Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2)

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Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2) Page 14

by Ariana May

  “Go on, Quentin. What did he tell you?” Emery prompted.

  “He said that he usually starts in the art and song areas of the Fairs because he likes art and singing, but he always makes sure to pick the best boy for him.” Quentin ducked his head shyly as he continued. “And though there were lots of pretty singer and artists last year, there was only one Quentin. And that’s who he wanted.”

  Emery paused in their walk to the Chaplain’s chambers to tilt Quentin’s chin up and press a soft kiss to his lips. “Clearly, he knew what he was doing last year. I can’t imagine a better choice.”

  Quentin whispered, “Thank you,” and ducked his head again. “Um...I guess in addition to Kumari, Aphrodite, and Casopia, it was Klis for Kai.”

  “Yes, and now Pocrati for Theo,” Emery added. “Do you remember the order of the visits?”

  “Ah, just that the temples of Kumari, then Aphrodite were last.”

  Emery considered Quentin’s information for a few moments. “Well then, unless the chaplain feels otherwise, I think we should move Kumari to the front of the line and just mix the other ones up.”

  They arrived at the Chaplain's quarters and settled in to a pleasant breakfast of pastries and fresh fruit. Though the meeting lasted long beyond breakfast and took up most of the morning, the end result was much as Emery had predicted. The King made his first visit at Temple of Aphrodite, and the Prince stopped there last. The order of other temple visits was rotated each year to avoid the appearance of favoring one god or goddess over the other. And of course, the Prince and King were never to be at the same temple at the same time. Officially, this was to avoid overwhelming the priests and priestesses but unofficially it was a simple matter of the King preferring to spend as little time as possible with his son and heir.

  When they had finally finished the planning for the temple visits and offerings for the day of the Festival of the gods, settling on Kumari, followed by, Pocrati, Klis, Casopia, and finally Aphrodite, Emery drew a sealed envelope from his vest and requested a favor of the Chaplain. “Sir, I do have one personal request if you would be willing to indulge me.”

  “Of course, my child. What is it?”

  Emery handed the old lady the envelope. “While you’re making your rounds, could you deliver this to the temple of Mantra?”

  “Mantra? And what business would a child like you have with the Goddess of Death?” the Chaplain asked, incredulous.

  Smoothly, Emery responded. “My mother died when I was young. Ever since, I’ve made an offering in her name to Mantra each year. There won’t be time to do so this year on the day of the Festival of the Gods, so I want to make arrangements.” This was of course a complete falsehood. Emery would, as a former minstrel candidate, make an offering to the Goddess of Arts and Song and Sexy Stories. However, unlike the other singers and artists in the harem, Kumari was not his patron Goddess. As a result, the envelope contained a request for secret arrangements to make his proper offering to his true patron.

  “Well now,” the Chaplain crooned. “That’s a lovely sentiment. Such a nice young man you are. I’ll deliver your letter right away and see that they send a response for you.”

  “Thank you, Ma’am.”


  With the meeting over, Quentin and Emery had a pleasant lunch with the rest of the harem before parting to attend to their own affairs. In Emery’s case, this meant a fitting with Kai for his fancy outfits for the Festival and the Council Parties, as well as the more casual pieces the boy was working on.

  Kai led Emery into his workroom, located at the end of the hall of workspaces in the harem. The room was filled with fabrics, threads, sewing equipment, and even a loom. There was also a small chaise along one wall with a small nearby rack of oils and lubricants that suggested to Emery that a little more than tailoring got done during fitting sessions.

  Though Emery made a show of raising an eyebrow at Kai’s order to strip down for the fitting, Emery found himself disappointed that Kai was strictly professional and didn’t strip down to his boxers as he had for Emery’s initial measurements on the first day. Instead the boy added a work apron with pockets filled with tape measures, needles, threads, scissors, and pins. For much of the afternoon, Emery played dress up, changing in and out of the various outfits Kai had crafted for him. Emery found himself quite amazed at Kai’s skill. The garments were well crafted and very fashionably designed in a style that suited Emery perfectly. Added to that was the sheer quantity of garments the boy had finished. Clearly, Kai had been working very hard for the last couple of weeks.

  Naturally, Emery had to thank him for his exquisite work. Naked after the last fitting, Emery leaned in close to Kai so that their foreheads were touching and their mouths were inches apart. He placed his hands on Kai’s hips and whispered seductively, “Kai? I'd like to thank you for the wonderful job you've done on my clothing.” Emery shifted one hand to squeeze Kai’s ass and the other to grope the boy’s cock suggestively. Licking Kai’s ear, he murmured. “But you're being so professional, I'm not sure this is the time or place for the reward I have in mind. Another time perhaps?” Emery made a show of abruptly stepping back and reaching for his clothes.

  Kai whimpered as Emery drew away, taking with him the promise of sex. “NO!” he cried. “Now is a great time and place. Never too professional for Emery time. Please Emery!”

  Emery turned back to Kai. “Well, maybe if you didn’t look like such a professional tailor.” Emery couldn’t help but giggle as Kai tore off his apron and pulled his shirt over his head. “Mmmm...Much better. Now, if you lose the pants in ten seconds, you can pick your reward.” Kai removed his pants and underwear with what was clearly well practiced ease, coming in well under the time limit. “Excellent,” Emery said with a friendly leer. “Now, you can drop to your knees or bend over that chaise of yours. Your pick.”


  Later, when they were sated and cuddling on the chaise with Kai’s head resting on Emery’s chest, Kai murmured lazily, “Mmm....I’m gonna make you great clothes. Lots and lots. Such a nice cock. Fucks me so good.”

  Emery giggled at that and pressed a kiss to the top of Kai’s hair. “Glad you liked your reward.”

  “Mmm...Such a good reward.” Kai murmured. Kai snuggled in closer and they lay there quietly for a while. Eventually, Kai whispered, “Emery?”

  “Yes, Kai?”

  “Did you tell Daven to take Nicky last night instead of letting us have our sleepover?” Kai asked, his voice quiet.

  Emery considered the possible responses he could give and settled for the truth. “Yes.”

  Kai processed this for a moment then asked his next question. “Was it to make Quentin ask if you could invite me to play? So I wouldn’t be all lonely?”

  Emery smiled at Kai’s understanding of his ploy. “Yes. He wanted to anyway, but he needed a little push. He wasn’t sure you’d want him.”

  Kai’s head snapped up to catch Emery’s gaze. “Wait! Quentin didn’t think I’d want to have sex with him? But...But he’s Quentin! Who wouldn’t want to have sex with him? I’ve asked him to play before!”

  “Blind spot.” Emery answered. “He’s shut out the male oriented part of his sexuality for so long, that he sort of forgets that he’s attractive to more than girls. So when he told me he wanted to have sex with you, but he wasn’t sure you would want to...”

  “You tricked him into making the first move so that he’d see I wanted him back. So we could have fun together,” Kai finished for Emery. “Very tricky of you, Emery. Very tricky.”

  “Do you forgive me?” Emery whispered.

  “Yes,” Kai responded as he hugged Emery tighter and pressed a kiss to his chest. “You were just helping Quentin and he’s my friend and I had fun and Nicky said he had fun with Daven. Oh! And now we can all have fun together! So much fun!”

  “Yes. You were perfect last night. I couldn’t have asked for better. You were exactly what he needed,” Emery said as
he stroked Kai’s hair.

  Kai grinned at Emery’s praise. “Thank you for letting me help my friend. For helping us be closer. And...He’s been telling me about how you’ve been for him during this punishment. Thank you for taking care of him. For helping him feel better.”

  “He’s my friend too. I couldn’t do anything else,” Emery said.

  “Yeah...Emery, I’m really glad Master Jericho picked you,” Kai said. “I’m really glad we’re friends now.”

  “Me too, Kai. Me too.” Emery pressed another kiss to Kai’s hair and stroked the other boy’s back.

  “And Emery...” Kai whispered. “Love you. Not...Not Nicky love but Damien love. You’re our Emery now.”

  A warm feeling spread through Emery as Kai’s words touched him deeply. “Love you too, Kai.” And it was true. He was falling for Jericho’s boys, as platonically as they were apparently falling for him. And Kai was definitely at the front of that curve. Emery giggled a little. “Damien love, I like that.”

  Emery cuddled and kissed Kai lightly for a few minutes basking in the happy emotions, before he remembered the part of Kai’s ‘reward’ that he’d forgotten. “Hey Kai, I forgot part of your reward.”

  Kai raised his head and asked eagerly, “Round two?”

  Emery laughed heartily at that an answered, “No, not round two. It’s mostly for being such a good sport about last night as well as the excellent tailoring. First, if you can talk him into it, you and Nico can play, fully, with Quentin for a few hours this week. Second....”

  “Really? We can play with Quentin? Oh we’re going to have so much fun. So much fun, Emery!” Kai exclaimed. “Wait...Second? There’s more?”

  “From now until the morning of the day after tomorrow you have a reward. None of the sex restrictions apply to you or Nico. And Nico is to obey your every command.”

  “Really? Really, Really? With Nicky?” When Emery nodded, Kai shifted up Emery’s body fast as lightning and captured his mouth in an enthusiastic kiss. “Oh, Emery. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”


  After a restful night spent alone in his bed, Emery spent the following morning in the art workroom with Alec and Renton, fulfilling an earlier promise to pose for them. The offer to trade their asses for Emery posing nude caught him off guard and raised more shyness than he would have thought possible given the way the last few weeks had gone. Still, when he’d pointed out that he could have their asses regardless, they’d pouted so prettily that he had been unable to resist them for long. In the end, he relaxed himself by bending Renton over a chair and fucking him fast and hard. After that, he spread out on a chaise and allowed them to spend a couple of hours sketching and painting before collecting on his claim to Alec’s hot tight hole.

  After his session in the art room and a nice lunch spent chatting with an excited Kai and a blissed out Nico, Emery gathered Quentin and Daven and set out to prepare for the Queen’s weekly tea party. After collecting the tea service, they made their way to the Queen’s suite of rooms. They were met at the door by a young maid who waved them in with a perky, “Hi, you must be the new boy. I’m Marley. You can just come in and set up. I have to go, because her majesty just wants you boys around to serve her guests. Okay? Okay. Bye.”

  Emery barely managed a quick, “Hi,” before the maid was rushing off down the hallway. Turning to Quentin and Daven he said, “I imagine you two know where to set everything up. I’ll let her majesty know that we’re here.” As both boys moved to obey, Emery surveyed the room, discreetly giving his sensor charm time to assess the room’s security. Once the scan was complete, Emery moved to the bedroom door and knocked. “Your Majesty?”

  “Enter,” a feminine voice, melodic and strong, floated through the door.

  Easing the door open, Emery slowly entered the bedroom. There was no visible sign of the Queen, but Emery’s senses told him that she was in the adjoining dressing room putting the finishing touches on her make up. As Emery glanced around the room, his eyes focused on a fancy pen sitting atop an open journal bound in red leather on a desk. As Emery crossed to the desk, he called out, “Your majesty, we’re here to set up for your weekly tea.” A glance at the journal was all it took to ascertain that he’d found the Queen’s diary.

  “I take that since Damien is in Moore, he sent Jericho’s newest boy in his place?” the Queen said, her voice wafting out from the dressing room.

  Deciding now was as good a time as any to test out the document scanning charm that Seb had sent him, Emery twisted the ring on his right middle finger and thought the activation phrase. As he ran the ring over the journal, he answered, “Yes, ma’am. I’m Emery and I brought Daven and Quentin with me. They’re setting things up now.”

  “Good. Now if you could come in here, I need help with my necklace.”

  Emery took a second to allow the ring to finish its scan, then deactivating it with a thought, he walked over to the dressing room.

  Queen Linette Amberton was a lovely young blonde woman with curves in all the right places. ‘Well, all the right places if you’re interested in such things,’ Emery thought. With her figure and the age difference, Emery suspected that many would take her for the King’s blonde bimbo bride. A look at her eyes however suggested the sharp and perceptive mind that Emery knew the woman to possess. Wordlessly, he lifted the necklace from Linette’s dainty hand and gently placed it around her neck and fastened it.

  As he stepped back, Linette ran her eyes up and down his form, clearly assessing. “I see Jericho still has excellent taste.”

  “I like to think it’s as good as his father’s taste in brides.”

  Linette’s mouth quirked up in a half smile. “I can agree with that. Now, see my guests in. You pour when everyone is in.”

  “Yes, your majesty.” Emery followed Linette out to sitting room and began to greet the guests. From there, the afternoon passed uneventfully. Unaware, Linette drank down the doctored tea Emery poured for her and Emery joined Daven and Quentin in making polite conversation with the assembled ladies. The conversation and petty gossip was illuminating, if aggravating to be stuck listening to as there was a fair bit of cattiness and idiocy to wade through. Though no one dared to say anything outright, Emery got a good picture of the group’s distaste for the King and of the general state of court politics. All in all, it was a useful experience, but not one Emery was eager to repeat. ‘If I’m ever...well, if it were me I’d ban cattiness and general stupidity in gossip sessions.’

  After the trio had returned to the harem, Emery arranged with Miller for a light supper in his room and set to work paging through the scan of the Linette’s diary. For the most part, Emery did his best to avoid any overtly personal information, though some things like thorough descriptions and drawings of Lord Neil Presben's cock and ass simply couldn't be ignored. Those descriptions and drawings and the little notes and passages surrounding them confirmed what Seb's reports that suggested. Linette's current marriage was not one of her choosing, and she was quite clearly still very much in love with the rakish Lord Presben. While that was interesting and could potentially provide motive upon which to hang murder, the overall assessment Emery gained from the diary suggested that it would not be the best direction for him to take.

  Linette was, by all appearances, an intelligent woman with a firm grasp of her situation and determined to make the best of it. Though she disliked being the king's broodmare, she had made peace with the fact that that was her best hope of keeping her husband happy and thus avoiding an 'unfortunate accident.' While she was aware of the King's distaste for his current sons, she did not share it. She wouldn't risk herself to aid either Jericho or Cyan, but she also wouldn't act against them. Indeed she was making a point of avoiding offending Jericho so that, should he attain the crown, he would be kind to her and any child she may have.

  He could, of course, twist things so as to make it appear that her anger was great enough to overcome her sense, but truth be told, nothing he foun
d suggested that she had earned that. Her writings however did suggest to him another target upon which to place the blame. Though her own disinterest in her husband caused her to have no objection whatsoever to the girls of his harem, Linette very clearly took quite the disliking to Ravenne. The girl had on several account occasions attempted to undermine Linette's position in ways that showed a distinct lack of moral character and a willingness to harm whomever gotten in her way. While the accounts were obviously one-sided and thus somewhat suspect, Emery found them easy to believe given what he knew of the girl. Add in Linette's suspicion along with some minor evidence that Ravenne was conspiring with one of the Lords of the Realm, and Emery had ample reason to take a harder look at her in his selection of a scapegoat. He would have to see if Flora could be talked into searching the girl's room for him.

  As Emery was mulling the matter over while he changed for bed, his thoughts were interrupted by a knock and finding Quentin standing half in the doorway. "Did you need something, Quentin?"

  Quentin gave Emery a sheepish smile and quietly asked, "Can I sleep with you tonight? Those ladies at tea were kind of intense and I was thinking..." Quentin’s words trailed off into a sort of unintelligible mumble.

  "You were thinking?" Emery asked, amused.

  Quentin looked unsure, as if he weren't allowed to sleep with Emery now that his punishment were over. Blushing shyly, Quentin responded, "Maybe some cuddling would be a nice way to relax.”

  Emery reached over to take Quentin’s hand and led him to the bed. “Come on, you can be the big spoon.”


  Emery spent the next morning running Quentin ragged on the training grounds. Though it would be a long time before he was even remotely a challenge for Emery, Quentin was showing signs of improvement each week that would make the boy a formidable opponent for anyone else. Naturally, Emery simply had to reward the boy with a blowjob in the showers.


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