Dreamspinner Press Year Three Greatest Hits

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Dreamspinner Press Year Three Greatest Hits Page 129

by Jenna Hilary Sinclair

  An erotic chill spread across David’s skin. Planting his feet on the mattress, he lifted into Trace’s touch. “Want you inside me,” he rasped, drowning in his lover’s eyes. Swallowing hard, Trace pressed against the portal and slid his finger in slowly to the second knuckle, as deep as he dared.

  “Oh fuck! Deeper!” David cried, his eyes fluttering. It had been so long since he’d been this intimate with anybody and knowing it was Trace was driving him crazy. He could read the reluctance in Trace’s eyes and the way he was biting his lip. “You aren’t going to hurt me. Remember the feeling of my finger in you. Let me show you,” he soothed. Reaching between his legs, he slid a long finger in next to Trace’s, guiding him deeper and helping him find exactly the spot that made him see stars.

  Trace watched his finger sink inside as David guided him, and he felt David’s body twitch when the side of his finger rubbed over a bump. For a long minute, and several strokes later, he felt his lover’s body clench around him. “Okay?” he asked, glancing at David for approval.

  David nodded. “You ready to do this?” he asked, voice unsteady. “Because I’m gonna come, and I really want you inside me.”

  Sucking in a breath, Trace tilted his head back for a moment as he gathered himself. “Yeah,” he murmured. He grabbed up the condom, rolled it on, and slicked himself with a soft moan. Then he shuffled closer between David’s thighs. His hands shook as he lined up, pressed against the pucker, and started to push, fumbling a couple times until his lover’s body opened to accept him. He stopped immediately, biting his lip, his free hand clenching on David’s leg.

  “God, don’t stop!” David’s hips tilted up, his hands pulling Trace deeper. Gasping, Trace obeyed, starting to rock slowly in, the motion familiar even if the body wasn’t. Once far enough inside, he slid both hands to clutch at David’s spread thighs. David’s body bowed, wanting Trace deeper, closer. Reaching up, he hooked his hand around Trace’s bicep and pulled. “Kiss me,” he begged, wanting to be connected to his lover in every way possible.

  Trace moaned as he carefully laid himself down and leaned on his elbows, licking at David’s lips before kissing him. He felt like he was caught in a slick, hot vise, and he didn’t want to leave it. The heat was boiling in his veins, and the urge to move was undeniable. He kept shifting his hips even as he lay atop his lover. When they finally parted to draw breath, Trace whispered, “So, so good,” in an achingly tender voice. It was overwhelming, being a part of David this way. It was so much more than he’d ever hoped it could be, and he hadn’t even realized he was hoping at all.

  “You, inside me. Nothing ever felt this good,” David moaned, his hands traveling up and down Trace’s back, kneading at the flexing muscles.

  Humming softly in agreement, Trace pushed himself up further on his elbows, arching his back as he made a first, long thrust on a soft gasp. He looked down at David intently as he slid in over and over until their hips bumped. “David, I had no idea,” he murmured. Trace’s hair poured over his shoulders, swaying with each move, and he licked his bottom lip as he tried to keep his concentration on not peaking too quickly. He wanted this to last.

  David swallowed, hypnotized by the man moving above him, inside him. “Me either,” he croaked, throat dry. “And I don’t even have the excuse of never having done it.”

  Trace chuckled breathlessly. The even motion of pushing himself forward into David’s body with his knees was somehow even more maddening than the hard, sharp thrusts he fought against. “Feel so damn close to you,” he murmured, ducking his head to draw his tongue along the line of David’s throat.

  “Can’t get any closer, and I’m not sure I ever want you any farther away.” A particularly well-placed thrust caused every muscle in David’s body to tense, his thighs trembling. His hand slipped between their bodies.

  Lifting slightly to make room for David’s hand, Trace shifted his weight back and thrust in a little harder, groaning each time their bodies clashed. His chest tightened with that indescribable sense of possessiveness—this man was his lover. His. Thrusts strengthening, Trace gritted his teeth against the swelling orgasm. His hands gripped David’s hips, holding the other man’s legs on his forearms. “Touch yourself, David. I need to see you come, knowing it’s me driving you to it,” Trace bit out, a little bit of greediness riding him so hard he couldn’t escape it.

  David’s hand closed back around his erection. He was so close that it wasn’t going to take long. Watching the emotion in Trace’s eyes, hearing the passionate tone of his voice, feeling him tremble, David groaned, fisting himself rapidly, wanting to feel Trace’s climax almost more than his own. He could see the love in Trace’s eyes, and shaken, David ground out, “More, harder, something, please!” as everything in him tightened and he felt like he’d explode. He took the last couple of hard thrusts as Trace’s moans filled his ears, and the same overwhelming pleasure swamped him.

  Trace tensed all over as his orgasm slammed into him, almost unexpected—he’d thought he’d have another minute—and he gave a long, quiet cry over each shift of his hips as he came. He was shaking, lost to the feeling, a feeling he hoped he’d never have to give up. The realization only made the shockwaves more acute as he moaned David’s name, heart aching.

  The uninhibited pleasure washing over Trace’s face was all David needed to push him to the precipice. “Oh my love,” David breathed, finding just the right grip on his cock and jerking twice, forcing a wild cry out as everything went white. Stilling his hand, David let the last strokes of Trace’s cock send him over. “Trace!” he cried. Then David’s pants turned into soft whimpers. “Oh Trace, oh baby… coming… coming!” And he came, hard, one shot, and then another, and another yell as he abandoned himself to the pleasure.

  Twitching through the tapering climax, Trace managed to pry open his eyes to see the ecstasy written on David’s face. Christ. He’s so gorgeous. “So gorgeous,” Trace murmured, dragging one hand down his lover’s chest as he watched him shudder through the aftershocks of his orgasm.

  Pulling Trace down on top of him, David wrapped his arms and legs around the solid body. Breathing too hard for a deep kiss, he buried his face in the crook of Trace’s neck.

  After a few minutes, a short sigh accompanied Trace’s cock slipping loose of David’s body. “I need to clean up a little,” Trace said. He kissed David’s forehead and climbed off him to sit on the edge of the bed. After a few breaths, he headed into the bathroom to get rid of the condom. He cleaned up and took a wet washcloth with him back to the bed. He turned the bathroom light off and stood there, caught in watching David in the moonlight. The fierce possessiveness had waned, and now he wondered if it was just a spur of the moment thing. But the strong affection remained, that was clear.

  He joined David on the bed and shook him gently. “Hey, aren’t you hungry?” he asked as he started wiping off David’s belly.

  David sighed heavily, as if put upon. “Yeah, actually, I am. Don’t want to move, though.” He turned a satisfied smile on his lover. Trace straightened, setting his hands on his hips. He looked awfully satisfied as well. His hair still floated around his shoulders in a mess.

  “Angelo’s? Manicotti? Wine? Cuddling on the couch?”

  “Mmmm. Sounds better and better,” David said. “You convinced me.”

  “Well, c’mon then,” Trace said, lightly smacking David’s ass as he walked out to find some comfortable clothes.

  “Watch it, Jackson! You might want this ass undamaged later!” David called after him, a huge grin on his face.

  Half an hour later, they were sitting close on the couch, eating the pasta and a salad Trace had tossed. David watched him, knowing the whole falling thing was moot. He was so far gone on Trace he didn’t even want to consider looking back. Trace made a sound of pleasure, setting his empty plate on the coffee table and leaning back. “I love Angelo’s,” he purred. His eyes shut as he rubbed his belly.

  David laughed. “You ate it fast enough,
” he said, glancing down at a whole piece still on his plate. He’d been so busy watching Trace that he’d stopped eating halfway through his plate. “Want some more?”

  “Yeah, but I’m too lazy to go get it,” Trace drawled.

  “Here,” David said. He scooped up a bite and held the fork to Trace’s lips. The other man opened his eyes and blinked, then opened his mouth. David deposited the bite on his tongue with a grin.

  “Mmmmm. Now this is pampering,” Trace murmured after swallowing.

  “You worked hard this evening; deserve a reward,” David answered, offering another bite. Trace replied by taking the bite and humming happily.

  The manicotti didn’t last long, nor did the wine, and David took the glasses and plates to the kitchen. When he returned to the living room, he grabbed both of Trace’s hands and hauled him up.

  “What?” Trace asked with an ooomph and a laugh.

  “I want my cuddle time,” David claimed, pulling Trace down the hall with him, back to the bedroom. Trace was more than willing. They dropped their clothes on the carpet and climbed onto the huge bed. Trace rolled to his back and stretched luxuriously as David sat next to him and watched. “You’re so handsome,” David said conversationally.

  Trace paused in his stretch and raised an eyebrow. “You know,” he said quietly. “I’ve heard that. A lot, actually. But it means more coming from you.”

  David smiled and laid down right next to Trace, pulling on his arm. Warmed by a wave of affection swelling in his chest, Trace rolled atop David, sinking them both into the bed. Their bodies aligned from where Trace lay between David’s thighs up to their chests, and Trace teased his lips slowly, enjoying being close to David while he cajoled a long, heartfelt kiss from him.

  David grinned, enjoying his lover’s weight against him. Tilting his head, he sucked at Trace’s tongue, his fingers sinking deep into the dark curtain of hair. “Fuck, you taste good.”

  “Glad you think so,” Trace murmured, leisurely kissing his lover again and again.

  David basked in the warmth of Trace’s body and couldn’t overcome the sated lethargy that demanded he just drift for a while. “Hold me while we sleep?”

  Trace rolled to his side after one last kiss and curled his arms around David, pulling the other man against him. He tangled their legs together and turned his head so David’s tucked into the curve of his neck. “How’s that?” he asked softly.


  Trace sighed happily and lifted his hand to caress David’s cheek. “We fit,” he said simply.

  It worked in so many ways, in Trace’s opinion. As friends, as companions, as lovers. Drowsy, he started to drift off.

  David felt sleep calling, but there was something important he wanted to say. He listened to Trace’s soft breathing, wondering if his lover was already asleep. Then he whispered his deepest desire.

  “I want you to stay. Stay with me.”

  He squeezed Trace gently and, reassured, fell asleep.

  Chapter 15

  THE SOFT light of dawn began to brighten the bedroom, waking David. Usually the moment his eyes opened, he was ready for his feet to hit the floor, but waking in Trace’s arms, their bodies curled together, legs entwined, he felt no urgency to move. Brushing a lock of dark hair back from Trace’s face, he let his fingers linger, tracing the contours. The arch of a cheekbone, a dark brow, the full curve of Trace’s bottom lip—every detail was precious.

  The whisper-soft touches slowly brought Trace awake, and his eyes fluttered open to see David looking at him tenderly. Trace’s pulse picked up. “Morning,” he murmured.

  “Morning,” David returned, his lips curving as they gently touched Trace’s. “Sleep well?”

  “Mmmm-hmmm,” Trace answered, sliding his free hand around David’s neck. “Someone tired me out.”

  David nuzzled Trace’s sleep-warm nape. “I feel like I found you just before it was time for you to leave. I don’t want to let go.”

  “So you meant what you said,” Trace said slowly.

  David realized he must have heard those last words before he fell asleep.

  “You want me to stay.” He thought it over for a few moments as David remained quiet. “That’s an awful big step, isn’t it?” he asked seriously.

  David closed his eyes, Trace close in his arms, trying not to feel like he was clinging. “I do mean it. Just the idea of going from having you here all the time to not being able to see you every day…. But the last couple of months haven’t been normal. It’s sort of like falling in love on vacation. I guess we both need to go back to our lives and see where this fits.” Pulling away slightly and forcing himself to look Trace in the eye, he said, “But I do want to try this. I want a relationship with you. I don’t want to go back to being just friends.”

  Trace smiled slowly. “Me either. I think I’m going to be lonely in my apartment with just Mabel for company.” Trace snorted. “Provided she’s willing to go with me. But I think you’re right. I want to know this isn’t just caused by constant proximity.”

  “I don’t know if constant proximity causes feelings like this, but if it does, I’d be willing to sacrifice and spend all my time with you just to keep it going.” David pressed a grin into Trace’s shoulder. “Just because you are going home doesn’t mean you couldn’t keep some stuff here, maybe spend the night occasionally….”

  “How about you let me take you to dinner? This weekend?” Trace asked. “Then we can go out somewhere.”

  “I think I’d rather let you take me to dinner and then stay in.” David leered comically. “I should probably warn you. I’m easy.”

  Trace snorted, grinned, and leaned in to kiss David lightly. “You’re on.”

  “I SHOULD’VE said, ‘No, my shoulder aches today, maybe I shouldn’t carry anything,’” David complained as they walked out of the elevator and down the hall toward Trace’s apartment door.

  “Carry?” Trace sent him a tolerant look over his shoulder. “You’ve got one gym bag—on your good shoulder—and Mabel. I think you’ll live.” He looked down at the near-overflowing plastic laundry basket he carried.

  “Yes, but Mabel’s important and not all that happy to be transported,” David claimed.

  Trace rolled his eyes as he set the basket on the floor next to the door and dug out his keys. “I’m surprised you found her at all, much less got her in the car. I couldn’t get her to even come out from under the bed. Wench.”

  David cleared his throat. “Well…. Catnip may have been involved.”

  Trace snorted as he pushed the door open for the third and final time tonight. “Like I said. Wench. Probably more like her favorite person wanted her to go, and she said ‘okay,’ I bet.” He lifted the basket and led the way inside.

  “Mabel likes you,” David protested as he pushed the door shut behind them. “Don’t you, sweetheart?” he asked as he scratched behind her ears and got loving purrs in return.

  “She tolerates me. Because I know where the T-R-E-A-T bag is.” Trace set the basket on the floor next to the couch and turned to look at the two, a study in contrast between golden hair and black fur. He shook his head. It was a tossup at this point as to who adored David more, him or Mabel.

  “Well, she’s back home now, in her own domain, so she should be happy,” David said as he set Mabel down on the carpet at his feet. Mabel sniffed and sat down between his ankles.

  “That’s one of us,” Trace murmured as he picked up the garment bag he’d slung over the back of the couch on one of the first trips up from the car. The closer today had gotten, the more unhappy Trace had felt about it. Yeah, he’d agreed that he needed to go back home, so they could make sure this was right and real… “Dammit,” Trace cursed under his breath as he headed to the bedroom. “It is real.”

  “What’s that?” David called as he started in Trace’s direction.

  Trace cleared his throat and looked over his shoulder at David. He didn’t need to bring it up again; they’d
discussed his moving home and why a few times now. “It’s going to be a mess getting settled again.”

  David stopped in the doorway, dropping the gym bag of clothes just inside the threshold. Trace noticed he didn’t look all that happy, either. “I’m going to make a pit stop before we take off for dinner,” David said, although he lingered.

  Trace smiled and nodded. “I’ll be ready in a few minutes,” he said, nudging the basket with one toe. David smiled, nodded, and disappeared.

  Wrinkling his nose, Trace ran one hand through his hair and sat down on the bed. On a whim, he picked up the comforter and held it to his face. Just as quickly, he let it drop. He couldn’t catch David’s scent on it. Of course he couldn’t. He wondered for a minute if David would mind staying over a night or two—

  Mabel jumped up out of nowhere, right onto his lap, and swiped at his chin.

  “Hey!” Trace protested, leaning back. “What’s that for?”

  He could have sworn Mabel turned up her nose as she batted at him again before slinking off his lap and onto the comforter, which she proceeded to shred in precise, even slices.

  Trace just sighed. “So. Not exactly happy to be home, huh?”

  Mabel let out a forlorn little wail, ripped a little more fabric, and then jumped off the bed and disappeared back into the living room.

  “Yeah,” Trace said quietly, watching after her. “I know how you feel.”

  TRACE SHIFTED in the upholstered waiting room chair. It was right at nine weeks since David’s migraine, and Trace thought of the time in blocks: the first couple of weeks being closer friends than ever; almost two weeks of dancing around each other, exploring, testing the waters; a couple more of kissing and touching and cuddling; and since then? More of the same: just longer, hotter, and wetter, and David constantly blowing his mind. Those sorts of memories—like being buried deep in David and coming so hard he could barely breathe—Trace tended to zone out over, disappearing into a cloud of lust-fueled fog.


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