Billionaire Games (Standalone)

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Billionaire Games (Standalone) Page 29

by Kenya Wright

  It was embarrassing, the way my body instantly responded to him.

  “First, you come with my mouth.” He lapped at my clit.

  “Oh, Caden.” I arched my pussy toward him, greedy for more.

  “Next, you come with my cock deep inside of you.”


  “And then I’m going to pierce that soft ass of yours. And then I’m going to damage your mouth. And then I’m going to come all over you, smearing it on your skin, painting your face, and rubbing my scent into you.”

  The first sparks of an oncoming orgasm fluttered at my center.

  “And when I’m all done.” He used those fingers to toy with my pussy, piercing me with them, teasing my folds, and pushing me further to climax.

  “When I’m all done,” he growled. “Then and only then will we talk about you leaving.”

  And then he buried his face into my sex and I forgot about wanting to go anywhere in the first place. As far as I was concerned, I would stay with him the rest of the summer, riding his mouth and cock, and never wanting anything else.

  That night, I shrieked in so much pleasure I lost my voice. Climax upon climax. He was a secretive man—one full of so many mysteries, but there was one thing I knew for sure, Caden was a beast in bed. He had utter control of my body and he boasted about it as he pounded that fat cock into me. My sex molded around him, never having something so big and wide inside. Never knowing that it could be so good and pump at a perfect rhythm.

  I’m falling. I’m falling. Dear God, help me. I’m falling.

  I didn’t know what we were or what we would be, but I wanted more of Caden.

  I had to have more.

  All of him.


  He could do what he wanted to me. Kiss me. Fuck me. Love me. Drug me. Break me. Make me into anything. I was his vessel. He could fill me until I overflowed and poured out empty. He could love me. He could throw me away.

  All that time I’d been trying to rush the sex,

  and I should’ve waited.

  God, I should’ve waited.

  Because when the sex came,

  it thundered,

  it stormed,

  it monsooned through my fucking heart.

  And there would be no other.

  And I couldn’t walk away.

  We were forever.

  Caden and I.

  There would be no other man.

  Chapter 26


  Those last lines in Dawn’s diary burned me to the core. It shattered my heart.

  “We were forever.

  Caden and I.

  There would be no other man.”

  How true was that statement now? How hard would it be to get her back?

  It took me forever to get to bed. I washed off the gunk on my face, took off the blonde wig, and barely slept when I lay in bed. Visions of Dawn and Caden disturbed my peace. I kept seeing his hands all over her body. Those lips sucking between her thighs. By midnight, my hands had formed into iron clad fists and anger coursed through me.

  I might’ve slept for four or five hours. No more.

  When the sun rose in the sky, I jumped out of bed on a mission. I had to get Dawn away from Caden. There was no other choice. They had too much history and I couldn’t think of the possibility that she could fall back in love with him.

  I wasted a good hour searching for men’s clothing in Perry’s house. Besides women’s dress slacks made for men, there was nothing else that wouldn’t completely embarrass me. I decided on some black dress slacks with a yellow blouse. There were no sneakers that could fit me, so I put back on the sandals. And just in case Caden’s men looked for me, I grabbed the wig and sunglasses to finish my disguise.

  From watching Dawn in Miami, I knew one thing she loved to do. Run. Every morning like clockwork, she pounded those feet to the pavement around eight. If the Angels were still in my favor, I could bump into her and figure this whole situation out.

  Is she even here?

  I must’ve stomped around that island all morning. People crossed the street when I walked by. Children pointed. Others whispered things and gestured my way. But thankfully, none of them stopped me or took any pictures. Thank God, Perry kept his cross-dressing secrets here. If not, I might’ve had more trouble from the locals. But instead, they probably dismissed me as another one of the crazy things rich white men did on this island.

  Close to lunch, sweat covered my blouse and the wig was unbearable. Dawn was nowhere in sight. I’d checked the beach and most of the stores. I circled the gate around that big white house but never lingered for too long.

  I was ready to grab some lunch and head back to Perry’s beach house when the impossible happened. The heavens opened and gave me another chance. Far up the road, Dawn jogged my way. It could be no other person but her. I’d watched her for so long in Miami. I knew that run and the special shape of her legs. Knew how she loved to keep her hair up in one of those side 80’s ponytails when she ran. Knew she loved to wear tiny shorts that hugged her curves and a crazy ripped shirt to cover those lush breasts that bounced to the rhythm of her racing feet.

  I peered closer. Two men in black jogging pants kept a slow pace behind her. They must’ve been seven feet back.

  Yes. She’s here.

  I glanced down at my clothes and cursed.

  Now what, dumbass. I can’t jog with her. I’m not dressed to jog. Fuck.

  It didn’t matter. Off in the distance, she headed in my direction and all I could do was lean against the building closest to me and come up with a quick plan. The place that I leaned on was a little market store, serving fresh produce, salads, and sandwiches that had just opened for the day. A few people had walked in but it wasn’t packed.

  I have to get her in this store and keep her guards back.

  She came closer. Barely ten feet. Not thinking, I picked up two oranges, stood in the center of the sidewalk, and raised my voice an octave, “Oranges, ma’am?”

  She shook her head and waved her hands.

  Headphones are in her ears.

  “Oranges?” Like a dumbass, I threw one of them at her leg. She stumbled forward and stopped, taking the headphones out of her ears. The orange tumbled in front of her. I glanced over my shoulder. The two men stopped and remained several feet back. Seeing that I was a woman probably made them keep a distance. Besides, they had no reason to think that I or anyone else could get to Dawn out here on this island. To them, her little jog should’ve been considered an easy detail for the day. Stay calm. Act like a lady. It should all be fine.

  “You dropped this.” She bent over and grabbed the orange. I drank in her ass and whistled.

  With wide eyes, she turned to me. “Uh. . .thank you.”

  I checked behind me. The guards talked to each other as they stayed several feet away.

  I placed my hands on my hips and sashayed her way, keeping my voice low. “Dawn, don’t scream but it’s me, Freddy.”

  In all fairness, the shock and red tint spreading across her face were all that came. Perhaps, I’d taken her breath away because she had no words as she looked me over—from the raggedy wig to the sandals and slacks, it might’ve made her heart stop in a horrific way.

  “Don’t scream. It’s me.”

  “No,” she whispered. “This isn’t real.”

  “It’s real.”

  “No, this isn’t real.”

  “It’s me and I don’t have much time. Maybe we should go into the market. Would your guards stay outside?”

  She blinked. “I’m not sure if I want them to stay outside. Why are you dressed like a woman?”

  “I’ll explain inside.” I walked off and twisted my hips as much as possible. Laughter sounded from the guards. I didn’t look back.

  Let them think I’m a joke. That’s fine. As long as they don’t know it’s me.

  Dawn called to them. “I’m. . .uh, going in the store to get some fruit. Could you wait here?”r />
  I glanced over my shoulder. They nodded and returned to their conversation.

  Caden doesn’t think I’m here or much of a threat now that she’s out of the States. Good. Keep your men relaxed.

  I held the door open for her as I continued to guard most of my face with the wig. A few customers near the cashier’s counter gazed at me and then turned away. I walked off to the back of the store near a large table of tomatoes. Dawn followed with her mouth open. The guards had positioned themselves at the front entrance and monitored Dawn through the store’s glass as they continued with their conversation.

  “Okay. This should be a good spot.” I picked up a few bananas and weighed them in my hands.

  She kept her back to the guards and covered over her mouth with her hand. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m being covert.”

  “You look like a man that’s dressed up as a woman.”

  “No. I look like a lady, just probably not a hot one.”

  “No, you totally look and walk like a guy.”

  “Well, no one has stopped me.”

  “Because it’s so ridiculous, no one’s expecting you to be anything more than on drugs or something.” A tiny chuckle left her lips.

  “I don’t look that bad.”

  “And the wig?” Her cheeks shook a little as she must’ve held more laughter in.

  I frowned. “This is serious.”

  She did her best to straighten her face. “I’m sorry.” Another chuckle left her. “Wait. I’m sorry. Oh, my God. I just. . .I can’t believe this.”

  I crossed my arms. “Just get it out now so that we can talk.”

  She giggled. “Freddy, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get it all out. You continue to surprise the shit out of me. How do you even know about this island? How did you know about DC? I thought Caden had good surveillance, but you two really need to sit down, talk, and exchange stalking notes.”

  All humor left my expression as anger dotted my words. “Don’t compare me to him.”

  “I’m. . .I’m sorry.” Her face straightened. “But you’re here and you’re dressed like a woman. What else can I do, but start comparing you two? I ask you to leave and you continue to follow.”

  “I’m fine with leaving you alone, but not with him. Caden and you have too much history.”

  She shook her head. “Okay. We have a lot of history, but. . .wait a minute. How do you know that? How do you even know about Caden?”

  An exasperated breath left my lips. “Maybe you should answer my questions. Why are you here with him? Are you taking him back? Should I take this wig off and move on?”

  She opened her mouth and said nothing.


  “It’s. . .complicated.”

  “How? Do you love him?”

  “I did. Now. . .it’s just complicated, but I don’t have any plans to return to him. I’m only here due to the craziness in Miami.”

  I attempted to keep the anger out of my voice. “You said there would be no other man. It was Caden and you forever.”

  “What?” She looked around as if I’d lost my mind. “I did not say that.”

  “You did.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  “Are you back with him?”

  “No, and you’re making this bigger than what it is. I am not going to be with Caden. In a few days, I plan to head back home with my virginity intact.”

  I frowned at the virginity comment. “You say you’re going to leave but when you come here, you always end up staying longer.”

  Her face twisted into confusion. “Are you doing drugs, Freddy?”

  “I should because you and he are killing me. And what about us?”

  Her eyes widened. “That’s complicated too.”


  “I like you a lot, but. . .”


  “Yes, but not the way you think. I have to get Caden out of my life before I can ever move on.”

  “Because you’re still in love with him?”

  “No, damn it.” She sighed. “Because he’s crazy and I can’t trust him most of the time.”

  “Then why are you with him?”

  “Because I thought I might be in danger and Caden protecting me is about the only thing I can trust him with.” She came closer to me. Fear swam in her eyes.

  What is she scared of? Is she scared that she could lose me? Does she really care about us?

  When I didn’t respond, she continued, “I was only going to stay in a hotel for a night until after I figured out what happened to Max, but then I discovered that you went to DC and everything went crazy after that. I rushed up. Then the terrorist attack happened in Miami and my mind has been spinning around ever since.”

  “And now you’re on Caden’s island and going down memory lane with him?” The description of him finger fucking her on the counter ran through my head. I shook that away and asked out of spite, “Is he washing your panties again too?”

  She froze.

  I leaned my head to the side. “Is he?”

  She stepped closer. “How do you know that?”

  “You’re not going to like this but since I already look crazy, I’ll tell you.” I flipped my blonde hair over my shoulder. “I read your diary. It talked all about how you met Caden. That’s how I knew his name and that you both met at that museum in DC. And then, of course, I reached the entries about your stay here. What I don’t get is what Caden did to you? What did he do to make you never trust any man again? Why won’t he leave you alone? Why won’t you give me a chance?”

  Silence. Fear and silence ran between us. More her fear than mine. On my part, I was scared that this conversation would be the last one. On her side, I had no idea why terror ran through her eyes. I checked her guards. They had their attention on a tiny woman with big breasts that was stocking one of the shelves with jars.

  I turned back to Dawn. “What’s wrong?”

  Her voice went hoarse. “Diary?”

  “Yes. The big blue one. The one where you wrote all about Caden and your time with him.”

  Again, she stared at me with terror. “Freddy, you have to get off this island and…okay. I have to go too. Jesus.”


  “I never wrote a diary about us, Freddy. Never. The last time I wrote in a diary, I was eight years old. If you found a diary about Caden and me, then Caden wrote it. And now you have to run. You have to get off of this island and away from here today. Not tomorrow, but today.”

  I stared at her in shock.

  “I didn’t write a diary,” she continued. “I wouldn’t write about my time with him. I’ve spent a long time trying to forget about him. Caden likes to play games. And if he wrote that diary. . .”

  “Then this is a game,” I finished.

  The diary isn’t Dawn’s. It is Caden writing as Dawn. And if he did that. . . then he did that to play me.

  My head exploded. Bits and pieces banging against my skull. There was no other way to describe it. I’d underestimated this psycho too much.

  Those words weren’t Dawn’s words. They were his. He was toying with me. Getting those images in my head. Having me think that all Dawn wanted was him. That all Dawn could think about was him.

  I thought about the last lines I’d read.

  “We were forever.

  Caden and I.

  There would be no other man.”

  That was very smart of him. If he’d wanted to lower my morale with those excerpts of their past, then he’d succeeded. I’d come at Dawn today like a heartbroken lover, scared that I’d lost the game without even getting to play. If his move hadn’t been so much of a mind fuck, then I would’ve called him a genius.

  Dawn brought me back to the moment. “You have to go and I’m leaving behind you.”

  Since I didn’t have any pockets on my dress, I placed my hands on my hips. “You know that you dated a real nut job, right?”

; She gestured to my wig. “Really?”

  “I’m just saying. He went crazy first.” Thoughts spun around in my head. “I’ve been reading that diary all week. And you’re telling me that you didn’t write it?”

  “Caden likes to stay ahead of everyone. The diary was just his sick way of giving you enough information to keep you limited and going where he wanted you to go.” And then she shook her head as she backed away. “I’m guessing that’s what it is. And I can only guess when it comes to him. I don’t know what he’s doing right now, but I have to go and you need to leave today.”

  My rage shifted to fear. “No. I’m not leaving without you. He’s insane.”

  “You have too.”

  “I have someone that can help.”

  She didn’t appear convinced. “Who? The person that helped you sneak on here?”

  “Maybe and someone else.”

  Smoke came to mind, although I didn’t know how I would get his ass out here in time.

  “I’m not leaving today,” I said. “Unless you’re ready to escape now.”

  She motioned to the guards. “They’re not going to let that happen. I’ll have to sneak away, but if you go without Caden knowing that you arrived, it could work. And then the next day I just decide I want to leave, then—”

  “He’s not going to let you leave.”

  She knew I had to be right because she gave me no response.

  Pissed, I considered the next option. “I’m going to get my guy here and then we’ll come up with a plan to get you off.”

  She stirred. “We have to think further than that, Freddy. In fact, I’m just going to go back there, curse him out, and—”

  “No, that won’t work. I imagine you’ve done that before. We have to beat him at his own game.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to tell you, Freddy. If he is playing a game, then we are already fucked. It means he’s orchestrated everything.”


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