Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2)

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Room to Breathe (The Medieval Gay Romance MM Erotica Chronicles Book 2) Page 16

by Ariana May

  Kai, smiled down at Thom and gently used a hand to tip his chin up. “Of course I still want to play with you, Thom. Thank you for trusting me. I’ll take good care of you, of my Thom.”

  Emery was amazed at the change that had come over the normally self-confident and assertive Thom. Though there was still confidence in the boy’s stance, every hint of assertion was gone and Thom seemed to preen and draw strength, not from the usual inner well, but rather from Kai’s approval.

  Stroking Thom’s cheek with the back of his hand, Kai looked into the older boy’s eyes and said, “Thom, I’m going to use some of the toys on you today and teach Emery how to use them as well. Will you trust me to do that? Will you trust that Emery will take care of you and that I’ll teach him well and make sure of it?”

  “Yes, Sir. I trust you both to take care of me,” Thom said quietly but with conviction.

  Kai leaned down to kiss Thom softly on the mouth. “Thank you, Thom. Now, I want you to go to the playroom and put your clothes away. Then I want you to pick out two of the toys we’re going to use on you today. Any ones you want. Just set them on the tray. Emery and I have to pick up Master Jericho’s cock rings, just in case we need them, and I need to tell Emery the rules, so I want you kneel down on the cushion and wait for us. Can you do that for me, Thom?”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir,” Thom said. “May I go now?”

  “Yes,” Kai responded as he shifted so that he could use a soft pat on Thom’s ass to nudge him in the direction of the playroom. Emery and Kai watched, appreciating the view, as Thom hurried down the hall and disappeared from sight. Without a word, Kai and Emery made their way to Emery’s room and sat down on the edge of the bed.

  Emery spoke first, before Kai had a chance to start. “Kai, before you start, can you explain something to me? You' bouncy, so cheerful. To quote Thom, so puppy like. How is it that you found out you enjoy...well...this?

  Kai grinned dreamily as Emery’s question clearly brought up fond memories. “It was just a month after Master Jericho chose me. Damien was playing with Daven and I got to watch. It was so hot, Emery. So hot the way Damien was playing Daven, teasing him and giving him just what he needed.”

  Emery took a deep breath as the erotic image ran across his mind. "Right. Damien and Daven. They're probably the reason this room exists. But how did you figure out that you wanted...that you wanted to be on the giving end?"

  “Daven looked like it felt so good, so wonderful. I wanted it to be me making him feel that good. I like making people feel good. I don’t mind playing the other way. It’s fun. But I like playing as the Dom best because then I’m in charge of making the other boy feel good.” Kai’s dreamy smile turned sultry as he added, “Also, just between you and me, a little of this sort of play turns Nicky into my sex kitten. Do you know what sex kitten Nicky is like Emery? Do you?”

  "No, Kai, I can't say I me sometime?" Emery managed to get out.

  “It's so really super hot, Emery!” Kai exclaimed. “I'm sure Nicky won't mind if I show you some time.” Kai took Emery’s hands in his own and calmly, seriously, said. “Okay, now here are the Official Kai’s Rules for Being a Good Dom:”

  “Rule 1. Everyone should be and feel safe and emotionally comfortable at all times. This is important. You should feel good about the scene and the sub should feel good about the scene, otherwise, you don’t do it.”

  “Rule 2. Fun! We play because we like it. If we aren’t having fun, we are doing something wrong.”

  “Rule 3. Thom is our friend and we love him. You can insert other names into this one when you’re playing with someone else, but it’s really the most important. We love Thom, and we will take care of him accordingly.”

  “Now, in addition to the three rules, I have four ways in which we follow the rules:”

  “Way 1: Obey stoplight system safe words.” Green is for go, Yellow is for slow down, and Red is for stop. If Thom says yellow, you slow down and find out what the issue is. If he says Red, the scene stops and we take care him.”

  “Way 2: Don't do things that Thom truly doesn't like. Obviously, don’t do things that make Thom safe word. Blood is the big no-no. We don’t ever do anything to break the skin, not with Thom and not with anyone. None of us like that and Master doesn’t want it happening. If there’s an accident and you see blood, treat it like an immediate red light and stop right away. But really, there should never ever be blood. Never ever. There are also some things Thom won’t safe word for, but he really doesn’t like them. It’s not any fun if Thom isn’t having fun, so we don’t do those things. First, he doesn’t like really serious pain. A little spanking with a hand or paddle or some light flogging is okay, but that’s it. Second, endearments are okay, but no name calling. Third, if you tie him up, you don’t leave him alone. Not ever.”

  “Way 3: Know what you're doing. Don’t just try something without advice and supervision. You don’t want to do something wrong and hurt Thom. I’ll show you how to use the toys for today and Damien or any of us that have used them before can show you the others.”

  “Way 4: Aftercare by everyone. When the scene is over, we take care of Thom. We washed him down and rub in the light healing lotion if we’ve played with any of the impact toys. And then anyone who plays is in the cuddle pile afterwards. Thom really does love subbing for us, but we realized early on that he needs to be a cuddle whore after we get done playing with him. So we all cuddle. It’s really nice. Thom is a champion cuddler."

  “Any questions?”

  Emery took a moment to absorb all that Kai had told him. There was something endearingly Kai about the rules and ways and Emery could see the care and thoughtfulness what went into them. As they made excellent sense as far as he was concerned, Emery had only one question. “The rules were very clear, Kai, and make a lot of sense. Just one little thing: What is a stoplight?”

  Emery’s question broke the air of solemnity and Kai burst into giggles. “I don’t know. The book Master gave me said it was a good system for safe words that was invented before the Sundering. The author thought a stoplight must have been some actual everyday object that everyone used back then, so they’d know what the colors meant automatically, but he wasn’t sure. I figure he’s right. Well that, or they actually had sex lights, which would be so cool. Anyway, it’s simple and easy and I like it.”

  “Well then,” Emery giggled. “I like it too. Do you have more I should know, or shall we go join Thom.”

  Kai jumped up from the bed and crooked his elbow for Emery to take. “We shall go play with Thom!”

  Emery rose, collected the cock rings, and took Kai’s elbow. He let the blond boy lead him from the room and down to the playroom. The room held a variety of frames and benches that were clearly designed to restrain a person, a sling like contraption hanging from the ceiling, display cabinets filled with toys, and a large bed in one corner. In the center of the room, there was a stand with a removable tray upon which sat a light blue suede paddle and what Emery recognized from his exotic weapons training as being some sort of leather flogger. The most special feature, to Emery’s eyes at least, was a cushion near but not quite in the center of the room which held a nude Thom. The boy knelt on the red velvety cushion with his back ramrod straight, his hands behind his back, his head tilted towards the floor and his legs spread to display his long, thick, half hard cock.

  Kai guided Emery over to Thom and released Emery’s arm. Running one hand through Thom’s dark locks, he brushed the other over the paddle and the flogger. “Hmmm....a paddle and a flogger. Tell me Thom, have you been a naughty boy, or are you just feeling like a light thrashing today?”

  Voice quiet, Thom answered. “Just feeling like it, Sir.” A thought crossed his mind and in an apologetic tone he whispered, “Oh. I...I’m sorry for pretending I didn’t want to play with you, Sir. I...I’m sorry.”

  “Shhh...That’s forgiven. I know it isn’t easy sometimes.” Kai murmured reassuringly as he str
oked the kneeling boy’s cheek. “But if it makes you feel better, we can each give you one nice hard swat when we get to the paddle.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” Thom said as he leaned into Kai’s touch.

  “You’re welcome. Now, Emery and I are going to go pick out a few things, but first I want you to tell Emery your safe words,” Kai directed.

  “Red for stop, Yellow for slow, Green for go.”

  “Thank you for trusting me, Thom. I promise I’ll honor them and take good care of you,” Emery said as he stepped forward to caress the boy’s cheek opposite of Kai.

  “Okay!” Kai exclaimed. “Now we can get started. Thom, you wait right here and Emery and I will set things up. Can you do that for me?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Kai directed Emery over to a cabinet which when opened revealed a series of blindfolds and gags. “Pick one, Emery. Whichever one you think is will make Thom look the prettiest.”

  More than a bit out of his element, Emery decides to ignore the sometimes interestingly shaped gags and focus on the blindfolds. Taking Kai at his word, Emery considered which blindfolds he thought would best on Thom. Eventually, he settled on a dark navy blue leather blindfold with red accents and soft fur lining and held it up for Kai’s approval.

  Kai gave Emery a big nod and whispered. “That’s a good choice Emery! Ooo and it’s part of a set.” Kai opened the adjoining cabinet and pulled out matching wrist and ankle cuffs. “There’s also a matching collar, but I like to keep Thom’s neck free because it’s so nice and lick-able. Oh...and really fun to nibble on. He makes these hot!” Kai pointed at the blindfold in Emery’s hands and added, “Go ahead and put it on him.”

  Emery crouched down in front of Thom. “Tilt your head up, Sweetie,” Emery murmured. When Thom looked up and into Emery’s eyes, Emery held up the blindfold. “This okay?” With Thom’s quick nod, Emery reached up and pulled the blindfold gently into place. “Comfortable?” Another nod, which Emery rewarded with a kiss to the forehead. “Okay, then, I’ll be back in a bit.”

  Rising, Emery could see that Kai had dropped the cuffs onto the tray and was now standing in front of the handful of metal frames stored along one wall. Kai said to him, “Master arranged a number of things that we can tie Thom to. Some of them can achieve some interesting positions or even some rotation. I think we’ll stick with something basic though today, okay?”

  While the various frames and benches along the wall created some rather interesting images in his mind, Emery managed to shake himself out of them to answer, “Simple is fine with me.”

  “Okay, help me move this one into place then,” Kai directed. “We’ll use this now and one of the slings a bit later. At Kai’s guidance, they wheeled a frame into the center of the room and locked it into place. The metal frame was shaped like an upside-down blocky letter U with triangular supports at the base and metal rings in various places for attaching restraints and ropes. Together, they gathered four adjustable ropes from a cabinet and Emery attached them to the four corners of the frame, while Kai pulled over a small padded post that set off to the side.

  “One last thing to get,” Kai said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. He led Emery over to yet another cabinet. This one contained a large collection of dildos and anal plugs. Kai wasted no time in selecting a red plug. The plug wasn’t shaped quite the same as the ones Emery had seen so far in his time with the harem. It took Emery a moment to match up the mental geometry with his knowledge of human anatomy. Once he had though, he blushed as he realized that the plug was specially designed to stimulate the prostate with the slightest twitch of the wearer’s ass muscles. “Just a little something to make things more fun,” Kai added with the hint of a giggle in his voice.

  They made their way back to Thom and under Kai’s direction, Emery lifted the boy to his feet and secured the cuffs around his wrists and ankles. “Be sure to check the fit, Emery. You want them tight, but not too tight. You want just enough give that you can slip your pinky in under the cuff,” Kai advised. Emery performed the test and made no mention of the fact that he had actually already known that. His experience with restraints had been more about learning how to get out of them and how to make sure someone else couldn’t, but that had been more than enough to give him a feel for what was comfortable.

  They guided Thom over to the frame and secured him to the ropes, tightening them so that Thom was spread wide, his body forming an X in the frame.

  “How’s that Thom? Not too tight?” Kai asked.

  “Good Sir. It’s just right,” Thom responded.

  “Excellent,” Kai said. Turning to Emery, he winked flirtatiously and began to strip. “I like to play naked. That way there are no silly clothes in the way of anything I want to do.”

  Emery followed Kai’s example and undressed. “Clothes are never silly, Kai. As a tailor, one would think you’d know that. Though, yes, I can see the advantage of going without in this case.”


  Kai moved in behind Thom and ran his hands over the boy’s ass. “I like to take a moment at the beginning to make sure that Thom is properly in the mood. And okay, I just like kissing pretty boys.” Kai leaned in and nipped at Thom’s neck, kissing and licking. He gestured Emery forward.

  Emery stepped in and, gripping Thom’s hips, pressed a tender kiss to his lips. Emery licked along Thom’s lips and pressed along the line between them. Thom’s mouth opened to Emery’s probing tongue and Emery slid in, exploring and caressing the older boy’s mouth and tongue. For a moment Emery simply savored the kiss, but soon enough, Kai was touching his hip and gesturing him downward. As Kai plunged his tongue into Thom’s ass, Emery sucked the tip Thom’s cock into his mouth. Thom moaned as the combined efforts of Kai and Emery’s mouths and tongues brought him to full arousal. Emery worked his way down Thom’s cock, trying to take as much of the long, thick shaft as he could. Using his special senses to keep track of Kai, Emery timed his licks and sucks with the plunges of Kai’s tongue and fingers, drawing louder and needier moans from the boy between them.

  After a few moments of this, Thom’s hips twitched and Emery pulled back and to the side in time to see Kai finishing pressing the plug up into Thom. Kai rose and Emery followed his example and moved to join Kai standing behind the bound boy. Kai gave Thom’s ass a quick swat and asked, “Does that feel it good, Thom? A nice little plug in you.”

  The tenor of Thom’s gasp at the swat confirmed Emery’s suspicions about the plug in Thom’s ass. ‘That ought to make things interesting,’ he thought.

  “Yes, Sir,” Thom responded breathily. “Feels good. Please, Sir. I...I need.....”

  “Shhh...” Kai whispered into Thom’s ear. “We’re going to play a bit now. I want you to try really hard not come. Can you do that for me, Thom?”

  “I’ll try, Sir” Thom acknowledged.

  “That’s my good boy,” Kai praised. “I think we’ll start with the flogger that Thom picked out. You just stay there Thom while I show Emery how to use it.” Kai giggled at his own words as he picked the flogger up and walked over the padded post. “Now, Emery, Thom chose one of our lighter floggers. The leather is really soft and the flails are wide.” Kai held up a single strand of leather as an example. “That means it won’t sting too much, but we still have to be careful when we hit Thom with it. We want to make him be all ‘Oooo, that’s nice’ and not all “Ouchy-ouch’ so we start soft and light and build up nice and slowy-slow. Okay?”

  Emery nodded solemnly. “Yes, swing light and start slow so it he feels it, but it feels good rather than hurting.”

  Kai nodded back enthusiastically. “Okay, we start off like this.” Kai gathered the flails of the flogger into his left hand and took aim. He snapped the flogger forward so that it struck lightly against the padded post. “And we’ll work our way up to this.” Kai snapped the flogger again, this time harder and faster. “We could go a bit harder if we wanted, but I think it’s best to stop there since it�
�s your first time. Now, I’ll show you again, and I want you to try. See if you can hit the post like I did the first time. We need to be sure you have good aim and control.” Kai demonstrated the two levels of strikes a couple more times and then handed Emery the flogger before stepping back to a position where he could watch Emery and caress Thom’s bare flesh at the same time.

  Emery took the flogger and ran his fingers over the flails. He found the leather to be one of the softest forms of the material he’d ever come across. Holding the flogger in his left hand, he gave it a few testing swings in the air at a wide range of speeds to test the balance. The training Seb had given him in such implements had run more to whips than floggers, but he’d had one opportunity to try out a far nastier razor tipped version of the flogger he held. He’d learned to vary the damage with that particular weapon, a skill that would he imagined prove useful here. Of course, his innate talent for weapons would also apply. Concentrating on his memory of Kai’s first swing, Emery gathered up the flails with his left hand and snapped his right forward, hitting the post in an exact replica of Kai’s example. Emery whirled the flogger back and struck again, repeating the motions until he’d completed a dozen hits of the same intensity on the same part of the post.

  Kai directed a surprised but pleased grin at Emery. “Good! Now try faster. Let’s say ten strokes, speed up to the second level and then ten more there.” When Emery completed the request with 20 perfectly measured strikes, Kai exclaimed, “Wow Emery, you’re really good at that. Have you done this before?”

  “Well no, I haven’t,” Emery said with a grin. “But while it’s not at all the same arm motion as throwing a sai, it seems to require the same sort of control. I think that’s helping.”

  “Okay then,” Kai said. “One last thing. You should always know what the toy feels like when you hit with it, so before you use it on a sub, you should test it on yourself. Not only does it tell you about the toy, but it tells you about how you’re swinging today. It’s okay to surprise Thom. He likes surprises. But you should never be surprised, so try a couple swings on your leg,” Kai directed.


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