Scarlet Forest

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Scarlet Forest Page 12

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  “We’ll make do, Luna.” Sable stood. “I’ll talk to Jacob to set it up.” She left us in the living room.

  “Don’t even do that.” Zander pointed in my direction.

  “What?” I shrugged and closed my eyes.

  None of them understood this mess was on my shoulders. I was the hybrid. The key to the Gate of Aramath. Each death was my burden to bear. Not theirs. None of their decisions or mess-ups affected the pack or two worlds like mine did.

  “That right there.” Zander kept pointing. “You’re closing down and blaming yourself again.” He walked over and sat next to me. “You can’t do that anymore.”

  “No, you can’t.” Curtis traced his Guardian mark. “You think you’re in this alone, but you’re not. We’re bound together for a reason. I know it.” He held up his arm and showed his luminous violet paw print. “You have to let us in. Share your load with us. I truly believe it’s a part of this.” He pointed to his mark.

  Phobos stood and shook out his fur. One minute he was a gray husky with a purple crescent moon on his forehead and the next, he was a tall shadow. Allie and Gwen sat up straighter.

  “I know this form scares you.” Phobos’s gruff voice radiated from the dark shape. “But I want you to know my story.” We gathered around Phobos and waited for him to continue. “The Great Supernatural War was the beginning of my kind’s end. We were the shifters of Faerie, but the Abominations turned on their masters and changelings in the forest pretended to be phoukas. When they appeared, they portrayed themselves as your greatest desire to lure prey in. After hundreds of fairy deaths, phoukas were hunted and killed while the changelings were forced through the gate.” Phobos’s form darkened. “My family was hunted down and killed one by one. When my father was killed, I took charge of my sisters and mother.”

  Phobos drifted into a corner away from us.

  “Phobos?” I started to get up until he spoke again.

  “Every decision I made was the wrong one. I kept them safe for a while, but it didn’t last. When I thought we’d outrun the hunters, we were attacked. Nothing I did kept my family alive and their deaths haunted me for years. They still do.” He settled back in front of us. “I replayed their deaths over and over, looking for any way their fates could have been different. I roamed Faerie in the shadows for centuries and never found another phouka. I’m all that’s left.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Allie reached for Phobos’s shadow.

  “I was alone until your presence called to me princess. I was given another chance… a new purpose.” The shadow shrank. “I was alone with my thoughts and the mental scars from that time may never heal. Don’t do this alone. Lean on your family and friends.”

  The husky was back and trotted to my legs. I kissed his furry forehead before the others descended on him. Phobos’s growling didn’t stop the hugs or kisses from the others and I was happy to see he had been fully accepted by the others. Finally, Phobos had enough of the attention and hid under a table.

  “What do we do now?” Allie pulled me to my feet. “Does anyone still think Caden was trying to find something during the attack?”

  “We’ve turned the house upside down once already.” Gwen yawned. “Do you think we missed something?”

  “I’m not sure.” Allie's hands landed on her hips and she glared at the rest of us. “Get up. We’ve got a house to tear apart again. It may not be a blatant find. This time we look for something only Caden would want.”

  We spent the next few hours going over the house with a fine-tooth comb and still didn’t come up with anything of significance unless Caden wanted something from Lucian’s belongings. Nothing stood out and our search had been useless again.

  I went back to the office and sat at the desk. I stared at a blank page and begged a plan to magically form on the paper. I wrote: Lure Aelfric out, at the top of the page. Underneath, I drew a star for my first bullet and wrote: Pretend to be alone next to it. Have the others hide from sight and downwind came next on the list. I tapped the pen on the notebook and bounced my leg. I grinned when I jotted down Examine the gate like you’re trying to find a way to destroy it. Aelfric would fall for the trap like a moth to a flame. My vulnerability wasn’t something he could resist.

  I grabbed the notebook and stood, knocking my knee against the leg of the desk. My bones cursed my existence, and I rubbed the sore spot while Phobos raised one of his canine eyebrows. Bent over, I remembered the indention on the desk leg and squatted to get a better look at it. My fingers grazed the dip in the wood. In the center, a small protrusion was barely visible even to my wolf eyes. If I hadn’t felt it, I never would have seen it.

  The button sank under a small push, and a clicking noise got Phobos’s attention before a hidden compartment dropped into view. Inside, a silver sheathed dagger rested on blue velvet. An intricate design of a wolf bowing to a radiant light covered the hilt and a large sapphire was attached to the end.

  Uncle Kalen walked into the room. “I noticed you all are searching again. Did you?” His mouth gaped open. “Where did you find that?”

  “Here.” I pointed to the secret compartment. “It was inside. What is it?”

  “The alfa dolk.” His hands shook when I passed the blade to him. “It’s the dagger of the first alpha of the Dire Wolves. Legend says the Creator fashioned it for the alpha to always have a divine weapon to protect the pack.” He grabbed a tan throw from a chair and wrapped it around the blade. “Remember, we were created to protect humanity. If the pack falls, so does the world. This.” He patted the cloth. “Cannot fall into the wrong hands. Only the alpha can weld it.”

  “Do you think that’s why Caden came for it?” A small spark bloomed in my chest and I held still and waited for Uncle Kalen’s answer.

  “Most likely, but Caden can’t locate the dagger.” His eyes grew hard. “Not when he is with Aelfric. The pack has to be protected at all costs. We’re the last defense against evil for the humans.”

  “What do you suggest?” My wolf perked up when she sensed my new hope. Even if Caden wore the robes of a Dark One, I knew he wasn’t entirely lost. There was still a part of him determined to save his people. That part would bring him back to me.

  “I’ll alert the others.” His green eyes dropped to the bundle he held. “And hide it. Only your Guardians and I will know its location.”

  After he left the office with Phobos on his heels, I made my way upstairs to Caden’s room. I picked up my bag and dug to the bottom where my mother’s journal rested. After finding it, I pulled Caden’s blanket around me and made myself a cocoon. My fingers traced over the first page and I read the entries. I knew it by heart, but I reread it until my eyes blurred. My mother’s inner thoughts comforted me, and I didn’t feel so alone in my burden. She knew the weight I would carry, and it made me feel even closer to her than I had in a long time.

  I closed the book and cradled it while I closed my eyes and whispered as if she sat next to me. How do I find the weapon? Where did you hide it? The surface of the journal warmed under my arms until I couldn’t hold it any longer, and I shielded my eyes from its bright glow. The book opened on its own and the pages flipped. Once it settled and the room dimmed, I reached for it.

  The words I read made no sense, and I had to re-read them more than once.

  “G… guys.” Only a whisper moved past my lips, and I cleared my throat. “Guys!”

  A stampede stomped across the floor as my Guardians, Allie, and Gwen entered the room. Uncle Kalen and Lilly joined us soon after. My hands shook as I held up my mother’s journal and stared with my mouth unhinged.

  “What did you find?” Linc stepped closer and reached for the bound book, but I clutched it against my chest.

  “We already have the weapon.” I glanced back at the words.

  “We have the weapon?” Allie’s brows touched her hairline. “Then, where is it?”

  I pointed to myself and my Guardians. “We’re the weapon.” I gave the journal to Linc.<
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  He whistled and handed it to Curtis. “We’re the weapon.” He repeated my statement and sat down. “I can’t believe this.”

  “Let me see this.” Uncle Kalen took the diary from Curtis when he gaped at me and began reading it aloud.

  My Dearest Kitra,

  If you’ve found this last letter, the time to end evil among the Supernaturals has come. When I became pregnant with you, I thought my time as the Creator’s Champion was coming to a close, and I was right. The torch to protect both worlds was to be passed down. My last mission was to turn you into the instrument needed to secure a safe future for all. You, my sweet daughter, are the key in more ways than one.

  I traveled to Faerie to consume the makt which roughly translates in the ancient tongue to power. It was locked away in Oberon’s Forest, but I found it and absorbed its magic. In order for it to be used, the blood of a hybrid was needed. This is where you came in, but its strength is too robust for any one person to contain and use. You should have found your Guardians by now. If not, search all of the Supernatural world to find them, or else the weapon will remain useless.

  As the key, you have to find and transfer the energy into the others, but they have to be willing to accept the power. Look deep inside yourself and you will see its light. You have to use it with the Guardians collectively as a team and with the same intent. If not, it will manifest and be uncontrollable. All of you have to have the same goal or the innocent will get hurt.

  Don’t be afraid, my darling girl. Trust your instincts when sharing the load with the others. It’s all of your destinies. I know you can do this.



  “I.” Uncle Kalen stared at us. “We’ve had it all this time?” He passed the letter back to me. “I can’t believe it.”

  “Now what?” Gwen locked arms with her mother. “Maybe you should practice transferring power to the others.”

  I glanced at my Guardians. “Do you think we should? The last time didn’t end so well.” My gaze stayed on Linc. I didn’t want to hurt him or any of the others.

  “We’re going to have to try.” Curtis walked to the door. “What’s the worst that can happen?”

  “Famous last words.” Allie elbowed him.

  After Uncle Kalen warned Sable about our close call in Faerie when I had tried to transfer power to my Guardians, we walked to the training grounds. Even with the potential for danger, everyone was upbeat and some of the pressure in my chest disappeared. At least we now had the weapon and knew in theory how it was supposed to work.

  I shook my arms and gazed at our small crowd. Lira and Elder Dylan joined us after Sable and Jacob cleared the others out.

  “Just breathe, Kitra.” Sable gave me a thumbs up.

  “Why are you stalling?” Elder Dylan approached our small circle.

  “I almost killed Linc when we tried this before.” My voice was small, and I refused to look at Linc.

  “Tell me exactly what you did the last time.” The Elder scratched his chin. “Don’t leave anything out. I need to hear each step you took when you tried this before.”

  I explained how I shifted into my wolf and tried to push the power to the others in that form.

  “Bring your wolf as close to the surface as you can without shifting.” Elder Dylan paced in front of us. “Then search for this other energy. You need your wolf to find it, but I think shifting may make it unstable. Use your fae side to wield and transfer the energy. Each part of you has to work together. Are you ready?”

  I nodded and stepped back. I called my wolf and pulled her to the surface. She wanted to fully emerge, but I held her back. I used her sight to look inside myself for something different. Buried behind the violet haze of my fae magic, a shimmery white haze hid. Why had I never noticed this before? My wolf helped me dig through an invisible barrier around the new energy. My fae magic intermingled with the white thread and wove together into a cord.

  “I’ve got it. Get ready.” The others spread out around me.

  A single strand extended from me to Linc, Curtis, Zander, and Austin. Another strand snaked its way over to Phobos, and I heard him grunt. My body slowly rose into the air. My hair floated around me and I levitated higher with only my bonds tethering me to the earth. Purple and white lightning traveled down the strands and filled the others with light.

  Gasps reached my ears, and I opened my eyes. The world blazed in fresh new colors. It was as if I was seeing for the first time, but something was missing. The power built under my skin and I panted. It didn’t have anywhere else to go, and I was close to a nuclear meltdown.

  “They’re going to explode!” Sable’s scream centered my thoughts.

  Before any more energy spread to the others, I severed the ties and was tossed higher into the air from the recoil. My body plummeted to the ground, but instead of impact, an inky shadow grew and caught me ten feet above the grass.

  “Thank you, Phobos.” I clung to the shadow until my feet touched a solid surface again.

  “What happened?” Uncle Kalen and the others rushed to my side.

  “The energy was too much. It didn’t have anywhere else to go. We need Caden. It won’t work without him. If he won’t join us, Aelfric will win. The weapon will be incomplete and useless.” I glanced at the woods. “It’s time to set my plan into motion.”

  Chapter 19


  D ANNICK HAD TRANSFORMED THE ballroom into a meeting area. A long dark wooden table stretched down the middle of the room. Several of the golden wing chairs were already occupied when I strolled into the room. Since my disgraced return to Faerie, I’d kept to myself and tried to come up with a way to redeem myself to Kitra. My patience was frayed, and I wanted to run back to my soulmate, but an unwelcome return wasn’t what would fix my problems. I had to prove to her I saw her as my equal.

  I took a seat next to Bretton as Dannick cleared his voice and shifted in his chair. “I have important news from the mortal realm.” He caught each of our gazes. “Mauve is healing, but she’s still not herself.” Was I the only one who noticed Dannick didn’t speak of her as our ruler? “The bishop has returned bearing these documents. The Seelie Court has a new Queen.”

  “A new Queen?” Moonbeam peered at the papers.

  “Because of her weakened condition, Mauve abdicated the throne. Seelie needs a strong ruler and I can’t think of anyone more capable than our new Queen. May Queen Kitra’s reign be long and prosperous.”

  “She’s Queen.” My face paled, and I stood. “I couldn’t agree more with you, Dannick, but I need to go to her. She shouldn’t be alone.”

  “Oh, you’ll have your chance.” He picked up another sheet of paper. “This came today. It’s Queen Kitra’s first order. She wants our troops assembled and brought to Moon Stone Ranch. She’s ready to move on Aelfric.”

  “What’s changed?” Bretton took the letter. “I thought they were still looking for the weapon.”

  “They found it.” Dannick grinned, and I dropped into my chair. “She and her Guardians make up the weapon. It’s clever… I’ll give Meghan that.”

  “But that means.” Blood rushed to my ears.

  “She needs the wolf.” Dannick nodded. “But, Caden too has turned. He was seen with Aelfric, attacking the Ranch, so this is going to be harder than any of us realized.”

  “Why would he join Aelfric?” Moonbeam’s white brows rose and wrinkled the ebony skin of her forehead.

  “Aelfric is a master deceiver. He makes you believe his way is the only way. Caden may have similar reasons to mine.” I tapped the table’s surface while my mistake played through my thoughts. “I may not like the wolf because of our shared soulmate, but I respect him. He’s a fierce fighter and leader. He’d wouldn’t have turned easily. Aelfric is holding something over his head and Caden will do everything he can to stop the Dark Ones. I know it. He won’t abandon them.” The words tasted like crow, but I ate them. Caden wasn’t perfect, but he’d learned to trust Ki
tra’s abilities long before I did.

  “How will you answer the Queen’s call, Commander?” Dannick smirked when I squirmed in my seat under his knowing stare.

  “We take everything we have to the Queen. She needs her people.” She needs me to be the man she deserves. I wanted to say it out loud, but it stayed on the tip of my tongue. “I won’t fail her again.”

  “Who stays here?” All eyes turned towards me when Bretton spoke. “Someone has to run the kingdom.”

  “She’s made her decision.” I held my breath and begged the Creator not to let me hear my name. “The Queen has asked that I stay here and continue on in her stead.”

  Air rushed from my lungs. “You’re sure? Did she say anything about me returning to her side?”

  “She did.” Dannick’s head tilted, and he pursed his lips. “You’re a very lucky man, Commander. She knows you’re a great soldier and will defend Faerie, but she’s not leaving you fully in charge of this one. You’ll defer to Bretton for the mission. He’ll be asked to join her in meetings and then relay what she wants you to do.” My mouth flapped open and shut. “It’s the Queen’s orders. If it were up to me, after the stunt you pulled, you wouldn’t step foot on that plane again.” He stood when I tried to speak. “I know your reasons, Ryn. Before you leave, really search yourself. She’s giving you another chance to demonstrate your loyalty. Be grateful and don’t mess it up this time.”

  “Make it right.” Moonbeam hugged me and left with Dannick.

  “Commander?” Bretton turned in his chair. “What do you want me to do?”

  “I’ll get everything ready over here.” I glanced at my friend’s pinched face. “But we’ll do as the Queen has asked. I’ll follow her instructions without argument. I will win back her trust.”

  Over the next couple of hours, I hand-picked our best fighters. I made sure to leave a platoon behind to guard the palace, and soon we were ready to leave. I glanced out over the group. We were the best of the best. Some of the faces looking at me had never left Faerie and they may never return, but they answered their Queen’s call without hesitation.


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