Notorious: Playing With Fire, Book 4

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Notorious: Playing With Fire, Book 4 Page 7

by Karen Erickson

  But he wasn’t that same guy anymore. He didn’t want to watch them suffer, no matter how callous they’d been to him. He couldn’t do it.

  “You should pay more attention to her then,” Eric suggested.

  Brandon turned to stare at him, disbelief in his gaze. “I figured you’d tell me to dump her.”

  “Oh, and then what? Beg you to come back to me?” At the sheepish expression on Brandon’s face Eric knew that was exactly what he thought. “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”

  “I still feel guilty over what we did to you,” Brandon admitted softly.

  “You should.” Eric looked away, drained his glass until it was empty. “I’m over it. Don’t worry about me.”

  “So what’s got you so agitated, then?”

  Eric sighed. They’d been together far too long for Brandon not to realize something was bothering him. “Woman trouble.”

  Brandon laughed and slapped him on the shoulder. “So we’re having the same problem, then?”

  “Yeah.” Eric shook his head. He really didn’t want to confess he was banging Stacy. And that he was such a shit he treated her exactly like that. An object to bang versus a flesh-and-blood woman—a woman with feelings and expectations. Expectations he wasn’t sure he could live up to.

  “With who?” Brandon smiled. “I thought Alexa turned you back off women.”

  Eric laughed. “You don’t know her.” He was such a liar. “She wants a relationship. I don’t.”

  “She realized this going in, didn’t she? I mean from what I’ve heard, your reputation precedes you.”

  Eric grew immediately defensive even if he knew Brandon was right. It felt as if everyone talked about him. His private life wasn’t private at all.

  Not like he’d hidden anything either. He put it all out there for everyone to see.

  “I—like her,” Eric confessed, grimacing the moment the three words left him. “I don’t want to hurt her. But I don’t know how to do this.” He waved a hand in the air.

  “Do what, a relationship? Of course you know how. We were together for a couple of years,” Brandon reminded him.

  “Yeah, but that was different. And it got all screwed up by Alexa.” Eric caught sight of the frown on Brandon’s face and pointed at him. “Don’t deny it. You know it’s true.”

  Brandon sighed. “Listen. If you really like this woman, then you need to go back to her and tell her. Don’t fuck it up. If she wants to be with you regardless of what you’ve been doing these last few months, then she must really care for you. Don’t let her get away.”

  “I could give you the same advice,” Eric said, his voice soft. “If you don’t want to lose Alexa, then you two should work it out. And not by inviting me back into the mix, either.”

  Brandon grew sheepish. “Did Alexa talk to you?”


  “Then how did you know about that?”

  Shit. He was about to give himself away. Of course, Alexa would blab all anyway and Brandon would know he’d been with Stacy. What a tangled up mess this was. “She told Stacy and Stacy told me.”

  Brandon frowned. “You know Stacy?”

  “Yeah.” Eric grew uneasy, shifted his weight on the barstool. “She’s the one I’m talking about. Me and Stacy—we’ve been together.”

  “You and Stacy? Alexa’s best friend?” Brandon threw back his head and laughed. Laughed so hard he caused more than a few bar patrons to look their way in question. Eric slapped him on the shoulder to get him to shut up. “This is fucking crazy. How did you end up hooking up with her?”

  “I saw her at this very bar one night.” Brandon started to laugh again and Eric nudged him. “I’m serious. We started talking and next thing I knew…”

  “You were fucking her,” Brandon finished bluntly.

  “No.” Eric shook his head. “I was chasing her.”

  “You chased her?”

  “Yeah.” Eric smiled. “I did.”

  He did. Somehow, in all the bullshit he forgot. How bad he wanted her, how bad he needed to be with her. He’d taken a risk and then crapped all over it. He was such an idiot.

  She’d already given him a second chance. A third, a fourth, probably even a fifth. Would she give him another? Or would she shun him forever?

  It was time for him to man up and beg for her forgiveness.

  And give her what she wanted.

  Chapter Seven

  The unexpected knock on her door came five nights after she and Eric had the big blowout. Five long days and nights it had taken Eric to come back to her.

  Stacy knew without a doubt it was him. Who else would rap on her door with such fierce intensity past nine o’clock on a Thursday night?

  She went to the door and checked through the peephole. Yep, there he stood. Looking far too good for words, his hair neatly groomed, which was unusual, and his face clean-shaven. He was dressed nice, as if he had plans to go somewhere and she wondered if she was included in those plans.

  And immediately berated herself for even thinking such a thing. She didn’t need to go anywhere with him. She shouldn’t even open the door. He didn’t deserve her forgiveness.

  But she opened the door anyway. Her heart stopped at having him so close, at the sight of the hopeful smile on his face. Just like that she wanted to melt. She wanted to run into his arms and tell him he was an asshole in the same breath that she wanted to confess she missed him.

  Yeah, she had it so bad she didn’t even want to fight it anymore. She’d turned into a complete glutton for punishment.

  “Stace.” He smiled and the sight of it took her breath away. “Go put on your sexiest outfit. I’m taking you out.”

  “Eric.” She leaned against the door and frowned, crossed her arms in front of her. She wasn’t dressed to impress in plaid pajama bottoms and a faded red T-shirt. And she wasn’t about to change clothes for him. At least, that’s what she told herself. “We can’t pretend what happened between us is suddenly swept under the rug.”

  Lifting her chin, she watched him warily. She needed to stand strong and stick to her guns and all those other clichés that pertained to their current and ridiculous situation. She could not let him take advantage of her.

  No matter how much she wanted to.

  “Stace.” He stepped closer, and she didn’t step back—only because she didn’t have a choice, being pressed close to the door and all. She let him crowd her like he so enjoyed doing and she enjoyed it as well. She couldn’t deny it. Having him so close, smelling him, it was too much of an aphrodisiac to ignore. “I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me.”

  She stared up at him, her knees going weak when he grabbed her hands and cradled them in his. “Eric…”

  “I mean it. Please forgive me.” Leaning in, he brushed his mouth with hers. Her lips tingled at the brief contact, and she wanted to scream in frustration.

  “I absolutely, one hundred percent shouldn’t forgive you,” she whispered just before he kissed her again.

  “Please.” His fingers drifted down her cheek, along her jaw as he stared at her. The arousal simmering in his gaze set her blood ablaze. “I don’t like to beg, but I’ll do it for you.”

  “You’re not groveling enough,” she joked, then gasped when he fell to his knees right before her. “Oh my God, get up.”

  “I’m begging you, Stace. Give me another chance. I know you’ve given me way too many chances already but I want to make it up to you. I’m desperate to make it up to you.” He clutched her hands in his and sent her a pleading look. “What do you say?”

  “I should say no.” Her heart flipped over itself. She was so not saying no. And she really should. “You’re nothing but a pain in my ass.”

  He smiled and shook his head. “I know. I totally agree. Just…let me take you out tonight. Let me prove to you I can give you what I want.” He got to his feet. “Let me show you how much I want you.”

  She catapulted. Just like that. He looked at her with those pu
ppy-dog eyes and his promises and her feelings got the better of her. She was hopeless. “All right…”

  The smile turned into a huge grin, and he reached behind her, giving her butt a light slap. “Go change. And hurry. You’ll want to see what I have planned, trust me.”

  Trust me…

  Those words rang in her head as she hurriedly changed into a simple black dress and stiletto heels. As she stared at herself in the mirror, yanking the brush through her hair with furious strokes before she put on makeup. And still she heard the words drifting through her thoughts as they drove to his planned destination, as he glanced in her direction and smiled. Reached out and took her hand, then rested his wide palm her thigh.

  Trust me…

  She wanted to with all her heart. But it was hard. So hard when he’d done nothing but proven to her time and again he couldn’t be trusted. Certainly not with her heart.

  And yet—beneath the exterior of that bad-boy attitude and blackened heart was a vulnerability she couldn’t resist. He was hurt. He’d been hurt, and she knew exactly how. Somehow, some way, he believed she could be the one who was strong enough to heal him.

  Stacy knew this because he kept coming back to her. Time and time again, as if he couldn’t resist.

  This time, she planned on making it extremely difficult for him to walk away.

  He finally pulled into a large parking lot in front of an even larger building. There was no sign out front and she knew they were downtown. “What is this?”

  A mysterious smile curled his lips as he cut the engine. “You’ll see.”

  They walked toward the entrance and as they drew closer she heard the low throb of music. It had a heavy bass, a quick beat and she wondered if it was some sort of underground dance club.

  “Eric,” she started but he shook his head as they walked up the cement steps that led to the blacked-out glass double doors.

  “You’ll find out when we get inside. I promise you’ll love it.”

  Unease slithered down her spine and he opened the front door, let her go in before him. The entryway was dimly lit and completely empty save for a reception desk. A sleek silver laptop and a vase of fresh flowers sat on top of the desk. She watched as Eric turned and pressed a button that looked like a doorbell on the wall next to the door.

  Within moments another door opened and a woman entered the room. Her hair was pitch black and drawn back into a severe ponytail. She wore a silky Asian-style red dress and the highest black heels Stacy had ever seen. The woman went to the desk and sat behind it, her fingers poised over the keyboard of the laptop. “Name?”

  Eric gave his name and the woman typed quickly, nodding her head as she scanned the screen. “Everything current?”


  “And she’s your guest?” The woman peered at her over the top of the laptop.

  “Yes.” Eric slung his arm around Stacy’s shoulders and drew her close to his side.

  “Very good.” The woman smiled though it didn’t appear very genuine. “Please respect all the rules and enjoy yourselves.”

  “Thank you.” He nodded at the woman and took Stacy’s hand, leading her toward the same door the woman just came out of.

  “Have a pleasant evening,” the woman called as they went through the door.

  And entered a room unlike anything Stacy had ever seen before in her life.

  Eric felt Stacy’s shoulders tense beneath his arm as soon as they entered the room. Her eyes widened as she took everything in, turning her head first to the left, then the right. Then her gaze met his, eyes wide with surprise, lips parted.

  He leaned in and kissed her, unable to resist. “What do you think?”

  A very discreet voyeur-themed sex club was where he’d taken her. One he hadn’t been to in an age. He’d never been one to participate when he visited in the past, taking his pleasure in merely observing. He thought Stacy might enjoy it after the things she’d confessed to him. Had a feeling he knew her limits, knew that she would rather take it slow instead of just plunging into a wild-and-crazy threesome.

  At least, he hoped so. If he had his choice, there would be no threesome in their future at all. He’d gone down that road once. And he couldn’t stand the thought of doing it again.

  “I—I’m surprised.” She shook her head, her eyes wide as she took it all in. “Why did you bring me here?”

  “Well.” He nuzzled her cheek with his nose, then kissed her. “You’ve confessed a few fantasies to me lately. I thought you might want to…watch some of these things unfold.”

  There were people everywhere in various states of undress. Some couples in passionate embraces, their mouths and bodies fused. Others were in groups of three, four, even five—limbs entwined, hands wandering over naked flesh, little soft sighs and low, agonized groans. The scent of sex permeated the air, tickling his nostrils and his cock twitched at the smells and sounds that surrounded them. He felt a shiver move through Stacy and he wondered if it was nerves or arousal.

  He really hoped it was the latter.

  “Oh. Wait a minute.” She turned to look at him, her gaze locked with his, realization dawning in her eyes. “You don’t want us to participate. You just want to…watch?”

  “Well, yeah.” He smiled and nodded, squeezing her shoulder in hopes to reassure her. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No.” Slowly she shook her head, her gaze scanning the room. “I don’t mind. This could be…interesting.”

  That was putting it mildly.

  Taking her hand, he led her around the perimeter of the room, where the other observers stood or sat. Everyone watched with rapt gazes, some of them solo, the majority of them couples. Couples like he and Stacy, average-looking people searching for a little thrill. Within the center was where all the action unfolded. So much action he didn’t know where to look first.

  “Let’s sit here,” Stacy suggested, stopping in front of a very small dark-brown velvety loveseat.

  Eric followed her lead, sitting down next to her on the loveseat. It was old, the cushions sunk deep and he slipped his arm around her shoulders and hauled her close. “Do you think this is weird?”

  “No,” she whispered, a little smile curling her lips. “It’s kind of exciting.”

  Ah, his girl was a bigger pervert than he thought. Turning his attention to the various sexual activities unfolding in front of them, his gaze locked on one group in particular.

  Two men and a woman on a mattress lying on the floor, all three of them naked, the woman on her hands and knees, her lips wrapped around the length of one man’s cock. The other man rested on his knees behind her, his cock pumping in and out of her body.

  He couldn’t help but wonder if Stacy chose to sit at this particular spot because of the men and woman who performed in front of it. This, of course, was the fantasy that intrigued her the most.

  Stacy’s breathing quickened and she rested her hand on his thigh, her fingers digging into him. The sting of her fingernails bit into his flesh even through his jeans and he glanced at her. Saw the dazed expression on her face as she watched the action unfold.

  “You like them.”

  She turned to stare at him and he nodded toward the triad. “You like seeing her with two men, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” She nodded as she turned to watch them once more.

  Not that he could blame her. That was the entire point for them being here tonight. And they were good, the three lovers. The woman was completely into it, whimpering low moans sounding deep in her throat as she sucked and licked the one man who stood before her. The other man continued to fuck her, the sound of his cock sliding in and out of her juicy pussy reaching Eric’s ears. A fresh wave of arousal washed over him and his cock came to life, hardening even more when Stacy’s hand drifted up higher on his thigh.

  “You like it too, don’t you?” She looked at him again, hope gleaming in her eyes. “You find what they’re doing arousing, right?”

  Was she
looking for affirmation? Approval of her sexual fantasies? Yeah, he thought it was arousing, but when it came right down to it he didn’t want to participate in any sort of threesome with Stacy.

  Call him a selfish bastard but he didn’t want to share her. With anyone.

  “It’s very arousing.” He leaned in close and decided to play it up. Even if he didn’t want to share her, he had no problem fueling her fantasy tonight. Because no matter what, they weren’t going to play—they were just going to observe. “Can you imagine me fucking you while you suck another man’s cock?”

  A shuddering sigh escaped her, and she nodded once.

  “Or would you like to suck my cock while a stranger fucks you from behind? Sucking and fucking—doesn’t sound like a bad deal now, does it?”

  “It sounds…intimidating. To actually do it.” Her voice was shaky, and she sounded unsure.

  He couldn’t help the triumphant feeling surging within him. Good. He wouldn’t mind keeping her unsure about the entire thing.

  “That’s why I wanted to ease you into it.” Leaning in, he brushed a few stray strands of hair away from her forehead, drew his finger down her temple. “First we’ll watch. Next we’ll do.”

  “We’ll do?” She visibly swallowed. He saw the delicate movement of her throat, and he knew his remark made her even more nervous.

  “Yeah.” He didn’t say another word, just gave her shoulder a squeeze and pressed a fleeting kiss to her cheek. “Let’s watch.”

  Oh, he was a devious bastard, but he couldn’t help himself. Pretending that he had all sorts of grand plans for the two of them was just enough to keep her on her toes. It was one thing to imagine doing all sorts of wicked nasty acts. It was another to watch people engaged in wicked nasty sexual acts.


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