Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2)

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Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2) Page 4

by Ariana May

  Quentin was pulled from his flurry of thoughts by the door that appeared in front of him. ‘Master Jericho’s door, how did I get here? I was in the common room, wasn’t I? How did I get here? What the fuck is wrong with me? First my stupid cock starts getting hard for no good reason, now my feet just start walking me places.’ The growing emotional turmoil was overwhelming: confusion, fear, shame, and more. The door to his Master’s room seemed to loom large before him. It drew him in as if beckoning him to enter. ‘I just don’t understand...but maybe...Maybe Master and Emery can help. Master says that we should talk to him or Damien if we have problems, and Emery is nice. Maybe they can help figure out what’s wrong with me.’

  Quentin knocked on the door and received no response. ‘Maybe I should try later. Or maybe they’re having music during dinner, and they didn’t hear me. That’s it, I’ll just step in and check. That would be ok.’ Quentin stepped into his Master’s sitting room and found it empty, the dinner trays unopened. Flushing at the knowledge of where Emery and Jericho must be, Quentin turned to leave, to give his master privacy, as was appropriate. Then he heard it, a low moan of pleasure, of Emery’s pleasure.

  The sound froze Quentin in place, unable to move, to leave. A second moan reached his ears and Quentin found himself moving away from the harem passage and across the room to the bedroom door. Peeking around the door’s edge, Quentin surveyed the scene before him. Master Jericho lay nude on his back on the bed with an equally naked Emery straddling him, Master’s cock clearly buried deep inside Emery. Quentin watched as Emery began to move, lifting up and dropping down, fucking himself on Master Jericho’s cock.

  A part of Quentin’s mind screamed at him to leave and leave now, but he couldn’t bring himself to move. As he stood there watching, captivated by the sight of Emery riding Master Jericho, Quentin couldn’t stop himself from palming his cock and rubbing it through his pants. The sounds of Emery and Master Jericho’s pleasure and passion went straight to his cock and Quentin plunged his hand into his pants, stroking his cock directly. ‘Gods, they’re so beautiful together. Makes me so hard. Why does it make me so hard?’

  Master Jericho murmured something Quentin couldn’t hear and Emery pulled off of Master Jericho, groaning out, “Gods, yes! As you wish Master.” Quentin watched, unable to prevent his eyes from devouring the sight of Emery’s body as the boy rose and flipped his Master onto hands and knees. As Emery pulled the plug from Master Jericho’s ass and thrust in, Quentin knew he should stop what he was doing and leave. But he couldn’t leave, couldn’t tear his eyes away from the erotic beauty before him, couldn’t do anything but drop his pants and underwear to the ground, freeing his cock.

  As Emery pounded in and out of their Master’s ass, driving closer to ecstasy, Quentin stroked his cock furiously. Every stroke, every moan and groan of pleasure, his, Master Jericho’s, Emery’s, slammed through him, shattering the walls of denial and forcing him to confront the truth. ‘I want it to be me. I want to be the one with Emery, fucking him or being fucked. I want to be between them as they take me. They’re both guys and I want them both, Master and Emery. And not because Master Jericho is my prince. I just want them.’

  Master Jericho came with a cry of Emery’s name. Emery thrust harder and faster, Quentin’s hand matching Emery’s pace as tears filled his eyes. ‘I want to have sex with a guy? Supposed to like, marry a girl, not guys. Why do I want them?’ Emery stilled as he filled Master Jericho with his seed, crying out in passion. The sound and sight sent Quentin over the edge, and his orgasm slammed through him as he cried, tears running down his cheeks in streams of anguish. ‘What’s wrong with me?’ he thought as his legs turned to jelly and he crumpled to the floor.


  Emery pulled out of Jericho, aware of the quietly sobbing boy behind him and wondering if perhaps he should have stopped when he first sensed Quentin’s presence. At the time he’d been otherwise occupied and just a bit curious to see what the boy would do. “Jericho, we’re not alone. We’ve had an audience.”

  “What?” Jericho stammered, shifting to sit on the edge of the bed. His eyes landed on the boy in the doorway. “Quentin? What are you...” Jericho trailed off as he fully took in the boy, cum splattered and shaking with anguished sobs.

  Jericho and Emery rose from the bed and crossed the room fast as they could. Emery gathered Quentin into his arms and Jericho cupped the boy’s face with his hands. “What’s wrong Quentin? What are you doing here?” Jericho asked, voice gentle.

  Between broken sobs, Quentin whispered, “Emery’s a boy....but he makes me hard. I don’t understand...girls...supposed to...Came to ask for Master’s help and I saw. I saw and I...I wanted it to be me with Emery. What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with me, Master?”

  Jericho caressed Quentin's cheeks, wiping away the boy's tears. "Oh, my dear, sweet Quentin, there's nothing wrong with you. Absolutely nothing at all. You're just as normal as any of us," he gave a wry smile. "Right, Emery?"

  "Right," Emery chimed in. "Quentin, you're fine. There's nothing wrong with you and so much that I see that's right. I'm glad I have that effect on you, because you have that effect on me, too and on Master Jericho, as well."

  "But I want a boy. For sex. Not my prince. Not for service. Not a girl. Just want you. I...Why?” Quentin whimpered. “And...And I broke Master's rules. Stupid broken, bad Quentin."

  “Hey now!” Jericho said, his firm tone brooking no argument and cutting through Quentin’s tears. “I won’t have anyone putting my Quentin down in that matter, not even you. You’re not stupid, not broken. Just a little confused and we’ll help you with that. As for the rules you’ve broken....Well, we’ll deal with that soon enough.”

  “But...Master...Something is wrong with me. I...I...” Quentin stammered.

  His heart clenching at Quentin’s obvious pain and seeing that it wouldn’t be so easy to get through to Quentin, Jericho decided it would be best to step back for moment, enlist Damien’s aid, and plan out the best approach for helping his troubled boy. Jericho pressed a finger to Quentin’s lips. “Shhhh. Nothing is wrong with you, Quentin. We’ll help you understand that. For now, I need you to be my good boy. Sit here and calm down for a minute or two. After that, I want you to help Emery get dressed. Then go into my sitting room, set a chair in the open area, and be kneeling next to it when Damien and I get back. Can you do that for me, Quentin?”

  Shakily Quentin whispered, “Yes, Master.”

  "Good." To Emery, Jericho added, "Take care of him for me."

  Emery nodded and speaking gently, said, “Perhaps a quick shower to clean him up a bit?”

  Jericho nodded at Emery’s suggestion. “Yes, that’s a good idea. Both of you rinse off.” With that, Jericho rose and quickly pulled on his clothing before striding out of his chambers.

  Emery gave Quentin a moment, just sitting there holding the boy tight and murmuring soft reassurances into his ear. Then, he gently tugged Quentin to his feet, leaving the boy’s pants behind, and said, “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” Taking Quentin’s hand, Emery pulled him into the bathroom and after helping the stunned boy out of the rest of his clothes, pulled him under the hot spray of the shower. Emery lathered up a bath cloth and pressed it to Quentin’s chest.

  Startled from his flurry of conflicting thoughts, Quentin flushed and gasped, “What...What are you doing?”

  Emery smiled and answered, “You just watched me fuck Master Jericho. I think it's only fair that I get to rinse the, shall we say, aftermath from your handsome body. Besides, Master Jericho told me to take care of you. You can let me take care of you, can’t you, Quentin?”

  Quentin shivered at Emery’s words, the desire to let Emery touch him and the corresponding confusion threatening to overwhelm him once more. ‘No, Master said for Emery to take care of me. I can do that. I can be Master’s good boy,’ Quentin thought, forcing the turmoil away, determined to wait calmly for his Master as ordered. Shakily, he whispered, “Okay.�

  Without further words, Emery gently wiped Quentin clean before quickly washing his own body. Together they exited the shower and dried off in the drying circle. Then, as ordered, Emery allowed Quentin to assist in dressing him. Once Emery was dressed, they walked silently to the sitting room where Quentin moved a dining table chair into the room’s open area and knelt next to it, head down. Emery sat down next to him, one hand on Quentin’s shoulder and together they waited.


  Jericho walked into Damien’s quarters and moved straight to the bedroom where he found Damien snuggled up with Daven on his right and Thom on his left. All three were nude and the aroma of recent sex scented the air. Hiding his concern by putting on a calm but serious face, Jericho cleared his throat and when they looked up at him he said, “Sorry to interrupt boys, but I have need of you, Damien. Get dressed please. Daven and Thom, you can stay here. I’ll be sure to send him back for round two.” Jericho waited on a loveseat in Damien’s sitting room until Damien had dressed and joined him. With a gesture from Jericho, Damien closed the bedroom door and moved to sit next to Jericho.

  “What’s wrong Jericho? Did something happen with Emery?” Damien asked, worried. “I know you were planning on spending the night with him.”

  “No, not with Emery. It’s Quentin.” Speaking quickly, Jericho described for Damien the scene in which they had found Quentin spying on them, crying and covered in his own cum. When he’d finished, he asked, voice pleading, “Damien, was I wrong to claim him, to keep him? I thought he was happy with us, but maybe...He was crying, Damien, because he’s attracted to us. Have we been hurting him? Should I have sent him home?”

  Damien took a moment to take in everything Jericho had told him. Once he’d gathered his thoughts, he took Jericho’s hands in his and reassured his Master. “Jericho, first of all, of course you should have claimed him. Gatswick would have broken him utterly and completely. And while we now have reason to believe that Corrington would have treated him well, the man would surely have overwhelmed him. Quentin is happy in your service, and he wouldn’t want to go home. He told Emery as much just the other day.”

  “He did? Really?” Jericho asked, hopefully.

  “Yes,” Damien assured Jericho. “Jericho, I don’t think Quentin had the most loving of environments back home. I’ve done some poking around and my sources indicate that his family is overly prim and proper in a way that makes them come off as cold. In fact, I think he’s had more unrestrained affection here in the last year than he’s had his entire life. Add to that a heterocentricity in his family’s determination that he marry a socially suitable young woman, and it’s no wonder that he’s suppressed half of his sexuality. Now as to what happened tonight...Well, I’ve been expecting something to happen.” Damien pressed a finger to Jericho’s lips to stop him from interrupting. “It has been clear that Quentin reacts to Emery more than any of the rest of us. I’ve been hoping that exposure to Emery would help Quentin come to terms with his bisexuality. Now, breaking rules and breaking down crying isn’t at all ideal, but it’s something. Yes, he’s confused and hurting, but he came to you for help. And we can help him. We can help him to understand himself and if we do it right, he’ll come out the other side stronger, more secure, and happier than he was before.”

  “What...What do you think we should do?” Jericho asked, earnestly. “I want Quentin to be as happy with himself and his place here as he can be. But from what I was able to get out of him, he’s pretty firm in not understanding his bisexuality. I mean it’s not even in the realm of possibility for him. Hell, if the evidence wasn’t so solid, what with his obvious attraction to Emery and the aura reading they do at the Fairs, I’d take his word that he’s straight. How do we overcome that?”

  "We need to guide his thoughts. We make him think of nothing but the questions about himself that he needs to answer for his own peace of mind. He's one of your boys. Pleasing you, serving you, is always at the forefront of his mind. We can use that to make him answer those questions about himself without letting his mind wander, but we also need to make him forget even that, as he’s using service to his prince to rationalize his attraction to you. Emery has broken through this much because he can’t rationalize his attraction to Emery away. If we can get him past that rationalization and pinpoint the source of his denial, we can help him to see the denial for what it is. Then we can help him set it aside and accept his attraction to men as a perfectly normal part of himself.”

  “And you have a plan for making him focus I take it?” Jericho queried.

  “Of course,” Damien smiled. “Let’s look at this logically. When a boy breaks one of the rules, what is the punishment?”

  “A public spanking,” Jericho said quietly. “We can’t do that to him, not over this. I fear that will set us back further than we were at the start of the night.”

  “No, of course not. You said he was with Emery in your quarters right now, correct? Well, why don’t we make an exception and have just the four of us present. While I’m sure a mind healer would call it unorthodox, I think that we can use a private punishment as a tool to focus his attentions on the parts of himself that he’s been denying. While I’m taking care of the physical part of the punishment and helping him atone for his misdeeds, you can ask questions designed to get him past his block on his sexuality. When he’s in such a state, I’m quite certain that he will answer truthfully and without prevarication. A good spanking can be surprisingly helpful at focusing the mind.”

  “And since Emery is the one of us Quentin is most attracted to, perhaps we can provide positive reinforcement on that attraction by having Emery hold his hands and offer comfort between rounds of spankings,” Jericho said, warming to the idea. Do you think that might work?”

  “It very well may,” Damien nodded. “But I think we’ll need to think about the second portion of the normal punishment for this particular broken rule. I don’t think a week of chastity will really do much to reinforce the lesson, as he’s so rarely active as it is.”

  “I guess he doesn’t get off much outside of our sessions then?” Jericho asked, sadly.

  “No, I’m afraid he doesn’t. Kai has managed a friendly exchange of hand jobs a few times, and I’ve called him in once or twice, but that’s it,” Damien answered. “No one wanted to push the issue. Now, I do have an idea that would serve our interests in both discipline and helping him understand his sexuality...


  Back in Jericho’s quarters, Emery sat on the chair, watching Quentin fidget. “Look,” Emery said with a sigh. “Your knees are killing you. I’m certain when Master Jericho left, he didn’t realize he’d be gone this long. Why don’t you come sit in my lap for a bit, and get comfortable until he gets back?”

  Quentin looked up at Emery, seeing only kindness and concern in his eyes. However, Quentin had been enough of a bad boy tonight and he wasn’t going to fail his Master further by being anywhere but where Master Jericho had directed him to be. Quentin shook his head and said. “Master Jericho said I have to be kneeling here when he gets back. I’m enough of a failure as it is.”

  Emery crouched down in front of Quentin, gently cupping the boy’s cheek in his hand, and said, “Oh, Quentin, you’re not a failure. You’ve just had a bad night. Everyone does. And Master Jericho did say you have to be kneeling when he gets back with Damien, but he wouldn’t want you to be so uncomfortable, and I promise you, I’ll hear them coming. Now, I insist you come sit on my lap. Your knees will thank you and while the room is warm, I’m sure you’ll be more comfortable cuddling with me than in that position.” Emery silently surveyed Quentin’s posture, naked and penitent, looking at the floor.

  Quentin wanted very much to take Emery up on his offer, but he also didn’t want to disappoint his Master further. He hesitated, his conflicting desires warring within him, and gave no response.

  “Come on, Quentin, the pattern of the carpet can’t be that interesting,” Emery said. When Quentin�
��s silence continued, Emery pulled out the trump card. “I’m beginning to think you like that patch of floor more than me,” Emery said, voice falsely-petulant.

  With a capitulating sigh, Quentin pulled himself to his feet, groaning in pain as the joints stretched. He let Emery guide him to a couch and settled gingerly onto Emery’s thighs, holding himself primly away from the other boy.

  With a grin that Quentin couldn’t see, Emery pulled the boy tight against his chest, enveloping him in a warm hug. “There, much nicer than the cold floor. Now you just sit here and relax a bit and I’ll keep an ear out for Damien and Master Jericho.”

  Now that he was held in Emery’s arms, Quentin couldn’t stop himself from obeying and melted into the embrace. For several minutes they just sat there quietly and Quentin let Emery’s embrace comfort him, temporarily quieting the raging turmoil in his mind. Of course, all good things come to an end, and soon enough Emery was nudging him up, whispering, “They’re coming.”


  Quentin practically flew from Emery’s lap, his fears and certainty that he was a bad boy failing his Master returning to full force as he knelt down next to the chair.

  Jericho and Damien entered the room and, finding Quentin kneeling as directed, Jericho walked over to him and gently rubbed his shoulder. “Thank you, Quentin for obeying me so well, for being such a good boy for me.”

  Jericho’s words were Quentin’s undoing. “I’m not!” he sobbed. “Master, I wasn’t on my knees the whole time, because they hurt, and Emery said I could sit with him for a little while, to make it better, so I did, but now you think I’m good, and I’m not, I’m so bad, and so terrible, and I’d understand if you want to send me away.”


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