Space Invaders

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Space Invaders Page 42

by Amber Kell

  Ryder didn’t argue with him. He simply got to his feet and walked back the way they had come, his pace even quicker than the one AJ had set on their journey there.

  AJ cast one last look at his brother before turning the corner in the twisting tunnel. At least Essie would survive a while longer. If nothing else, the extra years his sister would live made his sacrifice worthwhile.

  AJ and Ryder returned the way they had come until they reached the commercial district. After passing back through the trader caves Ryder took a different direction than the way they had come before. AJ realised they were headed towards the oldest of the towers. He resisted the temptation to ask whether Ryder was going the right way. The sure-footed steps of his escort answered the unspoken question for him.

  “Blake is a descendant of one the first tower dwellers,” Ryder said. “His family has produced some of the most successful scientists ever born. Anything you hear or see whilst in his presence is strictly confidential. That means you can’t tell anyone.”

  “I’m not stupid,” AJ snapped.

  “That’s debatable.”

  AJ stopped walking and waited for Ryder to realise and turn to face him. The servant walked another half dozen steps before he noticed AJ was not with him. When Ryder finally turned and looked him in the eye AJ spoke again.

  “You may not like my decisions, but they’re my choices and none of your fucking business. Don’t treat me as though I’m stupid just because you don’t agree with my way of doing things.”

  “We’ve got less than ten minutes to get you into Blake’s bed, ready for his return.” Ryder turned and continued on their way, leaving AJ to hurry after him. He had a feeling it was going to be a long week.

  Chapter Four

  Although Blake’s apartment appeared far more luxurious than anything in the labyrinth, it wasn’t what AJ expected. The furnishings, whilst serviceable, didn’t seem to be expensive. On the other hand, they were clean and in pristine condition.

  There was a shelf of books against one of the walls and a desk and chair in the far corner. There were other things around the room that AJ could only recognise as electronic equipment. He had never had cause to use such things and had rarely seen any of the strange devices close up. He wondered what they were for.

  The walls were bare of decoration, with no paintings—one of the most common signs of wealth—on display. There were a few ornaments scattered around the room, but they appeared to be small and inexpensive, at least compared to what he had seen in the tower where the party had taken place.

  Ryder pointed to a door on the right. “You’ll find the staff quarters through there. Blake will sometimes go into the kitchen, but mostly he stays in his own quarters. You’ll find his bedroom, where you’ll be doing your work, up there.” Ryder pointed to the left where a metal spiral staircase led to the upper level of the apartment.

  AJ walked towards the foot of the stairs. When he turned to thank Ryder the other man had disappeared through to the staff quarters. AJ was apparently on his own.

  He climbed the stairs, feeling dirty and dusty after his trip down into the labyrinth. He wished he’d thought to ask Ryder where he could wash up again before facing Blake. Unfortunately, it was too late now. When he reached the upper floor Blake stood beside the bed waiting for him.

  “Right on time,” Blake said with approval. “Go shower through there and send your clothes down the chute to the incinerator. They’re entirely unsuitable. You’ll be provided with more fitting attire in the morning.”

  AJ rushed to do Blake’s bidding, eager to wash away the grime and get this night over with. He returned promptly, trying not to be self-conscious of his nakedness. Blake hadn’t moved from his place by the bed. AJ lingered in the doorway as Blake undressed. AJ could see Blake had taken good care of his body over the years. He was curious to know how old the man was, but did not want to ask. He was sure the life expectancy of a man like Blake was far longer than his own.

  “Turn round,” Blake ordered. “Let me see what I’ve paid for.”

  AJ turned in a slow circle, glancing back over his shoulder to see if Blake approved of what he saw. Although Blake’s face remained stony, his cock showed a definite interest in what AJ had to offer.

  When AJ had come full circle, Blake pointed at the bed. AJ climbed onto a mattress far softer than any he had slept on in his life. The springs shifted under his knees as he crawled to the middle of the bed. He wobbled unsteadily as he took his place. He hoped Blake didn’t notice. The mattress dipped as Blake climbed on behind him.

  “Let’s see if you really are untouched, shall we?” Blake said as he pushed AJ’s cheeks apart and roughly shoved a finger into his hole. “Well, you’re certainly tight enough to be a virgin. Or maybe it’s just been a while for you.”

  “I am a virgin,” AJ replied. If Blake claimed he was otherwise he’d get nothing at the end of the week. The five hundred credits starting bid had already paid for the medicine. All he’d have were the credits he’d made earlier in the evening, and they wouldn’t last more than a week.

  Blake pushed a second finger inside him and AJ whimpered at the burn. The man had money to throw away on a whim, couldn’t he spend a bit on some lube?

  Blake retreated and slapped AJ’s arse once. “I believe you are, or at least close enough to one to make it good for me,” he said as he gracefully moved across the mattress and opened a drawer. AJ breathed a sigh of relief as Blake pulled out a bottle of lube.

  “Now spread your legs wider and I’ll take care of the problem of your virginity for you.”

  Blake chuckled at his weak joke and AJ bit his tongue rather than reply that he had never personally found his anal virginity to be a problem. Instead AJ positioned himself so Blake could take him from behind. A part of him was glad Blake had chosen this particular position, not only because it wasn’t exactly intimate, but also because he knew it would be easier for him. He was especially relieved when Blake thrust his way inside a few moments later without even the pretence of properly preparing him.

  “Fuck!” AJ cried, his eyes watering at the pain. He’d never taken another man’s virginity before. All his sexual partners had been experienced. Even so, he’d never have taken any of them with the casual brutality Blake displayed.

  “Oh yeah, this arse feels virgin,” Blake said as he pulled out and pushed in again. “So tight and hot. I love knowing I’m the first one to take you. Knowing no other man has been where I am right now.”

  AJ gritted his teeth, waiting for Blake to hurry up and finish. He just wanted this to be over. He counted the seconds silently in his head, trying to ignore the pain. He wanted to shout out for Blake to stop, or at least slow things down, yet he held his tongue. The next time would be better. He told himself the pain was just because this was his first time. Lots of men complained about the pain the first time they bottomed. Hell, some men never developed a liking for being fucked. Perhaps AJ was simply someone who would always prefer to top his partner. He only had to put up with this for a week, then he never had to be fucked again.

  Finally, the hot flood of Blake’s release filled AJ’s arse and the other man pulled out of him roughly before collapsing at AJ’s side, panting hard as he stared up at the ceiling.

  AJ sank down onto the mattress with a sigh of relief. He hadn’t come. His cock had turned flaccid the moment Blake had rammed his way inside him and hadn’t woken up again since.

  “Did Ryder tell you where to find the staff quarters?” Blake asked after he had recovered his breath.

  AJ looked over at Blake, surprised by the question. “Yes.”

  “Good. I’m too wiped to show you the way.”

  AJ sat up and looked at the man beside him. “What do you mean?”

  Blake gave him a look of annoyance. “You don’t expect to sleep with me, do you?”

  With his face flushed, AJ turned away. He had thought exactly that.

  “You’re my whore, which makes you staff, just
like my housekeeper or errand boy. I’m done with you for the night, so make your way to the staff quarters and I’ll summon you when I need you.”

  AJ crawled from the bed and walked towards the stairs. “What about my clothes?”

  “You won’t need them until the morning. Now leave.”

  Blake’s tone made it clear the words were an order and AJ hurried down the stairs and across to the staff quarters.

  Through the door AJ found himself in the empty kitchen. There was a door opposite which he guessed led to the sleeping quarters, but when he tried the handle the door wouldn’t budge. He’d been locked out. He knocked on the metal door a couple of times, but no sound came from the other side. Calling out for Ryder also brought no response.

  AJ felt even dirtier than he had when he’d returned from the labyrinth. Blake’s seed dribbled down his thighs and AJ grabbed a cloth from the sink and used the wet fabric to clean himself up as best he could. By the time he had done he was shivering in the cold. He checked the cupboards, hoping to find something to wrap himself in, but all he could find were small towels which would do little to help stave off the chill. Heated pipes ran along the edge of one wall and although they didn’t give off much warmth it was better than nothing. AJ crawled under the counter to get closer to the heat and finally fell asleep right there on the hard, tiled floor. His last thought before he closed his eyes was that he’d never complain about the thin mattresses in the labyrinth again.

  * * * *

  When AJ woke the next morning the kitchen was still deserted. The sealed window out onto the world showed the same barren landscape he had seen from the elevator on the way to the party. As views went it was better than any in the labyrinth, but hardly inspiring. His stomach growled as he looked outside and he decided to search for something to eat. Neither Ryder nor Blake had said anything to him about meals, but surely they didn’t mean to starve him all week.

  He rummaged round in the large fridge, wondering what various things were, when he heard voices approaching. The previously locked door opened and a young woman walked into the room, followed by a teenage boy. The auburn-haired woman saw him first and let out a small scream of surprise.

  “This is why I always lock the door at night,” the boy said as he reached for a nearby carving knife. “You all say it’s stupid because the tower is secure, but this proves it isn’t.”

  “Who screamed?” Ryder asked as he ran into the room. “Oh, it’s just you.”

  “Who’s he?” the woman asked.

  “This is AJ4982,” Ryder explained. “He’s Blake’s whore.”

  AJ wanted to crawl into the fridge and close the door. Shame washed over him at Ryder’s cool introduction. Not only had he used his full name and number, highlighting his low status, he’d called him a whore as well. AJ didn’t care if Ryder spoke the truth, it was still humiliating to be referred to in such a manner.

  “AJ49…what was the number again?” the boy asked.

  “Just AJ is fine,” AJ replied. He held out his hand for the boy to shake, but the teenager recoiled as though it was a snake.

  “How long is the whore here for?” the woman asked Ryder. “We’re not supposed to share our quarters with him, are we?”

  “Of course not, Ashleigh,” Ryder said impatiently. “AJ will be staying with Blake, like he did last night.”

  AJ guessed he would be sleeping in the kitchen again if that was the case. He couldn’t say he relished the idea of a week of crouching under the counter all night. He wondered if Blake would mind him sleeping on the sofa, even if it wasn't part of the staff quarters. Perhaps it Blake was in a good mood that night he'd ask him for permission.

  Ashleigh nodded. “Good.”

  “So, how long are we stuck with him for?” the boy asked.

  “Just a week,” AJ answered. “I don’t think I caught your name?”

  The boy sneered at him. “My name’s none of your business, whore.”

  Ryder didn’t reprimand the boy for his manners, but he did answer AJ’s question. “Jessiah is Blake’s errand boy. Ashleigh’s the maid. Corrine, who’s probably still sleeping since this is her day off, acts as cook and housekeeper.”

  AJ nodded, hoping Corrine wasn’t as hostile towards him as Ashleigh and Jessiah.

  Ashleigh pushed her way past AJ and pulled items out of the fridge. “I suppose the whore has to eat with us?” she muttered.

  “Yes, Ashleigh,” Ryder replied. “He has to keep his strength up for his work.”

  AJ glared at Ryder as he tried to manoeuvre himself to the opposite side of the table to the rest of them, hoping to at least shield his nakedness a little. He prayed Blake would appear with his clothes soon.

  Breakfast was a tense affair and, as hungry as AJ was, he struggled to eat the scrambled eggs and toast without choking. Even the novelty of eating something as rare as fresh eggs and soft bread wasn’t enough to bring him pleasure in the meal.

  Jessiah left soon after eating, off to run his errands. Ashleigh set about cleaning the kitchen and Ryder sat at the table with his small handheld tablet computer. AJ could tell they were all blocking him out and he tried not to let their cool dismissal bother him. He told himself the same thing as when he’d been in Blake’s bed. He just had to get through the week and the torture would be over. He’d never have to set eyes on any of these people again.


  AJ looked at the door with trepidation.

  “You’d better not keep him waiting,” Ryder said without looking up. “He’s liable to get testy if you don’t hop to attention when he calls.”

  Although AJ thought Blake already sounded testy he kept his opinion to himself and hustled through the door.

  Blake stood in the centre of the room in a smart business suit. He held a second suit over his arm. “Go shower and change into this. You’re coming to work with me today.”

  AJ was so relieved not to have to spend his day with Ryder and the rest of the staff he practically ran up the stairs to the shower, realising half way there he had forgotten to take the suit from Blake and dashing back to get it.

  Unfortunately, the relief at spending the day with Blake, not to mention the excitement of seeing an actual laboratory, vanished when AJ realised his cover for being at work with Blake would be blown only minutes after their arrival.

  “What do you mean, you can’t read?” Blake appeared both surprised and annoyed by AJ’s admission.

  “I can’t read,” AJ repeated, feeling ashamed of the fact despite it being common knowledge that no education was provided to the inhabitants of the labyrinth.

  “That’s ridiculous. How am I supposed to pass you off as my assistant if you can’t even read?”

  “I thought my job was to be your whore, not your assistant,” AJ pointed out.

  “You are my whore, and you’re supposed to be available to service me any time I want for the week. But your presence in the laboratory has to be legitimate. If you’re illiterate you’ve no business being here. You won’t even be able to read the warning signs to know what not to touch.”

  “I’m not stupid. I can recognise a sign for danger like anyone else.”

  Blake picked up a bottle and pointed to the label. “What does that mean?”

  AJ had no idea and it pained him to admit his ignorance. “I don’t know.”

  “It’s the sign to warn you the contents are hazardous,” Blake explained impatiently. “Now get out of here and return to my place. I’ve got work to do.”

  The anger practically emanated off of Blake as he turned to his desk.

  “Can I do anything for you before I go?” AJ asked quietly, hoping to appease Blake a little.

  “Just get out of here,” Blake snapped.

  AJ didn’t need to be told again. He left the laboratory and slowly returned to the tower apartment. He wished he knew what time Blake was expected home from work, so he could hang out somewhere else for the day and time his return shortly before Blake. Unfortunatel
y, he had no idea what hours Blake worked and had no choice but to return to the apartment and the hostile staff right away.

  When AJ got back he found Ashleigh humming as she dusted the main room. Ryder sat at a desk in an alcove, scowling at a book as he tapped away on his computer.

  “You’re back early,” Ryder commented.


  Ashleigh snickered. “Perhaps he isn’t as good a whore as he thinks.”

  Ryder laughed with her, though to AJ’s ears his humour sounded a little forced. Or perhaps it was merely his imagination.

  AJ sighed. He wasn’t sure what he would do for the rest of the day. He wanted to offer to help out with whatever jobs were needed round the place, but neither Ashleigh nor Ryder seemed particularly approachable.

  “Maybe the whore should clean Blake’s bedroom?” Ashleigh suggested, almost as though she had read AJ’s thoughts. “I don’t want to be cleaning sheets covered with a whore’s spunk anyway.”

  AJ resisted the temptation to tell her he hadn’t even come the previous night, and that their employer wasn’t so great a lover himself. It was none of their damn business. Instead he grabbed some of the cleaning products from the floor and took them up the stairs, muttering “fine” under his breath.

  He heard Ashleigh say she was only joking as he reached the top of the stairs, but he didn’t care or stop his progress. The bedroom would be sparkling by the time he had done with his cleaning.

  He stripped the rumpled sheets from the bed in a few moments and kicked them out of the way. Screw them all. He’d make it through the week, take his nineteen and a half thousand credits and be living a life of luxury while Blake’s staff slaved away at their miserable jobs for the rest of their lives.

  He’d never let them know he cared about their opinions of him. He might have been reduced to a whore, but he had some pride left.

  Chapter Five

  When Blake returned he stamped around the apartment, growling and snarling at anyone who approached him. His temper hadn’t calmed since the morning. All the staff spoke in whispers and walked on eggshells until he retreated to his bedroom with orders for AJ to join him immediately.


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