Mine at Midnight

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Mine at Midnight Page 14

by Jamie Pope

  “I found out that he has a longtime mistress and three children. That when he told me he’s traveling for business that he was really vacationing with his other family. Call me old-fashioned, but I virtually insist upon my husband being truthful and faithful.”

  His father sputtered, and for the first time Derek saw the man completely at a loss. He would have kissed Ava right then and there if he could.

  “You’ve told her everything about us?”

  “Everything.” He nodded.

  “Can we go somewhere and talk alone?”

  He was about to say no, make it another three years till he spoke to him again, but Ava squeezed his hand. “Go on, Derek. I’ll be fine here.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “Yes, but don’t take too long. You know how much I love millionaires. I might end up engaged to another one by the time you come back.”

  He felt a little kick in his chest at her words. Hallie had accused him of being in love with her. Carlos said he was a goner. He had thought she’d been reading too much into it, but he could see himself falling in love with Ava. Forever in love and if she were anyone else that thought wouldn’t scare him. But he knew that she was temporarily in his life and he learned a long time ago to stop wishing for things that could never be. His parents had taught him that lesson.

  He stood up and led the way out of the room and into a semiprivate seating area. They didn’t sit; instead they stood face-to-face, looking at each other. Same height, same build, same light-colored eyes. Even similar backgrounds. His father was a self-made man and so was Derek. But they were fundamentally different, because Derek could never willingly hurt someone he cared about.

  “What do you want to talk about?”

  “I’m sorry,” Victor said instantly. “I just wanted to tell you that, and that I’m proud of you.”

  “What exactly are you sorry for?”

  “For what I tried to do with you and your brother. I wanted to light a fire under him and let you know at the same time that I loved you and that you were part of my family even if you were not a product of my marriage. I knew I went about it the wrong way, and I’m sorry.”

  “Do you want my forgiveness?”

  “I want you in my life, damn it.”

  “I have so much going on right now. It’s too complicated to have a relationship with you.”

  “Because of your mother?”

  “Yes, because of my mother. Because of the fact that she’s still in love with you after all these years and can’t function whenever you’re in the picture.”

  “I still love your mother, too, but we are toxic for each other. Don’t you think I wanted it to work out between us?”

  “How could it have worked out? Were you going to leave your wife? Or just keep screwing around behind her back.”

  “I may not be the honorable man you are, but I did nothing behind my wife’s back. You were never a secret from her. We have an open union. We didn’t marry out of love. I was Cuban immigrant with a lot of power and a hell of a lot of money. She was a broke society girl who could elevate me in social circles that I could never dream of being in. We both had relationships outside of our marriage. The youngest girl in our family is not even my daughter. So if you’re concerned for her well-being, don’t be. We both get something out of our relationship, and it works.”

  “Because you’re both lacking morally.”

  “Don’t judge something you know nothing about.” He shook his head. “I don’t want to fight with you. I want to know you. I’ve been following your career. Both careers. I have your pieces in my office.”

  “I’ve never sent anything to you.”

  “You think I’m stupid enough to order under my own name?” He grinned at him. “The twelve-foot bookshelf shaped like a tree.”

  “That was you? That was a damn good tree.”

  “It was.” He nodded. “And so are your leadership skills. Your town was on the verge of bankruptcy. You boosted the economy and created programs for children and the elderly. You play fair, and everyone likes you. I could never get by in life that way.”

  “It’s not hard, Dad. You just do what’s right and stick to it.”

  “I’m not sure how you got to be who you are, but you are someone I admire greatly.”

  “Uncle Hal showed me by example. He was a great husband and father and a kind man. I wanted to be just like him,” he said truthfully, not concerned about his father’s feelings in that moment. He missed his uncle every day.

  “I wish I could have known him. But it’s not too late for me to know you.”

  “We can’t just make up for lost time. I’m not sure what you want from me.”

  “Dinner. Or lunch. Hell, we can just have coffee. I want time. That’s all.” His father was asking for time, while his mother couldn’t seem to spare any. It seemed wrong to deny him.

  “Fine. Okay. Call me next week, and I promise I will pick up.”

  “Good. There’s buzz about a Senate run for you. If you want to do it, let me know and I’ll fund it.”

  That comment caused Derek’s body to jerk. “Excuse me?”

  “My company has been reporting record profits for the last five years. Funding you is a much better way of spending my money than sinking it into another boat.”

  “I’m not talking about the funding. I’m talking about the Senate. What are you talking about?”

  “You haven’t heard? There was a big write-up about you in the Miami Record this morning. I’m surprised no one has contacted you about it yet.”

  “I had no clue. I’m not sure where they got that information from. I have never expressed interest in a national politics.”

  “You don’t have to. People are seeing all the good you’re doing, and they want you to enact change on a larger level. Why do you think this organization is honoring you? This is their way of giving you their endorsement. You’re young and honest and energetic, and you’ve won over business owners. The election is yours, Derek. All you have to do is announce.”

  “I... I can’t think about this right now.” It was too much. The idea of enacting change on a greater level sounded appealing, but he liked his life on his sleepy island. He loved his business. He would have to give that up. He just wasn’t ready.

  “Okay, can we talk about Ava for a moment?”

  Ava...the longer he was around her the more he wanted her. It was more than just physical. It was hard to imagine what life would be like without her. He had grown accustomed to being with her every day. His day didn’t feel complete until he saw her smile. He knew she was going to take that job with Cartwell’s, but what he didn’t know was how he was going to get through the day after she was gone.

  “What about her?”

  “Are you sure she’s not dating you to get back at Max?”

  “Of course I’m sure.”

  “She’s stunning, Derek. But she reminds me of your mother.”

  “She looks nothing like Mom.”

  “No. But your mother was another stunning beauty who only dated wealthy men and seemed to jump into relationships quickly.”

  “Ava is not Mom,” he said hearing the steel in his voice. He had initially thought that about her, too. He shouldn’t be angry at his father for pointing it out, but he was. Ava was sweet and vulnerable and kind. She wasn’t his mother.

  “Your mother went out with an associate of mine soon after we broke up. She did it to make me jealous, and I was. She was pregnant with you two months later. I’m just warning you to be careful.”

  “Careful so I don’t get trapped with a kid. Like you got trapped with me.”

  “Now, Derek...”

  “Never mind. I left her alone in there. I need to get back to her.”

  * * *

  Derek was slightly on edge when he returned. The outside world may have not noticed, because he was smiling, charming and everything a great politician should be. But Ava felt that he was a little tighter than before. His parents had this effect on him, and once again she was amazed how different her life had been. How lucky she was to have two parents who loved and supported her unconditionally. Derek needed that. Just to be loved for no reason at all.

  There was a lull when no one was engaging him in conversation. He was standing close to the bar, a glass of scotch in his hand. She walked over to him, wrapped her arms around him and rested her face against his chest. She knew this wasn’t the right place to show him this type of affection, but she couldn’t make her body stop itself from connecting with his, and she couldn’t help but feel that he needed to be hugged.

  “You’re fading out on me, Mr. Mayor.”

  “Am I? You want to get out of here?”

  “We can’t.” She looked up at him. “In five minutes they are going to call your name, and you are going to go up there and say something. Then we are going to eat a flourless chocolate cake. We can leave after that.”

  “No dancing? There’s a band.”

  “I’ll dance with you. But later in the hotel room. You’ll be naked. It will be fun.”

  He cupped her face in his warm hand and pressed a kiss to her lips. “You’re supposed to be convincing me to stay. Not to leave here as fast as humanly possible.”

  “How was the talk with your father?”

  “It was fine. He wants to spend some time with me. I agreed. He’s easier to deal with than my mother.”

  “He’s so handsome. You look so much like him. I wonder if you’ll age as well,” she said with a grin, ignoring the fact that her heart wanted to know him when he was old and gray.

  “I’m not sure how well I’ll age. My father told me that I could run for Senate and win. That I have the backing of this organization. He told me he would fund the campaign, and his friends have told me they would help me in any way they can.”

  “You’re all over the papers.”

  “You knew?”

  “While you were napping, I was reading. You’re one of those rare people who can actually do some good. But that doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that you want to run. Do you?”

  “I’ve never thought about it. But part of it sounds good to me.”

  “Well, think about it. Do what makes you happy.”

  The lights dimmed, signaling that the awards banquet was about to start. They took their seats and listened to the president of the association’s speech. She was nervous for him. She had been with Max when he had been honored once, but she hadn’t felt much more than minor boredom. Things were so different tonight.

  The president finally called Derek’s name, highlighting the after-school programs he implemented. How he revitalized a dying economy, how he fought tirelessly for everything he believed in. Derek stood up, looking a little uncomfortable. He was a person who made his voice heard only when it counted.

  He stood at the podium, silent for a moment, the most handsome man in the room. Ava’s chest filled with admiration and pride as she looked at him. He had this kind of effect on people. He had the power to make anyone he touched adore him.

  “I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life when I was a kid,” he started. “I was lucky enough to have a man in my life show me that there was more to life than earning money and being powerful and competitive. My uncle taught me that being kind was important, that really listening to people is a sign of respect and that loving unconditionally is hard, but it’s the only real way to love something. He also taught me not to go through life doing something for the sake of doing it. Do everything with passion. Do what you love. I am a man who is unconditionally in love with my island. I am passionate about the people who live there. Being their mayor is truly an honor. I don’t do what I do for the accolades or awards—I do what I do because knowing the people I serve are taken care of fulfills me in a way that nothing else could. So, I have one big thank-you to the people of Hideaway Island, because without them giving me this job I wouldn’t be standing before you as the man I am today. I also want to thank my family, whose love and support is never ending. And to my friends...” Derek looked directly at her. “You push me when I need to be pushed, and listen to me when I need to talk and make me feel alive when my soul is drained. I wouldn’t be here without you, either.”

  He took his eyes off her, and she was glad because she was feeling all sorts of emotions running through her. It was like he was begging her to fall for him. She didn’t hear the rest of what he said, but as soon as he came off the stage and sat beside her, she reached out to him, hugging him tightly and as close to her as he could get. “I need you naked as soon as humanly possible.”

  He pulled away from her slightly, all that pent-up passion and lust that they had been fighting for weeks in his eyes. “Ten more minutes and we can go.”

  “If we’re not back in ten, I’m going to start right here in front of all these people.”

  It was sixteen minutes before they left the ballroom. Derek’s politeness did not allow them to leave before he said his goodbyes and thank-yous.

  He took her hand and they walked out, not saying a word to each other, but their footsteps got faster and she felt herself laughing as they started to run. She felt so free in that moment, so happy. She was going to spend the night making love to a man who made her heart beat faster just by looking at her.

  It was pouring when they got to the double doors that led outside. “Come on.” Derek tugged her hand. “There’s an indoor walkway that connects the two hotels.”

  “Too far.”

  “Your dress.”

  “I wore it for you. I’m taking it off for you. I don’t give a damn about getting wet.”

  “Your wish is my command.” He pushed open the door and pulled her out into the rain. She was immediately soaked, but she didn’t care. She couldn’t stop smiling. As they ran through the rain, they accidently bumped into a man who was walking with his head down.

  “I’m sorry!”

  The man looked up at her, and she froze. She wasn’t planning on seeing him again. In fact, she had all but put him out of her mind, but there was Max standing before her, a large designer umbrella over his head and a look of pure annoyance on his face.

  It was a moment before he realized it was her, but when he did, his look of annoyance transformed to one of pure anger. Looking at him now, it was hard for her to remember what it was she loved about him. The only things she wanted from him were loyalty, warmth, that feeling of home whenever she saw him, but she never felt those things. She had fooled herself into thinking they existed with him.

  “Max...” She didn’t know what to say to him. She had been angry at the betrayal, devastated by it, but she wasn’t feeling either of those things in the moment. She had spent an incredible day with a man who treated her like his friend and equal and a priority.

  “Who the hell do you think you are?” he started in on her, shocking her with his anger. “Ignoring me for weeks. Me? I own half this state. Do you know how many girls wanted to be you? You send back my gifts. You blocked my calls. You throw me away like some common trash.”

  “I refuse to let you act like the hurt party. You spent three years lying to me. I was going to spend the rest of my life with you. Being your perfect wife, losing myself in order to make you happy, and you had an entire life that you kept from me.”

  “My life with them has nothing to do with you.”

  “It has everything to do with me!” She stepped away from him. “No. I refuse to do this tonight. You will not suck me in. It’s over.”

  Max’s eyes flicked over to Derek. It was clear that he hadn’t realized who she was
with until that moment. “Are you screwing this man? This small-town, self-righteous prig. You’re doing this to get back at me.”

  “I’m not doing anything to get back at you. My life choices ceased being about you the moment I found out about Ingrid.”

  “You were probably sleeping with him the entire time. That’s why you pushed that pathetic little island on me. I should have seen the signs. You’re just a whore with a little elegance sprinkled on her.”

  Derek’s arm shot out, and he grabbed the front of Max’s shirt and shoved him against the nearest wall, causing his umbrella to tumble to the ground. “You can say whatever the hell you want about me, but you will respect Ava,” he said in a quiet voice. “If you call her out of her name again, I will take your head off—do you understand me?”

  “Get off me, asshole!”

  Derek’s forearm pressed a little tighter against Max’s neck. “Did you hear what I said?”

  “Yes,” Max choked out.

  “And for the record, Ava would never break her commitment. If you knew anything about her at all, you would have known that.” He let go of Max, took her hand and led her inside their hotel. They were both soaked, but unlike a few minutes ago, the giddy joy had faded away. That old hurt that she had thought disappeared had come back, and then there was Derek, now tight with anger. Max had disrespected him and his home on his special night. Ava wasn’t sure how she would make it up to him, but she knew she would do everything in her power.

  Chapter 15

  Derek lay on his bed, his arm tucked behind his head as he listened to the rain. Ava was silent on the way up to the room. Max was probably the last person she expected to see today. She had been so happy before that moment. He could see the joy in her face, hear it in her laughter. He had felt it, too, because tonight he was finally going to be with her. But then Max showed up, and he immediately saw the change in her expression. Her smile had melted away; the hurt had returned in full force. She said that she had never really loved him, that in her heart she hadn’t wanted to marry him. But only someone you deeply loved could hurt you so much.


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