Billionaire Games (Standalone)

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Billionaire Games (Standalone) Page 41

by Kenya Wright

  Did she kill him? Are his games finally done?

  I put the key in, turned, and opened the door. Peeking in first, I made sure no one was in there and then I gestured for Dawn to go in ahead of me, just in case someone had been following us.

  “Everything is going to be okay,” I said it more to myself than Dawn as I pulled her toward me.

  “Thank you, Freddy.” She leaned her head against my chest. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”


  “I think we should be thanking Lotus.”

  The door shut behind us.

  The storm raged outside.

  Inside we stood in each other’s arms, catching our breath. Wet from the rain, our shirts and jeans stuck to our bodies. The world seemed lighter on my shoulders. No Caden. No game. No plotting or racing after her. We weren’t far enough from him, but I knew we would be. I knew that everything was almost over. I knew that this moment right here would be the beginning of more peaceful moments where a storm might rampage and our enemies might wait for our demise but if we held each other, there would be nothing to stop us.

  “I’m never letting you go.” I drew her tightly against me, molding her soft breasts to my hard chest. I swore I could feel her heartbeat against mine. “You’ve gotten rid of Caden, but you’ll never get rid of me.”

  She raised her arms and hooked them around my neck, landing kisses all over my face. “Good. I’m really going to make you marry me.”

  “You won’t be making me, baby. Just say when.” And then I kissed her. I took that mouth—that was all mine—and I devoured it. And this kiss wasn’t brief, or soft, or even sensual. It was hunger mingling with mayhem. Hysteria dancing in need. Dawn tasted amazing. Lush. Sweet.

  The storm picked up. No more bombs, gunshots, or other sounds of battle came. Just rain drops hammering against the roofs and windows, drumming out a beat of victory. At least that’s what I felt in my heart.

  We’d won and I didn’t have time to argue about it with anyone. Illogical to think it or not, we’d shocked the fuck out Caden. Lotus appeared out of nowhere and whipped his ass. Even if he survived and got away from her, he’d have to go back to the drawing board to figure out another way to come for us.

  And I’d make sure he was dead if Lotus didn’t do it for me.

  “Oh, Freddy,” Dawn whispered against my lips. “I want to be with you forever.”

  “Good. Because forever is our only option.”

  Hot desire invaded every muscle. A deep, rumbling sound radiated out from the back of my throat. I couldn’t help it. She made my body react like a wild animal.

  “We should get out of these clothes and get warm.” She pulled off her shirt and undid her bra. The tips of her breasts slipped against my chest. My cock warmed.

  I stopped her from pushing down those jeans. “Let me take care of that.”

  I pulled her in and drank from that lovely mouth again. I slipped my hand down her bare back, relishing in the softness of her moist skin. “You’re going to be my wife. Say it.”

  She trembled against me, but this time, I knew it was in pleasure. “I’m going to be your wife.”

  I slid my hands to her hips and held them tight. “How big should your ring be?”

  “Doesn’t matter.” She pushed my shirt up and helped me take it off. “It’s a symbol.”

  “So at least fifteen carats?”

  She shook her head and giggled. “You’re crazy.”

  “Yes, I am.” I turned my attention to the room, desperately needing a bed. Sure, we could’ve sat in a corner somewhere and worried about Caden coming or even one of his men. Perhaps, it would’ve been smarter to be good and stress about it, search our minds for more ways to fight him. Maybe we could’ve thought up some new games, just in case.

  But life was too short for all that bullshit. Several men had died around me tonight. Just like that. They weren’t my friends, but I’d seen them on Caden’s yacht and in his house. We didn’t know each other, but I’d walked by them many times. They’d been breathing this morning and now they lay on the ground in blood.

  Life was too short to worry about the oncoming dangers when Dawn was right here in my arms and all I wanted to do was make love to her. And if that meant my death coming next, then I’d take that last breath with no regrets.

  “I love you.” I picked her up.

  She giggled again and I loved it. I didn’t want her to ever be afraid again.

  Walking to a door that looked like a bedroom, I carried her that way and said, “I’ll never hurt you and no one else will ever hurt you either, not while I’m around.”

  The whole time I carried her into the only room lit by moonlight, she dragged her hand down the center of my back, causing me to shiver.

  “I’ll never hurt you either, Freddy.”

  “You better not.” I placed her on the bed and yanked those damn jeans off without any warning.

  More thunder rumbled. The raindrops didn’t lessen their tribal beat. Wind whipped all over. I could see the trees violently wagging around outside. Shadows danced all around the room.

  I hovered above Dawn as she lay on the bed.

  “What’s on your mind?” she whispered and tried to sit up.

  I tenderly pushed her back down. “Caden was right.”

  Her eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

  I unbuttoned my jeans and took them off. My cock ached to be inside of her. It took no time to get out of my boxer briefs and back on the bed with her.

  “Freddy? What are you talking about? What do you mean Caden was right?”

  My cock pointed at her, ready to be enveloped within her wet flesh. “You’re always safer as my wife.”


  “I’m not joking about marriage.”

  She sighed. “I know.”

  “I want this soon.”

  “How soon?”

  “Within the year.”

  “Can we at least get away from Caden and make sure we’re safe first?”

  “Yes, and then wedding invitations.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Priorities.”

  “Says the woman naked and on the bed waiting to get fucked.”

  She bit her lip and opened her thighs to me. “Sex with you is a top priority right now. I need to escape. We need to escape.”

  “Yes, my love, we do.” I lowered and slipped my cock against her sex. A rush of desire surged to the tip. Demanding more. Triggering waves of lust to crash into me. I was inside her in seconds, thrusting like it would be the last time.

  It could be the last time.

  Caden always had surprises but Lotus did too. There was no other opponent that was worthy enough to go up against him.

  Get that mad man off your mind and focus on your future wife.

  Molding against her, I pushed and shoved my cock into her pulling her nipple into my mouth. The hardened tip felt wonderful on my tongue. I couldn’t help but tease the skin around each nipple as I slid my cock in and out of her, enjoying the ride of ecstasy.

  “Oh, Freddy, you’re. . .my everything.”

  That confession drove me wild. I decorated her breasts with tiny pink marks, sucking and nibbling, teasing and licking. Intense pleasure jolted through me.

  “Mine.” I sifted my fingers through dark, silky strands. “All mine to crave. All mine to love.”

  She wrapped her soft thighs around my hips and rocked into my cock, hugging the fat length with her pussy, driving me wild. Fire blazed under my skin. I was on fire, close to exploding more than the bombs I’d heard earlier.

  “You do this to me.” I quickened our loving to pounding, unable to control myself. The bed rocked hard with the movement.

  “Oh!” She held on to my shoulders.

  I lifted her from the bed, needing more of her. With every thrust, she moaned in pleasure and her pussy soaked me in the most heavenly way.

  Of course, I would put a ring on her finger. No one else could ev
er experience Dawn’s softest place. No one else could feel her in their arms at night or wake up to her in the morning.

  “Oh, Freddy, baby,” she moaned so loud. “You’re all mine.”

  And that was when all my control and willpower crumbled.

  “All yours.” I cupped her ass and lifted her higher, shoving all of me into her, letting her ride my cock the only the way she could.

  “Yes, baby, right there,” I groaned, my hips moved on their own accord, following the rhythm of her body and the tempo of our moans. “Come for me, baby. Let go.”

  I was so overtaken with madness, I was placing my fingers everywhere, all over her body—rubbing that throbbing clit of hers, pinching nipples, and massaging wet circles around her anus.

  “Holy shit.” She rotated her hips as she rode me.

  Barely able to hold on, I feasted on her breasts. So hungry. Each one was a buffet of pleasure in my mouth. Soft and lush.

  “Come for me,” I whispered.

  “Oh, I’m coming, baby.” She rocked into me harder. “I’m coming.”

  It was like honey poured from her, making my cock emit sucking sounds as I thrust into her more.

  “There we go, baby.” I held her up as she sank limply against me and moaned over and over. “There you go, my love. There you go.”

  Her body spasmed in pleasure. I didn’t know how many orgasms hit her, but she damn sure had more than one.

  “Damn you.” My orgasm came soon after, ripping my soul the fuck away. I could barely keep us both up. Come jutted out of me, filling her pussy, spilling out, and dripping down both of our legs. My cock burst hard into her as if I’d never come before in my life. Like I was trying paint her whole fucking womb and put twins inside of that body.

  Maybe I was thinking that. I damn sure could see kids in our future, and even more, I enjoyed the process of trying to make lots of children.

  I helped her off of me and laid her down. My cock glistened in the moonlight, wet with both of our fluids. Instead of staying on the bed, she got on her knees and placed her mouth to the tip, lapping at the drops.

  “Oh, fuck,” I whispered as tingles shivered up my length. “You’re going to kill me.”

  “Till death do us part.”

  “Yes.” I laughed and fell next to her, gathering her in my arms and knowing that we would be together forever just like the words we just said. We’d gone all over the world and experienced more than most could ever dream about.

  We were in this life together and it had all started from a simple game that I’d played with my brother. And then it transformed into a bigger game with this psycho, Caden. But through all the maddening plays, we’d won together.

  We’d paved our own way.

  And now there would be no stopping us.


  Chapter 39


  I woke up groggy in a strange bed. I blinked my hurt eyes and realized that I had no clothes on. Past events drifted in blurry images in and out of my mind like the hazy fog of a storm-riddled morning.

  Where am I?

  I lifted my head up off my pillow. My limbs were sore. It hurt to even move my neck. I felt like I’d just been in a battle for my life and I couldn’t remember why.

  Whatever happened, it can’t be that bad or I wouldn’t have woken up at all.

  The bedroom was full of gloom, except for a narrow slash of light which snuck through the gap between my curtains to fall right on my face. The rest of the space was dark. I couldn’t make out anything else. Even though I didn’t know where I was, I didn’t want to leave. The sheets and pillows comforted me. The scent of Jasmine drifted from the silk. The bed rocked from side to side on its own.

  I’m on a boat.

  I lay my head back on the pillow and stared at the shadows dancing on the ceiling.

  Who has me and where are we going?

  Cut-up moments flashed in my head but nothing that made sense. In seconds, I would see an explosion somewhere. The place looked familiar. And right as I focused on where it could be and when it may have happened, some new instance played—a woman dressed in black and whistling, slicing a smoke-filled room.

  Calm down. Take your time and think. Slowly. One moment at a time. Remember.

  Studying the shadows on the ceiling, I returned my thoughts to the woman covered in black. Like the shadows, she’d slipped in and out of darkness, vanishing when too much light hit her.

  Why do I keep thinking about this person?

  I saw her leaping and twisting, slashing daggers at my men and fighting me. My chest swelled with tension. She had something to do with those bombs that I had remembered. I was certain of it.

  Maybe, she’s the reason why I’m in this bed.

  I moved my legs and arms around, nothing chained or bound me to the bed. That didn’t make sense. If I had just fought someone and lost, evidence of all the memories of my men dying, then why wasn’t I locked up somewhere?

  Where were we? Why did we fight in the first place?

  And then Dawn’s face appeared in my head. She ran from me and didn’t even glance back or say goodbye. I replayed that moment again. Freddy had been with her. I was slowly remembering the past weeks’ events. Dawn and Freddy had run away from me together.

  Why didn’t I stop Dawn?

  And then the woman in black returned, charging for me and shooting me with some tiny dart. I touched my neck and remembered it piercing my flesh and knocking me out.

  I sat up in the bed, trying to control my breathing as it rushed out of me in a rage. My chest rose and fell with fury.

  You mean to tell me, some chick in a throwback superhero costume from the 80’s fucked up my game, let Dawn and Freddy escape, and then whipped my ass? No.

  Movement sounded from the outside of the door. I hurried to lay back down and stuck a pillow on my head to hide my face from the sliver of light that targeted my bed. Minutes passed and no other noise came. After a while, I figured I imagined it. Even crazier, I swam in this sluggish sensation. As I waited for more sounds, I slowly drifted off into dreamland. The pillow had done too good of a job of blocking the ray of light.

  But then I heard a key turn in the lock.

  My door swung open.

  With the pillow on my head, I couldn’t see much in front of me but the open door and a small dark figure standing in the doorway. I lay there, pretending that I was still asleep, letting my body rise and fall in the rhythm of slumber. But I remained up and watched this person, hoping it was the woman who had ruined it all.

  I hope so. I really feel like killing someone today.

  I strained all my senses—widening my eyes to see through the darkness, straining my ears to take note of the waves pushing against the outside of the boat and the subtle rumble of the engine in the distance. I could tell it was a small low-priced vessel—too much rocking.

  That scent of jasmine rose all around me, confirming that the woman had brought the fragrance.

  Would her blood smell like jasmine when I spilled it out of her chest?

  She walked towards me.

  Yes, sweetie, come to me. And next time you take me, make sure you handcuff me. Never leave me with my hands free.

  Very soft footsteps approached the bed. Closer. Closer.

  Let’s play.

  I jumped up from the bed. The sheets and pillows fell from me, falling onto the floor. She appeared caught off guard.

  Apparently, a fan of Catwoman had come to pay me a visit. She wore a mask and didn’t have her coat on this time. Just her simple superhero gear. That tight, black bodysuit left nothing to the imagination. Every curve was revealed as the dark fabric hugged her generous body. Skin tight. I almost wished she’d put a letter on her chest to give me a clue about her name. She had on black boots with thick heels at the end and silver hooks at the tips.

  Had I been a good man, I would’ve decided not to kill her. She was a sight of athletic beauty, yet all female. Every curve of muscle had femi
nine softness. She should’ve been on a pedestal somewhere being prayed to and fed grapes.

  Too bad you fucked with me.

  “Good morning.” I launched a sweeping kick and caught her in the midsection. “How do you like your coffee?”

  She groaned and crashed to the ground.

  “Or are you a tea person?” I headed for her, ready to smash her fucking skull on the floor over and over until I felt better which would probably mean a lot of head-hammering into the ground.

  Right as I got close, a steel hand gripped my ankle and lifted my leg up. I flipped on my back but seized the chance to kick her shoulder. She replied with a punch to my jaw that must’ve used the entire force of her body. No woman—no human—should’ve been able to hit someone that hard.

  “Fuck.” Pain blazed on my face. “I guess you’re an orange juice type of person.”

  “I prefer a large glass of milk. It’s good for the bones.” She punched me right in my bare cock, making an instant fist-to-balls impact that shattered everything around me. Maybe if I’d had pants or underwear on, it wouldn’t have hurt so bad.

  Pain laced through me, setting every millimeter of my skin on fire. I felt like I’d been lifted off the ground.

  I cried out and then clamped my mouth shut as the fire scorched the inside of my mouth. My heart thudded in my ears. A rapid beat that was the only thing that kept my mind away from my unraveling, cell by cell. Consumed by it. Unable to do anything but jerk and thrash as I rotated on an invisible spit.

  If a woman really knew how bad a dick-punch felt, they’d be bottling it up in stores and selling the product to every heartbroken woman done badly by some douchebag. Thank God, the true severity of our secret only lay with psychotic women like this one who clearly found the cock as the number one male weakening target.

  Her voice was silk over my body. “Do you need time?”

  “You’re cute.” I gritted my teeth. The pain finally disappeared and left an echoing ache in my groin. “Thanks for waiting.”

  “You’re welcome.” She charged for me.

  I pulled her down.

  She twisted out of my grip.

  We wrestled on the floor. Neither of us was able to get a good grip on the other. If we’d had a cardboard under us, it would’ve drawn a crowd to watch our elaborate breakdancing battle. We rolled over each other, slashing our hands out at nothing, punching the air near us but never meeting each other’s bodies with pain.


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