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CADE & ANNA Page 3

by V. A. Dold

  Forty-five minutes later, as they filed through the store's entrance, it became painfully obvious—they were the only men in the store. Every woman stopped what she was doing to stare as they walked past.

  Stefan abruptly stopped in front of a rack of the tiniest dresses and jumpsuits he’d ever seen.

  “What the heck?” Thomas snapped as he ran into Stefan’s back.

  Stefan ignored him. He was totally focused on the lacy, pink newborn sundress with frilly underpants he was holding. “I have to buy this,” he grinned.

  “Oh, for Pete’s sake. Get a grip,” Simon growled. “We are here for furniture, not baby clothes.”

  Stefan waggled his eyebrows at his little brother. “That doesn’t mean I can’t give my niece a pretty dress from her favorite uncle.”

  Cade backtracked to see what was holding the guys up. “You’re not starting the favorite uncle argument already, are you?”

  Simon shook his head laughing at Cade’s annoyed expression. “Newsflash, brother. We started that argument the moment you announced you were pregnant.”

  “I’m not pregnant, Anna is.”

  Stefan raised an eyebrow and nodded toward Cade’s abdomen. “Tell that to your poochy gut.”

  Cade quickly ran his hands across his flat belly, “What pooch?”

  Thomas rolled his eyes and laughed. “He’s teasing you, geez.”

  Cade bared his teeth in a silent snarl, then grabbed Stefan by the back of the neck and marched him down the aisle like a naughty six-year-old. Stefan laughed up a storm the entire way.

  “You know, I just remembered, Rose mentioned this morning that she was organizing a couple’s shower. Well, actually more of a guys and gals shower for you and Anna,” Simon offered from the back of the group. “Stefan has a good idea, for once. We should pick up gifts while we’re here.”

  Cade paled. “I have to be there, too?”

  “I guess so,” Simon shrugged. “Rose said the women would buy Anna girly stuff, and we could buy you manly things like tools and sporting equipment.”

  Color returned to his face. “I like tools and sports stuff.”

  “There, see, all better,” Stefan teased—patting Cade’s head.

  Thomas shook his head at Stefan. “You really do have a death wish, don’t ya?”

  The next aisle was all small equipment and supplies. Simon stopped to inspect a breast pump. “Hey, Cade. Is Anna breastfeeding the baby?”

  A muscle twitched along Cade’s jaw. “Why are you asking?” he growled.

  “Whoa, back that angry wolf down. I thought she might like a breast pump. Rose mentioned this name brand to me.”

  “If she needs one, I’ll buy it. I don’t want any of you buying anything for my mate's breasts.”

  “Okay, Mr. crabby pants. I’ll get her something else, sheesh.”

  “Look at these cute little booties!” Stefan squealed like a little girl. “Are babies’ feet really this tiny?”

  “Yeah, believe it or not.” A small smile played at the edges of Thomas’s lips. “I remember John coming home from the hospital. Man, he was small.”

  Simon had moved a few feet further down the aisle to the diaper section. “Cade, are you going to help change diapers and stuff?”

  “I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about it.” He frowned and turned pale again. “Shit, there’s a lot I haven’t thought about.”

  Thomas clapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. New fathers never know shit.”

  Simon looked at Cade holding disposable diapers in one hand and cloth in the other. “Disposable?” He raised the first one. “Or cloth?” he asked raising the other.

  “I have no idea,” Cade groaned, feeling more and more unprepared.

  “Never mind, I will get something else.” Then Simon’s eyes lit up. “I got it!” He snapped his fingers. “A swing chair.”

  Simon took off on his own to locate the perfect swing chair, leaving the rest of them gaping after him.

  “How the hell does he know all this stuff?” Stefan whispered in awe.

  “It’s called talking to his mate.” Thomas laughed. “Maybe if you kept your clothes on for five minutes and had a conversation with El, you would learn a thing or two?”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” Stefan asked.

  “I think we wasted enough time on all this stuff,” Cade said waving at the breast pumps. “We should locate the cribs.”

  They turned down the next aisle and stopped short.

  Stefan gaped at what looked like a sea of little jail cells. “Why are there so many?”

  Simon cuffed him on the back of the head. “Women like choices, you idiot. How does El put up with you?”

  Stefan scowled at Simon as he rubbed his head. “For your information, my mate is going to adore me. We’re still getting to know each other.”

  “I had no idea they came in so many designs and colors,” Thomas said in awe.

  Cade stood with his hands on his hips, dumbfounded by the simple task of buying a crib. “Any ideas, where to begin? Thomas, what do you think?”

  “Well,” he rubbed his jaw as he scanned the cribs a second time. “She likes natural wood, not painted.”

  All the men nodded expectantly like he was Yoda spouting wisdom.

  “And she hates fancy, swirly stuff,” he warned. Then he spied a smaller section of simple, classic cribs. “I’d say, pick from those,” he suggested as he pointed to the corner of the room.

  Cade walked over to a natural oak crib with straight spindles. “What do you think of this one, guys?”

  They all nodded like bobblehead dolls. They didn’t have a clue, so they just agreed with his choice.

  Grunting, Thomas crawled under the crib to inspect it for safety issues.

  “How may I help you, gentlemen?” a little gray-haired saleswoman walked up and asked politely.

  “I want to surprise my wife by furnishing the nursery. What do you think of this crib?” Cade asked.

  “How sweet. I don’t normally get men brave enough to come shopping without their wives.” She ran her fingers along the top rail and continued. “This is a wonderful choice, classic and simply elegant.” Then she nodded to herself. “If I were buying a crib for my daughter, I would choose something like this.”

  Thomas rolled from under the crib and grilled the saleslady about hazards and safety features until he was satisfied with the choice as well.

  She turned back to Cade and added, “This model requires assembly, but as long as you can read directions and own a screwdriver, you’ll be fine. All of the employees help to assemble the furniture you see in the store, and I actually put this one together. If I can do it, anyone can.”

  “We’re doomed,” Stefan mumbled behind Cade’s back, earning another cuff from Simon.

  “Stop that!” he growled as he rubbed his head again.

  Cade ignored them, giving his full attention to the saleswoman. “Do you have a dresser or that changing table thing to match the crib?”

  “Of course, right this way.”

  The next section over had dressers of every shape and size. The saleswoman was a goddess-send. Without her, they would have stood there all day.

  “This is part of the set. It will require assembly as well as the changing table over there.” She pointed at an innocent looking piece of furniture about six feet away.

  “What do you think, Thomas?” Cade asked.

  Thomas inspected the spindly-looking changing table carefully. To him, it looked like a light breeze would send it crashing to the ground. Surprisingly, it was well constructed and a lot stronger than it looked.

  “Looks great to me,” Thomas confirmed.

  Chapter Three

  Emma started the car as her daughters-in-law buckled up. They had left early enough to start their day of pampering with breakfast at the best restaurant in town. But, now it was time to get to the spa.

sp; “What is first on the menu for our ‘pamper the ladies’ day?” El grinned at the others playfully.

  “I do believe we are having manicures and pedicures first.”

  “Perfect, I need to get my nails done.” Rose grinned excitedly.

  “How about I drop you all at the front door and then find a parking spot?” Emma asked as she neared the spa.

  “Sounds like a good idea,” Anna agreed. “We can check-in while you park, and by the time you join us they might be ready to call us for our mani-pedis.”

  It could not have been more perfectly timed. Emma walked through the door the same moment they were being escorted to the back of the shop.

  Their little group took up almost the entire pedicure station. Choosing their chairs, they each took a seat and began removing their shoes.

  Emily from the front desk walked up holding a notepad. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “Coffee, please,” Rose and El called out together.

  “Do you have tea?” Emma asked.

  “Yes, would you like the breakfast blend?”

  “Yes, please.” Emma grinned.

  She glanced at Anna. “And what would you like?”

  “May I please have a water?”

  “Of course.”

  “Ahh.” Anna breathed and closed her eyes in delight. The water was the perfect temperature and felt amazing, and the massage to come would be divine. There was just something about a foot massage and pedicure. A pregnant woman could never receive too many foot massages.

  “What are we scheduled for today besides the mani-pedis?” Rose asked.

  “We are enjoying the Diva for a Day package.” Emma grinned brightly.

  El smiled. “Sounds fabulous. What does that include?”

  “A facial, full body massage, manicure, and pedicure. Plus, we each get a fabulous blowout style and makeup application. Oh, and we will be served lunch. And finally, we each get to pick a gift at the end of the day,” Emma answered excitedly. “We’re going to look and feel like princesses!”

  “Mmm, sounds perfect,” Anna purred as her masseuse pressed the pressure point connected to her lower back, and she felt immediate relief from her constant backache.

  “We get our hair and makeup done, too? I foresee a date night in my very near future. Like tonight,” Rose squealed.

  “Good idea, Rose.” El smiled approvingly. “I have a heck of a time getting Stefan to leave my house, or get him to give me space for that matter.”

  “I have the perfect little red dress and sexy heels that will drive Simon wild. Oh! That reminds me, I should get my toes and nails done fire engine red to go with the dress.”

  Emma had a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “It sounds like spa days agree with all of us. I vote we do this on a regular basis. I like to keep our men on their toes, and they sure won’t let us out in public looking all gorgeous without them.”

  “I second that. We should do this once a month.” El sighed as her masseuse pressed a thumb into the arch of her foot.

  “You’re so naughty, Emma.” Anna chuckled. “I swear, we should take lessons from you.”

  Rose leaned forward so she could see the other women. “Are you going to get Isaac out on the town tonight, too, Emma?”

  “I’m going to try, but lately the old coot has it in his head that we need to try again for a daughter. Getting him out of the bedroom is challenging at best. Not that I don’t enjoy the practicing aspect of getting pregnant, but I’m not sure I want to start over with a baby again.”

  “Is he serious about more children?” Anna grunted as she struggled out of the chair to waddle to the ladies room.

  “I’m beginning to think he is.” Emma sighed heavily. “At first, I thought he was joking, but he just won’t let up.”

  “I think you’re wise to take your time and really think it through before you have another child,” El advised. “He may have baby fever now, but you know better than any of us how much work a newborn is.”

  “Yeah, I’ve only experienced it through friends, and even that was a lot of work,” Rose admitted.

  “It may have been a couple hundred years ago, but I still remember all the sleepless nights with cranky babies. I can handle the rest of it, but lack of sleep is not pretty on me.” Emma chuckled.

  “Pfff – you’re always stunning. I don’t believe a word of that.” Anna snorted and waddled toward them.

  “Well, if I buckle and get pregnant you will have front row seats to dark circles and puffy eyes. I’m not even going to talk about the mood swings and multitude of crying jags.”

  “Did you have a bad case of postpartum?”

  “It was more like I set the record for postpartum.”

  “Then I think you’re smart to take your time deciding.” El was in total support of Emma. “Postpartum should never be taken lightly.”

  Emily returned from the front desk and asked. “Are all of you ready to move to the nail station?”

  “Yes!” El and Rose cheered as they quickly put their shoes on.

  Cade paid for the nursery set while Thomas pulled the SUV around to the loading dock to pick up the large items.

  The shopping had gone better and quicker than Cade had expected. As the cashier totaled his purchase, he wondered what Anna was doing down the street in the spa. It hadn’t escaped his notice that both Simon and Stefan had been casting glances out the large storefront windows, too.

  As Stefan, Simon, and Cade got into the SUV, Cade looked at each of them and asked, “Would anyone like to check on our beautiful mates before we head back to my house to assemble these?”

  Needless to say, the drive of a shifter’s wolf to ensure his mate’s safety and well-being was pushing all of them hard.

  “We’d better make it a quick stop or the women will accuse us of spying on them,” Simon pointed out.

  “You know - those pedicures are awesome. I wouldn’t mind getting one while we’re there, and it only takes ten or fifteen minutes,” Stefan hinted.

  “No way!” Thomas laughed. “You actually like girly toe shit?”

  “Don’t knock it until you try it. Besides, the brownie points I earn with my mate are so worth it.” Stefan waggled his eyebrows.

  “Well, I don’t have a mate to spy on,” Thomas pointed out. “So, while you guys get your feminine side on, I’d like to check out a security system for Cade’s house.”

  “A security system?” Cade frowned. “What for?”

  “I’ve done some research on the video baby monitors that are available and found they are very easy to hack. The last thing I want is an enemy of the crown hacking my little sister’s monitor and spying on her. I figure a high-tech, closed circuit system of cameras and monitors would supply the same ability to check on her but also keep her safe from abduction. The next generation’s queen will be a prime target for whoever has been after the family, and we can’t take needless chances with her safety.”

  Cade thought about it for a moment. “Yeah, good idea. You can drop us off at the spa and head to the electronic store on the other side of town. Will you be able to make it back in about twenty minutes to pick us up?”

  “Yeah. I can purchase what I need and be back here in that amount of time, no problem.”

  A doorbell chimed softly when Cade opened the door and led Stefan and Simon into the spa. The two stylists chatting behind the counter went silent, mouths gaping, eyes wide. Apparently, three gorgeous men walking through their door was unusual.

  The men gathered at the counter, and when the women continued to stare, Cade raised an eyebrow and asked, “Are we able to get pedicures without an appointment?”

  The brunette seemed to register that he had spoken, but just barely. She cleared her throat and asked, “How may I help you, gentlemen?”

  Simon chuckled, and Stefan snorted as Cade answered the befuddled woman. “As I asked before, are we able to get pedicures without an appoin

  “Oh, yes,” the woman said as she turned beet red and tapped keys on the keyboard as fast as she could. “I’m sure we can squeeze you in.”

  The ladies were getting their nails done when the men walked by headed to the pedicure station.

  “What the heck are you doing here?” Rose asked Simon.

  “We were in town, and Stefan mentioned how much he liked the pedicure he got with El a few days ago. Believe it or not, he talked us into getting one.” Simon shrugged innocently, purposely avoiding the subject of why they were in town in the first place.

  “No, way!” Anna exclaimed as she stared at Cade.

  He bowed slightly. “Way. Stefan insisted we try it.”

  “Right,” she scowled. “You just want to make sure we behave around the masseurs.”

  “Huh.” Never in her life had Emma expected to see her macho boys in a beauty salon.

  “What masseurs?” Simon and Stefan growled in stereo.

  “The pedicure station is this way. If you will follow me,” the brunette interrupted before Simon and Stefan got an answer. Both men glared at Cade as they followed the annoying woman. They acted like it was his fault their mates were around other men—unchaperoned.

  “Hey, I didn’t plan their spa trip. Simon’s mate did, so don’t blame me.”

  That earned Simon a snarl from Stefan.

  Five minutes later, all ill will was forgotten, and Stefan was moaning in ecstasy. “Oh, wow. This is amazing, isn’t it, guys?”

  “I never would have dreamt a foot massage could feel so good. Now I understand why Anna wants them all the time,” Cade agreed with his head lulled back.

  “The women seem to be having a good time, and I overheard the blonde from the front counter say they were getting the works. It sounds like they will be here until dinnertime,” Simon said between moans of his own.

  Their twenty minutes passed way too quickly, and now the three of them were on the sidewalk outside the spa waiting for Thomas with goofy smiles on their faces.


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