Dreamspinner Press Year Three Greatest Hits

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Dreamspinner Press Year Three Greatest Hits Page 36

by Jenna Hilary Sinclair

  “See you in a few minutes.” Geoff hung up, started a fresh pot of coffee, and put cookies and some of Eli’s homemade bread on the table.

  He heard the old truck before he saw it pull in the driveway. Poor thing needed work. Then he heard Pete coming out of the barn, greeting Frank and Penny. “Sounds like you got a problem with the truck, Frank.”

  “Yeah.” From the sound of his voice, it was just another problem on top of many.

  “You here to see Geoff?” Frank must have nodded. “I’ll look at ’er while yer inside.”

  It was Penny who answered. “Thank you.”

  Geoff came to the door and ushered them inside, inviting them to have a seat at the table.

  “Frank said you have a proposition for us about the farm.”

  Geoff poured them each a cup of coffee. “Yeah, I do. I’d like to buy it, but I just can’t quite make it pay at the price you want. But I think I can sweeten the deal in another way. Rather than buy all the land and the equipment, I’m willing to buy all the land except the acre that includes the house and your tool and equipment shed. You could easily sell the equipment to make up the difference if you wanted.”

  Frank looked skeptical. “Why would you do that? You could just meet my price and sell the equipment yourself and come out ahead.”

  “I probably could, but this way if you feel like it, you could keep it and rent it out when folks need extra equipment during planting or harvesting. I don’t need the equipment; I’ve got plenty.” Frank and Penny looked thoughtful. “There’s one more thing I’d like to do.”

  “What’s that, son?”

  “I want to hire you as a crop manager.” Frank’s eyes went wide. “No one knows more than you about rotating crops, building up fields, what grows best where, when to plant, and so on. Dad did all that, and to be honest, I did okay this year, but I’m not good at it.”

  Frank looked confused, “The reason I’m selling is because I couldn’t plant and harvest the fields I have.”

  “Don’t want you to do that. I want you to plan it all for me. I’ve got people who can sit on a tractor to plant and harvest fields. I need someone who can manage what should be planted where and help build up the fields. I’ve got probably fifty acres that need augmenting.” Geoff stopped to let them digest what he’d said. “You’ve got a lot of good years ahead of you, and just because you can’t do the heavy work anymore doesn’t mean you don’t have a lot to contribute.”

  Frank and Penny were smiling.

  Geoff continued. “Now, I want you to know what I’m asking. With the addition of your land, I’ll be planting close to a thousand acres, with twelve hundred head of cattle on another thousand acres. Your job will be to plan what should be planted where, what fields need augmenting, and so on, to help make sure I have enough feed for the cattle and some to spare. Take your time and think it over. Let me know what you decide.”

  Both Frank and Penny were smiling at each other. Frank leaned forward, cradling his coffee in his hands, “If you don’t mind my asking, how are you gonna pay for this?”

  “Dad was smart, real smart. He put aside part of his profits for emergencies and for expansion. So to answer your question, I’m paying cash.”

  Frank whistled but said nothing more. Then he and Penny finished their coffee and said their good-byes. Geoff followed them outside and saw Pete closing the hood of their truck.

  “Should be okay now, Frank.” Frank thanked him, got in, started the truck, and they left.

  Geoff heard the engine purring like a kitten. “That was real good of you, Pete.”

  “From the huge smiles on their faces when they came out, you must have been real good to them too.” Pete moseyed back to the barn while Geoff shook his head and went inside. He heard a tractor start up a few minutes later and saw Pete heading out with a load of feed.

  Geoff cleaned up the dishes and went into the living room, sitting in front of the television. It had been a productive morning, but he needed to rest awhile—especially if he wanted to go riding this afternoon.

  The television droned on, and he put his head back and soon dozed off, jerking awake when the back door closed and he heard Eli’s voice. The man was bubbling over and seemed really happy when he bounded into the living room.

  “How was the visit?” Geoff asked.

  “Good. They were pleased I had a job and was doing well.” The smile faded a little. “Papa didn’t say much, which means he figured I’d be ready to come back home already, but Mama was happy I was working with horses and seeing new things. She said I get my curiosity from her side the family.” Eli sat next to him.

  “So the visit was good.” And Eli had come back and seemed happy to be here. That was a very good thing in Geoff’s book.

  Len popped his head in. “Saw Pete in the yard. He said Frank and Penny were here.”

  “Yeah, I talked to them about buying their land.”

  Len looked confused. “I thought they wanted more than we were willing to pay.”

  Geoff motioned for him to sit down. “I reworked the numbers, reduced the price, let them keep the equipment because we don’t need it, and may have gotten us a crop manager in the process.”

  “Crop manager?” Len looked like his head was spinning, “Explain that to me.”

  “You know that no one knows more about planting crops than Frank. I sweetened the deal by offering him a job planning our crops for us.”

  “He couldn’t plant his own crops. How is he gonna plant ours?”

  Geoff smiled, “Len, not plant—plan our crops for us.”

  The light went on, and Len slapped his leg. “That’s brilliant. And he can either sell his equipment or rent it out to make up the difference.”

  Geoff leaned back and smiled. “Exactly.”

  “You think he’ll go for it?”

  They’d seemed pretty happy when they left, but Geoff said nothing and only shrugged. “If they do, we’ll need to hire another full-time hand so we can expand the herd. I want to add at least two hundred head.”

  Len thought it over for a while. “Let’s work out the details if and when they agree to the sale.” He got up. “We brought back lunch for you. It’s in the fridge.”

  A few seconds later, Geoff heard the back door open and close.

  “You did it again, didn’t you?” Eli said.

  Geoff leaned in close, tasting those sweet lips. “Did what?”

  “Helped those people without them knowing they were being helped.” Geoff shrugged. As far as he was concerned he’d made a smart, mutually beneficial business arrangement, but the smile on Eli’s face was just too good, regardless of how it got there. Whatever he’d done, he knew he’d keep doing it if it meant being smiled at like that.

  “Come on, let’s get you some lunch and then a nap so we can go riding this afternoon.” Eli led Geoff into the kitchen and, after his lunch, upstairs to the bedroom.

  After a short nap, Geoff went to the barn to find Eli working with Joey, cleaning stalls.

  “Hey, you’re up!” Eli said.

  Geoff yawned and then smiled. “Yeah, ready for a ride?”

  “Sure, we’re almost done here.”

  Geoff turned to Joey. “You want to join us?” He got a bright smile and a nod. “Be ready to go in twenty minutes.” They worked together to finish the stall and then got the horses saddled and headed out. Joey raced ahead while Eli stayed with Geoff. “Tell me about your visit with your family.”

  Eli looked over at him. “I don’t want to bother you with it.” Geoff reached over and patted Eli’s leg. “Papa wanted to know when I was coming home so he could schedule my baptism in the church. He said that there are a number of girls who want to meet me when I get back.”

  “What did you tell him?” He could see a cloud cover Eli’s usually bright face.

  “That I wasn’t ready to come back yet. He began to get agitated. He really expected I’d be ready to come back by now, and he doesn’t take surprises well
. I think he understands, but he’s just disappointed.” Geoff looked over at him as they rode, and Eli huffed softly. “I think he’s probably angry and thinks I’m defying him—like maybe I kind of defected to the English world. He really made me feel guilty. But I followed Geoff’s rule.”

  “What’s Geoff’s rule?”

  “No shame.” Eli grinned and urged his horse faster, with Geoff just behind.

  Chapter 13

  “WHEN IS Raine coming again?” Eli and Twilight trotted up from behind him, easily falling into step with Geoff and Kirk.

  “He should be here in a few days.” Geoff watched as Eli chewed his lip, a clear indication that something was bothering him. “What is it?”

  “Did you and Raine ever… did you love him?” Eli looked so cute, biting his lower lip gently, eyes holding just a touch of fear. Not that Geoff wanted Eli to be afraid or insecure, but it told him how much he meant to his lover.

  Geoff shook his head. “No, Raine and I are friends. We were never lovers.” Now it was Geoff’s turn to be nervous. He’d never talked to Eli about his days carousing in Chicago, and he didn’t know how Eli was going to react. “I had many men when I lived in Chicago, but not Raine.”

  Eli looked confused. “What do you mean you had many men? You had sex with many men?” Geoff nodded slowly. “Did you love these men?”

  “No, it was just sex.”

  Eli reined in his horse. “Has it been just sex with me too?” The hurt look on his face nearly broke Geoff’s heart, and he could feel a twist in his stomach. How could he explain the shallow, empty sex life he’d had prior to meeting Eli? How could he make him understand that he wasn’t some sort of prowling pervert? Eli’s own words came back to him: “Just speak plain.”

  Geoff stopped as well, turning to walk Kirk back to where Eli sat, looking heartbroken. “No, it has never been just sex with you. My life in Chicago was very different. I spent a lot of my time looking for sex in bars or clubs. I spent a lot of my nights in bed with strangers. It was lonely, and the sex was hollow and unfulfilling. It took me awhile to realize just how shallow my life had become. I had no idea how wonderful sex could be until I met and fell in love with you.” Geoff reached across to touch Eli’s leg. “With them it was just sex; with you it’s making love—very different, very different indeed. And I wouldn’t go back to what I had then for anything in the world.” Geoff leaned across the gap between them. “I love you, and I’m sorry if my past hurts you. Looking back, I’d change it if I could, but I can’t. The one thing I do know is that it’s made me appreciate how wonderful it is with you; and it is wonderful, special, and thrilling.”

  “You mean it?” Eli seemed relieved, and yet it must have seemed too good to be true. “You wouldn’t just say that to me?”

  “Of course I mean it.”

  Eli’s head moved forward just a little, those sweet lips touching his. Geoff wanted to pull him close, kiss him hard. Make love to him right there in the middle of the pasture, show him just how much he meant to him, but that was going to have to wait, particularly since Kirk was starting to throw his head, becoming impatient.

  “I love you, Tiger. All those other things I did before I met you pale by comparison. And when we’re done with our ride, I’m going to show you just how much I love you.”

  “Is that a promise?” Eli’s eyes were dancing again with that same delight that always made Geoff’s heart do little flips of excitement.

  “Tiger, that’s more than a promise. That’s a fact, so let’s enjoy our ride, and then we can enjoy our ride.” Geoff winked, and Eli’s eyes went wide as saucers. Geoff chuckled and flicked the reins, and Kirk took off like the hounds of hell were after him, with Eli and Twilight right behind him. Oh yeah, the wind on his body felt almost as good as Eli was going to feel in his arms. The thought drove him on, spurring his horse to let go and carry them across the field.

  “Whoa, Kirk.” Geoff pulled back on the reins to slow the horse, panting and laughing as Eli reined in right next to him. “Let’s get back. I have something special to show you.”

  “Special.” Those eyes sparkled. “Like a present?”

  “Sort of, but better, much better.” Geoff was really liking the look in Eli’s eyes, sort of hungry, like he’d expect from his Tiger.

  “Race you back!” Eli winked and spurred Twilight on, racing back across the field, laughing and calling as he went.

  “Hey, that’s cheating!!” Geoff gave chase, giving Kirk his head. The only response he heard was a whoop and a laugh. They raced across the pasture, Eli in the lead with Geoff catching up fast, but then they reined in the horses and walked them to the barn, laughing. The horses were unsaddled in record time.

  When Geoff was done, he closed Kirk’s stall door and found Eli leaning by the barn door.

  “Took you long enough,” Eli said, those eyes just shining. Geoff laughed, bent down, and hoisted Eli onto his shoulder. Eli’s feet were pumping, that tight body squirming.

  “You’re mine now, Tiger.” He patted Eli’s butt as he carried him across the yard, into the house, and up the stairs before flopping him on the bed. Eli laughed and bounced. “If you want your surprise, get yourself naked.”

  Hands flew, and clothes dropped by the bed. Eli got naked fast and was soon lying on the bed, waiting. Slowly, Geoff took off his shirt and then his pants, climbing on the bed like a prowling cat. “Love you, Tiger.” Geoff captured Eli’s lips, nibbling and sucking gently. “Want to give you something special.” Slowly, he lowered his body onto Eli’s, warm skin touching warm skin. Hands stroked, lips explored, tasting, touching, loving.

  “What is it you want to give me?” Eli was vibrating beneath him as their passion built.

  Using his weight, Geoff rolled them over so Eli was on top, pressing him into the mattress, their lips never parting. “I want you, Tiger. Want you inside me.”

  Eli went still, his head lifting, eyes staring deep into Geoff’s. “Are you sure? I’ve never done that before.”

  “Never been more sure of anything. I want you to make love to me.” Lifting his legs, Geoff wrapped them around Eli’s waist, and he felt hot hands stroking his hips and sliding across his butt. Eli reached to the bedside table and used the lube to slick his fingers, sliding one inside.

  “Is this what you want?” That finger zeroed in on his pleasure center, rubbing and stroking the cluster of nerves. Geoff could only nod slowly and open his mouth in a silent cry as another finger joined the first, twisting slowly inside him.

  “Yes, just like that.” The fingers withdrew and pushed back in again, “Yes… that’s real good, get me ready, Tiger. Want you so bad.” Geoff was throbbing on the bed, ready for his Tiger to love him. Eli shifted on the bed and the fingers were gone, leaving him with an empty feeling. Then, with agonizing slowness, Eli pushed into him, joining them together for the first time.

  Since Geoff had recovered from pneumonia, they’d made love daily, but until now, they’d never done this. They’d never joined in this most sensual way, and now they had. Now Eli was inside him, filling him, loving him. The stretch, the burn, followed by pure pleasure, was almost too much. Eli was inside him, his Eli, his Tiger.

  “Is this okay? Don’t want to hurt you.” Eli’s eyes were wide. “You feel so hot, so good around me.” Eli sounded short of breath, his excitement palpable. “Feels like I’m surrounded by hot, slippery heaven.”

  “It’s perfect; you’re perfect.” Geoff looked deeply into Eli’s eyes as he started to move, slowly and carefully at first, and then with increasing confidence. Eli experimented with different tempos and angles until Geoff thought the top of his head was going to explode. Every movement, every touch had him soaring. Then Eli bent forward and took one of his nipples between his teeth and sucked hard, sending him flying, and Geoff came in ribbons on his stomach. “Tiger!” Every muscle in his body clenched, and he felt Eli’s own release fill him with liquid heat.

  Eli collapsed on top of him, breathing ha
rd, and Geoff held him close as he gasped for air. Eli relaxed, his breathing evening out as he slipped from Geoff’s body. “Was I okay?”

  “Tiger, you were magnificent.” Geoff brought them together in a powerful kiss, using his lips and tongue instead of his voice to tell Eli just how much he meant to him. Geoff knew that he’d thrown his innocent lover with his confession about his exploits before meeting Eli, and he desperately needed to reassure him. Eli was quickly becoming very important to him, and he wasn’t about to take any chances with hurting him.

  “Are you sure I’m enough for you? That you won’t get tired of me?”

  Geoff hated that he could hear the doubt and that touch of fear in Eli’s voice. He rolled them on the bed. “You are more than enough for me. In fact, I just hope I can keep up with you.” They kissed happily, Geoff brushing the hair out of Eli’s eyes. “And I might get tired of you, in eighty or ninety years, but I think I’ll risk it.” Geoff smiled. “How about you? I’m the only person you’ve ever been with. Can you be satisfied with that?”

  Now it was Eli’s turn to smile. “I’m willing to try.”

  “Oh, you are, huh?” Geoff began tickling his ribs, and Eli tried to squirm away and guard his sides as he laughed.

  “Geoff,” Eli was giggling and wiggling as he was tickled. Geoff let up, and Eli used the reprieve to tickle back, and soon both of them were rolling and laughing.

  A firm knock on the door downstairs interrupted their fun. Geoff pulled on his pants, kissed Eli quickly, and grabbed his shirt, buttoning it as he raced down the stairs. “Just a minute!” He reached the door to see Frank Winters standing on his back step, looking worried. “Frank, come in.”

  Slowly, the older man climbed the steps and walked into the kitchen, looking nervous and very uncomfortable.

  “What is it? You look upset,” Geoff said.


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