The Second Western Megapack

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The Second Western Megapack Page 28

by Various Writers

  It was ten o’clock before he got his pony out of the livery barn and started for home. Even on the way, he refused to imagine what would happen. He entered the house quietly, as though to tell his father that it was his next move, and setting his bundle of books on a chair, he glanced at his mother. She was at the stove, where an armful of kindling had been set off to take the chill out of the house. She looked at him mysteriously, as though he were a ghost of some lost one who had strayed in from a graveyard, but she said nothing. Bill did not even nod to her. He fumbled with his books, as though to keep them from slipping to the floor when, quite obviously, they were not even inclined to leave the chair. Rose let her eyes fall and then slide, under half-closed lids, until they had Martin in her view. She looked at him appealingly, but he was staring at a paper which he was not reading. He had been in this chair for two hours, without a word, pretending to be studying printed words which his mind refused to register. Martin had done Bill’s share of the chores, with unbelief in his heart. He had never imagined such a thing. Who would have thought it could happen—a son of his!

  His wife broke the silence with:

  “What happened, Billy? Were you sick?”

  “No, mother, I wasn’t sick.”

  Martin was still looking at his paper, which his fists gripped tightly.

  “Then you just couldn’t get home sooner, could you? Something you couldn’t help kept you away, didn’t it?”

  Bill shook his head slowly. “No,” he answered easily. “I could have come home much sooner.”

  “Billy, dear, what did happen?” She was beginning to feel panicky; he was courting distress. “Nothing, mother. I just felt like staying in the reading-room and reading—”

  “Oh, you had to do some lessons, didn’t you! Miss Roberts should have known better—”

  “I didn’t have to stay in—I wanted to.”

  Martin still kept silent, his eyes looking over the newspaper wide open, staring, the muscles of his jaw relaxed. The boy was quick to sense that he was winning—the simple, non-resistance of the lamb was confounding his father.

  “I wanted to stay. I read a book, and then I took a walk, and then I dropped in at the restaurant for a bite, and then I walked around some more, and then I went to a movie.”

  “Billy, what are you saying?”

  Martin, slowly putting down his paper, remarked without stressing a syllable:

  “You had better go to bed, Bill; at once, without arguing.”

  Bill moved towards the parlor, as though to obey. At the door he stopped a moment and said: “I wasn’t arguing; I was just answering mother. She wanted to know.”

  “She does not want to know.”

  “Then I wanted her to know that I don’t intend to work after school any more. I’ll do my chores in the morning, but that’s all. From now on nobody can make me do anything.”

  “I am not asking you to do anything but go to bed.”

  “I don’t intend to come home tomorrow afternoon until I’m ready. Or any afternoon. And if you don’t like it—”

  “Billy!” his mother cried; “Billy! go to bed!”

  The boy obeyed.

  Bill was fifteen when this took place. The impossible had happened. He had challenged the master and had won. Even after he had turned in, his father remained silent, feeling a secret respect for him; mysteriously he had grown suddenly to manhood. Martin was too mental to let anger express itself in violence and, besides, strangely enough, he felt no desire to punish; there was still the dislike he had always felt for him—his son who was the son of this woman, but though he would never have confessed aloud the satisfaction it gave him, he began to see there was in the boy more than a little of himself.

  “Poor Billy,” his mother apologized; “he’s tired.”

  “He didn’t say he was tired—”

  “Then he did say he was tired of working evenings.”

  “That’s different.”

  “Yes, it’s different, Martin; but can you make him work?”

  “No, I don’t intend to try. He isn’t my slave.”

  With overwhelming pride in her eyes, pride that shook her voice, she exclaimed: “Not anybody’s slave, and not afraid to declare it. Billy is a different kind of a boy. He doesn’t like the farm—he hates it—”

  “I know.”

  “He loathes everything about it. Only the other day he told me he wished he could take it and tear it board from board, and leave it just a piece of bleak prairie, as it was when your father brought you here, Martin.”

  “You actually mean he said he would tear down what took so many years of work to build? This farm that gives him a home and clothes and feeds him?”

  “He did, Martin. And he meant it—there was hatred burning in his eyes. There’s that in his heart which can tear and rend; and there’s that which can build. Oh, my unhappy Billy, my boy!”

  “Don’t get hysterical. What do you want me to do? Have I said he must work?”

  “No, but you have tried to rub it into his soul and it just can’t be done. You’re not to be blamed for being what you are, nor is Billy—I’ll milk his cows.”

  “I’m not asking that.”

  “But I will, Martin.”

  “And let him stand by and watch you?”

  “Put it that way if you will. Billy must get away from here. I see that now.”

  “I haven’t suggested it.”

  “But I do. I want him to be happy. We’ll let him board in Fallon the rest of the year. The butter and egg money will be enough to carry him through. It won’t cost much. If we don’t send him, he’ll run away. I know him. He’s my boy, and your son, Martin. I won’t see him suffer in a strange world, learning his lessons from bitter experiences. I want him to be taken care of.”

  “Very well, have it as you say. I’m not putting anything in the way. I thought this was his home, but I see it isn’t. It isn’t a prison. He can go, and good luck go with him.” And after a long silence: “He would tear down this farm—the best in the county! Tear it down—board from board!”


  Martin’s Son Shakes Off the Dust

  The very next day, Mrs. Wade rented a room for Bill in the same home in which Rose boarded, and for the rest of the winter she and Martin went on as before—working as hard as ever and making money even faster, while peace settled over their household, a peace so profound that, in her more intuitive moments, Bill’s mother felt in it an ominous quality.

  The storm broke with the summer vacation and the boy’s point-blank refusal to return to farm work. His father laid down an ultimatum: until he came home he should not have a cent even from his mother, and home he should not come, at all, until he was willing to carry his share of the farm work willingly, and without further argument. “You see,” he pointed out to his wife, “that’s the thanks I get for managing along without him this winter. The ungrateful young rascal! If he doesn’t come to his senses shortly—”

  “Oh, Martin, don’t do anything rash,” implored Mrs. Wade. “Nearly all boys go through this period. Just be patient with him.”

  But even she was shaken when his Aunt Nellie, over ostensibly for an afternoon of sociable carpet-rag sewing, began abruptly: “Do you know what Bill is doing, Rose?”

  “Working in the mines,” returned his mother easily. “Isn’t it strange, Nellie, that he should be digging coal right under this farm, the very coal that gave Martin his start?”

  “Well, I’m not going to beat about the bush,” continued her sister-in-law abruptly. “He’s working in the mines all right, but he isn’t digging coal at all, though that would be bad enough. I wouldn’t say a word about it, but I think you ought to know the truth and put a stop to such a risky business—he’s firing shots.”

  Rose’s heart jumped, but she continued to wind up her large ball with the same uninterrupted motion.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I made Frank find out for certain. It’s an extra dangerous
mine because gas forms in it unusually often, and he gets fifteen dollars a day for the one hour he works. There’s a contract, but he’s told them he’s twenty-one, and when you prove he’s under age they’ll make him stop.” Rose still wound and wound, her clear eyes, looking over her glasses, fixed on Nellie.

  “It’s bad enough, I’ll say,” rapped out the spare, angular woman, “to have everybody talking about the way Martin has ditched his son, without having the boy scattered to bits, or burned to a cinder. Already he’s been blown twenty feet by one windy shot, and more than once he’s had to lie flat while those horrible gases burned themselves out right over his head. His `buddie,’ the Italian who fires in the other part of the mine at the same time, told Harry Brown, the nightman, and he told Frank, himself. Why, they say if he’d have moved the least bit it would have fanned the fire downward and he’d have been in a fine mess. Sooner or later all shot-firers meet a tragic end. You want to put your foot down, Rose, and put it down hard—for once in your life—if you can,” she added, half under her breath.

  “It isn’t altogether Martin’s fault,” began Rose, but Nellie cut her off with a short: “Now, don’t you tell me a word about that precious brother of mine! It’s as plain to me as the nose on your face that between his bull-headed hardness and your wishy-washy softness you’re fixing to ruin one of the best boys God ever put on this earth.”

  “I’ll talk to Billy,” Rose promised.

  It was the first time she ever had found herself definitely in opposition to her boy, but she felt serene in the confidence of her own power to dissuade him from anything so perilous. She understood the general routine of mining, and had been daily picturing him going down in the cage to the bottom, travelling through a long entry until he was under his home farm and located in one of the low, three-foot rooms where a Kansas miner must stoop all day. Oh, how it had hurt—that thought of those fine young shoulders bending, bending! She had visualized him filling his car, and mentally had followed his coal as it was carried up to the surface to be dumped into the hopper, weighed and dropped down the chute into the flat cars. Of course, there was always the danger of a loosened rock falling on him, but wasn’t there always the possibility of accidents on a farm, too? Didn’t the company’s man always go down, first, into the mine to test the air and make certain it was all right? Rose had convinced herself that the risk was not so great, after all, though she could not help sharing a little of her husband’s wonder that the boy could prefer to work underground instead of in the sweet, fresh sunshine. But she had thought it was because in the desperation of his complete revolt from Martin’s domination anything else seemed to him preferable. Now, in a lightning flash, she understood. This reaction from a life whose duties had begun before sun-up and ended long after sundown, made danger seem as nothing in comparison with the marvellous chance to earn a comfortable living with only one hour’s work a day.

  Her conversation with Bill proved that she had been only too right. The boy was intoxicated with his own liberty. “I know I ought to have told you, mother,” he confessed. “I wanted to. Honest, I did, but I was afraid you’d worry, though you needn’t. The man who taught me how to fire has been doing it over twenty years. A lot of it’s up to a fellow, himself. You can pretty near tell if the air is all right by the way it blows—the less the better it is. And if you’re right careful to see that the tool-boxes the boys leave are all locked—so’s no powder can catch, you know—and always start lighting against the air, so that if there’s gas and it catches the fire’ll blow away from you instead of following you up—and if you examine the fuses to see they’re long enough and the powder is tamped in just right—each miner does that before he leaves and lots of firers just give ’em a hasty once-over instead of a real look—and then shake your heels good and fast after you do fire—”

  “Billy!” Rose was white. “I can’t bear it—to hear you go on so lightly, when it’s your life, your life, you’re playing with. For my sake, son, give it up.”

  With an odd sinking of the heart, she observed the expression in his face which she had seen so often in his father’s—the one that said as plainly as words that nothing could shake his determination. “A fellow’s got a right to some good times in this world,” he said very low, “and I’m getting mine now. I’m not going to grind away and grind away all my life like father and you’ve done. If anything did happen I’d have had a chance to dream and think and read instead of getting to be old without ever having any fun out of it all. Maybe you won’t believe it, but some days for hours I just lie in the sun like a boy, not even thinking. Gee! it feels great! And sometimes I read all day until I have to go to the mine. There’s one thing I’m going to tell you square,” he went on, a firm ring in his voice, boyish for all its deep, bass note, “I’m never going back to the farm, never! Mother,” he cried, suddenly, coming over to take her hand in both his. “Will you leave father? We could rent a little house and you’d have hardly anything to do. I’m making more than lots of men with families. And I’d give you my envelope without opening it every pay-day.”

  “Oh, Billy, you don’t know what you’re saying! I couldn’t leave your father. I couldn’t think of it.”

  “What I don’t see is how you can stand it to stay with him. He’s always been a brute to you. He’s never cared a red cent for either of us.”

  Rose was abashed before the harsh logic of youth. “Oh, son,” she murmured brokenly, “there are things one can’t explain. I suppose it may seem strange to you—but his life has been so empty. He has missed so much! Everything, Billy.”

  “Then it’s his own fault,” judged the boy. “If ever anybody’s always had his own way and done just as he darn pleased it’s father. I wish he’d die, that’s what I wish.”

  “Bill!” His mother’s tone was stern.

  “There you are!” he marvelled. “You must have wished it lots of times yourself. I know you have. Yet you always talk as if you loved him.”

  In Rose’s eyes, the habitual look of patience and understanding deepened. How could Bill, as yet scarcely tried by life, comprehend the purging flames through which she had passed or realize time’s power to reveal unsuspected truths.

  “When you’ve been married to a man nearly twenty-two years and have built up a place together, there’s bound to be a bond between you,” she eluded. “He just lives for this farm. It’s almost as dear to him as you are to me, son, and it’s a wonderful heritage, Bill, a magnificent heritage. Just think! Two generations have labored to build it out of the dust. Your father’s whole life is in it. Your father’s and mine. And your grandmother’s. If only you could ever come to care for it!”

  Bill fidgeted uneasily. “You mean you want me to go on with it?” he demanded. “You want me to come back to it, settle down to be a farmer—like father?”

  The tone in which he asked this question made Rose choose her words carefully.

  “What are your plans, son? What do you want to be—not just now, but finally?”

  “I can’t see what difference it makes what a fellow is—except that in one business a man makes more than in another. And I can’t see either that it does a person a bit of good to have money. I’m having more fun right now than father or you ever had—more fun than anybody I know. Mother,” and his face was solemn as if with a great discovery, “I’ve figured it out that it’s silly to do as most people—just live to work. I’m going to work just enough to live comfortably. Not one scrap more, either. You can’t think how I hate the very thought of it.”

  Rose sighed. Couldn’t she, indeed! She understood only too well how deeply this rebellion was rooted. The hours when he had been dragged up from the far shores of a dreamful slumber to shiver forth in the chill darkness to milk and chore, still rankled. Those tangy frosty afternoons, when he had been forced to clean barns and plow while the other boys went rabbit and possum hunting or nutting, were afternoons whose loss he still mourned. Nothing had yet atoned for the evenings when he had
been torn from his reading and sent sternly to bed because he must get up so early. Always work had stolen from him these treasures—dreams, recreation and knowledge. He had been obliged to fight the farm and his father for even a modicum of them—the things that made life worth living. And the irony of it—that eventually it would be this farm and Martin’s driving methods which, if he became reconciled to his father, would make it possible for him to drink all the fullness of leisure.

  It was too tragic that the very thing which should have stood for opportunity to the boy had been used to embitter him and drive him into danger. But he must not lose his birthright. An almost passionate desire welled in Rose’s heart to hold on to it for him. True, she too had been a slave to the farm. Yet not so much a slave to it, she distinguished, as to Martin’s absorption in its development. And of late years there had been for her, running through all the humdrum days, a satisfaction in perfecting it. In her mind now floated clearly the ideal toward which her husband was striving. She had not guessed how much it had become her own until she felt herself being drawn relentlessly by Bill’s quiet, but implacable determination to have her leave it all behind. If only he would try again, she felt sure all would be so different! His father had learned a lesson, of that she was positive, and though he would not promise it, would not be so hard on the boy. And with this new independence of Bill’s to strengthen her, they could resist Martin more successfully as different issues came up. She could manage to help her boy get what he wanted out of life without his having to pay such a terrible price as, the mine on one hand, and his father’s displeasure on the other, might exact, for she knew that if he persisted too long, the break with Martin could never be bridged and that in the end his father would evoke the full powers of the law to disinherit him and tie her own hands as completely as possible in that direction.


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