lying there, their little eyes on me. The message they sent me loud and clear. I smiled as I caressed each tiny cheek. Suddenly I received the mind link from my love asking for me to the meet with him and the Healer. It is funny I was just going to go and find him and let him know what our children had let me know. Picking up Liszka I set her beside her brother and sit on the edge of the bed.

  Standing up I pick up the twins and take them to the nursery where Bennia and Shalley were waiting to take them from me. Kissing each of them I handed the babies reluctantly over and then headed down to Gavril's study. Knocking softly on the door I entered when I heard Gavril telling me to enter. Angharad was sitting in one of the leather seats. Walking over I kissed my mate on his cheek before taking the other seat.

  Gavril Negrescu

  Giving my Mate a soft caress along the line of her face, I smiled, as she took a seat. Taking my own seat, I was thoughtful.

  "Angharad has just told me that she overheard Owain asking his little human to accompany him to the biathlon tomorrow." I paused. "Given the nature of the Gosselin Alpha and his Pack, this poses a potential problem, in that she is a human. They will not hesitate to attack what they see as a weak link in our Pack, if they realise she has significance to us. I can order Owain to rescind his invitation, but I wanted your thoughts, my love."

  Angharad Lloyd

  Aaleahya swept into the room and walked directly to Gavril for a soft kiss. I knew I should look away but found that I enjoyed their closeness too much and almost feel a tendril of togetherness myself. I sometimes took our pack link for granted until moments like this. I shook myself from this train of thought and turned my mind back to the matter at hand.

  When Gavril mentioned rescinding the invitation I felt a bit disappointed in the hurt it would cause both of them. That must be the female in me raising its romantic head. Who would have thought I had it in me? I was about to voice my thoughts when I noticed Aaleahya’s expression. She clearly had something to add so I sat back, curious as to how she felt about things.

  Aaleahya Mic Daciana-Negrescu

  I clapped my hands delighted, I look at the two of them then declared I believed that was a wonderful idea. I saw the shocked look on the faces of Gavril and Angharad. Smiling at them, I mock-snarled, “Don’t you dare make Owain rescind his invitation to her.”

  “I believe your other friend has found his soul mate, my love, and as our Goddess sees fit it seems not to matter if she is human, wolf, or shifter. She does things the way she wants as we all know. Gavril I have it on good authority that this is indeed the real deal for your Beta.”

  Smiling widely, I continued. “Our lovely twins have assured me this is intended to happen and all will work its way out, and we my love …” I looked at both my Mate and the Healer “… are not to interfere.”

  Gavril Negrescu

  I was relieved at Aaleahya's words, more than I would perhaps admit. Having to impose an Alpha's will on my close friend was not something I would have done lightly, but for the sake of protecting my Pack, it was a step I had to consider.

  Smiling, I looked at both Angharad and my Aaleahya. "In that case, I will not interfere with the Goddess' will. I can only hope that whatever will happen between Owain and his little human will not cause him, or her, pain."

  Angharad Lloyd

  I was relieved and a bit surprised at the outcome. But the goddess has her own plans and gifts for us all. I was pleased for Owain but would keep that to myself for now and let things play out as they will. I'm actually excited to see things progress and admittedly, curious. This should be fun. "Well, I will go mix her tea for this evening. Good day to you both." I bowed my head to them and leave the room, lightly shutting the door behind me before walking quickly to my workroom.

  Aaleahya Negrescu

  Smiling I rose from the chair, walking over to my Mate and wrapping my arms around him. Watching the Healer, nodding her head as she walked out the door. “Gavril I have the gifts ready for the younglings; they are in our room in the large box. I was wondering if we could ask our esteemed healer and your soon to be mated Beta to perform the ritual for the twins?” Gavril pulled me onto his lap as he chuckled.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  I couldn't help but laugh, and when he scooped me up, his scent, his strong arms around me, and his face so close, I could feel his fresh breath against me. I don't know why, I had never been so forward before, but all my body and brain agreed that I had to do it. Slowly, my hands moved to his neck then his hair, my fingers laced into it, and my lips, they pressed to his. In that instant, my heart jumped, as my lips caressed his in a soft dance. I thought it was uncalled for, but then I felt his lips move.

  My cheeks blushed, and after various minutes we pulled apart. I was breathless, my eyes stared at his. I wanted to kidnap him and keep him with me for ever. Creepy much I know, but I couldn't help it. I slid off his arms, and smiled. "Uh....I like it here....so pretty..." Oh gosh, his lips, his body.... everything is so perfect, warm, amazing. My thoughts where everywhere. Racing like a train non-stop. As we walked I took his hand, I didn't know what to say anymore. My thumb rubbed against his hand. "I like you...."

  Angharad Lloyd

  After dinner and with thermos in hand, I went in search of Merida. She seemed more tired than usual at the table so my gentle touch with the ingredients should work well. I approached her as she exited the dining room and I walked with her, looking at Owain to be sure he knew what I was intending to do. I gave him a reassuring look even though he would know I would never harm her but given his mating behaviour, I had to be sure. Satisfied with his reaction, I nodded to him quickly before spiriting Merida to the drawing room.

  “Merida, I mentioned earlier that I am an herbalist, well as an herbalist I blend teas. In fact, I can make a tea for whatever ails you.” I laughed and rolled my eyes a bit. “Well, almost anything that ails you.” I linked my arm in hers and slowly walk into the other room. I don’t know her that well and don’t want to spook her into thinking I want to drug her. Well, in a way I am but she didn’t need to know that.

  “I hope you don’t think me forward but I’ve noticed that you haven’t slept very well here. I know we’re a lot to take in and I hope we’ve not made you too nervous to sleep.” I do know that isn’t the reason she has restless nights but I wanted to give her an excuse if she doesn’t wish to share her
sleep problems. “Not to mention that sleeping in a strange house can mess up anyone’s sleep patterns. So, that being said, I’ve made you a tea mixture that should help you fall asleep. I’ve put in chamomile and valerian to let your brain rest plus a little lemon balm to relieve any stress.” I handed her the thermos of hot tea and smiled. “Just drink some about a half hour before bed and I guarantee you will sleep like a lamb.”

  I patted her arm as she took the thermos and smiled. “I made a batch of tea blend for you to take home with you also. It’s a little lighter than this blend, just enough to take the edge off before sleeping.” I looked at her closely, opening the door for discussion should she wish to share her sleep problem with me. “I can make it any strength you would like. It’s all natural herbs and not addictive. I have no idea why hu…ah..people feel the need to mess with chemicals. Foolishness when trusted herbs have been around since the beginning.” I laughed lightly and shrugged. “Don’t get me started on that or I’ll talk your ear off. Just let me know your preference and I’ll take care of it. I aim to please. Now I need to run. I’m here if you should need me.”


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