Taming Mr. Know-It-All (The Taming Series Book 3)

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Taming Mr. Know-It-All (The Taming Series Book 3) Page 22

by Nia Arthurs

  Melody wanted to rent a golf cart for the occasion. Spencer immediately nixed the idea as too dangerous so the group compromised with a schedule of swimming and playing on the beach in the morning and renting a golf-cart for a half-an-hour tour of the island after lunch. Melody was satiated and Spencer only had to fret over her road safety for less than an hour. Chattering and cracking jokes, we piled into the car. Archie drove us to his favorite part of the beach which wasn’t too crowded because you had to pay to get in. The expectant couple immediately found some shade and set our bags and blankets underneath the umbrella.

  The water was amazing and I was itching to get in, but I didn’t want to be the first. Mia badgered Peyton about his sunscreen and the two had a lovely time giggling and playfully kissing each other as she applied it. I glanced away from the sight and watched the water again. It called to me. Why couldn’t everyone hurry up and get in?

  “You can go if you want to, Susan,” Melody spoke to me from her perch in between Spencer’s legs. She looked so adorable and small compared to the tall, regal looking Asian guy. I couldn’t help but smile.

  “I’ll go in when someone else does too.”

  Archie stepped up to me. “I’ll go in with you.” he said. “If you want me to,” he added softly, his gaze piercing my insides and making them quiver.

  I looked to the blue water and nodded, “Okay.”

  He grinned like I’d made his day. “Okay.”

  “We’re going in, guys.” I called to my friends.

  “Cool!” They enthused.

  Archie glanced at me and then held out his hand. I took it, but then immediately let go.

  “Archie,” I whispered into his ear.


  “I don’t want to take off my dress here.”

  He seemed to understand and led me off to a private area behind a restaurant. I quickly undid the straps of my dress, pulled it off, and handed it to him.

  “I’m going to run and drop this off by the others,” He informed me. I nodded from my hiding place safely behind the building. I knew that Archie was going to see me in my swimsuit. I wasn’t too shy about that. It was the act of taking off my dress in front of him that somehow made me feel shy. Brian and I had shared a few intimate moments in our relationship so I wasn’t sure exactly what was making me so introverted. Still, I was glad that Archie instinctively understood my bashfulness when it came to undressing. Quickly he returned to me and said,

  “You can come out now.”

  Though his eyes took me in greedily, he said nothing when I emerged only holding out his hand again and leading me to the water. I tried not to stare at his chest when he took off his tank and flung it onto a nearby tree branch. I’d had no idea that his tattoos spanned his chest as well. A Chinese symbol surrounded by circular lines spanned the upper right half of his chest. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it or the chiseled sculpt of his abs which glistened with droplets of water.

  How did a lawyer get a six pack like that?

  Archie groaned, picked me up, and ran with me kicking and screaming the last few feet to the sea. He then dumped me into the cold water. I shuddered and bounced up, spraying him in the face for his shenanigans.

  “What’d you do that for?” I asked, kind of irritated.

  “You were looking at me in that way again.”

  I flipped the hair out of my eyes and shivered, partly from the cold temperature of the water and partly from the way Archie was gazing at me.

  “You doof,” I accused him weakly.

  Archie’s only reply was to grin cockily.

  We swam for the next two and a half hours. We were joined by Mia and Peyton soon after our dunking. The Lowrys were followed by Melody and Spencer, who politely but firmly told his wife not to step anywhere outside of his perimeter of safety in case she stepped on a glass shard or got stung by a jelly fish for the third time.

  I cracked up when I heard that story.

  After drying off for a bit, we ate a light snack of sandwiches and then browsed the public beach looking for volleyball net. As the group strolled, we heard a shrill voice,

  “Archie! Archie is that you?”

  We turned as one and I groaned.


  The gorgeous red-head with the perfect body ran up to us. It was as though the sand did not have the same pull of gravity on her that it did on the rest of the world.

  “Guys,” Archie introduced when Rhapsody caught up to our group. “This is Rhapsody. Rhapsody, these are my friends.”

  “Hello again,” She grinned at me. “My, my, what a group of handsome men. I’ve hit the jackpot.”

  “Actually, they’ve hit the jackpot.” Archie pointed to Mia and Melody, “They’re all couples.”

  “Oh,” Rhapsody pouted, “that’s so sad to be single on a couple’s trip.”

  “We’re having tons of fun,” I corrected her assumption snottily.

  “I’m sure you are,” she dismissed me and turned to Archie. “What are you guys up to?”

  “We’re looking for volleyball nets,” Peyton informed her. His wife elbowed him in the torso.

  “Ow!” Peyton complained.

  Rhapsody grinned wide, “Well, I know just the place. There are a few of the native men playing. Quite the show if you ask me. But maybe they’d cut a line in for little Momma here.” She winked at Melody.

  Nobody asked you.

  Rhapsody led us to the opposite side of the beach where we noticed a crowd of people playing volleyball. Amongst their crew I recognized Jamie.


  The game wound down and the winners high-fived. Before I could blend into the crowd, Jamie spotted me.

  “Hey, Singer girl right?”

  “It’s Susan, actually.”

  “Nice,” he wrapped me in a hug and then left his arm around me as he waved at the rest of the gang. “’Sup, how are you, guys?”

  Archie stepped forward, “We’d be better if you took your arms off of her.”

  Everyone stared at Archie quizzically and Rhapsody laughed.

  “Oh, he’s so funny.” She slapped at his arm. Jamie grinned too but released me.

  “Ya’ll wanna play?” he asked indicating the net.

  I looked at Mia and Peyton, “We’re in!” They declared.

  Spencer and Melody shared a glance, “We’re out.”

  “Perfect!” Rhapsody screeched coming to stand beside me. I winced at the tone. “Archie’s with me.”

  Jamie grinned over in my direction, “Singer Girl’s with me.”

  My name is Susan. And I can’t sing.

  “I’ll take the hot married man.” Rhapsody said mischievously.

  “And I’ll take the hot married lady.” Jamie replied.

  Mia stepped forward but Peyton stopped her, grasping her arm, pulling her into his chest and placing a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t touch my girl.” He threatened Jamie who only laughed.

  Archie stepped into Jamie’s face and I could swear that he said, “Mine either.” I could be hearing things. But in my heart of hearts, I hoped I’d heard right.


  We lined up with the sun in our eyes. I was terrible at volleyball and I knew that Mia was too so I really wasn’t in it for the win. Jamie seemed satisfied that he had two “sexy ladies” (his words not mine) on his team and didn’t mind that we always let the ball bounce out of bounds or hid our faces when that huge white and black weapon came hurtling at our heads. When it was my turn to stand nearest the net, Peyton faced me.

  “You can’t play for crap, Vegan,” he teased standing on the other side of the net and looking so sexy, I wanted to cover him up so no other girl could bask in his hotness.

  “Yeah, well, I have this fear where the ball hits my skull and I get a concussion.”

  Archie laughed and then returned his attention to the game, hitting the ball softly over the net to me. Buoyed by his egging, I leaped forward, flying out of my slippers to make contact
with the ball.

  I hit it!

  Yes, victory.

  Now, where did it go…?

  “Hit it again!” Brian screamed excitedly. When I only stared at him in confusion, he jumped forward. Understanding his instruction at the last moment, I jumped too.

  I felt a slam of pain on my head and watched as the ball bounced forlornly to the sand. My team mates gathered around me as I dazedly put my hand to my hair. Apparently, I’d hit the ball straight up into the sky and not in any other particular direction. When gravity did its thing, my head was, unfortunately, in the way. The pain came then… a striking, searing pain that made me want to cry. I sucked on my bottom lip and decided that, at least right now in this moment, I’d wear my big girl pants and not bawl like the baby.

  Jamie slipped his arm around me and gently pressed on my head.

  “Are you okay?” Mia asked, as Jamie gently lowered me to the ground and kept on massaging.

  “I’m fine.” I stated, feeling self-conscious with all this attention. Melody waddled to my side and Archie flipped up the net so that he could rush toward me as well.

  “Really, I’m okay, guys,” I said, trying to get up but Jamie’s hand was in my head and his other arm was around my torso and I couldn’t seem to find the strength to move.

  “She’s not fine,” Archie stated, “I think we should take her to a hospital.”

  “She said she’s good, man.” Jamie dared to defy the guy with the tattoos.

  I winced and tried to get up on my own. Both Archie and Jamie assisted me.

  Archie turned his clear grey eyes to Jamie’s brown ones, “Hey, man, back off and let me take care of her.”

  Rhapsody shrugged into the middle of the argument and placed a hand on Archie’s bare shoulder, “Calm down, Archie and let the man tend to her.”

  Archie moved his shoulder so that her hand dropped and softly deposited me to Melody and Mia.

  “I,” he stated each word through gritted teeth, “am going to take care of her.”

  The bonk on the head would leave a knot but apart from the sharp pain in that area my vision was clear. I was going to live. I stepped forward and appeased Jamie,

  “Thank you for your concern but…”

  Jamie ignored me and strode into Archie’s face. “Last I heard you weren’t her father or her lover, so why don’t you calm your little white self and-”

  That was about as far as Jamie got. Archie delivered a push that knocked the wider man a few steps backward. Spencer and Peyton jumped into the fray immediately and separated Archie from Jamie before the men came to blows.

  “Come on, man.” Spencer tugged at Archie’s shoulder. His eyes blazing, like lamps were lit behind the pupils, Archie gathered me into his arms and walked away.

  “That’s right, run like a pansy.” Jamie taunted.

  Geesh, for a church boy he sure had a mean streak.

  Rhapsody rushed to keep in step with us. “Are you alright?” She asked me. I was not sure if her concern was genuine or not, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

  “I’m feeling better now.” I assured her.

  “Great.” She turned her attention to Archie and I was indeed exposed to the truth of her indifference. “So Archie, a bunch of us are going to Club Papichulo later tonight. You can meet us there…”

  Archie stopped dead in his tracks, looked down at me and then over at Rhapsody, “I’m busy.” He said, matter-of-factly.

  “But,” She scurried to keep up with us.

  “I’m busy.” He interrupted whatever she had to say. “I hope you enjoy your vacation, Rhapsody, but I don’t think I will be seeing you again.”

  She seemed to take the hint and allowed us to trek away.

  “I’m taking Susan home,” Archie declared as if daring anyone to contradict him.

  No one did.

  “We’ll come with you,” Melody replied.

  “No,” I protested, “Please go on the tour. I’ll be fine. I promise.”

  “But Susan-” Mia started.

  “Mm-mm, do you want me to feel guilty for spoiling your day?”

  “But you’re not spoiling anything,” Mia pointed out.

  “Guys, help me out here.” I looked to Spencer and Peyton.

  Spencer leaned down and whispered something into his wife’s ear. She brightened and then gave her consent.


  “What?” Mia turned to her best friend.

  “Let them go,” Melody stated and then grabbed her husband’s hand and walked away.

  “We’ll take any of the stuff that needs to go home in the car,” Archie called.

  “Sure,” Peyton gave a thumbs up and the group idly strolled down the boardwalk toward the golf car rental.

  I quietly followed Archie through the hot sand to the vehicle, and remained silent on the five minute drive to the beach house. He helped me out of the car, though I honestly did not need any help. His jaw worked in overtime. I could practically feel his frustration when he ran a hand across his stubble. He turned to me,

  “Do you want some ibuprofen or something?”

  I shook my head.

  “Do you want to lie down?” he asked.


  His tense behavior was killing me.

  “What’s going on with you?” I asked quietly, “people don’t normally ignite your temper like that.”

  “He was touching you.” Archie fisted his hands as if incensed by the very thought.

  I came to stand beside him and unclenched his hands, instead linking our fingers together. Brown and white, brown and white, the pattern of colors soothed me.

  “He was just massaging my head,” I pointed out.

  “He held you in his arms.” Archie growled.

  I stepped closer, “It was just a hug.”

  He shook his head and stepped back. “It wasn’t.”

  “Why did it make you upset?”

  His jaw tensed before he answered, “I don’t know.”

  I stared blankly at him and then disengaged my hold. “Oh, okay.”

  I moved to walk into my room.

  “I was jealous,” Archie said softly. I whirled around,

  “What? Why?”

  He shrugged, “because for a minute, he held my entire world in his arms.”

  I held my breath.

  “What are you trying to say?”

  He shook his head, “I know we decided to just be friends,” Archie faced the sea, “but I don’t think I can do that anymore because I love you so much it’s killing me, Susan. You’re killing me,” he pierced me with those eyes, “from the inside and you’re right,” he chuckled softly, “it sucks.”

  I stared at the ground and walked slowly up to him, “What if I told you, that I loved you too?”

  His eyes met mine and his head tipped to the side. “Say that again.” He commanded.

  “I love you,” I said slowly, drawing out each syllable, savoring each sound.

  He put his arms on my hips and drew me in gently, “How’s your head feeling.”

  I grinned, “Better now.”

  “Good,” he growled, “Because I plan to kiss the socks off of you.”

  And he did… for all of five seconds.

  “Hey! We’re back!” Melody shouted, alerting us to her presence. We jumped apart. I giggled as Archie held me still against him on the balcony.

  “Sh, maybe they won’t notice us.” Archie’s thumb caressed my cheek.

  “Guys?” Melody called.

  “Hey,” he whispered, lifting my chin with his finger, “did I do that to you?”

  “What?” I whispered back.

  He traced the curve of my cheek, jaw and skin above my upper lip and it was all I could do not to lean in and kiss him again. I could tell that he was in a serious mode so I refrained.

  “It looks irritated.” He rubbed along my chin.

  “It’s you’re stubble,” I explained quietly, rasping my hand against the hair on his f
ace, “it scratches me sometimes.”

  He captured my hand and gently rubbed the back of it, “Do you want me to shave it?”

  My brows lowered and I stared at him in surprise.


  He grinned, “I’d shave it for you. I don’t want to ever be the one that causes you pain.”

  “It doesn’t hurt… all that much,” I admitted, “It just… tingles.”

  My response seemed to please him and with no more thought to the married couples stepping ever closer, Archie bent down and claimed my lips once more. He disengaged from my mouth and nipped at my neck. I gasped at his playfulness.

  “Ehem,” Mia, Melody, Peyton, and Spencer stared at us with varying expressions on their faces. Melody looked bemused, Mia was shocked, and both men seemed proud of Archie.

  I ducked my head into his chest, “Hi guys.”

  “Didn’t you hear me calling for you?” Melody scolded lightly, “We were worried.”

  “Is that why you came home early?” Archie asked. I elbowed him squarely in the abdomen. “What?” He defended himself. “They could have stayed on the tour. We were … good.”

  Peyton grinned, “Yeah, the girls were worried about Susan. There was nothing we could do, man.”

  “It’s okay,” Archie nodded toward the sea thrashing against the shore, “We can go make out on the beach later.”

  “Archie!” I scolded as the girls twittered.

  “We volunteer as chaperones!” Mia raised her hand.

  Melody laughed, “Yeah, right. You’ll just wander away so you can go make out by yourselves.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.” Peyton jumped in.

  “Uh-uh,” Melody pointed a finger at herself, Peyton, Spencer and Mia in order, “Married, married, married, married.” She then turned to us, “Not married. Ya’ll need a chaperone.”


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