Scarlet Forest

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Scarlet Forest Page 5

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  “Oh, Aunt Mauve.” Tears dripped from my chin in time with the droplets from the ceiling in the grotto. “What has he done to you?”

  Her focus lasered on me and she gripped my arm with more strength than she appeared to have. “The darkness is coming. He plans to use it to kill the light. She must be protected.”

  “W… what did you say?” Her eyes fluttered closed. “Who has to be protected?”

  “Is she all right?” Zander came inside. “Oh… is she? Did she?” He gulped when he took in her appearance and tears filled his eyes.

  “She passed out.” My fingers found her pulse. It was still steady and strong speaking of her resilience. “But she was rambling about light and darkness and someone who needs protecting. I couldn’t make much sense of it.”

  “Here, let me.” Zander picked Aunt Mauve up when I tried to stand. “I’ve got her. I won’t let anything happen to her.”

  “Thank you, Zander.”

  “Your family is my family, Luna.” He shifted her in his arms until he cradled her slight form like a child.

  “Kitra!” Linc called barely above a whisper. “Caden’s not here.”

  “What?” I exited Aunt Mauve’s cell with Zander on my heels. “How can he not be here?”

  “His scent is in this cell, but it’s old and fading.” Linc punched the stone wall and fissures spread across the surface. “I think they have moved him.”

  “We have to find him.” My voice caught and became shrill. “We can’t leave until we do. Zander, get my aunt to the hummer. Curtis, please go with him in case someone is waiting outside to ambush us.”

  I marched from the grotto and went in search of my soulmate. I couldn’t come this close only to lose him again.

  We came to the junction and Zander and Curtis broke away from the group and left the way we entered while we followed the other tunnel. It twisted and turned until we entered another antechamber. I caught a glimpse of Aelfric tugging Caden behind him.

  “Caden!” My soulmate was haggard with sunken scruffy cheeks. The crystalline eyes which met mine were devoid of the man I once knew. A shell was the only thing left in its place.

  “Bring the half-breed but kill the rest.” Aelfric’s sneer froze me in my steps. “I have plans for her.” He left through another passageway as Dark Ones filled the room from several other entrances.

  Uncle Kalen and the others met us as they entered from our right. “There’s too many. We have to go!”

  “We’ll keep your retreat clear.” Linc pulled his sword when Phobos charged into the crowd while screams pierced the air.

  Uncle Kalen paused watching me and I knew he wouldn’t leave without me.

  “I’m right behind you! Go!” I pushed him forward and pretended to run behind Sable and Bretton. Once he rounded the corner, I joined the fray back in the antechamber.

  A yelp filled the air, and I knew they’d used more elixir on Phobos to render him useless.

  “Linc, get Phobos.” I yelled since he was closest to him. No one hurts my phouka.

  I became the “avenging celestial being” my ensemble suggested and cleared a path for Linc with a massive war cry. My katana sliced into flesh over and over again until no one stood in our way. Once Linc scooped up our friend, I turned towards Ryn and ice-filled my veins. King Roland had joined the fighting and shot a blue orb into the air, halting the battle.

  “Aelfric said to say thank you, Commander. Without you, we’d have lost our little alpha and would have had our plans foiled by my niece.”

  “W… What?” My eyes cut to Ryn and his face lost all color. “You betrayed me?”

  “That’s right, niece. You have a traitor among your ranks.” His maniacal laugh filled the air. “Finish them!”

  Ryn yanked me by the arm as we retreated. The tunnels and pursuit fell away. I heard nothing. I saw nothing. The world tilted and spiraled down my throat until it threatened to turn me inside out. My mind shut off and all I could think about was how Ryn had betrayed me and let me lose Caden again.

  Chapter 6


  A ELFRIC PULLED ON THE chain between my manacles as Linc and Ryn entered the antechamber. I stopped dead in my tracks when she stepped forward calling my name. I was disgusted with the creature wearing Kitra’s skin and wanted nothing more than to let my wolf tear her to shreds, but he was nowhere to be found. The manacles heated, and I clamped my lips against the searing pain.

  I heard Aelfric tell his followers to bring the half-breed, but he must have misspoken. The thing in front of us wasn’t my soulmate. It was an Aswang, a demon with the ability to take her form. The only way to tell the difference between them and the actual person was in the pupils. In an Aswang, your reflection would be upside down. I knew what I’d see if Aelfric would let me close enough to end the beast, but he tugged me down another passageway.

  King Roland’s voice echoed in the tunnel and I heard him accuse Ryn of betraying them. It didn't surprise me. I hated that peacock more than I cared to admit. It was more than a rivalry between two men for the same girl. Ryn’s attitude and the way he had treated our soulmate as his possession sealed the deal. Once I got rid of the Aswang, I’d finish him off as well.

  We came to a doorway, and I heard the sound of retreat. The Dark Ones yelled to pursue their enemies and another piece of my soul chipped away when I realized Linc and the others had left me behind again. It was only a matter of time before that thing with Kitra’s face deceived my family, but they weren’t lost. I’d prove what it really was. I’d show them it’s true identity.

  I closed my senses as we left the caves below and emerged into the forest. Aelfric told me earlier we’d have to find an alternative place to lie low while we worked on our plans. I’d learned he allowed no one to react until he was ready. He was meticulous to almost obsessive, and if anyone dared to go against him, they died on the spot.

  “You know,” Aelfric whispered like we were old friends. “I have a confession.”

  Aelfric never believed he was wrong about anything, so a confession might be different for him. “What type of confession?” My voice was stoic, and I waited a few minutes for him to answer.

  “What if I told you Kitra was alive? Would that change anything?” He raised a brow and studied my reaction.

  “Is she alive? Was what we had seen a minute ago an Aswang?” I kept my face as devoid of emotion as when he first mentioned a confession. Yes, it made a difference. A vast difference. A slight spark of hope glowed in my chest.

  “Well.” He pulled a syringe from his robe pocket. “My father said she was alive, that I had been mistaken, and somehow she’d been miraculously healed after Apollo tortured her.”

  We stopped as he plunged the needle into my arm. He slid it out to adjust the angle and my teeth gnashed together to keep from hissing. Once he got it where he wanted it, he pushed the plunger and filled my vein with liquid fire. Instead of removing it, he left it inside my arm and spun it slowly while he continued to talk. I wanted to punch him because of the pain but knew acting out would cause something far worse.

  “If she is alive, you’ve already lost her.”

  “Lost her?” My speech slurred.

  “Yes.” The needle made another turn under his careful hand to prolong the pain and torture without rupturing the vein. “She’s made her choice. I heard she’s completed her bond with the Seelie Commander.”

  Images filled my head, and I growled when I thought of Ryn taking her from me. She promised she wouldn’t choose until after this was all over. Did she lie? Could I even trust what Aelfric said?

  “She’s not yours anymore.” My thoughts disintegrated as my body numbed. “Maybe she's dead. Maybe she’s not, but we don’t care. What has to be done little wolf?”

  I understood now. This was a game he wanted to play, but I wasn’t taking the bait. I had an Aswang to kill. “Kill her and save my pack.”

  “Correct.” He laughed and removed the needle from under my skin. “L
et’s get back on track.”

  I shuffled forward and waited for the tremors to subside so I could plan my revenge. No matter where Aelfric took me or any of the nonsense he fed me, I had a mission. All I had to do was focus on the end.

  Chapter 7


  S OMETIME DURING OUR ESCAPE, I’d been passed to Linc. I didn’t remember how I’d gotten from the antechamber to Caden’s Hummer in the parking lot of the diner. Nothing made sense. How could Ryn betray us? Betray me? Somewhere among those tunnels, my anger shifted to the other end of the spectrum. My brows pulled down and from trembling lips, I expelled an audible breath. I was at a loss for words; none were conceivable to how I felt. I lifted shaking fingers to cover my lips before the pitiful mewl lodged in my throat escaped.

  “Kitra?” A warm palm grasped my shoulder. “I can explain.”

  A switch flipped, and I rounded on Ryn. “How can you explain what you did?” My voice reverberated in the valley as power flared behind my eyes. The setting sun shone through the wayward strands of his sand-colored hair and tears rimmed his forest green eyes. “I can’t trust a word out of your mouth.” The sentence ended on a whisper.

  “Please.” He reached for me again and I stepped away from him. “Let me explain.” Only Linc, Phobos, and I knew of Ryn’s crime and now our spat gained curious stares from the others gathered outside their cars.

  “What’s going on?” Uncle Kalen turned from his Range Rover after checking on my sleeping aunt.

  “Go ahead.” Linc sneered and spit on the ground. “Tell them how you betrayed us and alerted Aelfric that we were coming to rescue Caden and Mauve.”

  Gasps filled the air, and Ryn’s head fell to his chest. “I… I’m sorry.”

  “You told them?” Uncle Kalen stepped in front of me. “Why would you do that, Ryn? I thought you loved Kitra? Did you not think this would hurt her? Hurt us?” He swept his arm out to include the rest of the group.

  “I was focused on Faerie. On keeping my Queen and Princess safe.” A tear escaped his left eye as he raised his sullen face. “I want to save my world too. Kitra has seen what it has to offer. You all have.” Ryn’s head fell again. “I… I thought I’d have the chance to show Kitra.” He closed his lips and shook his head.

  “Show. Me. What?” I barely restrained my wolf from attacking one of the people who completed our dual nature.

  “That you are far superior than this realm. Faerie is far superior. So am I.” Growls filled the air, and I was afraid it was about to become a bloodbath.

  “So, this is about stupid prejudices again?” I took a step forward, but Uncle Kalen lifted his arm and blocked my advance. “I thought I’d made this clear. Fairies aren’t any better than wolves or vice versa.”

  “But I’m the better choice.” Ryn’s voice raised to a shout. “I wanted to show you what the Creator decided when he gave me your mark before you or Caden were even born. I’m your true soulmate and could give you so much more than you could even imagine. We could rule Faerie and make it a place where no evil would ever reside again. Kitra, we can do that. Caden can’t offer you a utopia.”

  I stepped around Uncle Kalen and stood inches away from Ryn. I tilted my head to meet his sharp gaze. “If you think I care about a utopia, then you don’t know me at all.” Ryn opened his mouth to speak, but a stuttered noise squeaked from his lips when he saw my glare, and my fairy magic shone through my violet eyes. “You betrayed my trust, Ryn. I’m your Princess and you failed to follow my direct orders. How can I ever trust you again? I can’t surround myself with those who are here for their own gain. You need to leave.”

  “Leave?” Ryn’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. “I’m not leaving you, Kitra. You’re my soulmate. I can’t leave you vulnerable.”

  “You should've thought of that before you betrayed me.” I turned from his gaping mouth. “Bretton, I’ll entrust you to escort your Commander back home.”

  “Yes, Your Highness.” Bretton dragged his feet over to his friend and mumbled under his breath. “Idiot.”

  “Sable? Will you and Jacob take them to the portal?” She nodded once and came forward. “In case Ryn tries something else.” I turned my back on the fairy in question and his pleading eyes. No amount of groveling would win me over.

  “I’m sorry, Kitra.” A growl left my lips. I couldn’t stand to look at him any longer.

  I shifted in one leap and ran past him into the treeline. A dark wolf joined me, running on my left side and I was vaguely aware of Linc’s mental awareness connecting to mine. In the distance, I listened to Ryn argue with the others but eventually left due to Sable’s threat to abide by her Luna’s orders. My body quaked as the wail I’d fought off slipped from my lungs in a mournful howl. My fairy magic pulsed to life and wrapped itself around my shattered wolf. Linc’s howl joined mine, but I didn’t stop racing over the dead leafy ground. I knew this run through the forest could put me in danger and be foolish, but my heart had fractured into even smaller pieces when I learned of Ryn’s deceit. My entire world was imploding, and I didn’t know if I was strong enough to sift through the debris to stitch it back together again.

  Eventually, I circled back to the parking lot and shifted while tears poured down my face. Uncle Kalen pulled me into his chest and rubbed circles into my back until my sobs quieted. I took a deep breath while he searched my face. Whatever he was hunting for wasn’t found and he released a sigh. No one spoke as I pulled from Uncle Kalen’s grip and walked to the Hummer with the keys already out.

  When I got behind the wheel, I stared at my lap for a few minutes. It took a tremendous amount of energy just to turn the ignition and put the vehicle into gear. The reflection watching me from the rearview mirror had splotchy cheeks with redness rimming vacant eyes. I took several deep breaths and snapped the rubber band which I still kept around my wrist. My heart rate increased. I was okay, I repeated this mantra as I fought the panic rising in my chest. I refused to succumb to the attack. I was in control and wouldn’t focus on the worst-case scenarios playing on a reel in my mind.

  Linc reached over and squeezed my knee. Once he had my attention, he mouthed the words just breathe, and he took a huge breath to demonstrate what he wanted me to do. I followed his lead and reevaluated our options. On one hand, I could scream and throw a tantrum, or I could pull myself together and find a solution. I chose the latter and slowly my heart rate slowed. A lightbulb brightened behind my eyes. Aunt Mauve would know Aelfric’s plans. Now, all we had to do was get her coherent.

  When we pulled up in front of the main house at Moon Stone Ranch, Allie, Gwen, and Lilly rushed out of the door and Lilly ran to help with Aunt Mauve. Both girls searched our numbers and their brows drew together when they noticed our smaller group.

  “Caden?” Allie grabbed my arm.

  I shook my head and tears ran in rivulets to my chin.

  “What happened? Where is everyone else?” Gwen sighed when she saw Austin and her posture relaxed.

  Kitra? Austin’s worried voice wiggled past my walls. I added more cement and bars to the structure, pushing him out of my head.

  I tugged out of Allie’s grip and followed Lilly and Uncle Kalen to the girl’s dormitory. I heard the rest of my friends gather around the girls and their whispered explanations. I faltered when Allie gasped but then sped up until I was on Uncle Kalen’s heels. Opening the door to the dormitory, I met the stares of teenagers poking their heads from several doorways. We continued down the hallway painted a sterile white. Bulletin boards posted chore schedules and times for shift changing control training. A large digital clock was attached to the wall above one of the boards. All eyes remained on us until Lilly turned left at the end of the hall and descended a set of stairs.

  Through a set of metal double doors, a room opened up into an area that reminded me of an emergency room. A large u-shaped desk sat in the middle of the room and several gurneys separated by curtains were parked alongside three of the four walls. Two women sat b
ehind the desk and jumped to their feet when they saw Aunt Mauve’s tiny form in Uncle Kalen’s arms.

  Both women wore pink scrubs and maintained an air of urgency while they gathered materials. The tall, lean lady pulled her hair into a knot on the top of her hand as she grabbed a stethoscope and directed Uncle Kalen to the closest bed. The shorter, curvy woman’s auburn hair fell over her shoulder when she leaned down to gather tubing and a saline bag. Uncle Kalen moved out of their way while Lilly pulled on some gloves and wheeled a blood pressure machine over to Aunt Mauve’s bed.

  Uncle Kalen steered me to a row of uncomfortable-looking plastic chairs that sat near the double doors. His arm wrapped around my shoulder and I fell against him. Soon, my tears dampened his shirt, and he shushed my whimpers.

  “We’ll be okay.” He tightened his hold. “I’ll help you figure this out. We all will.”

  I only nodded, and we settled into a comfortable silence. The beeping of the medical equipment began to soothe me, and I closed my eyes.

  I woke to someone shaking my leg. Uncle Kalen wasn’t sitting with me any longer and I had curled into the hard plastic. Allie’s fiery red hair filled my vision. Her blue eyes softened when she looked at me. Gwen’s golden-brown eyes met mine over Allie’s shoulder.

  “You need some rest.” Allie tried to pull me to my feet.

  “I can’t leave her.” I sat up and felt every muscle in my body ache from sleeping across the hard chairs.

  Allie pointed to Aunt Mauve’s bedside. “I think he’s got it covered.”

  Uncle Kalen sat in a chair next to Aunt Mauve with his head resting beside their joined hands.

  “Come on. Get up.” Gwen moved in front of me and pulled me to my feet. “We’ll fetch you when she wakes up.” I relented and went to Caden’s room. Part of me dreaded walking in, but another part needed to be surrounded by his scent. Not long after I turned myself into a burrito under his blankets, I fell asleep.

  Sable and Jacob reported to me as soon as I awakened and confirmed Ryn and Bretton had gone through the portal. They stood guard outside it for several hours to make sure the two fairies didn’t return. After I finally opened up about Ryn’s betrayal, Allie, Gwen, and Phobos stayed glued to my side while I waited for Aunt Mauve to wake up.


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